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Something new? (Attn: Kabria)


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Perivar scanned all of the blades on display.  He could have kept the sword which was given to him from the armory though there was something more to it then that.  A sword must fit you perfectly, only a master weaponsmith could make such a weapon, that was why he was here today.  He was in need of a sword and had been given the name of this shop by people whom he trusted in the training yards.  The weaponsmith was reknowned, Mistress Thera smiled at him as she kindly gave him a pass to enter the city.


There were several types of blades, some narrow at the tip some broad, the choices were as numerous as one could imagine.  The choices in hilts were just as numerous if not more.  He picked up a few different swords to check their balance looking around to make sure it was safe before giving them a few practice cuts.  This one felt good, the balance was perfect though he was unsure if he liked the blade.  He heard voices behind him though he paid them no mind, he focused on finding a blade.


Perivar turned towards the voices to give himself some room as he held the blade out in front of him at eye level.  After closer inspection the blade seemed perfect, he followed it to the point though it was not the blade that held his attention.


At the counter in front of him stood a pale haired beauty in the dress of an Accepted.  The young woman was about a hand and a half shorter than him.  She held a dagger in one hand looking it over as she spoke with the store clerk.  He could only see her profile, she looked familiar but he couldn't place it.  She turned her head in his direction and it finally it came to him.  Light she was the accepted that he had seen Jasine speaking to.  The one who read books by the tree in the yards.  He stood there holding the sword out not realizing that he was staring at her.     

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The idea that the Green Ajah was going to be her home had become more firmly planted in Kabria’s mind since she started learning about the Blight. Another thing that had become apparent was that while she had some knowledge of hand to hand combat, it would do no good against any number of Shadowspawn. Most Green Sisters that she had seen carried a dagger, some long enough for a short sword. With all the books she’d purchased she was running low on money, but she thought she had enough for a serviceable dagger. As soon as the idea of owning a weapon came to her, Kabria gathered all the books she could find on daggers and devoured each one. She was as much as expert on the weapon as anyone could be, without having properly used one. The next problem she would have to solve was how to learn. The Mistress of Novices looked down girls with weapons, but she resolved to find a way.


The day was too warm for a cloak, but Kabria threw hers over her arm anyway. She would need a way to sneak the dagger back in the Tower unnoticed and a cloak seemed the easiest.


A few shops close to the Tower gates carried what she was looking for, but Kabria was hesitant to stop in sight of the walls. Several blocks down and closer to the docks she found a small armory. Even from the street she could see daggers lining the wall. Some were small enough to fit into her belt pouch, while others were as long as three of her hands. Approaching the counter with a stern expression she laid out her requirements to the bulky man behind the desk, polishing a sword. He returned with three selections, everyone more beautiful than the last.


Gently she reached out and gripped the first by the handle? Or was it hilt?. It was light, and well balanced with a blade just longer than her hand, and slightly curved. The handle was wrapped in leather to provide a sure grip, but set into the leather was green embroidery. The next was just as ornate, but with a hilt wrapped in silver wire. All three met everything she required and each fit with in her price.


From the corner of her eye she saw a tall young man staring at her and she turned with the dagger raised. “You there! Boy with the braids, if you are going to stare at me you can at least give me a hand,”


Setting the daggers back down on the counter she turned to him with her fists on her hips. “ Before you even ask, I am Kabria Delondre and I need your help. Which of these daggers is the best?” While she had managed to temper some of her anger thanks to Jasine and Arath, he words still came out as a demand.


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“You there! Boy with the braids, if you are going to stare at me you can at least give me a hand,”


The commanding voice shot through him and for a moment he did not believe that it had come from the pale haired accepted.  If not for the penetrating gaze combined with the raised dagger he may have looked for another.  Over a year ago, maybe less, he would  have thought of begging a penance for offending her though not now.  He would have apologized though the grumpy chit had an attitude.  One that he might have expected from the Mistress of Trainees but not from this girl.


She set down the dagger which she had been studying then turned to face him with fists on hips.  “ Before you even ask, I am Kabria Delondre and I need your help. Which of these daggers is the best?” 


He flashed the sword upright in a salute then in a flash he grounded the point going down on one knee with his left fist firmly planted on the ground.  This was the most formal of salutes, usually meant for a King or Queen.  Hopefully she would recognize it, if not then he would inform her in a round about way.


"An honor to serve my..." From he kneeling position he eyed he giving her a sinister smile "My Queen?" He said questioningly "No not a Queen, perhaps you are the Amyrlin Seat?" He shook his head purposely avoiding looking at the multi-colored hem of her dress. "No? I'm sorry perhaps you could tell me your title, you are obviously someone of high authority" 


When she did not respond immediately, Perivar glanced at the hem of her dress for a moment.  For a brief moment he was going to let her off the hook though he let her boil, maybe she was squirming, he couldn't tell exactly which it was.  He would force her to give him her title, let her say it he thought.  "I fear that you have me at a disadvantage, I give up.  Perhaps you can tell me who you are Kabria Delondre, for surely you stand higher than I could possibly imagine though I can think of no higher title than I have already mentioned." 


With that he locked eyes with her though he remained on one knee, fist and sword tip planted firmly on the ground while his body was still as a statue.  He would not give her the advice she sought until she responded.  From the corner of his eye he could see the shop keeper retreating towards the back of the store, he knew who she was and clearly he wanted no part of this.

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The blood red that graced the tips of her hair paled next to the red of the anger in her face. She could take smiles and she knew how to handle outright rudeness, but this was a whole new level of insult. Her feet twitched with the desire to kick him square in the teeth. Had it not been for the very large sword she most likely would have. On the ships she had been taught hand to hand fighting, but it was something she had not used since her days as a tavern maid. Gathering her fists in her skirts she knelt over him, completely unaware of his sword.


“ Now listen here boy! I may not be a Queen or the Bloody Amyrlin, but I bloody well know when a flaming goat kissing milk drinker is poking fun. Now stand up before I knock you out into the street.” She took two steps back and gave him the opportunity to raise, her icy blue eyes locked on his. “No? You wish to make this hard on yourself? More fool are you!”


Perhaps he thought that he was safe since he was a trainee and she an intimate of the Tower, but he had obviously never met Kabria before. Her quicksilver temper was becoming the thing of stories. 


“ You know I have always heard that you boys from Arafel have a fierce pride.” Her eyes drifted to the braids, the silver bells tinkling slightly as he shifted to follow her passage. Snatching one of the daggers from the table the rushed behind him and grabbed a fist full of his braid. “I have also heard that you would die before you would hurt a woman. Does that extend itself to restraining one to keep your precious braids?” Her other hand held the knife poised ready to slice off the braid if he moved a hair. “Care to drop your little game” Many things could be said of Kabria, but she was without a doubt brave.


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Perivar was caught off guard, he expected the girl to blush brightly and admit she was an accepted.  She had given him an opportunity to drop the game yet he was too stubborn to let it rest.  Those icy blue eyes bored into his soul.  He remained still not willing to budge moving his head only to follow her movement.


The fool girl decided to draw the dagger on him grabbing a fist full of one of his braids.  “I have also heard that you would die before you would hurt a woman. Does that extend itself to restraining one to keep your precious braids?” Her other hand held the knife poised ready to slice off the braid if he moved a hair. “Care to drop your little game”


Perivar kept his voice firm and his body as still as a stone.  She may have a temper but it was not like she would plunge the dagger in his heart over a little game.  None the less he still needed to handle this with care.  He formed the flame in his mind and sought the void, he pushed the raw emotions that course through him into the flame, he felt the oneness.


"It is an insult that you would ask such a question, Accepted." He empahsized her title though his voice seemed distant. "Certainly in your studies you have learned that no borderlander would dare harm a woman, a woman alone may ask for protection and I would be bound by honor to serve."


He paused briefly trying to lock eyes with her.  "No, I would not restrain you from removing a braid either.  If it is your will to do so then go ahead."  softer he said if almost to himself "I have lost much by coming here, what matters if I lose that as well."  In all reality the braids were one of the last links he had to his home.  He would certainly feel their loss but he would not say so.


"No doubt you are brave, though sometimes too much bravery leaves one looking like a fool.  Are Accepted so revered in the Tower that they may do as they wish.  Would the Mistress of Novices support you on charges of assaulting a servant of the Tower or would she pepper your hide?  Are you so free that you can threaten another with a blade, one that meant you no harm?  Or is mock formality against an accepted a charge punishable by whatever means you deem appropriate?  You would certainly know better than I would, Accepted."


