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the Great Outdoors (intermediate weapon forms)


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It was Corwin's second class of the day.  He had taken the students outdoors for his first, the classroom was just too confining.  This one had to be taught outdoors.  And so Corwin waited.  All of the students supposedly had the basic weapon forms class done, but Corwin had in mind to see just how much they really knew first.  There were supposed to be five students, so he couldn't match them up evenly, but he could use the numbers to humble any that needed it...


As Corwin waited, he saw that there were the three students from his previous class... they would really start to hate him.



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Honestly, Arath didn't know how Jasine got his information. First, the other trainee had found the Oneness class, and then yesterday had told him about this Advanced Forms class. Not only was it a class Arath needed, it was a class instructed by a blademaster. Arath had never studied under a blademaster- sure his teachers were strong, but not that strong. Arath was giddy, he couldn't imagine what it would be like learning from a Master.


Without even realizing it, Arath began mentally picturing what a blademaster would look like. He would be a big man, probably, with a muscular build. He would probably be scarred too, after all it took many battles to become a blademaster. And probably rough hands. He probably wouldn't be a kind instructor, all work and no play. Arath had seen many very proficient swordsmen in his stay at the Yards, and most of them seemed to be very strict. The mental picture seemed very familiar... almost like he had seen someone like that a long time ago.


Putting the thoughts out of his mind, Arath saw his instructor. The man was much like he imagined, tall, muscular, scarred, and strict looking. Oddly enough, Arath got the same feeling of knowing this man. It was like he had met him before but could not remember where. Suddenly a cloud blocked out the sky and a shadow was cast over the blademaster. Imidiately, Arath recognized the Master; it had been over a year since he last saw the man. It was in the forest on the edge of the Yards, and the man had given him a sound beating. Arath couldn't even remember why the crazed Blademaster was after him.


Wow! He had managed to sucessfully run away from a blademaster! Arath felt a surge of pride before a sense of doom in the pit of his stomach. What if the blademaster recognized him? What if whatever grudge the man had against him resurfaced? From the blank look on the master's face, it didn't look like he was recognized, and Arath prayed that it stayed that way. His pace slower and not as enthusiastic as before, Arath made his way to his instructor.

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Jasine had told Arath about the more advanced forms class over lunch, which he'd gotten to late.  Being late to lunch was something Jasine nearly always managed to avoid, but after his first class he had had to visit the horses in the stable because he hadn't gotten to them this morning.  There'd been another note hidden in Rao's tack for him from his sister and he'd had to scribble a response once he found paper and a pen.  Because of that, when Arath finished his lunch and went to leave to the class, Jasine was left in the lunch room for a few minutes with his food to think about taking another class from Master Corwin.  Two in one day.


His earlier class with Master Corwin had already made an impression on him.  The man was confident, clearly skilled, and there were times when Jasine was a little awed at how much he could learn from the guy.  Master Kynwric and Master Jesse had both been able to teach him lots of things as well, but the both of them were so personable and easy to like; Kynwric even seemed to go out of his way to befriend his pupils.  Master Corwin, on the other hand, just seemed to be this unfathomable well of warder knowledge and he wondered how Corwin's teaching style would differ when he was teaching something that was more martial and physical.  He hoped Corwin wouldn't be as merciless as his reputation suggested.


Jase finished up his lunch without further conversation with those warders, tower guards, and trainees also in the lunch room and then made his way to the Tower grounds where Corwin had said they were going to meet for this class.  He saw Arath in front of him, just now getting to Corwin, and decided the boy must have walked along about as slow as he could to not have already been there.  He trotted across the tower grounds and caught up just after Arath arrived at where their instructor stood.


Once again, Jasine bowed crisply to the man and greeted him.  "Hello again, Master Corwin.  Did you miss me?"  The cheeky grin Jasine flashed was something he couldn't stop himself from doing, and it was only after he'd smiled that he hoped Corwin took the greeting as lightly as he meant it.

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OOC: Couldn't help it, had to write about Jasine's foolishness. :D


IC: Arath paled as he stared at his friend. Did the other trainee really have to flash that coy smile at every superior he had? Perhaps if the Mistress had punished him sufficiently the first time then he wouldn't have gone on the other thousand times. Most of the time, he got away with it (Jasine just had an innocant air about him that made it hard to be mad at him) but Arath knew first hand how violent this particular blademaster could get.


"Light, Jasine, someday you're gonna get yourself killed." Arath muttered to himself.

