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what is going on in the whites, what all happened with stuff and whatnot


*squirms from looks* what, dm seem to be very unactive, and some stuff made me remember stuff, and i was bored so figured why not find out.

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Do you mean the stuff that James was suggesting, like insisting that all new Sisters raised to the White have to argue a philosophical point?  I definitely support that as an optional RP, but I'm firmly against post-raising 'mando' requirements.

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i was against it or at very least the timing of it as i felt it was very unrealistic that it could be considered plausible that any new sister except maybe a very few ones would be able to achive such a task after the rigor of the raising, also taking into acount there being no gurantie that someone could have rescived training for it as you dont always know which ajah an intiate choose.


yes as an intiate still of the tower they would learned some basic skills ...but if they followed protocol then they are going to be deadbeat tired and no one can reason logicaly in such a state of mind cause most people when overtired can be comapred to having a mind capasity of a drunk person...and scientificly its been proven well enough you dont have the best judgement when drunk ;)

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Yeah... I would think that the very first day would be something akin to 'quick, you need to know this nownownow', and then normally they'd be allowed to crash out for the day... blindside them with it after they've had some sleep and all ;)

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yeah which would be something different as a test of logic reasoning or whatever...but how i got it was that james insisted it would happen when they first arived with the white ajah delegates from taking the oaths


and between being awake for 24 odd hours, going through the arch which is straining both physicaly and mentaly in one end of that intervall, and then the oaths whih we know feels like a straigth jacket on top in the other end..they pretty much would be ready to crash


also what i did sugest was some sort of safetynett of trial period before being retested if the candidate fail to perform suficiently, say choose the white last instance or something, basicaly is a candidate that was unexpected and not groomed, and may have had other views on things then what white be or whatever and such not fully being able to perform to the reasoning level they should


but yeah basicaly i just wanted to know what happened there, cause when i left i didnt bother more with it figuring if i ever returned and it was instated in a way i didnt like then since i hadnt activly rp'ed her i could always hange ajah to not compromise the character in an unrealistic way (cause regardless of wheter you rp it out or not, if its set down as the tradition you are asumed to gone through it)

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I would think that the Whites at some point would want to test the logical abilities and reasoning of a future Sister, I don't really have a problem with that part of the "tradition"....if that's what all the Whites would like it to be. I think I just would never make it a mandatory thing that had to be RP'd out. 


On a voluntary basis is awesome, and could lead to some interesting RP's, however.



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nods my objection to it in general was the timing of it cause it would be though on the best candidates, probably not posible for the average one, and fur sure not posible for someone like my char that was on the lower end of the batch

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I've always seen this as a more "formal" Ajah and the thought of dragging a new Sister through the mud, so to speak, right after having completed the test for the shawl doesn't make much sense to me.


In my eyes (and anyone else is free to open them to new ideas), a tradition such as this would occur after the test, in a formal setting and be more like a round table debate.  I picture this as the new Sister surrounded by the White Ajah and being asked to reason out puzzles and problems as well as defend and debate their ideas.  I don't see this being some quick-fire response situation, rather a lengthy discussion if you will.


Just my two cents.

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nods, also having the intiate get to sleep out allows them to prepare it, as they cant always know if they get one, and i can hardly see they would waste time staging it each time someone got raised just in case they on an odd mood choose white

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