Perivar's brown eyes tried to lock onto her icy blue eyes though it was a struggle to meet her eyes while she held his braid firmly in her hand.  He eyed her the questions clear in his brown eyes.  Light this wouldn't have happened if she didn't jump down his throat barking orders like the world was at her disposal.  Aside from that he did respect her bravery, he did not know many women outside of the borderlands who would challenge a man so.


He suddenly felt bad as he saw his words hit home and let the void vanish.  He knew as well as she did that she could not do as she wished though he had painted her into a corner.  Light he felt horrible, here he thought he was being funny, playing a game.  Now it had become something much worse, it had gone in the wrong direction.  This poor girl did not deserve this, even if she had been haughty.  All she was looking to do was buy a dagger.


With his best immitation of Jasine, he flashed a smile that probably seemed odd on his chiseled face.  "I concede" he said "I should not have mocked you like that.  Do you by any chance play stones?"  Something about her made him think that she would do well with such a game.  "I will let you decide whether or not I keep the braids.  The choice is yours, I will not speak of this to anyone.  Regardless whether you remove the braids or not it will remain between us."


Perivar still kneeling on the floor of the shop tossed a gold mark to the shopkeeper inquiring loudly if he knew of anything out of the ordinary that had occurred here today.  The shopkeeper indicated that he had not.  He told Perivar that it was like any other day, nothing out of the ordinary he insured him.  At least Perivar didn't have to worry about word leaking back to the Tower.  He could not forgive himself if she got in trouble due to their encounter.


Perivar rose slowly plucking the dagger from her hands inspecting it, it was a fine piece. With a respectful bow, not mocking but appropriate for her station he said "I am Perivar, Perivar Tarigan.  A pleasure to meet you Kabria."  Perivar studied the dagger "It suits you well, Kabria."  he reached into his pouch again tossing the shopkeeper a handful coins to cover the dagger and then some.  "She'll take this one or another if she decides otherwise."




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She was sick of the anger even more than she was sick of the fear. Her knee jerk reactions to everything were the one thing that was keeping her from attaining the shawl, well…that and her temper. She loosed her hold slightly on the braid, if only to keep from pulling it from his head.


“Would the Mistress of Novices support you on charges of assaulting a servant of the Tower or would she pepper your hide?  Are you so free that you can threaten another with a blade, one that meant you no harm?  Or is mock formality against an accepted a charge punishable by whatever means you deem appropriate?  You would certainly know better than I would, Accepted."


Oh how it grated that every word he said was true, but of course that was not what she said. “ I may be just an Accepted, but I am an Accepted with a knife and that lays no bearing on what I might do with it.” In the silence that followed you could hear her teeth grinding from frustration.


“No amount of apology will matter now, and do not grin like the cat who caught the canary, it does not suit your face.” Tossing down his braid in disgust she pulled her own money from her pouch and laid it beside his own. “I am not a charity case, I do not need your money.” She looked down at the dagger she’d selected, surprised that the silver inlay had not effected her grip.


With no one to threaten she was a little unsure what to do with her newly bought weapon. Her eyes traveled to the shocked proprietor who was slowly creeping his ways towards the money. Scooping up what Perivar had tossed she shook a finger at the man. “You needn’t think you’ll be paid twice,  it isn’t wise to try and cheat servants of the Light, most especially in this city.”   Turning on her heel with a small grunt she stepped out in the street still clutching her dagger in her fist. “Here’s your money Perivar Tarigan” Kabria pressed it into his hand with a grimace.


“Next time you are so rude I will not hesitate to separate you from your hair. I do not take kindly to insults, most especially when they are offered without provocation.” She held up her hand to forestall the argument that was sure to come. “I simply wanted your help and in case you have not noticed I am not good at admitting I am wrong.” Again she glanced down at the dagger in her hand, this time shifting it in her grip. The weight of it felt..right I her hand, even if the appearance was awkward. Glancing at the tall man again she suddenly smiled and more than one person walking the street stepped quickly away from her grin. “So..you Borderlanders will always help a woman? No matter what? Like knights out of some story?” She snorted, laughing at her own jest. “ I have read every book I could find on daggers, but now that I have one I am unsure of what to do with it. I certainly can’t walk around carrying it like this.” Her blue eyes bored into his expectantly, waiting for the vaunted Borderland Knights help.


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Light this had gone completely wrong, one minute he was shopping for a new blade the next moment he was chasing an Accepted out into the street.  Ooh this one was like a bundle of fireworks.  Any little spark could set her off.  He wondered what could set her off so.  They had not even met and yet she had unloaded on him without warning or provocation.  He would have to tread carefully.


Perivar would have left her though she had asked for help and it was obvious that she had no escort.  She should not be out in the city alone he thought.  Footpads were not plentiful in Tar Valon yet they still existed, there were some who would take the risk not hesitating to separate her from her purse or that dagger.


Kabria had practically thrown his coins back at him.  He meant it for a gift, a peace offering yet she seemed to take it as an insult.  At least she did not demand the other coin back that would buy the shop keeper's silence.  Neither of them wanted anyonw in the Tower to get wind of their encounter.


Perivar caught up to her outside taking long strides to catch her.  People in the streets jumped out of Kabria's way, her face was like a thunderhead and nobody was willing to have her fury unleashed on them.  She was shorter than he though the way she held herself she seemed head and shoulders taller than he was.


"Next time you are so rude I will not hesitate to separate you from your hair. I do not take kindly to insults, most especially when they are offered without provocation.”She said then held up her hand to forestall the argument and he obeyed yet he yelled inside her head. 


Rude, insults?  You were the one that lashed out at me for looking at you.  Light woman what has your back up so?  Perhap you hate men, is that it?  Honestly I wish you no harm and I have already pledged to help you though you make that quite a difficult task?  Have we met before? Perhaps I have offended you on some prior occasion that I don't recall?  No not that I would remember someone so beautiful as you.  Light where had that come from, Jasine must be rubbing off on him. All went unspoken for the moment as he let her have her say.


“I simply wanted your help and in case you have not noticed I am not good at admitting I am wrong.”   She admitted and he was happy that he had not voiced his thoughts aloud which would have certainly fueled the fire.  He nodded at her admission in a way that said he understood.  Well he didn't but let her think he did


Kabria glanced down at the dagger in her hand, this time shifting it in her grip.  Glancing at Perivar again she suddenly smiled and more than one person walking the street stepped quickly away from her grin. “So..you Borderlanders will always help a woman? No matter what? Like knights out of some story?” She snorted, laughing at her own jest. “ I have read every book I could find on daggers, but now that I have one I am unsure of what to do with it. I certainly can’t walk around carrying it like this.”  


"Light I don't understand you." He half shouted "One moment you are apologizing then in the next breath you are insulting me and then in the next asking for advice."  He shook his head the silver bells in his braids chiming.  "You are very beautiful when you smile, you should try smiling more often.  It suits you."  Lets see how she liked that, he half meant it as a jibe but it was the truth.  "It is the truth I swear it under the light!"


Her blue eyes boring into his made him proceed cautiously.  "To answer your question a woman in the Borderlands may ask for protection and we are sworn to obey.  It is deeper than law or custom it is our way.  Perhaps we hold women in higher regard or we possess more honor than southerners."


"You need a sheath for that dagger, over here."  He directed her to a shop that contained all manner of leather goods.



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He didn’t understand her? It was men that were the true mystery of life. Drawing up to her full height she intended to give him the right of his foolish notions, but his next comments landed her back flat on her heels. "You are very beautiful when you smile, you should try smiling more often.  It suits you. It is the truth I swear it under the light!"


Even the sweet smiling Jasine had not shared such a lavish complement. In spite of herself Kabria smiled again before quickly stilling her face. If he thought a few words were going to put him back into her good graces he was sorely mistaken. "To answer your question a woman in the Borderlands may ask for protection and we are sworn to obey.  It is deeper than law or custom it is our way.  Perhaps we hold women in higher regard or we possess more honor than southerners." Why she had more honor in her little finger than he did in his entire body. Again she snorted loudly and this time tossed her hair. “The shorebound of no concept of honor, but I will say that you seem to have more than most I’ve met.” Turning she followed his finger to the small shop just down the street. She did not even have to walk inside the store to know that she could not afford another thing. Only a few coppers were left in her purse and it would be days yet before she sold anymore of her books. But stubborn pride made her follow him anyway.


