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Be gone Aes Sedai!! (attn Perivar)


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Thera was as she always was when she was at her desk: buried under paperwork. There were always reports of Trainee misdeeds and from sisters inquiring after one thing or another that they assumed only she had the answer to. Putting her signature on another sheet she set it in her out pile and started to scan another when a knock sounded at her door.


“Come in and make it quick! I have no time or patience for your foolish words today” She did not know who was on the other side of the door, but doubtlessly it was a trainee coming on punishment or wishing to complain. Ever since she and Jasine had started living together her temper had cooled, but the breaking of the bond with Serena had put a burr under her saddle. Not looking up from her writing she pointed to the chair and order the new comer to sit. When she did not hear footsteps moving towards the seat she looked up and the pen fell from her hand. “Pardon me Aes Sedai” she stammered, pushing back her chair and making a passable bow. “I did not expect a Sister to grace my door this time of day. To what do I owe the pleasure?”


Aes Sedai rarely wandered into to the Yards and even more rarely into her office, but that was not the whole of why Thera was confused. The beautiful Sister in front of her was Blue Ajah and had been a friend and traveling companion of Serena’s for many years.


“There is no need to be so formal Thera, you know me better than that.” Andrial Sedai took a seat on the edge of her desk and fixed Thera with a serious gaze. “I was sorry to hear about you and Serena, I always thought that you would stand the test of time, but then again it is never good to mix business and pleasure.” Blunt and to the point had always been her way, she was just as Thera’s remembered.


“The wheel weaves as it wills Andrial Sedai. I wish her well and hope that she finds happiness of whatever path she chooses.”


“I hear that you have found some happiness of your own. A handsome young man that one, if I were a few years younger I might look at him myself. Then..I am sure you both have hopes of finding a Green?”


Resuming her seat at her desk Thera tried to appear casual. “I do not think it is your concern what Jasine and I hope Aes Sedai. Is there something I can do for you? I really do not have time to reminisce about the past.” It was a good way to end up without half a hide, speaking to an Aes Sedai in that way, but Thera was bitter about her loss and did not need it thrown in her face. “You’re still as fiery in spirit as I remembered which is why I am here.” In a few sentences the Blue laid out in plan and her need of an escort. “…I would prefer you choose someone other than the young man you are bedding down with. I am too old to keep an eye on young lovers, plus absence makes the heart grow fonder”


“I am more than old enough to keep my mind on my duties Andrial Sedai, but it will be as you say. I will choose another and send word when we are ready to go.”


Thera leaned back in her chair and let out a breath she had not known she was holding. She was so fearful that Andrial was going to ask for her bond, it would be typical of the woman to pick up another’s leavings. Composing a short letter to the Commander of the Guard she sent another to Perivar, asking him to meet her as soon as the letter was received.


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Perivar tucked the note into his pouch then made his way to Mistress Thera's office.  He did not think it odd that he still thought of her as such.  She was still the Mistress of Trainees therefore she was due an appropriate level of respect.  She had not given a reason for request his presence only mentioning that she wished to see him.  Perivar wondered over that as he walked from the barracks and through the yards.  Warders, Tower Guards, and Trainees were going about their business though he did not even spare a glance for any of them. 


Perhaps someone had seen him training Kabria and thought them too close for comfort.  Someone may have thought their contact inappropriate, lodging a complaint with Mistress Thera.  The fact that he was her instructor had been arranged through Mistress Thera so it would not seem odd that she would be the one to warn him if that was it at all.  Aside from that he could not really think of another reason.  If that was the case then he was going to remind whoever compained that regardless of their personal contact, she was being trained harder than any of his other students.  The thought made him angry, without realizing it he had been stalking through the yards belled braids chiming fiercely.


Perivar knocked on the door, well pounded on it.  He didn't really do anything lightly.  "Come" The familiar voice spoke from inside.  Perivar entered, closing the door behind him he offered Mistress Thera a respectful nod saying "You wanted to see me Mistress Thera."  It seemed as though a great weight was resting on her shoulders.  He cocked his head slightly to the side studying her as he waited for her to speak. 

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She was staring at her hands when Perivar knocked on the door. Trying to decide how much she should reveal to the young man. They had moved on from being teacher and student to friends, but still the potential pain this woman could cause her was too personal to reveal without careful consideration.


“Please Perivar sit. It has been too long since you I spoke.” She walked over to the side table and poured them both spiced wine. “I hear the Commander is keeping you busy and what time you don’t spend on duty you are spending with Kabria, she seems a fine one to break your heart” Handing him the glass she sat down in the chair next to him and tried a smile. She noticed the slight grimace on his face when she mentioned the young Aes Sedai. “I mean no disrespect man. She is a pretty one and I am sure as sweet as a flower, but I will bet she has a temper like a bear when she’s mad.” Laughing again Thera took a long drink. “Serena was just like that when she was newly raised.”


“I did call you here for more than a friendly chat though. I need help and I think you are the perfect person for the job.”As briefly as she could she explained the Blue Sister and he need to travel to Bandar Eban. “With all the strife in the world she felt two swords would be better than one. When she asked me to select the man you were the first that came to mind. What do you say?”

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"Yes it has" he responded though he was unsure if sh had heard his words as she walked over to the table.  She went on about his duty and a comment about Kabria breaking his heart.  He murmured thanks as she handed him the glass of mulled wine.  He tried to smile but what formed on his face was more like a grimace.  Thera hurriedly went on and he simply nodded.  He certainly couldn't talk of everything that had transpired between them.  He wouldn't complain about the wedge between them.  Part of that was his fault and the other was something that she could not talk about.


Perivar listened as Thera explained the purpose for calling him here.  "Sure, I will go."  A thought suddenly struck him.  "I was the first that came to mind?"  He asked with an arching of an eyebrow  "Not Jasine?"  The shock on his face must have been plain as day.  "Is he well?"



