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New Roads to travel (ATTN: Maldrin and Teaea)


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Maldrin was bored. Not the boredom of needing something to do, but the bored of finding something to do and it being even more boring than the boredom of doing nothing. And Maldrin had only one cure for that. A drink and a fight. He imagined he'd be able to find another cure if he concentrated. But why would he want to do that?


There was really only one problem. Ever since he'd ended up in a room in the White Tower from what he could only surmise as being on the wrong side of a tavern brawl, he'd been a bit... Not scared, but just a little nervous, of going out barhopping alone. Which meant he needed to convince someone to come with him.


Maybe Sana? He was a pretty good guy. Not interested in fights, but Maldrin was sure he could change such an abberation with time. Good drinking companion, though. Or Rodrik? There was a guy keen on fights, and good drink. Knew how to handle himself in hells too.


No, Maldrin was in the mood to bring someone new out for a good brawl. He thought that'd be pretty funny. Maybe convince them the drink and food is great, then take them down to one of the rougher places in the docks, see them react to that for a second, then get into a fight. Yes, he liked that idea very much. Now he just needed a victim.


And there he was. Maldrin had seen him around the yard a few times. He believed the guy's name was Mors. Maldrin had always avoided him, the rather arrogant expression on his face had always bothered Maldrin. Maybe a good brawl would loosen him up?


Walking up, he put on his best smile and put an arm around Mors' shoulder. Tall guy, isn't he? "Hey there, friend. I was just thinking of heading on into the City and getting something to eat. I'll show you a great place. The food is heavenly and the drink is better than ripe plums. Come on, you'll see what I mean. It's superb." He began guiding Mors towards the City without waiting for an answer.

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Hardly had he gotten out of his room and onto the Yard, as he was accosted by another Trainee, he presumed. Mors had seen him a few times, and the man had avoided him before. Why is he so friendly now? Mors asked himself.


"Hey there, friend. I was just thinking of heading on into the City and getting something to eat. I'll show you a great place. The food is heavenly and the drink is better than ripe plums. Come on, you'll see what I mean. It's superb."


"Uh... I was supposed to begin practice... but I suppose breaking my fast first should be fine..." he said, thinking.

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"Uh... I was supposed to begin practice... but I suppose breaking my fast first should be fine..."


"That's the spirit! It's a bit of a walk, but it'll work up a good appetite, eh?" Maldrin said, keeping his arm around Mors so he couldn't get away. He's taken the bait. Now to just reel him in. Maldrin thought gloatingly, controlling the urge to smirk. He led Mors through a myriad of streets and alleys, distracting him with comradely conversation about training, people they both knew at the Yards, and other things to keep Mors from paying much attention to the surroundings.


Finally, they strode up to a rundown looking tavern in a fairly dirty street. There was only a old sign that hadn't fared well against the elements and could only be seen what appeared to be a dress. The Sailor's Bride, a mildly rough bar with a death total of zero but an injury rating through the roof. And also some decent food and drink.


"Ah, here we are. She may not look like much, but trust me, the food is fantastic. The closest kept secret in Tar Valon. I only found out about it by chance, and I've been coming back ever since." Maldrin grinned, lying unabashedly, and guided Mors into the busy tavern. It may be morning, but the Sailor's Bride always had a large clientale, so long as the ships weren't out. He looked over at Mors and stifled a laugh at the expression on his face.

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"I really doubt this place will be a locale I will be returning to, but I suppose I can humor you, for today at least. May I ask how many brawls I can expect to get into while I am there? It doesn't look like a place an Aes Sedai would be caught dead in." Mors said, eyeing the building like a wolf eyeing a lynx.

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"May I ask how many brawls I can expect to get into while I am there? It doesn't look like a place an Aes Sedai would be caught dead in."


"As many as Maldrin can get you into before you get thrown out." A voice behind them said.