The smell of leather brought a small smile to her lips, the smell was one that had always reminded her of home, not Shenesta’s ship, but her home in Illian. She walked between the racks of saddles and ran her fingers over the small lengths of braided cord. In all her time on shore she had never been into a leather shop. With the small dagger still clutched in her fist the large shop keep eyed her warily, but either the presence of Perivar or the banded hem of her skirts kept him from saying a word. “Is this want I need Perivar?" She stared curiously at the leather sheath? hanging from a peg on the wall.


“How do I know which one? And won’t the dagger ruin the leather?" In all the books she had read none of them mentioned the proper type of sheath. Still not knowing how she was going to pay for it, Kabria was anxious to learn all the things about her weapon that she didn’t know. The problem of money was for another time.


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At least she was even tempered for the moment though again she flung an insult in his face.  What did she known of honor he thought and what is this talk of the shorebound.  His upbringing had taught him something of people outside of the borderlands.  He did not see the need for it at the time though his mother insisted, all Perivar cared about was his preparation to fight alongside his father.


He eyed the tattoos on her hands though her look did not speak of one of the sea folk.  "Shorebound?  So you have spent time or were rasied by the Sea Folk?  You don't have the look aside from the tattoos and that commanding presence that you hold on so tight to.  Are they so honorable that us shorebound pale by comparison.  Perhaps you could teach me about honor then?"  He arched an eyebrow though put on a innocent smile that did not fit his face.


She pointed out a sheath asking if that was what she wanted.  "Well it depends, if you are going to wear it on a belt then you will want something more like a scabbard."  He looked around then picked one from the display "Like this, see it is meant to go on your belt.  If you are not going to wear it then you just want a sheath to cover the blade.  So it is up to you how you will carry it.  There are many types of each, some with a small piece of leather with a snap on it that is used to secure it and some with a cord."   Perivar showed Kabria all different types and dyed in almost every color that you could imagine.


"As to the dagger damaged the leather, no it will not.  The leather is cured and we will put a light coat of oil which will protect both the dagger and the sheath.  You must keep the blade lightly oiled or it will begin to pit or rust."  He could see the hesitation, she wanted to select one but she had probably spent her last coin on the dagger.


Perivar leaned in close and spoke for her ears only.  "Please let me buy it for you whichever one you'd like.  A gift with no strings attached."



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To Kabria everything paled in comparison to life on the ships, but she didn’t say that. Instead she looked Perivar in the eye and smiled. Oh Light, but it burned trying to smother her anger and cover her fear, but if she was ever going to be raised to the shawl and join the Green Ajah she had to try.


“As a child I spent several years on a Sea Folk ship, I scarcely remember my life before and almost ever since I have been here. “ She studied him, really seeing him for the first time. He was tall and broad shoulders with a face that seemed to be all planes and angles, but even that held a kind of stoic beauty. “Perhaps it will be that you will teach me as well as I teach you.”


She had always tried to see every experience, good or bad, as an opportunity to learn. Already she had learned from Jasine the importance of a smile and from Arath, that beauty came from with in. Glancing at Perivar as she paced through the store she wondered what mystery he would reveal.


“As to the dagger damaged the leather, no it will not.  The leather is cured and we will put a light coat of oil which will protect both the dagger and the sheath.  You must keep the blade lightly oiled or it will begin to pit or rust."


We? Kabria found herself starting up at him with a smile filled with wonderment. She had never been part of a we. Unless of course you counted the Mistress of Novices saying “we are going to have a little talk”. “You said we Perivar….does that mean that you are going to help me.” He nodded and Kabria blinked back surprise.


“But why? Just because I am a woman?” That kind of dedication to the fairer sex seemed almost.. condescending, but still she felt a small amount of respect grow with in her. 


“I know that when I am raised,I will want to have the dagger on my belt. Does that mean this kind? Her fingers danced over the top of a deep green scabbard and she looked up at him expectantly.


"Please let me buy it for you whichever one you'd like.  A gift with no strings attached."


The all too familiar knot in her stomach grew and Kabria took a step back. Other men had given her gifts, and they’d always wanted more than just to see her smile. “Why would you want to buy me a gift?” Her hands caressed the dagger and she tried not to think about how beautiful the sliver would look against the green. “What is it you want Perivar? Surely a man of your honor has not fallen for a pair of pretty eyes.” She had kept her voice low, but her eyebrows were raised expectantly and her left foot was tapping under her skirts.


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Perivar thought for a moment that a trip to the Blight might be easier than this encounter with Kabria.  She changed her moods quicker than the weather.  Maybe this is why he was shy and hesitant to talk to new people.  Perhaps though there was something kinder inside that seemingly rough exterior, maybe she had built walls to protect herself.


He listened as she answered his questions confirming that she had spent time with the Sea Folk.  “Perhaps it will be that you will teach me as well as I teach you.”   He nodded adding a smile that said it would be a pleasure to pass along whatever knowledge he possessed.  If she didn't kill him or get him killed first.  If she did not keep her voice down some do-gooder would think he was harassing her.  Light it would not help matters if he ended up in a fight with someone who thought they were coming to her aid.


He nodded when she asked if he was going to help her.  “But why? Just because I am a woman?”   Light he wished Jasine was here, Perivar was not good with words.  In battle he knew what to do, this though was foreign to him.  Tread lightly he thought.  His chance for an immediate response was taken away as she went on.


“Why would you want to buy me a gift?” Her hands caressed the dagger. “What is it you want Perivar? Surely a man of your honor has not fallen for a pair of pretty eyes.” She had kept her voice low, but her eyebrows were raised expectantly and her left foot was tapping under her skirts.



Her left foot was tapping and her eyebrow raised like a mother waiting for her child to respond to an interrogation for some wrong doing.  He wanted to scream, he took a deep breath lowering his voice he said "There are many reasons for one person to help another.  As I said in the Borderlands a woman may ask for help when there is need though it does not make them less for asking.  These same women who ask for help have been seen fighting Trollocs and even Myrdraal when there was need.  These same women have been turned to for aide when men could not do Do not read too much into someone offering to help you."  


Her look made him second guess his choice of words.  Without thought he hurried not wanting her to call him down.  "There are other reasons as well.  It may please someone to help another.  Is that such an odd behavior, has nobody ever offered you help without foul intentions?"   He eyed her a moment.  "I swear beneath the light that my intentions are pure.  I will swear an oath if need be."  He took her lack of an immediate response as an indication that she did not trust him.  I have never had my honor called in to question he shouted at himself inside his head, he was enraged.


Perivar grabbed her hand that was holding the dagger in both of his hands and knelt.  He did not have his sword so this would have to do.  He pressed the tip of the dagger just below his breast bone so that it would be ready to pierce his flesh with the slightest pressure.


"I make this oath beneath the light.  Until the day that I am bound by an Aes Sedai or have taken my last breath, I will come you whenever you call.  If ever you are in need of aide you have only to send word and I will be there as fast as I am able."  His hard brown eyes stared into her icy blue eyes daring her to say his words were not true.  His voice was low but rough "If you don't believe me then simply put your weight on the dagger for I cannot live knowing that you do not believe me to be an honorable man."   It was rash but he couldn't take it any longer.  He continued to stare into her eyes not moving a muscle.   



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It was a mix of anger and shame that burned in Kabria’s belly. She was not used to excepting help and more than that she was unsure of Perivar’s true intentions. The total lack of knowledge made her squirm. Her foot stopped tapping, but she was unable to completely remove the scowl from her face.


"There are other reasons as well.  It may please someone to help another.  Is that such an odd behavior, has nobody ever offered you help without foul intentions? I swear beneath the light that my intentions are pure.  I will swear an oath if need be."


It would please him to help her? A slight flush crept into her cheeks and she found herself fighting a grin. The question now was why it would please him. She was so caught up in a fantasy of the two of them Kabria almost screamed when his hands wrapped around her dagger. As it was her hands shook; it was one thing to threaten someone with a dagger, but it was entirely another to have the dagger at their heart. She tried to pull away but his hands held her in an iron grip. "I make this oath beneath the light.  Until the day that I am bound by an Aes Sedai or have taken my last breath, I will come to you whenever you call.  If ever you are in need of aide you have only to send word and I will be there as fast as I am able.”