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"I was the first that came to mind?"  He asked with an arching of an eyebrow  "Not Jasine?"  The shock on his face was plain. "Is he well?" 


Thera flipped her curls back over her shoulder, but that was the only sign of her pause at answering his question. “ Jasine is fine of course, but just because we share a bed does not mean that we need to share every mission.” She left out that she’d been asked not to bring him along, and the fact that Andrial acted like a sister on the prowl and she would not risk Jasine being tricked into bonding by a fool Blue. “Plus I think with your knowledge of nobles and the courts and of course your sword skill you are the perfect choice. I also would not mind a few weeks in your company, we never really have gotten to know each other as we should.”


For a few more minutes they talked over wine before she sent him off with a list of supplies and a fist full of gold, provided by the Aes Sedai of course. They would be leaving that very evening, a strange request but in her years in the Tower she’d heard stranger.


Thera locked her office and went to find Jasine to let him know of her departure. Likely he would not be happy to have her gone, they had not been spending much time together lately and he had the next two days off. A few kisses and almost an hour later Thera was packed and headed to the stables to saddle BlueRose. Her stallion had not been out much lately and he frisked as she got him ready and strapped on her saddle bags. It was her own distraction as much as restlessness that made the horse fidgety. She was nervous about this trip and spending time with a woman she used to know. Somehow she couldn’t shake the feeling that Serena had something to do with all this.


Walking BlueRose to the gate she waited on Perivar and Andrial.


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Perivar accepted her answers without further questions though he felt as if there was something she was not telling him.  Why would she not want Jasine along.  He didn't think his knowledge of nobles and courts would help anywhere but in the Borderlands.  He doubted they were heading to the Borderlands or else she would have said it straight out.  Well it was not his place to question a superior. 


Perivar left her office with a handful of gold and list of supplies that he needed to procure.  He wished he could visit Kabria though the list was extensive and they were leaving tonight.  A note was all she would get.  He would regret leaving her without seeing her in person.  Once again duty was like a wedge between them.  One day they would be bonded and his duty would be to her first and foremost.  Until that day he was at the whim of his commanders.


Before he knew it Perivar was reining in Nightdancer at the gate offering courtesies to Mistress Thera.

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Thera was standing on the paving stones idly flipping BlueRoses reigns as she searched for any sign on the vulpine Blue Sister. She wanted to be on their way as soon as possible so that she could be rid of Andrial as soon as she could. There was more to this journey than she’d been told and her mind leapt to the worst possible outcome. All Thera knew was that she would do anything short of killing Perivar to make sure he was the one that ended up bonded to the woman instead of her. She was not ready to devote another 10 years to a woman whose main focus was her “cause”.


Perivar arrived early with a pack horse in toe, and he had to greet Thera twice before she took notice. “ Oh…hello Perivar. I trust you got all the supplies on my list?” She did not even glance at him to see his response, because riding out of the stables on a dark gray mare was Andrial Sedai. As much as Thera loathed to admit the woman did look beautiful swathed all in blue silk with white boots sticking out from under her hem and gloves to match. She did not know the Sisters true age, but suspected she was more than old enough to be her grandmother. Still that did not distract from her beauty, with high tilted cheek brown and dazzling blue eyes she would give any man pause.


“Good evening Andrial Sedai” Thera bowed where she stood. “I would like to introduce you to Perivar Tarigan, the Tower Guard that will be accompanying us on this journey.”


She watched for any sign in Andrial’s eyes that the young man interested her, but all she saw was cool Aes Sedai calm. “Good evening Thera, It is well to meet you Perivar, but please call me Andrial. There is no need for the honorific among friends.” Her gaze took in Thera, saying that she did not want to have to repeat that again.


Ignoring the look from the Sister and the curious look that Perivar gave her she mounted and led the three out of the gate and across the bridge into the night.


They didn’t make camp until the sun was starting to set the next night. There had been only brief stops to water the horses and to stretch their legs. Even Thera was stiff after so long in the saddle and grateful when Andrial called an early camp. Not that she had done it in such a kind way. “Since I can see that my Tower Guards are tired, I will concede to calling it a night.”


Before she could catch herself Thera glared at the woman, just as she would have in the old days. She was beginning to remember the condescending attitude and quippy remarks that had caused Thera’s dislike of the other woman. “What ever you say Andrial Aes Sedai” Thera had said through clenched teeth as she led them off the road in search of s site. She and Perivar divided all the work between them, with him setting up the Sisters tent and staring the fire while she took care of the horses and fetched water from the stream. With night fully fallen Thera said she was going to make a circuit of the camp, if only to avoid any further talks with the infuriating woman.


Andrial turned her attention immediately to Perivar, with Thera away. After all one Tower Guard was as good as another to her. “So tell me Perivar, you are a handsome young man and obviously well trained for Thera to pick you to accompany us, how is it that another of my Sisters has not snapped you up?” Before he could answer she held up her hand to stop any response. “No do not tell me, I do not need to hear more Gaidin stiff necked pride. I can tell by your accent and braids that you are Arafellian, but from where? What did you do before pledging your life to Aes Sedai?”

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Perivar simply nodded at Mistress Thera's question, glancing back at the packhorse.  She knew very well that he would have informed her immediately if he was unable to procure any of the supplies that she had requested.  She never even glanced his way after asking the question.  He turned to see what she was staring at, a mounted figure was leaving the stable heading in their direction.


Perivar dismounted before the Aes Sedai reached them.  As she came closer he recognized the ageless face of an Aes Sedai, there was no doubt what she was to any who knew what the ageless face meant.  Perivar bowed deeply offering her the appropriate courtesies.  The woman was beautiful for sure.  Dressed in blue silk except for white boots and gloves, she looked regal. 