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Perivar arrived at the training grounds and frowned briefly as he realized he was not the first student to arrive.  He was usally one of the first to arrive yet lately that didn't seem to be the case.  He made his greetings to Master Corwin, Jasine and Arath with a respectful bow for Master Corwin.


He had been training the basic forms that Master Kynwric taught him as often as possible and was eager to learn the more advanced forms.  This was his first weapon class with Master Corwin so he had no idea what to expect.  Whatever the case it was good to be taught by different instructors as each had their own tips and pointers.


He formed the flame pushing all emotions into it bringing on the oneness as he patiently waited for the other trainees to arrive. 

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Of course the kid with the annoying smile came as one of the first.... naturally.  Corwin didn't let it show though, he kept his face as blank as ever.  Once three students had arrived, he decided to get things moving, they would always begin the class the same, so the other two could catch up later.  The kid with the bells was going to have to give them up, it was a style Corwin never took for himself.  Not only did they look ridiculous, but it eliminated any stealth.


As the students eagerly awaited the class, Corwin surprised them all, Lets see what yall know.  It took a few moments for them to register what he was asking, so Corwin told them again, Basic Weapon forms, go through them...now!  Corwin waited to see the floundering begin.




OOC: I normally wont post before work in the mornings, but I thought I would let you three have some fun today

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Master Corwin's voice broke the silence, "Lets see what yall know."  Perivar stood there like the others waiting for further instructions on what exactly Master Corwin wanted to see.  Master Corwin said "Basic Weapon forms, go through them...now!" by his tone he had expected them to understand what he meant the first time.


With shield already in hand and firmly in the void, Perivar took on the form Leopard in a Tree then quickly unfolded the fan flowing into Lion on a Hill.  From there Perivar flowed through the various forms.  He knew no matter how well he thought he did that Master Corwin would find his performance lacking.  Master Corwin was a Blademaster, next to him they would all look like they were holding a sword for the first time.


Perivar continued to flow through the forms going from one to the next with as much skill as he could muster.  Arc of the Moon then The Courtier Taps his Fan into The Kingfisher takes a Silverback flowing back into The Courtier Taps his Fan.  Then he performed The Falcon Stoops which only a trained eye could tell that it was not The Kingfisher takes a Silverback


He continued flowing through the forms as best he could, Heron Wading in the Rushes with a simultaneous shield slash as Master Kynwric had taught him.  Normally Heron Wading in the Rushes was not used except for practicing balance though the presence of the shield made it viable in combat.


Perivar performed Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose the quick hard face thrust then Parting the Silk the mid level slash then into The Grapevine Twines meant to disarm an opponent.  He finished the forms then remained in Lion on a Hill.  He remained in the void, he had no idea what Master Corwin thought of his performance though he felt fresh, a product of the daily regimen of practicing the forms.  He stood there in Lion on a Hill calmly waiting on Master Corwin to tear him apart.

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He nodded to Master Corwin clarifying his order and stepped back to move through the forms. As he stepped away, he whispered to Arath, "Not today, I suppose." He put his hands on the hilt and then as he let the Void fall over him and distance him from his emotions and bring him closer to awareness of everything else, he began to move.


He'd practiced his basic forms almost fanatically since his first class had completed, and the weeks he had been here so far had already helped his endurance and strength.  Little had improved his speed, however, so as he moved through the forms he was precise and steady, but his blade didn't flash in the sunlight like Jesse's did.  Steadily, he Unfolded the Fan as he moved from Leopard in the Tree to Lion on the Hill.  He slashed through Arc of the Moon, The Falcon Stoops, and the more dedicated Kingfisher Takes a Silverback.  He pulled his sword up into The Courtier Taps his Fan and then thrust through Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose before finishing with Parting the Silk


As he had done when practicing, the Heron Wading in the Rushes was performed three times, once with each hand alone on the blade and once with both hands on the hilt, which was his preferred style.  He should have performed it more, while standing on each leg, but he didn't think Corwin would have asked them to be that broad with performing every single motion.  This one, however, he did perform more than once because his two-handed style made the balancing considerably more difficult - he couldn't hold his off hand out to steady himself.


As Jasine finished his forms, he left The Grapevine Twines for last, and this one he nudged Arath's elbow and called him to do the form with him.  They did the form together twice, with each of them getting the better of the other based on which initiated the movement.  Jasine let Arath take the initiative first, the twist of his blade forcing the hilt from both of his hands with surprising ease.  Arath really was a lot stronger than Jasine, even though the boy was training regularly.  When he twisted his hands together to knock the blade from his friend's hand.  He'd only done the move with another trainee and couldn't think how to show that he was performing it without the assistance of another blade. 