Ursana had been minding his own business really. He had the morning off and instead of hiding in the barracks or sleeping, he had decided to go into town and find something for his sister. He was trying to breech the gap between then, a gap that was mostly his doing, and he thought giving her something nice might work. He had looked at jewelry but had passed up that idea when he tried to imagine any of the works on his sister. He had looked at fabric but he couldn't imagine her in a dress either. In the end, he had ended up in a weapons shop. He found a good knife, sturdy and small enough to hide well. It wasn't much, but he was having it engraved with R.T.S. on one side and U.T.S. on the other. It was something, he hoped, would show her that he believed in her, in her ability to protect herself and others. Something he had a hard time saying in words, that she had made the right choice in coming to the yards and leaving him behind.


The engraving would be done a bit later so Ursana had decided to find an inn, get some food and a little drink. He had been about to turn away from the current row of rowdier taverns when he had seen Maldrin leading someone else in. Mors, he recognized. He didn't know him well, but the guy wasn't the brawling type, or so Ursana thought. With a shake of his head he had decided to join them. He still owed his roommate for the beating he'd received by Esthelle.


He smiled at the two men as they entered. "The food really better be good her Maldrin." he said.

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Maldrin began laughing as Sana joined them, slapping his back goodnaturedly. "The foods decent enough for a noble, and the entertainment is good too. I'll order, I know what's good." He led them to a table at the corner and gestured to one of the barmaids. "The lads and I'll have ale, put the special brew in mine, and we'll have the fish." He passed a few coins her way and leaned back on his chair comfortably.


"So, Sana, anything new? Haven't seen you in bit. Been waking up early, have you?" He grinned engagingly at Sana. "I tell you about the time, a couple weeks ago, that I ended up in the White Tower for Healing? Got into a bit of a brawl with a guy while I was tipsy. I was pretty sure I could've taken him, but turned out he had a couple of friends. I broke a few of their bones. But unfortunatly, they broke more than a few of mine." He sighed and shook his head, then grinned. "But you should have seen the goat kissers. Topped me by a head, and more muscle than a blacksmith." If there was something Maldrin liked more than fights, it was making stuff up.

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"If that were so, even a Yellow couldn't save you..." Mors said softly, more to himself than anyone present. He didn't know much, but he'd done his reading, and learned the basics about each Ajah, so that he knew which Ajahs he'd prefer to be bonded into. However, he couldn't come to a decisive conclusion. He sat with them, waiting for the drinks. He tended to avoid strong drinks, and usually went for the more "refined" drinks of nobility. However, this was hardly the place to object.


He looked about, somewhat nervous. He didn't particularly want to get into a fight, as he was unsure whether that was punishable or not. So he sat and waited, hiding his emotions behind what he felt was an Aes Sedai's mask. Stony, and emotionless, save a slight smile.

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Ursana laughed at Maldrin. He was well aware of his roommate's affection for spinning a good tale. In fact he had spent more than one night listening to Maldrin and Rodrik going back and forth about who had been in the worst fight, with the worst odds, who had been hurt the worst. It was the sort of thing Ursana avoided if he could, but he could laugh at them just the same. It was a fun game, even if Ursana didn't join in. He actually had a number of good ones himself, having had to defend the family train more than once, but it had been defending family , not going out looking for a fight. That was the real difference between them. Maldrin fought for fun and Ursana fought in defence.


"I think I missed that story. And I have been up early. My mentor is a stickler for, well, everything so i've been trying to get an early start each day. Maybe he'll back off eventually." He said with a sigh. The ale arrived as he talked and he took a long drink. "Well at least the ale is good."

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Maldrin took a swig from his ale. "Yeah, they got good stuff. Did I tell you, or did I tell you? Know what you mean though. Fifty laps around the yard, then swordforms, then a spar against Talyn to show how I still need improvement. And to think, I used to laugh at the trainees back when I was a stable lad. Well, either laugh or make off with practice swords. Ah, great, breakfast. They have the best fish here, believe you me. They ship it in every morning fresh. Well, at least one can only hope." Grinning at barmaid, he thanked her and gave her a few coins.


Maldrin focused on the plate in front of him, ignoring his two companions for the duration of the meal, and spitting out some bones here and there. When he finished, he washed it down with the last of his ale and burped. "Blood and ashes, that's good fish. How'd you two like yours?"


OOC: Ok, try to keep us in the tavern, and prepare for a good ol' brawl.