He bowed again as Mistress Thera introduced him, "An honor to serve Aes Sedai."  Those blue eyes seemed to study him from head to toe while maintaining that cool calm that only few could manage.  He glanced at Mistress Thera, she seemed unsettled.  How well did she know this Aes Sedai?  The whole thing seemed odd, why was she accompanying this Aes Sedai?  Why did she not want Jasine along?  It all seemed odd but he had agreed to come along, he trusted her.


The trip was uneventful until they stopped to make camp the following night.  Up 'til then they only stopped to water the horses or to stretch their legs.  They ate from pouches or saddlebags while they rode.  The sun was starting to set when they made camp with Andrial Sedai's condescending words biting deep “Since I can see that my Tower Guards are tired, I will concede to calling it a night.”  His stubborn pride wanted to offer up a comment that he did not need rest but it was true.  Some rest would be welcome but he would not openly admit it.


He went about his duties setting up the Aes Sedai's tent and starting the fire half expecting to be assaulted by her condescending words.  When they did not come he looked around suspiciously wondering what had held her back.  She seemed to be reading something though he could not tell what.  As night fell Mistress Thera left the camp saying that she was going to do a circuit around the camp.  That was what she had said but he could feel the tension between Mistress Thera and the Aes Sedai.  He knew she was still bonded to another Aes Sedai, or was she?  He knew there had been problems between her and her Aes Sedai though he knew no more than that.


As soon as Mistress Thera left the camp Andrial Sedai turned her attention to him.  “So tell me Perivar, you are a handsome young man and obviously well trained for Thera to pick you to accompany us, how is it that another of my Sisters has not snapped you up?”   Quickly he thought of what to say, he was not a very quick thinker.  Luckily she did not wait for him to respond as she added “No do not tell me, I do not need to hear more Gaidin stiff necked pride. I can tell by your accent and braids that you are Arafellian, but from where? What did you do before pledging your life to Aes Sedai?”


Light was this woman trying to torture him.  He absolutely hated talking about himself.  More than that he hated talking about his past.  He had tried hard to fit in an not say exactly where he came from.  It was something he only shared with close friends.  It was not a big deal though some people would think you were receiving preferential treatment if they found out about a priviledged birth.  He trained just as hard if not harder than others at the yard and he did not want to be looked at differently. 


"I am from the Northwest, near the The Shadow's Lance."  His father's land was partially separated from Kandor by the patch of the Blight that resembled the point of a lance.  "I served a Lord, I was in training to serve as an Armsman until an Aes Sedai came calling.  Apparently his family made a pledge to the White Tower well before I was born.  It is a tradition that they send young men when the White Tower calls.  I was one of those who was picked to serve the White Tower."  Nothing irritated him more than the fact that he had been sent here when most others had chosen to come of their own accord.  It made him seem less in his own eyes.







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“An interesting tale, and likely on partially true, but if you want to hide parts of your past..” Andrial’s eyes said she already knew the whole truth and that she was allowing him to keep silent out of the kindness of her heart. “..that is fine. We have time yet to learn about each other.”


The Aes Sedai used Saidar to float herself more tea; pouring more for Perivar as well. “If not your past, then lets talk about your present. Are you happy in the yards? Me..I never like to stay in one place too long, I travel often.” As if talking about the weather she mentioned thinking of taking another warder.


“I think it may be time to take a new warder. Ten years is enough to mourn. Do you ever think you might want to be bonded Perivar?”


When Thera returned to the camp that night all was quiet. Andrial was asleep in her tent and Perivar was wrapped up in his cloak on the ground. Letting the flames of the fire burn down she kept watch on both their sleeps. Reminiscing about a time long past….and lost. When they woke the next morning and set out again all three were quiet, the only change was having the Aes Sedai’s eyes on Perivar’s back instead of her own. Thera felt bad for making the young man deal with the Sister, but her wounds from Serena were still too fresh.


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He stared at the fire not trusting himself to meet the Aes Sedai's gaze.  Was she able to read his thoughts?  Light could all Aes Sedai do such a thing?  He would have to be careful with his words.  Nothing that he said so far was a lie yet some would see it as such.  He had conveniently left out some rather important details.  “..that is fine. We have time yet to learn about each other.”  It struck him like a fist to his gut taking his breath away.  Time, how much time was she planning on using them?  He hoped the grimace that he tried to hold back never reached his face.  Light he felt as if he had been led into a trap. 


For a moment he desperately thought of Kabria.  Well actually he had been thinking of her since he left except when he was engaged in conversation.  He had needed all of his wits to focus on the Aes Sedai's biting words to make sure he did not set a foot wrong with her.  Kabria must be fuming over his disappearance.  She knew he could be required to leave with barely a moments notice on Tower business but it didn't mean she would be happy about it when he returned, if he returned.


Perivar held his cup still as she floated the teapot towards him.  He had never really been unsettled by the power being used around him before but he knew nothing of Andrial Sedai.  By the way that Mistress Thera shied away from her he thought he should be very wary.  As if he wasn't already unsettled her next words rocked him. 


“If not your past, then lets talk about your present. Are you happy in the yards? Me..I never like to stay in one place too long, I travel often.”  “I think it may be time to take a new warder. Ten years is enough to mourn. Do you ever think you might want to be bonded Perivar?”   He spluttered hot coffee from his mouth into the fire.  "Hot!" he exclaimed biting back a muttered oath hoping she bought his cover up.


Perivar quickly sought the void pushing everything into the flame.  He couldn't lie, the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills he thought.  Let her chew on it then he thought but first a little compassion.  "I am sorry for your loss.  I have heard that the loss of a Warder is extremely painful and taxing on and Aes Sedai."