Why was he making such a promise to her? Kabria’s blue eyes went wide and again she tried to pull away. When he finally finished and his hands dropped, leaving her free to do what she wished with the dagger Kabria pulled away as if burned and the dagger dropped from her hands. It hit the floor just to the left of Perivar’s knee, but if he noticed it did not show. His attention was all still on her.


Taking a step back Kabria eyed the shopkeeper, who was staring as if he’d never before seen anything like the two of them. Come to think of it he probably hadn’t. Reaching down Kabria grabbed Perivar’s belt pouch and dug out a few coins throwing them at the man. “Take these for your scabbard, and keep the rest. Forget what you saw here today.” The man looked as if he was staring down the mouth of a Trolloc but he quickly gathered the coins from the floor. “Now get!” Kabria barked banishing the man from his own front room. Perhaps it was Perivar’s sword or just the ferocity in her voice, but the old man obeyed.

Once she was sure he was out of site Kabria knelt down in front of Perivar and looked up into his eyes. “ You have made me a promise that I intend to hold you to. For 6 years now it has been only me, with few friends or anywhere to turn. Even with Jasine and Arath I have felt very much alone, they could never really understand my life before the tower. But you….you are different.” Leaning in Kabria kissed both his cheeks and then his lips before throwing her arms around him burying her face in his neck. At that moment she did not care if he only made the promise because of his honor; to her it meant the world.


Releasing him she backed away and few steps and got up brushing the dirt from her dress. She was embarrassed at her actions as much as the kiss , it was only her second, and her face stayed a lovely shade of red. “You are a man of great honor Perivar. I think we will learn much from each other.” Going to the wall she selected the scabbard that he had just bought for her and turned it over in her hands with a smile. Turning she saw Perivar with the dagger in his hand, just staring at her.  Thinking of what she had put him through already she could hardly blame him.


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Her only response was to drop the dagger as if it was an adder.  Light you fool you scared her he thought.  His oath was rash though it seemed right at the time.  As the moments lingered he thought perhaps he had been hasty but he simply watched her as if nothing else existed.


It shocked him when her first words were directed at the shopkeeper.  She had taken coins form his pouch hurling them at the shopkeeper with a few sharp words.  If they kept this up  there would be talk all over Tar Valon of the sharp-tongued Accepted and the Warder trainee.  He would have to talk to her about her way with words though now was not the time.  The shopkeeper retreated from his own store front leaving the tow of them alone. 


As if none of that occurred, she turned to him and knelt, her blue eyes no longer icy but... the thought faded as she spoke to him.  “ You have made me a promise that I intend to hold you to. For 6 years now it has been only me, with few friends or anywhere to turn. Even with Jasine and Arath I have felt very much alone, they could never really understand my life before the tower. But you….you are different.”   


Perivar had no time to fully process her words, leaning in Kabria kissed both his cheeks and then his lips before throwing her arms around him burying her face in his neck.  He was caught off guard for a moment, when the shock subsided he melted into her embrace.  She leaned on him while he gently stroked her hair.  Light it had been a long time...


He simply watched her as she released him backing away, light but he wanted to hold her again.  Her face was red, he wanted to say something to make her more comfortable, there was no reason to be embarassed.  Again she left him no room as she spoke “You are a man of great honor Perivar. I think we will learn much from each other.”


Going to the wall Kabria picked up the green dyed scabbard turning it over in her hands with a smile. Perivar picked up the dagger laying by his knee then rose just staring at her.  He would give all his coin to read her thoughts. 


Perivar grabbed her hand leading her out of the store.  They had outlived their welcome and it was past time to be on their way.  "We have much to discuss I think.  Perhaps we should find a quiet place where we can get something to eat."  He led her away from the store dropping her hand as if they were out for a stroll.  If anyone noticed then they were simply an Accepted and her escort... 



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Her friends all seemed to have come in strange and violent fits. Three times now she had tried to push men away, and not a one would all himself to be budged. Was her sharp tongue no longer as potent? Or was it that she was now finally ready to let someone in? Trying not to be obvious she studied Perivar from her corner of eye, it was hard not to compare him to the other new friends she had made. He did not having the flirtatious smile like Jasine, or the quiet shyness of Arath, both traits she had grown to like in her other friends. She felt a kinship with him that she had not yet felt before, and it frightened her.


Kabria led them past a few shops before stopping at a small cart set up on the corner. As a usual practice she did not buy from street vendors, but after all her ventures into the City she knew this one to be passable. Plus the sweet old man that sold the pies was trying to make extra money to help care for his grandchildren. Smiling at him Kabria handed over a few coins and slipped in the last few that she had. She had always thought if she’d known her grandfather he would have been a lot like this man. With the pies and some cheese wrapped in napkin Kabria reached at took Perivar’s hand. A small spark shot between their hands and she laughed. Eager to be out of the streets and away from the crowds she ducked into one of the many parks that graced Tar Valon and found them a spot under a tree.


With the memory of how she’d acted still fresh in her mind Kabria sat quietly with a red face while she passed out the food. It wasn’t until they had almost finished their meal that she found her courage to speak. “I wanted to thank you for the scabbard and for..for your promise.” She averted her eyes pretending to study a bird in the branches over head. Speaking honestly with out anger was growing easier every day, but too often her fear took over. “I would love if you could show me more of how to use my weapon.” Just thinking of the dagger made her smile; to her it was more that just good steal. It represented a step towards her future. Still studying the small bird she threw in a question that had been burning on her mind. “Tell me more about yourself Perivar. Are you close to completing your training? And have you thought about the kind of Sister you want to hold your bond?”


It was a natural topic of conversation for Accepted, especially for one so close to gaining the shawl. Even more so for an aspiring Green.


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Kabria led Perivar to a corner where a vendor had a cart set hawking pies of many varieties.  He chose a meat pie and would have requested another though he did not want to seem like a hog.  That and to his dismay Kabria paid with her own coin refusing to allow him to pay.  He watched her in wonder as she gave the man far more than the two pies and cheese were worth.  He studied her for a moment, why the change in behavior.  Light she smiled at the man, she was even more beautiful when she smiled.


Kabria grabbed his hand, a spark shot between their hands at which she laughed, light she laughed and it was music to his ears.  She led him to a lovely park and found them a spot uder a tree.  It reminded him of the times he had seen her reading beneath the tree in the Training Yards.


They sat quietly while they ate.  He watched her when she wasn't looking his way, he hoped she was not going to lash out at him when she spoke next.  He wanted to talk to her about her sharp tongue but he didn't want to ruin the moment, things had gone remarkably well since leaving the leatherman's shop.


“I wanted to thank you for the scabbard and for..for your promise.” She said though she looked away studying something in the park instead of looking at him.  He knew he was not pretty but was he hard to look at?  He knew his face had a hardness to it, it did not appeal to most people outside the Borderlands.  Well he did not need to be pretty, he needed to be a weapon of many uses.  He nodded and smiled saying "It was my pleasure". He wanted ot say more though he could not form the words, if only he had Jasine's ability to talk freely.


“I would love if you could show me more of how to use my weapon.” She continued, even though she was looking away he thought he caught the hint of a smile.  Please look at me he thought your smile warms me like you could not imagine"Of course he said, it would be my pleasure."  She probably thought him foolish but it was a pleasure.  Something occurred to him and he smiled.  The dagger, the green scabbard, and she wanted to learn to use it.  A Green... he thought, it seemed to fit her perfectly.


“Tell me more about yourself Perivar. Are you close to completing your training? And have you thought about the kind of Sister you want to hold your bond?”  He thought for moment before he spoke, he had not talked about himself much, it was not his way but now it seemed important.  He wanted to know everything about her though he could not learn more of her if he was not willing to open up about himself.


Shaking his head in a jingle of bells he said "Well if you couldn't tell by these I am Arafellin."  Perivar went on speaking of the Borderlands and the Blight.  He spoke of his childhood conveniently leaving out the part about his noble birth, it was something that held little to no advantage though could pose certain pitfalls especially for those who disliked nobles.  He went on how he was reluctant to come to the Tower wanting to stay along the Blight where he thought he belonged.  It took him time to realize that serving the Tower was serving a greater purpose.  He told her everything he could in a short period of time.