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"Fifty laps around the yard, then swordforms, then a spar against Talyn to show how I still need improvement. And to think, I used to laugh at the trainees back when I was a stable lad. Well, either laugh or make off with practice swords."


"It seems Master Orion's been rather easy on me as a Mentor then... I'll have to ask him to push me further. I don't want to fall behind..." Mors said, before the food arrived. Not one to talk with his mouth full, he ate quietly, and drank occasionnally to wash it down. The ale was good, for a coarse drink, but his mother had long since conditioned him into believing he was above such drinks. Overall, it was a worthwhile meal, however, and Mors finished the fish.


"Well, you may have exaggerated a bit, Maldrin, but the meals here are at least worth the cost, and I haven't had any problems yet. Perhaps we should go before something runs amiss..." He said, more than ready to leave before engaging in any "unsavory" activities.

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Maldrin looked around the tavern. Let's see... We got a table of four on the way to the door. One of them would be easy to take out, two would be a challenge, and the fourth looks like he's looking for a fight. Perfect. We should be able to take them. And if not, there's another story for Rodrik. He thought, deciding how he'd start the fight. "Yeah, let's head out of here. Doesn't look like any of these guys would be much fun. Too easy." He said as they stood, and then winked at a barmaid he knew. As they walked towards the door and passed by the table with his chosen victims, he pushed Mors into Rough Number Four.


Before anyone could react, Maldrin got into Rough Number Four's face. "You don't bump into my friends, you bloody goat kissing codswallop!" And before he could react to that, Maldrin punched him in the face, then kicked his closest friend in the stomach. By that time everyone had recovered and Maldrin got a knee to his stomach.

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Mors had backed off immediately after contact, and was about to apologize for Maldrin's pushing him into the other, when Maldrin blew things out of proportion.


Bloody woolbrained flaming fool of a Goatkisser! He shouted in his own mind, having wanted to AVOID a fight. Well, it was too late for it now. He qickly grabbed a fork from one of the other emptied tables nearby, now armed.


This all happened within moments. Then one of the men who were unharmed swung a fist straight towards Maldrin's jaw, the other making his way towards Mors, who had concealed the fork. No sense in letting his adversary know he could inflict greater injury only to be disarmed, now was there?

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How do these things keep happening to me, Ursana thought as he quickly ducked under a swinging fist. All he had to do was walk the other way, leave Maldrin and Mors to their early morning drinking. But no. He'd decided that Mors might not be the type to enjoy Maldrin's normal tastes in entertainment. Not only had he come along to help, he was very suddenly in the middle of a bar fight for no reason other than his roommate wanted to be in one.


As he ducked under the arm he moved gracefully to the side, striking a counterblow at the man's side. He pitched forward in pain and Sana spun quickly to face him as he turned. The man eyed him then, aware now that Sana wasn't as easy a target as he looked.


As the man looked Sana took a second to check his friends and see how they faired in their own fights...


((back to you gents :P))

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Maldrin tasted blood in his mouth. The two men he'd attacked wanted a piece of him, but luckily for Maldrin they'd been hampered by his initial attack. Number Four's eye was already starting to close up, and the other was having trouble breathing. They'd gotten a few good hits in though, he could feel his cheek starting to swell and he couldn't breathe through his nose.


Spitting blood into One Eye's face, Maldrin kicked him in the kneecap, then spun around and backhanded Hard Breather as he tried to sneak up behind him. He began grinning, ignoring the sting from a cut lip, and knocked Hard Breather to the floor with a kick to his stomach. He turned around to check on One Eye just in time to take a punch to the eye.

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One of them men who attacked mors swung a fist towards his face, which Mors swiftly and fluidly evaded, the man finding a fork now jutting from his wrist. Of course, if bled and the man screamed as Mors thrust his open hand's fingers int; the man's throat, causing him to choke slightly as he kicked him in the groin.


Moving onto the next man, "One-Eye" found himself taking a kidney shot, then having his legs swept from under him, from behind, throwing him onto his table.


"Remind me *never* to come along with you anywhere alone, again..."