When he finally spoke again he looked her right in the eyes, his words carried no emotion.  "Happy? Why would I not be happy." Had he actually managed a smile?  "I work a shift of Guard duty or train recruits when I am needed.  Other than that my time is my own though most of it is spent training and the remainder on exercising Nightdancer.  On occasion I get to go on select missions when an escort is needed, such as this one.  I will admit that I do not like to remain in one place for long but duty dictates otherwise.  I do my duty whatever that happens to be at the moment."  Those eyes seemed to be boring into him.  Gauging every movement of his body, disecting every word that passed his lips to see if it held the truth.  It took all his willpower to hold his eyes on hers and keep his voice steady.


He stared at the fire for a stretch of time while events from his past played out in his head.  His voice held no emotion but a pained look creased his face as he talked.  This time he kept his eyes on the fire  "As far as wanting to be a Warder.  I do want to be one, probably more so than any other person in the yards though that is also out of my hands at the moment.  There is a matter of a personal penance."  She knew he was Arafellin so she must know of their strange sense of honor and stubborn pride.  Well he took it to the extreme.  "There is more though.  My bond is promised to another, it is not mine to give away."  He glanced at her though her face was complete Aes Sedai calm showing nothing.  "I swore an oath on my life that I would not give it to another and I doubt she has any intention of releasing me from my oath."


When the conversation was over she retired to her tent, the Light be thanked.  Perivar was convinced that she did not hear a word about his penance or the fact that his bond was not his to give.  He laid near the fire wrapped in hid cloak though sleep eluded him.  He heard Mistress Thera return and thought of doing a circuit himself though he just laid there.  Perivar thought of confronting Mistress Thera though this was not the time or place.  She had to know about the Aes Sedai's interest, she also knew about him and Kabria Sedai.  He didn't need his cloak for warmth for he was fuming with anger.  He was wrapped up in it as if it would protect him from the Aes Sedai's gaze.


The next morning they set out.  Thankfully there were no more questions from the Aes Sedai, no comments either at least not when Mistress Thera was around.  It was as if the Aes Sedai heard nothing that he said last night.  as they made their way he felt the Aes Sedai's eyes on him, it made him itch from head to toe.  She seemed as interested as ever.  He jumped at any opportunity to scout ahead.  Maybe Andrial Sedai would shift her attention to Thera though somehow he doubted it.  No words passed between him and Mistress Thera.  Let her make of that what she wished.   




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Thera would make her reports only to Andrial and spare a small glance for Perivar. The tension in the air was visible; you could almost reach out and grasp it in your hands. Each member of the party kept to themselves, but Perivar shot daring looks at Thera and cautious ones at Andrial, while Andrial looked at both Tower Guards like fish caught in a net and Thera kept her eyes to herself and pretended as if every thing were okay.


In short order the trio reached the edge of the Braem Wood and the River Errian With no bridge close enough for them to use it took a little work and cooperation to get the horses and the supplies across. The whole time they worked Thera tried to talk to Perivar and was greeted by silence in return. She wanted to order him to speak, but with him a Tower Guard now her word wouldn’t carry as much weight. Content to let the matter go until that evening she finished unloading and wet back across the river to retrieve Andrial.


The woman was smiling like the cat that caught the canary and she gave Thera a wink while they were still alone. “Light woman you are forward enough for a Domani Green! You have made no secret that you are on the hunt for a Warder, but just know that I will not accept your bond. My life path has gone another way..plus why would you want another Blue’s leavings?” Andrial only stared at Thera with unblinking eyes, if there truly had been a brief flash of anger at her words the woman masked it the moment it appeared.


Still wet from multiple crossings of the River Thera decided that they would camp close to the water that night; leaving plenty of light to set up camp and dinner and have time to get dry. Walking a little ways off into the woods with her saddle bags Thera stripped off her wet clothes and began to change into new. From the camp she could hear a few whispers and curiously she crept forward to listen.


“Perivar I know the young woman that you speak of, anyone with eyes has seen her.  She was a terror as a novice and not much better now that she is raised I would bet. Why would you want a woman who stalks around and glares when you could have a Sister that would never give you a cross word?”


Embarrassed to be eavesdropping Thera went back to getting dressed and when she walked back into the camp all was quiet. Glancing between the two she could see that something unpleasant had passed. Trying desperately to break the silence she talked about the journey ahead. “We should be able to spend the next few days relatively safe and alone. We should come on the Caralain Grass soon and from there the journey might get a little harder. It is not the best time in the world to be two women alone, even with a man for escort.”

“What do you think Perivar. My plan was to stop in Barelon for supplies and then continue on across the mountains. I know a pass that will bring us out near Katarr and from there is should only be a few days to Bandar Eben, though that half of our journey may cost us..in blood.”

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The weather was overcast adding to Perivar's already gloomy mood.  He thought often of Kabria which initially lifted his mood though it always turned sour as he realized how much he missed her.  The tension was so thick that he thought that he could cut it with a knife.  Andrial Sedai rode confidentally as if she were a Queen riding through lands which she just conquered while protected by a guard of thousands.  The Aes Sedai eyed him occasionally with the same confident look on her face that said she knew she would get her way.


They made decent progress until they were slowed by the river crossing.  As they worked Mistress Thera had made attempts to talk to him though he remained silent.  He did not trust himself to keep a civil tongue so he kept his mouth shut.  He was soaked through from the crossing and would have to remove and dry his armor when they stopped for the night. 


Mistress Thera decided they would make camp early choosing to stay near the water.  Perivar went about setting up the camp.  He noticed Mistress Thera walking off into the woods with her saddlebags.  She was soaked as well and was apparently going to put on dry clothes.  As Perivar was seeing to the camp he felt the Aes Sedai's eyes on him.  As soon as Mistress Thera left the Aes Sedai started in on him.  Luckily his back was to her for his face held a look of fury.


“Perivar I know the young woman that you speak of, anyone with eyes has seen her.  She was a terror as a novice and not much better now that she is raised I would bet. Why would you want a woman who stalks around and glares when you could have a Sister that would never give you a cross word?”