"I am close to finishing my time as a trainee, I have an evaluation coming up soon.  I was just informed that a few other trainees and I will be going out of the Tower for a bit.  I have no idea what it entails but it is part of our training.  When we return it may be that we are raised to Tower Guards, providing that we pass our evlauation."  He looked to make sure he was not going on too much.  "Once we are raised to Tower Guards we will have to take part in a few classes that teaches us the intricacies of the Tower Guard.  After that we may become Warders if we decide to go that route."


"Have I thought on the kind of Sister who would hold my bond?  Probably more than I should.  We were fortunate to have received instruction in the Bond between Aes Sedai and Warder.  Loraine Sedai, Master Kynwric, and Mistress Thera gave us about all of the information we could absorb.  They were more than helpful making us understand the bond and the importance of making sure to get to know the person whom you will bond with before committing to it.  So yes I have thought on it every waking day."


"Fighting the Shadow has been ingrained in me from birth.  I want to be bonded to an Aes Sedai that gives me the best opportunity to fight the Shadow.  I could not see being bonded to a Brown who spends her life in the Library.  I know all Ajahs serve their purpose and it would be an honor to serve the Tower in any capacity but I would be of most service to one who will find themselves in the thick of things.  I guess that leaves a few options as far as Ajahs go."  He paused for a moment, what if she was going to be a Brown? he thought.  What if she was going to spend her days in the vast libraries of Tar Valon? 


"If I have the right of it, a Green would most likely make the best fit.  Red's would seem to be in need though I don't think one would bond a man, it seems they avoid men altogether.  I have heard that Blue's sometimes find themselves in tough situations as do Grey's with their involvement in negotiations.  I have no idea what a Yellow sister does aside from healing though I guess they would find themselves in need of protection on occasion.  I guess there are Brown's who leave the Tower to study, even they would need protection.  Whatever it may be I just no that I am no use to anyone sitting idle for long periods of time."


Perivar looked at Kabria, he smiled saying "I'm sorry I have gone on so, I don't think that I have ever said so much in such a short period of time.  Please Kabria, tell me of yourself.  I want to know everything, as much as you are willing to tell."   He waited impatiently, he could not wait to hear her voice again.



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Even Kabria had grand dreams of bonding a prince for a warder and living happily ever after, but unlike some, she knew them for false. At the jingle of the bells in his braids Kabria turned her eyes back to look at his face. There was almost what she would have called longing in his eyes, but whether that was for her, or for his past she couldn’t say.


It was easy to see that while he had grown up on land; his life was far different from anything he lived today. It made her think that she had been foolish all these years trying to learn from books when she could have been learning from life.

"If I have the right of it, a Green would most likely make the best fit” If he said words after Kabria did not hear him. Even though they came from two different places and two different worlds they came together with a common purpose and goal; to fight the Shadow with every breath.


"I'm sorry I have gone on so, I don't think that I have ever said so much in such a short period of time.  Please Kabria, tell me of yourself.  I want to know everything, as much as you are willing to tell."


She was always the most shy when speaking of herself, but their common ground gave her the courage to speak. “ I will tell you about anything you ask Perivar. You have given me a great gift and it is the least I can do to repay you. I know now that I can learn about the world from experience not just my books.” She reached out and laid her hand on his smiling up at him. “I think that may be a greater gift than even your friendship, but now it is I that go on, when you have asked about my past.”


“ I was born in Illian, but I to have roots in the Borderlands.” She saw the shock on his face and she smiled giving his hand a squeeze. “My mother was Kandori and my father an Illian noble. I spent the first 11 years of my life in the palace where my mother was a maid. It was only after my fathers wife found out about me that we were forced to flee.”   Strangely she had never felt shame and being born out of wedlock, it was being abandoned that made her eyes tear up. “We boarded a Sea Folk ship, but my mother left me when we docked in Mayene. It was 5 more years before I left those docks and put my feet on land.” She told him of how she had worked as a scullion, because no one would give her a job with the public, and about her room in the attic stuffed full of books. When she came to her arrival in Tar Valon she could not help but tell him about the fights that had marred her first years. “It took two years of the Mistress of Novices’ slipper to teach me not to hit.” Her face colored again but this time she did not drop her eyes.


“I too am close to finishing my training, in a few months I will get to choose an Ajah.” Her free hand fiddled with the blades of grass as she struggled to hold his gaze. “I am thinking that I will pick the…Green Ajah….I seem to have the most in common with them.” Kabria felt silly for feeling silly which only made her feel worse. She had been hesitant to mention her Ajah choice for fear he would think she was just saying that to impress him. “So…um..do you think you will want to bond right away? I mean I am not sure that I will. I want my first warder to be perfect. Do you…um..what do you hope your Aes Sedai is like?”  She was fumbling to recover her decorum and not melt into the ground.


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Perivar looked into her blue eyes as she began to speak. “ I will tell you about anything you ask Perivar. You have given me a great gift and it is the least I can do to repay you. I know now that I can learn about the world from experience not just my books.”   She reached out and laid her hand on his smiling up at him.  It sent a shiver through his body, did she have any clue how that beautiful smile melted him. 


Light she had roots in the Borderlands and her father was a noble.  Perhaps he could tell her of his own roots.  As her story unfolded he wanted to weep, light he wanted to find everyone that ever hurt her and make them hurt.  His eyes were glued to her.  Light he felt horrible, she didn't want to speak of it you fool though she felt obligated, you light blinded idiot.


“It took two years of the Mistress of Novices’ slipper to teach me not to hit.” Kabria's face colored again matching the tips of her hair but this time she did not drop her eyes.  He squeezed her hand gently, he could not imagine the difficulties she must have had in coming here and trying to fit in.  He wanted to hold her, tell her it was alright.  He didn't think he fit in either when he first arrived but others made him see the light.  What she had gone through was far worse tha he could imagine.


Kabria's eyes remained locked with his though it seemed as though she wanted to look away.  He noticed her hand playing with a blade of grass as she spoke.  “I am thinking that I will pick the…Green Ajah….I seem to have the most in common with them.”   It was as if a large bell had gone off in his head.  He had his suspicions from the earlier but could it be true.  He had just met her though from what he knew the choice seemed to fit her. 


“So…um..do you think you will want to bond right away? I mean I am not sure that I will. I want my first warder to be perfect. Do you…um..what do you hope your Aes Sedai is like?”


He was momentarily caught of guard by the question, he wanted his answers to be perfect.  He found himself playing with a few blades of grass for a moment.  "Perhaps though I cannot say, I mean this is what I have been training for since the day I arrived.  I swore that I would serve where there was the greatest good.  I am no use to the Tower if I am sitting idle."  He suddenly felt disheartened as he thought on her words, he was far from perfect, very far from it. 


The next answer was even more difficult.  Like you he wanted to say though he dare not be so bold, she would think him foolish.  I made you an oath I intend to keep"If she devotes her life to fighting against the Shadow in any way possible then that is all I can ask."  It was a simple answer.  Simple desires for a simple man he thought, he felt uncomfortable under her gaze, he felt as though he didn't measure up.  "I know the three who spoke to me about the bond would have fits over it, but the need to serve as a Warder is so strong in me that I think I would accept the first offer.  I know I have a say but who am I to refuse an offer to serve an Aes Sedai who feels she is in need of a Warder."


Something she said earlier came back to him.  He didn't know why it bothered him but he didn't want her to feel obligated to talk to him, it was her choice, it had to be so.  "I did not buy you a gift so that you would talk to me.  I bought a gift for you because I wanted to, a gift with no strings attached.  I would have you speak to me of your own free will or not at all.  The choice is and always will be yours to make.  It is not mine to make, especially through some infered obligation.  You do not need to repay me, the simple fact that I was able to spend time with you is payment enough." 


Perivar raised his right hand to Kabria's face brushing it lightly with his fingertips as his eyes gazed into hers.  "I thank you for sharing your story with me, it meant a lot to me.  You have passion, a fire about you that makes me think you would fit in well in the Borderlands.  That is a compliment."  He still felt the urge to avenge her hurt though he offered her a comforting smile.  He wanted to hug her and tell her it would be alright.   


Lightening the mood he said "One day I will tell you about my first encounter with the Mistress of Trainees."  He could not help but laugh out loud at the thought...

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As his fingers traced down her cheeks a fire erupted within her, causing her cheeks to deepen in color and butterflies to dance in her stomach. Was it possible that she had feelings for Perivar? The swirl of emotions was like nothing she had ever felt and Kabria wasn’t quite sure what to make of them. Not wanting to be too bold or make a fool of herself she watched with regret as his hand fell away.