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Maldrin elbowed Hard Breather in the forehead as he began standing up, effectivly knocking him out, and looked over at Mors. "Blood and bloody ashes, Mors, are you trying to get us kicked out? Have you never been into a bloody tavern fight before? There are just some things you don't do. And using a flaming fork is one of them." He sighed in exasperation. There went the fun. He looked over to Sana, who was still fighting. Maldrin knew Sana would win, he'd seen him practice, but Maldrin wasn't in a waiting mood. He walked up behind the last guy and knocked him out with a swift blow to the head.


"Come on, we're leaving." Heading for the door without paying any mind to Sana and Mors, he stopped by the guy Mors had taken out. He shook his head, and threw some coins by him. "That should be enough to see a healer. Sorry about Mors, Tal, didn't think he'd be so... enthusiastic. You better wash that wound. Never know where that bloody fork's been." As Maldrin patted Tal on the back, he looked over to the other three slumped bodies. "And tell the guys that was fun. I'll get you guys a round of ale sometime." With that, Maldrin left. Looking up at the sky, he noticed that it'd been around two hours since they entered.


OOC: Hope you don't mind my ending Sana's fight. Now then, time for you guys to start a fight with Maldrin.

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"And how was I supposed to know these flaming rules of bloody barfights?! You goatkissing idiot! I wasn't raised on this sort of thing!" He snarled angrily, swiftly retreating from the bar as he went outside, not saying a word to the men who had attacked him.


He then stopped Maldrin in the street. "What were you thinking!? You don't just start taking swings at someone like that, especially if it's your fault! I should report you to the Mistress of Trainees!"

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It was probably the shortest fight he'd even been in. Not that it was a bad thing since Sana didn't enjoy fighting, but it had ended rather suddenly and he walked out quickly with Mors and Maldrin. He was rather amuzed by Maldrin's attempts at explaining barfighting etiquette to Mor and wondered briefly if the other trainee was gonna ignite.


"What were you thinking!? You don't just start taking swings at someone like that, especially if it's your fault! I should report you to the Mistress of Trainees!"


Well, that didn't take long, he thought. He had the feeling that Mors was more like him when it came to fighting. You fought for a reason, not for fun. Maldrin, on the other hand, loved a good fight. It would be interesting to hear how he exagerated it to Rodrik when they got back to their rooms.


"Let's just get out of here guys, before any of them decide to come out." He said, trying to make peace between the two.

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Maldrin's eye was beggining to swell closed, and the pain from his nose was getting a bit worse, which didn't improve his temper. He spat the blood currently welling in his mouth near Mors' feet, and spoke quietly. "The fact that you weren't raised on this is painfully clear, Mors. And I do not care one whit what you do. Now thanks for ruining the fun, now get out of my way."

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"FUN!? You call that fun? How can beating up on people for no apparent reason be fun? You fight because you need to, and enjoy the battle while it lasts... you don't goo looking for a fight! No matter what path you follow after your training here, it's your job, and your Duty to PROTECT others, not go around starting brawls!" Mors snarled, very uncharacteristic of him, stalking off.

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Maldrin sneered and spat in Mors' direction, then headed in the opposite direction, growling to himself. "You don't, Light blinded fool. I do. Do not hold me to your standards, for I find them lacking and do not wish to be compared to you."

The flaming nerve of that rat! I take him to a good place for food, even pay for it, then when I have a little fun he gets prissy! It's time to get flaming drunk and beat a few bastards' nose in. With that thought he headed for one of the rougher places in the City, glaring in a way that would have gotten him into no few fights if people hadn't also noticed the glimmer in his eyes waiting to break a few backs.

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And so Ursana, who had come into the city by himself, was left standing alone in the middle of the street with people giving him strange looks over the scene that had just taken place. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair and straightened his clothes out a little.


At least lunch and the fight had eaten up enough time that Sana's gift for Rosheen should be ready to be picked up. He left the street side then and made his way to the store to pick up the weapon he had engraved. He had been surprised at the speed they did it, but the work was good quality and he gave them a little extra for the speed they worked.


He made his way back to the Yards then, wondering about Mors and where he had come from, and about how broken Maldrin's body would be when he decided to come back to their room.

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OOC: You're decision. We can leave at at this, or we could have you post a thing about Mors, then Maldrin comes back and we can get into another fight, or whatever. This should do for the WS, but I'm ok with doing more if you want.

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