Perivar kept his back to the Aes Sedai.  He was furious yet he could not speak his mind.  She was an Aes Sedai and he a Tower Guard.  It would not go well for him if he shouted at her no matter what she said to him.  It took all his ability to speak clearly without a hint of anger in his voice.  He turned to look at her over his shoulder as he spoke.


"Stalks around and glares you say?  Interesting, I have never seen that side of her"  He lied, she had a sharp tongue when she wanted but she did not stalk around and glare all the time, only when she was angry.  He had to remain civil with the Aes Sedai though there was nothing that said he couldn't lie.  "The woman I know has a passion for fighting the Shadow that is unrivaled.  She has enough courage for a dozen people."  That part was not a lie.  "She has never given me a cross word, not that I didn't deserve.  Anyway it is her right, she is an Aes Sedai and I am but a Tower Guard.  Do think me so soft that I could not handle a woman with spirit?"


The Aes Sedai seemed to store it all away though she gave no indication whether it actually sunk in.  Mistress Thera returned and decided to lay out her plan obviously trying to get him to speak.  "I'm sure you know best" He responded nonchalantly then picked up his saddlebags and headed to the river to wash up and change.

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Andrial had listened to Perivar with no expression on her face, but her eyes told the story of what she wanted. She had seen enough of the girl Aes Sedai Kat..or Kabrita or whatever her name was to know that the boy was lying through his teeth. She had only watched and listened without saying a word. There was time yet to be forceful, for now she would use only sweet words and honey.


After Thera had listed her plan, hoping for some response from other than a few mumbled words she began to make dinner. Andrial chatted while she cooked. Asking after Jasine and speaking of Serena. At one point Thera rounded on the woman with murder in her eyes, but instead of speaking she smiled through gritted teeth and served the stew. “ I do not know how Serena is Andrial. You would know more than I… though you know I wish her all the best.”


“No, Jasine and I have not picked an exact date for the wedding Andrial and of course I will let you know. No, You know I did not break the bond just to be with Jasine. Yes I would bond again some day if a Green would take both Jasine and myself. No I do not know if he feels the same.” On and on her barrage of questions had Thera near tears of rage; finally with dinner done Thera went to make her nightly round of the camp. Whatever the woman meant to accomplish with her torments was unclear, but she was causing a huge rift between Perivar and Thera. One that might not be fixable if this trip did not end soon.


Once again after Thera was out of ear shot Andrial began her onslaught of Perivar. “I know you think you are sworn to this girl, but is fighting with one Aes Sedai not like another? I would not keep you from her.. attentions if that is the game you two play.I am not so selfish as to say a woman could not share your bed. ”Her voice almost sounded as if she would be doing the same.


“I had always heard you Borderlanders were men of great honor. Surely my many travels there have taught me such. Could you really deny the bond if I asked it of you…required it of you? I do not want it to come to that, I would like for you to come to me of your own free will, but I will do what I must Perivar.”


Andrial stood on the other side of the fire and when she saw Thera reappear in the night she didn’t move a muscle. “Well..Perivar?”


With a good conscious Thera could not leave Perivar alone again, she cared too much for her friend. So after taking a moment to calm down she’d returned to come to his aide, but it a bond of air wrapped around her mouth, she could no more speak than if she’d truly been gagged. Rather than fight or make a scene Thera stood with her arms crossed and watch the exchange.


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Again it happened, as soon as Mistress Thera walked away the onslaught began.  He sat on a log wiping his armor with an oiled cloth so it would not rust while the Aes Sedai spoke at him.  You could not call it a conversation, she asked a barrage of questions then waited while he responded.  It was beyond annoying.  He had already told her as plainly as he could though she seemed not to accept his words.  He just sat there wiping his armor.  “Well..Perivar?”  He did not look at her but her voice said she was not happy with his lack of a response.


"I don't think I am sworn to her, I am sworn to her.  I have only had the opportunity to fight with one Aes Sedai so I cannot answer whether or not it would be the same though that is irrelevant."  The next question made him irrate.  It had been necessary to form the void to keep his anger in check.  He could not think of an appropriate response nor could he trust himself to say it calmly.  Is that what she thought was between them, it was but that was not all.  It was much more than that though he couldn't tell the Aes Sedai.  He loved Kabria and would serve no other.  How could this woman not get the point.


"Men of great honor? Yes, that is what they say.  They also say Arafellins have an enhanced sense of honor.  There was a time when I would not deny a request by any Aes Sedai, things are different now.  I am sworn to her, I swore an oath and I will not break it, not even if my life depended upon it.  If your travels taught you anything then you should know that I would not break an oath.  You dishonor me by thinking that I would."  Anger hung on the outside of the void trying to force its way in.  It was physically exhausting trying to remain calm.  His body should be quivering with rage.  He wanted to get up and walk away.  He noticed Mistress Thera standing there, why did she look so stiff?  Her mouth was open as if about to speak though nothing came out.  He returned his gaze back to the armor, it annoyed him to look at her. 


As much as he tried he knew his voice held a hint of the anger that floated outside the void.  "You can require all you wish of me though I will not comply with that.  I will do my duty on this trip as I am obligated to do though there is nothing that says I have to accept your bond.  You can bond me against my will but I will not remain silent about it.  You know that I am sworn to another.  I have told you politely several times.  I cannot make it more clear."  His blood was boiling, it seemed as if he was half shouting at the Aes Sedai though his voice seemed distant.  Was Mistress Thera happy now that she had brought him to this?  This is why she did not bring Jasine with her, she knew and his look in her direction were like daggers being thrown her way.  Without realizing it he had put down the armor and the rag.  He sat there with a look of fury painted on his face.  His arms were folded below his chest.