"I thank you for sharing your story with me, it meant a lot to me.  You have passion, a fire about you that makes me think you would fit in well in the Borderlands.  That is a compliment."


Nobody had ever compared her to anything, unless you could count the times she’d been compared to a viperous snake. Shyly she scooted closer to Perivar until theirs knees touched and she could rest her hands in his. "One day I will tell you about my first encounter with the Mistress of Trainees."


“That is a story I would very much like to hear, if the venomous rumors I have heard about her are true.” Still looking at his eyes she laced her fingers through his and smiled.


“ You really think I could belong in the Borderlands? I have always wanted to go and see where mother was born, and maybe try to find my grandparents, but all I know is that they lived in Chachin and from what I read it is no small place. I could search for a lifetime and never find them…if they are still alive. I think maybe it would be enough for me to just see where I came from.”


Using her free hand she tucked her white blonde hair away from her face; a sure sign that she was feeling more comfortable. “I would like to see the whole of the Borderlands, most especially  Tarwin’s Gap and even venture to see Malkier and the Seven Towers. I have heard that it holds some of its beauty even now. I have even thought about trying to see the Waste though first I will content myself with seeing everything on this side of the Spine of the World.”


“Maybe you could travel with me? And show me the Borderlands. I would love to have a guide that had been their before. If you want I could show you Illian, or…around a ship.” Kabria laughed realizing how silly that had sounded. “If I ever see Shenesta again I can show you her ship and where I grew up. Being out on the ocean surrounded by nothing but the sea is a very free feeling. At night when I couldn’t sleep I would climb up to the watch, high up on the mast and close my eyes. With the breeze and the rolling motion of the ship I felt like I could fly.” She had never told anyone that before, she doubted if even Shenesta knew why she had liked to be on the decks at night. “That was a silly childhood fantasy of course. But I would still like to show you, as long as you promise to show me your home. Would you Perivar? Please? I would so love a traveling companion.”She intended to set out and see the world as soon as she was able and the Sisters let her off apron strings.


While begging him to show her the world she stared at his face and tried to picture the Warders cloak on his shoulders. With his swords and chiseled features it fit as if it had always been. So, he was not a prince…he was strong and passionate and handsome. Kabria flushed at just thinking of him that way.

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“That is a story I would very much like to hear, if the venomous rumors I have heard about her are true.” Still looking at his eyes she laced her fingers through his and smiled.  Was she really interested in his story, his life.  Her fingers laced through his made him feel like a kid again.  Did she feel something between them or was she just trying to be polite, perhaps she just thought he was someone to talk to, perhaps a friend.  "No you fool" he thought to himself, do not let fancies take you.


Who would have thought that this was the same woman who a few hours ago was holding a dagger at his head threatening to cut his braid off.  The more they talked the more she seemed to relax, was this what she had been hiding from others.  Was this what was behind the walls, the barriers that she had built up as a way of protecting herself from events in the past.  Perivar found himself hanging on every word, he wanted to respond though she continued to speak of all the things she wanted to do. 


Perivar could not believe how similar their desires were.  As soon as he adjusted himself to the fact that his life was devoted to the Tower he knew that he needed to learn all there was to know about the various nations and their people.  The White Tower's influence ran far from Tar Valon and he would need to know as much as possible to properly serve an Aes Sedai.


"Of course you would fit in the Borderlands, do not sell yourself short.  You have it in you, there is no doubt that Kandori blood courses through your veins.  Maybe you do not see it but I can."


"Chachin is quite large and there are a lot of villages on the outskirts.  No doubt with the proper questions in the right ears we can find them.  A little coin in the right hand can often produce a wealth of information.  We will find them or at least where they lived.  Some people move around a bit but there is always someone who knows where they've gone."


The way she brushed her hair from her face, her laugh was, it was like music to his ears.  Everything about her, the way she lit up when she spoke.  The beauty of the park paled in comparison to her.  She asked him to show her the Borderlands, in return she would would show him Illian, show him a ship. 


At that moment he wanted nothing more, he thought of them traveling together, had she really asked him to travel with her, it all seemed surreal.  He thought of them traveling as Aes Sedai and Warder.  You fool do not get ahead of yourself, that is just a fantasy he scolded himself.  He never thought that he could feel this way, he thought it was something that would never happen since he came to train.  He training to be a guardian in service to the Tower, in service to an Aes Sedai.  He was warned about the pitfalls of emotions...


His training had told him to not go down this road but his heart tore him in the other direction.  What if she felt nothing for you, you are just a blade, a protector.  He warred with himself his heart and mind teetering on the edge.  Her words rang in his ears like a finely tuned harp.  "Would you Perivar? Please? I would so love a traveling companion.”


It all came out in a rush, he could no longer hold it back "Of course I will travel with you, it will be an honor...and a pleasure."  He went on telling her that he wanted her to show him everything, he had never been on a ship, never been to Illian.  On and on he went.


In her presence he felt like a man but feared that he sounded like a boy.  He was riveted as she told him about her experiences on the ship at night, going up into the watch.  What did it feel like to be free, he did not understand the concept.  He knew and understood battle rage, the feeling when blood was racing through yours veins, each breath could be your last. 


"Will we get to sail on a Sea Folk ship?  Could we climb up into the watch?  I would like to experience this feeling of flying?"  He was almost giddy, light what was wrong with him.  He was supposed to be a pillar, an unwavering rock that waves pounded but couldn't break.  He was taught to find the void, to remove all emotion...did it have to be all the time?  Could he afford to be a normal man when the occassion arose. 


Was he capable of going back and forth between the two.  His first responsibility was to protect her life, that would be first and foremost, it had to be.  Light how he warred with himself.  He knew that Loraine Sedia and Master Kynwric's relationship went beyond just that of an Aes Sedai and Warder.  They had spoken of it openly, could he ask Kynwric the questions that bothered him, would it be proper. 


Fool, you are a light-blinded fool.  You are way ahead of yourself, she has not indicated any feelings for you or even given you any indication that she wants you as a warder, you are a fool.  He looked away from Kabria, just the thought of her name was enough let alone looking at her.  What if she wants nothing to do with you after you escort her to the Borderlands.  Just the thought alone made him feel that his heart would stop beating.  This was all so foreign to him. 


He stared North, his mood became somber, he had learned as a child to know which way was North.  Could he go home, what would it be like.  He had spent so much time training to be a servant of the White Tower.  What would it be like to go there.  Home seemed like the wrong word, for almost two years the Training Yard had been his home.  In the blink of an eye he had gone from a life sworn to protect the Blight border to a life in service to the Tower.


Perivar did not know how long he sat staring North.  He formed the flame, pushed all his emotions into the flame assuming the void.  It was either assume the void or the torrent of emotions would carry him away.  When he realized that he was still gazing North he punched the ground with his fist, what followed was meant to be thoughts that he kept to himself though he had unknowingly spoken them out loud.  They were softly spoken though loud enough for her to hear.  The void rocked, this was the first time in over a year since that had happened, the void threatened to collapse around him, his voice was distant...


"How beautiful you are, there is nothing in Tar Valon that compares to your beauty, nothing in this cursed world that compares and yet I sit here warring with my emotions like a fool, worrying about something that will never be, worrying about the past.  Here I sit having to assume the void to keep the flood of emotions from tearing me apart."  "I thought I would never have thoughts like this, I have been honed into a blade into a guardian in service to the White Tower yet what kind of servant would I make letting my emotions go like this...I am not worthy of being your companion though I would follow you to the ends of the earth, I would carve a path through a thousand shadowspawn to see you safe, I would you die for you and yet I do not feel worthy."  He turned to look into her blue eyes and realized that he had spoken the words aloud.  He blushed so deeply that he thought his face would burst.


He stood up, then looked down at her as he said"I'm sorry"..."I did not mean to..." He couldn't form the words "At least let me see you safe to the steps of the Tower.  at least grant me that."

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It was always the simple things in life that mattered the most, and those words that he’d never intended her to hear meant everything. They were an affirmation of her future and of what she had been feeling. She was not just a foolish girl with a fantasy, she was a foolish girl who had met a boy foolish enough to dream as she did. Getting to her feet she stepped closer to Perivar and looked up into his eyes.


