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A Decree


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I have been thinking a lot today and I have made a decision. I am leaving town until Sunday night, and I will have no internet access, so that means you all have to cease and desist all RP’s and otherwise DMing until I return so I don’t miss anything! Deal?




Kidding, but I am leaving tomorrow afternoon and I won’t be back until Sunday. Talavin and Matalina can take care of anything you need between now and then. :D The only thing I expect is to be loaded down with RP’s when I return :-*


I will miss you guys! Be good! *throws hugs at everyone*



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*steals everyone elses hugs and latches onto Eq's leg*


No! No leaving! I don't care that you leaving town will be the only thing that allows me to finish all the stuff I need to get done before school starts!


Well, you know that I'll be talking to you all day tomorow on MSN, and somehow crashing your family reuinion from a few states away.


:'( Well, I suppose if I must I shall live without you... no matter how hard it will be.



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I'm apt to be scarce this weekend too, Eqwina and I coordinated my son's birth 8 years ago with her trip so that we wouldn't miss each other too much.  Tomorrow is the boy's birthday, Saturday will be spent getting ready for the party, which is on Sunday.


I will probably be able to read in the evenings, but don't expect much posting.


*hugs Eqwina*  Have a safe trip, babe.  Enjoy yourself without us all nagging at you!

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