"I do not understand why my bond is so important to you?  There are scores of Tower Guards and Trainees who would welcome your request to bond them, so why me?  I am no more suited to be a Warder than any of the others."  Truly he didn't believe that.  He was not conceited though he felt that he was suited better than most but she would not know that.  What did she know of him?  Why was she so persistent? "I have never seen you in the yards nor have I heard of any inquiries made on your behalf in regards to my fitness for being a Warder.  So why is my bond so important?  Do you even know anything about me aside from my country of origin?  Why are you so intent on bonding someone that you know next to nothing about?"  Lets see how she likes answering questions he thought.



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Thera’s eyes grew wide as she listened to Perivar lay into Andrial. The boy was a fool if he thought showing his temper would dissuade her; the woman was far too skilled a manipulator for that. It was torturous to stand and watch the Aes Sedai eat him alive, but bound as she was there was nothing she could do.


"I have never seen you in the yards nor have I heard of any inquiries made on your behalf in regards to my fitness for being a Warder.  So why is my bond so important?  Do you even know anything about me aside from my country of origin?  Why are you so intent on bonding someone that you know next to nothing about?"


Andrial crossed around the fire slowly until she and the boy were standing toe to toe. Thera winced when she saw the look in Andrial’s eyes. On time she’d seen that look from the woman and even the fact that she had been bonded to another Blue had not saved her from lesson she’d never forget.

“Oh I have seen you Perivar..I see everything that happens in the Tower. Why is your bond so important? I have not yet even asked you to bond. I think you presume too far. I only asked a question of you. You got awfully defensive my boy, does the child Aes Sedai’s bond chafe even before it is laid home.” The woman’s eyes opened wide and she shook her head as if to say what a shame it was. Thera grunted behind her gag and glared at Andrial. She wanted to step in and tell her to leave the boy alone, but her own actions had made sure it was too late for that. 


“I do not wish to bond you right away; there will be time for that when I choose. I only wish to know what I contend with and what stands in my way. I can see that there is only a small amount of stubborn pride, which is well. I like my Warders to have a mind of their own." So far her voice had been light..almost conversational but it turned hard at the end. “ Just know that sometimes you can carry that streak too far. Even with me Tower Guard. Oh…” she added the last as almost an after thought. “You swore an oath to the Tower the day you came. I do not think your young ladies name was mentioned to that, so if you deny me when I ask would you not already be breaking an oath.”


Only after she had ducked into her tent did Andrial release Thera from what held her. Cautious she approached Perivar and tried to lay a hand on his arm. “I am sorry. I tried to bring Jasine, he and I could have countered this better but Andrial would not allow. She is…. Complicated.” Perivar only glared at Thera, but did not say a word. “I do not know what else to say. I have tried to handle this the best way I could but I can see now that I was wrong. “ Looking into her former students eyes she tried to convey her regret, without giving more away.


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As delicately as he tried to handle the situation he knew he was in deep water as she crossed the fire to stand before him.  Her look was intimidating.  When she spoke he was more confused than ever.  She twisted her words to make it seem as if he had made it all up.  She had mentioned bonding him, she had even hinted at forcing the bond on him if he refused to accept it.  He heard Mistress Thera's grunt and glanced at her again.  She still stood in the same position as before.  Light, Andrial Sedai had bound and gagged her with the power.  This woman was mad!


She did not pause to let him speak.  Everytime he opened his mouth she shot daggers at him.  It was not until she was finished speaking that she allowed him to speak.


"You didn't ask me?  I presume too far?"  He tried to keep a level tone though it was beyond difficult.  He threw his arms up in the air and she eyed him though his tone was respectful. "You may not have not have asked me officially but you certainly came close.  Your comments were suggestive enough and you more than hinted at it.  You said you wanted me to come to you of my own free will, you said you would do what you must.  What am I to make of that?  With all due respect, did you forget what you said only minutes ago?"  He was furious again replaying what she said to him though he schooled his features.  He was furious at her questioning his oaths to the Tower.


Her voice had become hard at the end so he had to take care.  Making her angry would only make matters worse.  She had talked as if it did not matter that he was promised to another.  It did not matter that he did not want to be bound to her.  She spoke as if she knew she would get her way.  Over his dead body he thought.


"I know the oaths" He told her.  He wanted to shout as the Commander's voice played in his head.  "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of defense? Defense of all Aes Sedai, the defence of the White Tower?"  "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of obedience? Obedience to your officers, obedience to all Aes Sedai?"  "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of commitment? Commitment to serving faithfully, commitment despite any adversity?"  Did that mean he could not refuse her bond.  He was almost certain that she could not force it on him but how would his superior's interpret obedience.  Light he would rather face a Myrddraal than Andrial Sedai.


He repeated the oaths for her that he spoke on the day of his raising to Tower Guard. 


"I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to defend the White Tower and all who call it home." 


"I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to serve faithfully for as long as the White Tower requires me."


"I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to fight the shadow and uphold the light until my dying day."


He eyed her defiantly though kept a respectful tone as he said "I will serve you faithfully and obey you Andrial Sedai.  I will do whatever you require of me as I am sworn to do though I will not willingly bond myself to you.  So if you ask for my bond then I will deny you.  By doing so I will not be breaking any oath for I will serve you and any other Aes Sedai faithfully as long as I am a Tower Guard."


The Aes Sedai turned and walked back to her tent as if he had not responded at all.  He would rather the woman smacked him across the face than turned and walked away.  He knew that she would come at him twice as hard tomorrow.  He flinched as Mistress Thera touched his arm.  She spoke and he simply glared at her. "You could have warned me ahead of time!" was all he said before stalking away.



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Thera sighed, but there was nothing to say because she knew he was right. It would have been better if he’d been warned and then again perhaps not. When that infuriating woman decided she wanted something you would be hard pressed to deny her.