“You are more than worthy…for anything in life you choose. But never think for a minute that I would let you die for me without a fight.” Reaching up on tip toes she kissed him lightly on the lips. For the first time in her life it was not just a kiss stolen, but one returned; her first real kiss.


Already in this year she had fallen hard for Jasine, but she knew that now to be a road she could not travel. His love and his heart was already firmly in someone else’s hands and she wished him well. Arath, for a brief moment she a thought there could be something between them, but they had settled into such great friends it would be shame to destroy something so sweet. And today…today she met Perivar and he had unlocked things inside her that she never thought she could feel. It was more than attraction; being with Perivar made her feel like she was home.


Once many years ago she had heard a term, kindred spirits, meaning two people with one heart and there was nothing better to describe what the two of them shared. The realization of what was happening hit her and Kabria wobbled where she stood. She looked up into his face with misty eyes and she smiled. She wanted nothing more than to confess her love and beg him to be her bonded, but that was not proper, that was not how these things were done. You did not find love in the blink of an eye, and even if you did only a fool rushed in blindly. Taking a deep breath she tried to think of what to say what she felt without laying her heart on the line. “ I too have emotions that are threatening to sweep me away, but….There have been so many heart breaks in my life and I am scared of suffering another. It is selfish of me to ask you to wait, but do you think you could?”


Wait for her? Was she some damsel stuck in a tower by the evil witch in need of rescue? NO! That was not her and would never be her.


“What I mean to say is, I think Perivar that you and I could be a great pair. My father once told me about kindred spirits and that is what I think you and I are. Two hearts that beat as one. We share the same passions and desires, and a drive to fight the Shadow that is unmatched and in time…I think you could also have my heart.” Every fiber within her screamed that she should run, to turn away and to forget about Perivar. The strong walls she had built had been cracked and there was nothing left but to let them fall. Kabria would never be a woman who smiled and simpered at men, and she could never be anything but viperous, but she would no longer be afraid. Her blue eyes glinted with a brief anger that she killed with a smile. “Plus if you allow another Sister to so much as even consider taking your bond I will follow through with my promise to take those braids.” She laughed to show him she was joking, but a part of knew that threat was all to true.


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Her words still hung in the air as she kissed him lightly on the lips.  The final straw, the void collapsed around him.  He did not know what to do, all in one day his world had been turned upside down.  Ever since adjusting to his new life, his new purpose he had been focused on one thing.  Now that all changed.


A torrent of thoughts ran through his head.  Kabria had emotions too that threatened to sweep her away?  No it couldn't be, she was just letting him down easy.  She had been hurt before, the last thing he wanted was to hurt her, never that.  He would protect her no matter what, that above all else.  She asked him to wait for her, asked him if he could.


Kabria gave him hope, said they could make a great pair.  He tried to form the flame, find the void, it wouldn't come.  He was not prepared for this.  In time he could have her heart, could it be?  Was it possible?  Together they would fight the Shadow, could he ask for more, could he dare to hope. 


Kabria smiled at him, he didn't even think of attempting the void.  He wanted to feel it, he knew it was wrong though he wanted to feel it.  “Plus if you allow another Sister to so much as even consider taking your bond I will follow through with my promise to take those braids.”   It made him laugh, something he did not do often though he thought that she may just do what she said.  He smoothed his face becoming serious for the moment.


Perivar took her hands in his, the feel of her hands, the bundles of emotions threatening to crush him.  "Kabria, ever since I was a child I was sworn to fight the Shadow, it is all I ever knew or wanted, it is all that mattered until now.  When I was sent here I thought my purpose was gone.  It took me a while to realize that the White Tower fights the same fight but on a grander scale and that was all that I could hope for yet now I find more.  Whether I have your heart or not I will fight by your side 'til my dying breath.  I would consider my life fulfilled, my purpose served on that alone, I can hope for nothing more.  I can think of no greater service to the Tower than to fight along your side, I have found a new focus for my training.  Every moment I spend training in the yards will be for you, so that when my training is complete I may be worthy of being by your side."


"I can wait as long as you need but I can't let myself believe that it could be more than a bond, Aes Sedai and her Warder.  My heart is telling me otherwise but I dare not hope for more, I could not.  Please do not think you have to give me your heart, the closeness, the fondness for one another that forms from the bond is more than I can ask.  I will offer my bond to no other, I swear it beneath the light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth."


Could he dare ask the same of her, she had every right to take on other Warders.  How would he feel sharing her with another, how could he be against it when he knew that another Warder may one day save her life.  It was her choice and her's alone. 


In the course of a single day everything in his world had changed, now he had a new focus to fuel him, Kabria.     

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The feel of his strong hands engulfing hers was a small piece of heaven on earth. Kabria had found someone who would fight the Shadow with the same alacrity as she, and who would be her sword and shield. She should be elated, many women searched for years without finding such a perfect match, and yet a small part of what he said gnawed at her.


“..Please do not think you have to give me your heart, the closeness, the fondness for one another that forms from the bond is more than I can ask..”


She had to make him believe that what she did was always for her own reasons. “Perivar you have to know that I would never make a decision that was not fully my own. Not even a pair of beautiful eyes.” Giggling she reached up and stroked his cheek. “Could make me decide otherwise.” As if in response to their talk Kabria’s heart began to beat loudly in her chest and her stomach tied itself in knots. With Perivar’s promise there was a lifetime to tell him what she felt, but somehow Kabria knew it would be better said now. “I have decided that my heart is safer with you than it would be with any other.” She chewed her lip and struggled to find her next words. “ I know that my words may not be written into stories for their beauty, but they are true and they come from the heart. I care for you a great deal Perivar, and I hope to hold more than your bond. Your passion makes my heart flutter and your dedication makes me soar. In you I have found someone that will not only love me, I hope, but can guard my back and understand that our loves falls second only to our duty to the Tower.” That was as plain as it could be said, and less than proper. “You have made me a great many promises, so I feel I should make one to you. For as long as we live I will always be there, and my steadfastness and my loyalty to you will never falter.”


They were grandiose promises and some would say they were spoken too soon. But meeting Jasine and Arath had taught Kabria that not every decision had to be devoid of passion.


[i] “I want no more promises from you Perivar. I have told you where my heart stands, but I do not require knowledge of yours. That decision is for you to make, in your own time, and if your heart decides it is not me..”[/i] Light the pain! “ “The promise of your bond is enough.” She blushed for the hundredth time that day and tried not to laugh at her own attempt at indifference. 


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Perivar was lost in her beautiful blue eyes, the eyes that earlier held ice had changed to show signs of...joy?  Was that the description he was looking for?  Though now those beautiful eyes showed a hint of concern.  His stomach bound up in knots.  Was she second guessing herself, was she caught in a moment that she now wanted to leave behind.  Her heart had been broken she said, was she going to push him away.


As Kabria spoke the knots began to loosen, her eyes lit up as she giggled.  Never before had another's smile or giggle made him feel this way.  He felt drawn to her, there were no words to do justice to the way he felt.  As she spoke he new his eyes held the shock that he felt deep inside.  Could it be true, her eyes gave every indication that she meant what she was saying.  How could it be?  She was gorgeous, though beyond that she was filled with passion, she possessed an inner strength that seemed unrivaled.  Sharing her bond was enough he thought though she said there could be more, there would be more if he wished it.  Light could she not see that he felt the same, he thought it oozed from him betraying his desire for her.


"Your words are more beautiful then you could ever imagine.  The whole of Tar Valon pales in comparison to your beauty and that of your words, your voice is more sweet than the finest honey.  It is I that cannot truly express the way I feel for you, there are not words eloquent enough to do proper justice to my feelings for you.  I have never in my life felt this way about anyone or anything.  It hurts to know that our love will have to be second to our duty to fight the Shadow though as much as I don't want to admit it it has to be first and foremost.  We have both sworn to a life that promises hardships, not many would endure such a duty yet I hope that I can make you as happy as is humanly possible.  Knowing that you will always be there is like knowing that the sun will always shine even on the darkest of days.  You have the promise of my bond yet I yearn to give you more than that, I yearn to give you every ounce of my being, to love you 'til my dying day."  


Perivar grew uncomfortable feeling that his words were inadequate.  He bent his head to be on a level with hers, with all the passion and desire he possessed, he kissed her.  It was more than just a kiss, his left hand cradled the back of her head while his right arm wrapped around her body.  He could never have imagined that holding her, kissing her could feel this good, again there were no words to compare.  It was as if the outside world ceased to exist.  If he died on the spot he knew his life would be complete though the thought that there could be more surged through him 'til he thought his heart and mind would explode.  When there lips parted he was breathless, his heart pounded so hard that he thought it would pound through his chest.  He hugged her as if he never wanted to let her go.


