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i got a new job!!!! finally lmao


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when i got home today, i was able to trim back the skin this time and more of the nail.  the thumb was starting to feel like pressure was building and i felt a big release once i cleared off the dead nail and skin.


it's not swollen, or if it is, it's swolled very little.  but it stings and it throbs!!!


my thumbe feels a little stiff to move and the tip almost feels a bit numb sometimes.  if it's not better by friday i'll go to the docor, but i think i'm taking really good care of it. 


it's not red, so i know theres no infection.  and it hurts, so i know its healing lmao  the only thing that concerns me is the stiffness.  but i think thats just being caused from favoring it and trying not to use it all that much.


ofcourse, this is also the same thumb that has been bitten byt a cat before; when i was giving one a bath working at Petco Grooming in 2001.  so i'm kinda used to it in this area lmao. 


must be that this thumb has bed reflexes or somethingi did get the cat back today.  liek i said, it was in for a neutur.  once he was under anethsesia i was the one to prep him lol  with cats, we have to pluck the hair from his testicle sacks.  that and the fact he got nuetured was revenge enough lmao



^ what it looks like


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today i assissted in surgery for the first time :)  it's was a spay, so i got to see ovaries getting taken out and such.


it was better than i thought it would be and i didn't even get queasey :)


i didn't realize that dogs had so many layers to their skin though....  or how little ovaries really are.  it was pretty cool though :)


abby (the puppy that got spayed) is doing great :)  she was up and wagging her tail by the time we left work :D

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That's great!  I'm glad your first surgery assist went so smoothly. :)  I helped a vet stitch up my dog's tummy after she got attacked by another dog.  It happened while the vet was there to tend to the horses on a routine visit, so we didn't have to pay for a farm call.  We got really lucky, it could have been much worse if we'd had to take her into town, which was an hour away from my parents' farm. 

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yeah that is lucky :)  vet visits cost as much as a human doctor visit.  thought the meds tend to be cheaper lol


i assisted in another surgery today, and helped with a dental scaling :)  we had to remove a Lipoma from a Doberman and Fred (a Bassett hound) needed two teeth pulled and his teeth cleaned.  having problems with my teeth right now (a few cavaty's) i cringed when Doc pulled them....

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got a tetanus(sp) shot yesturday due to the cat bite. 


:(  OW!!!!!!!!!!


first off i HATE needles, absolutely petrified of them.


my arm is hurting aso much that i don't want to move it.  even typing is making it hurt.  there's a little red knot where the shot was given, and the type of hurt is as if the muscle in my upper arm is bruised :(



i aslo had a reaction to both the meds i was given for the cat bite...  the levaquin gave me bad diareha(sp) and the loratabs made me feel like my world was spinning and like little bugs were crawling all over me....


this sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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