“You really seem to love Kabria” she said to his back. “That or you have a desire to get your head cut off. I would prefer to think you are too smart for the latter.” She saw him start to turn as if he meant to talk but then stop. “Listen Perivar..I had my reasons for doing what I did okay. My…my losing my bond was still to fresh for me to be sure that I could withstand weeks of her onslaught and you know how I feel about Jasine and..I didn’t want to end up bonded to her.”


She sighed again, angry with herself for letting guilt over Perivar drag her personal life into the open. There were enough stares at the jilted Warder and the Mistress of Trainees and her boy lover. Harassment by an Aes Sedai was not another rumor that she wanted added to the mill.


“I knew…or rather I had hoped that your love for Kabria was strong enough to withstand it and if not..well I always knew you dreamed of being a warder. I didn’t expect it to be quite like this.” She had no doubt that Andrial was listening with the power, but she didn’t care. Making things right with her friend was more important than any Aes Sedai. Apparently what had happened with Serena had taught her nothing.


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Perivar stopped and listened though he did not respond.  So she was no longer bonded then.  Normally he would have felt sympathy and had compassion for her though at the moment he didn't care.  He picked up his sword and decided to do a circuit of their camp.  His armor lay in a pile by the log.  He could not remember the last time he was on duty without it. 

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Too tired to even consider arguing or worse yet chasing after Perivar she ignored his leaving. After he was gone she stored his armor away and cleaned up the rest of his camp. Twice Andrial came out of her tent to stare at Thera while she worked, but with her refusal to acknowledge the woman she always ducked back inside without saying a word.


The last time she went back in Thera stood up and glared at the tent flaps and for a moment she considered going in the telling Andrial she could find her own way to Tar Valon, but in the end something stopped her. It might have been the fear of ending up bonded..or simply that since her bond with Serena was broken she was not as confident as she’d once been. Putting more logs on the fire Thera sat down next to it and closed her eyes. A few more weeks and she could be back in Jasine’s arms where she belonged. Images of his smiling face and remembering the sweet smell of his skin was all that had kept Thera sane over the last several days. She fell asleep with a small smile on her face and with dreams of their marriage floating through her head.


Andrial had crept out to stare at Thera while she slept and later at Perivar, but had not said a word to either. She thought them both stubborn, but either well worth the struggle. The best Warders always ended up being those that had not know they wanted to bond.


Back in her tent Andrial wrote a note to each of the Tower Guards and left them by their sleeping forms.


Dearest Thera,


I had always thought that there was more than mere friendship between us. Certainly I feel it for you even if you do not return such. I have continued on to Bandar Eben without you. You and your child Tower Guard may return to Tar Valon.






I find you stubborn and strong willed, both qualities I admire in the man I will bond my Warder. I have decided to continue on to Bandar Eban alone in hopes that in my absence you will learn your true feelings, the ones I already know. You are a great man, and you have much honor. I want you to remember that any way you serve the Tower will be fulfilling the oaths you made the day you were raised.


Andrial Sedai


Thera let out with a string of curses that could be heard a mile away. “Go back to Tar Valon if you want..but I cannot leave her to cross the Mountains alone.” Moving quickly and unsure how much time the woman had gained on them. Thera began packing the supplies and readying Blue Rose to travel. She intended to be one the road in less than a quarter hour.


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Mistress Thera let out a string of curses that woke him.  He quickly grabbed his sword and singuata running towards her.  He glanced around eyeing their surroundings as if he expected an attack from any direction.  “Go back to Tar Valon if you want..but I cannot leave her to cross the Mountains alone.”  He eyed her as if she was mad.  What under the light was she ranting about?  When he asked her to explain her response shocked him.  The woman who tried so hard to snare them had left without a word.  He scolded himself for not hearing her leave.  Had she masked the sounds of her movements?  She must have for neither he nor Mistress Thera to hear her leave.


Perivar quickly helped Mistress Thera break down the camp then went to retrieve his belongings.  He found the note with his gear.  He knew his face held a look of shock as her read the Aes Sedai's note.  In her absence he would learn his true feelings?  She already knows his true feelings?  Light what was that bloody woman thinking, she must be mad.  She knew nothing of how he felt.  He told her and she refused to listen.  What game was she playing at?  She had to know that they would not return to the Tower and leave her to make the trip alone.  The bloody woman wanted them to chase after her.  She would probably claim that he had tied himself to her by running after her.  Either way they could not leave her to make the trip alone.  Blood and bloody ashes he cursed as he gathered his things.


He quickly donned his armor then mounted Nightdancer and rode from the camp with Mistress Thera as if the Dark One was right behind them. 



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Had Thera thought that Perivar could have heard her, as they galloped lying low on the back of their horses, she would have been sharing a string of curses and obscenities with him that would make him blush.  She was frustrated with herself for getting them into this mess and even more so at Andrial for leading them on this chase. There was no doubt in her mind that the woman wanted them to follow, had even planned for them to follow. It was bitter to think that even now, with her gone, they still found themselves doing exactly what the woman wanted. She had always heard that Aes Sedai were women 100% over and she leaned that lesson over and over again with every passing year she spent in Tar Valon.


“I am going to tan that woman’s hide when we find her.. channeling or no!” Every so often they stopped to study tracks, trying to discern which we made by their runaway sister and which were made by the other people roaming this part of the world. It became apparent fairly early in the day that they were not as alone as they had first expected. There was another group that had been this way, by the tracks less than a few hour ago, and they numbered at least 10. On top of everything else going on that discovery had put Thera on edge. By the evening of their first day she was ready to chew rocks, and was sick of Perivar’s silence.