With his head alongside hers he whispered "I'm sorry I should have asked permission first, it shames me to think I could not control it though the urge was so strong that I could not resist.  Kabria, you have filled me with a passion of the likes which I have never felt before.  If it was inappropriate of me..."  If she felt his actions were improper then his honor could not bear the stain, he would rather die then hurt her.  Light he wished he was better with such things, Jasine would know better than he.  Jasine always knew just what to say...she said she had been hurt before, Jasine or Arath?  Perivar had seen her together with both Jasine and Arath.  Anger filled inside him, had Jasine or Arath hurt her, were they who she had referred to earlier?  How would he feel knowing that his friends had hurt Kabria?  He could not dare to see her hurt, he had learned take hits against his honor and pride but he would not allow her to feel the same, Light help the person that tried.   

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Laying her head against his chest Kabria closed her eyes and reveled in the feeling of being held by a man. For so many years she had pushed them all away, and for what? If this is what she’d been missing, she was very sad for her loss. Still, it was hard to imagine that only a few hours ago she was putting a knife to Perivar’s braids and insulting his honor. Her worst trait was that she often acted before she thought; it was that very trait that the Mistress of Novices said would keep her an Accepted forever. Before she had found her purpose with the Green Ajah that had not seemed such a daunting prospect; now, especially with Perivar as her promised she wanted nothing else but to attain the shawl.


With all the happiness in her heart, there was still room for fear. With everything she’d been through in her life Kabria’s trust ran small. Somehow, not one, but three men had gained some measure of it and all three had been too stubborn to let go. Her cheeks turned red and she was glad her face was still buried in Perivar’s chest. It was shameful to be thinking of the other boys with him right here in her arms. Idly she wondered if they all could be friends? It would be so wonderful to share the happiness she’d found with them.


"I'm sorry I should have asked permission first, it shames me to think I could not control it though the urge was so strong that I could not resist.  Kabria, you have filled me with a passion of the likes which I have never felt before.  If it was inappropriate of me..."


With the boldness of a Saldaean farm girl Kabria stood up on her toes and laced her arms around his neck; pulling him down for another kiss. If there were still any doubts in his mind she indented to erase them with that one moment. Breathless and dizzy from the passion that coursed through her veins Kabria fell back down on her heels and wiggled her way closer wrapping her arms tight around his waist.


If they were seen here, like this it would mean punishment for them both, but Kabria could not make herself care. With his arms tight around her she had never felt so safe. Safety, consistency and comfort had been the things most lacking in her life and now that she’d at least part of that she didn’t want it to end. But her duty to the Tower and now to Perivar tugged at her and she pulled back gathering his hands in hers. “We have been gone for hours Perivar.” His name felt like silk on her lips. “It pains me to leave you soon so after having found you, but we need to get back. At least I do, if I come back late again I may never attain the shawl.”


How much of her troubled life in the Tower should he know? Those truly were thoughts for another time. Now she had to find a way to say goodbye that did not make her sound like a maiden in a book or a callous rogue. Why were emotions so hard for her?


“I will be thinking about you every minute we are apart” She smiled up at him, any traces of anger gone, and with fear well masked. “I would love to see you again, if you can get away I will be in the gardens by the old oak tree everyday, just after high. I go there to read and to get away, but your company would not go amiss. Sometimes Arath meets me there to bring me drawings, do you know him?” Passing by the question she reached up for another kiss. “Maybe when you’re free you could help teach me about my dagger. It is of little use unless I know how to use it.”


The point of her entire outing had gotten lost in the anger and the passion that had followed. The slim dagger and green sheath lay practically forgotten in the grass, next to what was left of their lunch. Bending to pick it up Kabria pressed it into Perivar’s hands. “Here you keep this, I cannot have it yet and perhaps it will remind you not to forget me while you’re training in the yards.” With something very close to a flirtatious smile Kabria winked. “Walk me back to the tower?” she said trying to cover the awkwardness of her flirting attempt.


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Her answer was in the form of a kiss, Kabria went up on her toes wrapping her arms around his neck drawing him closer.  This kiss seemed even more passionate and he thought for sure that his heart would stop beating from the intensity of his feelings for her.  She lowered herself wrapping her arms tightly around his waist.  After countless moments she backed away taking his hands in hers.  Her smaller hands seemed to match his perfectly, the sensation of her touch was magical.  Her soft hands held a strength that was undeniable. 


Her words brought him back to reality, a glance at the sun said it was much later then he had realized.  His time with her had flown though he longed for more.  He wanted to stay like this forever though he knew it was not possible.  They both had to complete their training in order for them to truly be together.  It was a bittersweet thought.  Kabria would be thinking of him, was it a dream, the way she said his name made him feel as if he was the only man in the world.  She smiled too, light but her smile could replace the sun! 


Arath meets her to bring her drawings, did he know him?  The fact that they met occasionally hurt deep inside.  Perivar felt like he had been punched in the gut by a Trolloc.  He was jealous, anger began to well up inside him until she reached up for another kiss.  He would teach her to the best of his ability, one day her life may depend upon that skill.  I will teach you whatever you wish so that you may survive to spend another day with me.  It was a selfish thought but it was there nonetheless.


He took the dagger when she offered it to him, a daily reminder as if he could ever get the thought of her out of his head.  He knew that he needed no reminder yet she could not posses it yet.  When she took his offered arm he began walking toward the tall white spire that mocked him.  For the moment he hated it, it was a symbol of what brought them together yet now it represented what would hold them apart.  He talked as they walked commenting on all that she had said.


"I will be thinking always as well.  Every morning when I wake you will be my first thought, when I see the sun rise I will think of you.  When the sun sets I will cherish it and counts the minutes until it rises the next day.  I will meet you as often as I can in the gardens, by the old oak tree, just after high.  I cannot wait to see you again.  You are right about the dagger, it is of little use with the proper training.  I will spend as much time as we can both find together to show you the proper care and use for it."  He refused to look at the Tower as the came closer to it.  He knew it was closer than he wished, standing tall above the city laughing at him.  Light let it not be too soon, he wanted to talk to her forever, their time together was far too short.


"Perhaps Arath has drawn a picture of you, nothing could serve as a better reminder than a drawing.  I know he has incredible skill, if he does not already have one made then I will ask him to make one for me."  He paused a moment the thought of them together made his heart ache.  "If I were an artist I would draw pictures of you all day, I would capture every pose, every look, every smile so I could feel closer to you when we are apart."


Perivar knew their time was at an end, before they reached the Tower Grounds he pulled her aside just into the mouth of an alley.  "This is all so bittersweet.  After all this time I find you yet in a few days I will be leaving on a mission for the Tower when I want nothing more than to spend my time with you.  It is the final part of my training before getting raised to Tower Guard.  One step closer to the day when I can be a Warder and be bound to an Aes Sedai."  He purposely looked at her knowing in his heart that is was to her that he longed to be bound.


Fishing under his shirt he pulled out a charm which hung around his neck on a golden chain.  The charm was in the shape of a shield, the shield was green with a black sun in the upper left corner.  In the center was a golden horse rearing up on its hind legs with its front legs in a guarding or attacking position how ever you decided to interpret it.  His family's coat of arms, a reminder of their vow to fight the Shadow and to defend the Borderlands from the encroaching darkness.  He reached behind his head unclasping the thick golden chain which he then fastened around Kabria's neck. 


"A reminder of my love and my oath to you.  It came from my mother, a gift on the morning that I left for Tar Valon.  A reminder of our family and our duty.  It was the second time that I ever saw her cry.  She would approve of you having it.  If ever you find yourself in the Borderlands and in need of help simply show it and you will have all the help you need.  Keep it as a reminder of me though even more importanly as a means of protection or aide should you ever need it.  It may even be of some use outside of the Borderlands."   He shrugged to hide his embarassment, acting like some hero from a book.  Light he prayed that she would never have need of it though he knew that her course held as much danger as any could imagine.


"The Light keep you safe until I see you again.  I will think of you always.  Tomorro I will look for you by the tree in the gardens just after high."  With that he bent down to kiss her one last time.     


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