“Listen here boy! I said my peace and I apologized which is more than you deserve. Until you have been bonded and then lost the person who has been a part of your life, and extension of yourself I do not want to hear any grumbles about what you have suffered through this trip! You know nothing of what it means to suffer!! Picture your precious Kabria within your sight and yet being so far away that you two could never mend what had broken between you! Imagine seeing her bonded to another, or walking out of your life forever! Have that happen to you and THEN I will hear your complaints.”


Tossing more wood on the fire she turned and stalked back into the woods to gather more kindling.


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Perivar let her rant then wanted to shout at her as she turned to walk away.  She was not going to get away with it without hearing him out.  If she walked away again he would follow her to the blight if that is what it took for her to hear him out. 


"You will here me out?"  He shouted at her  "You lied to me! You got me wrapped up in this nonsense which will likely result in me being forcibly bonded.  A few half-hearted words are supposed to make it alright?  I only came because you asked me, because I respect you!  I could have stayed in the Tower and been perfectly happy yet I came because you asked."


"You presume too much if you think that I have never suffered.  You think a BOY could not possiby have suffered?  A BOY who grew up in the Borderlands where death was a constant companion.  You are not the only one in this light forsaken world that has ever been hurt.  You think you know so much about my life and what I have endured yet you know nothing, NOTHING!  You think my training and service to the Tower has not exacted a toll on me?  You know nothing about what has transpired between Kabria and I, you don't have the slightest clue.  You think it has all been so easy for me?  I will spare you the details but believe me my life has not been as charmed as you may think.  You need to stop sulking about the past as if you are the only one who has ever been hurt and focus on the here and now.  You are one of the bravest and toughest women that I have met, now you need to start acting like it again.  Whatever has happened to you in the past, you need to make peace with it and move on.  If you can't then you will do Jasine no good by returning to him.  I am not saying it will be easy but you have to make peace with it and move on."  He knew that better than most.  He had to put certain events in his past behind him or they would have consumed him.  He threw down the stick he was using to poke the fire and went to check on the horses.   

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Perivar had met Thera after her mood had tempered and she’d become more of who she used to be. He’d never really seen her in a fury, but he was about to get his chance.


“Listen here you insolent little toad. I didn’t say that you had never suffered. I have always respected your heritage and all the things you have seen but unless you have felt the closeness of the bond and then had it ripped away you will NEVER and I repeat NEVER know that I am feeling. It is more than the emotional breaking of my heart, it is physical. Sometimes at night I sit bolt upright in bed because I can’t breathe and at other moments I feel rage so strong I could crush anything that comes near me. Perhaps it is an effect of the Power or perhaps it is just my way of coping, but either way I will not stand here and listen to you ridicule my feelings and speak to me in that way! You may not be a trainee anymore but I am still your superior. Show some respect! And if you are so scared that you will be forcibly bonded by Andrial go back to the Tower and that little chit Kabria, because I have no use for you!”


This time she did not start to walk away, she stood her ground and faced the larger man toe to toe. If he wanted to see who would win in a battle of this sort, he would be sorely disabused when he lost. She didn’t see it coming to real blows but she was more than willing to teach him a lesson their as well.


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He had never seen her this angry before but she had stepped over the line.  She stood toe to toe with him as if this were a bar room argument.  She might beat him silly with a sword but hand to hand would be another matter or maybe not.  "Women!" He muttered as he turned and walked away.  They were all out of their minds.  If he ever came to understand them it would be the day that the world would end.  He would forgive her for offenses against him but he would not tolerate her speaking ill of Kabria.  He only went a couple of paces before he stopped.  He turned to face her, anger painted his face as he spoke "If you ever speak of Kabria like that again then you can forget about any friendship that ever existed between us.  You can say what you like about me but leave her out of this.  She has never been anything but kind to you and Jasine!"


He saddled Nightdancer and went after the Aes Sedai.  He could track well enough in the dark and he knew where she was heading.  He had no way of knowing if the those they were following would stop for the night and he didn't want to chance that they would catch the Aes Sedai.  The sooner he could find her the safer she would be.  He would not return to the Tower saying that he lost the Aes Sedai that he was sent to protect. 

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"Ha! Little do you know how kind she was to Jasine!" she shouted at his back. Perhaps if he did he would not worry so much about the comments she made.


Angry and frustrated Thera abandoned all the supplies in their camp and set off after Perivar. As angry as she was and as competent as she knew he was she still couldn’t like the thought of one of her former students galloping off into the night alone.


As she rode through the night she tried to remember just what she’d said about Kabria that would set him off. She’d only called her a chit.. that wasn’t so bad. In fact she liked the girl it was only her frustration at Perivar coming through in her words. Sighing as she trailed after her student she tried to stamp down the rest of her anger.


It didn’t take much time to find Perivar and when she did she called him to a halt. He refused to listen and she grabbed the reins from his hand, trusting that he still had enough respect for her to not topple her from her own horse. When they were both at a full stop she didn’t drop his reigns right away, to make sure that he would listen to her.


“Listen to me Perivar. I do not want to be on this journey anymore than you do, but the fact is we are here so we may as well work together to get this done. Who knows, perhaps together we can managed to stave her off better than either alone.” His eyes were still hard and mentally Thera cursed Borderlanders and their stubborn pride. “Perivar..you know I like Kabria, she is a good girl and I hope a friend. It is not at her that I should have directed the name calling, it was at you. I made a mistake, but I apologized, that should be enough for you. We have all made mistakes.” Her gaze said she could name a few of his if he tried to deny. “Do not let this woman drive a wedge between us, I like you and I want to call you a friend.”


It was not easy going from then, there were still hurt feelings on both sides, but they both did manage a semblance of working together. Going back for their supplies they made camp, but left early, even before the sun. As they galloped through the trees and off the path they began to see signs of another party.. perhaps as many as ten riders. In a place where there should be none, it was a red flag to them both and they spread out in search of more tracks. There were a few that might have been from Andrial, but most seemed to have been made by horses larger than the one she rode.


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