When that was done he Folded the Fan once more and stood with his left hand rested on the hilt at his left hip.

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By the time Melenis finished her morning laps, she noticed that the class on advanced forms had started a bit ahead of schedule. Judging by the basic forms Jasine and the other guy were going through, it couldn't have been by much though. Taking the ashandarei off of her back almost as soon as she reached the clearing, she gave a respectful bow to Corwin and a friendly nod at the other two students before settling into forms of her own.


She started out with the polearm version of Lion on a Hill, blade of the weapon angled downwards forty-five degrees as Kynwric had taught her. From there, she performed Arc of the Moon and Parting the Silk, one flowing over into the other. She paused for a second, and Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose followed The Courtier taps the Fan just as quickly. Another second of pause, and her weapon spun around in her hands, the butt end moving in the downward stab that defined The Kingfisher takes a Silverback, after which her weapon spun again, this time bringing the blade end down in The Courtier taps his Fan. Lastly, she performed Grapevine Twines against an invisible opponent, after which she pivoted in Heron Wading in the Rushes taking the same imaginary opponent's head off in a horizontal slash.


After that, she took a few steps back, waiting on Corwin's reaction. She didn't know the man, but the more experienced Warders were fairly easy to spot. She didn't know much about how the Warders ranked up in terms of skill, and tried to imagine who would win should the man training them today face Kynwric in a spar. She made a mental note to ask though, just the speed at which they would be fighting would be enough to pick up a pointer or two. Not to mention know what level Warders were expected to be at. Melenis wasn't about to let her emotions take control of her like they had during the Night of Rememberance, but she found a small bit of curiousity leak through nonetheless. She'd have to train on that later.




Back in business

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Arath paid close attention to the instructions, and formed the Void. Normally he wouldn't use the Void, because it almost seemed like a crutch to Arath, but he doubted he could do his forms being so nervous. He started with Leopard in the Tree, a ready position. After spending over a year in the Yards, his stance was second nature. His legs were spread shoulder width, putting his weight on the front his feet. His knees were bent slightly, and his elbows were close to his body- not close enough to impeed him, but close enough not to be targets. He had practiced the basic forms countless times already, making them not only smooth, but swift and speedy.


After pausing for a heartbeat, Arath continued into Unfolding the Fan, drawing his blade and striking diagonally upwards. With his blade high, he quickly flowed into the Falcon Stoops, prefering the quick strike to The Courtier Taps His Fan. He found that while the form was meant to strike at midlevel, it could be easily adapted to strike overhead. After, Arath stepped forward with his right foot, slipping into Arc of the Moon. Stepping forward again, this time with his left foot, after struck with Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose, the quick strike stabbing the face of his invisible opponent. He faked Parting the Silk, moving his sword downwards before pivoting into The Wind Blows Over the Wall*. The form struck at his opponent's wrist before impaling him through the chest. His imaginary opponent dead, Arath Folded the Fan, sheithing his sword calmly. All of the forms had been done quickly, one after another, in a barrage of strikes, betraying the agressive nature of his swordwork.


Feeling the tap on his elbow, Arath Unfolded the Fan again, and performed The Grapevine Twists with Jasine. The first time he initiated it, disarming the other trainee, and the second time his friend disarmed him. Picking up his sword and sheithing it, Arath turned to the Blademaster and waited for his comment, trying to ignore the anxiousness hovering outside the Void.


OOC: Wind Blows Over the Wall is a from that's on the Warder website but added from TV.net, so it may be unfamiliar to you, Joe

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Watching the children, Corwin waited till they were done.  Once they had all finished Corwin waited a few moments and then said, Well I suppose those will do, but you are all obviously new to them.  Now, until those are learned to the point you all can do them without thinking, we will not move on.  Those basic forms are needed to build on.  Now...  Thinking a moment, Corwin picked two students out and asked them their names.  One of them he remembered, and he could tell the kid remembered him too.  But Corwin didn't want to give away the fun.  The other was a girl named Melenis, she went with a weapon not used by many Warders, but if was her choice really.


The two came a bit nervously, not knowing what Corwin had in mind, but it didn't matter.  Now Arath, pick one of the two left, and not Melenis, and you two will spar.  Melenis you get the remaining person to spar with.  I want to see you four trying you're best, so....  Corwin then left to get a barrel of the practice blades.  You will all fight until I decide we've had enough for the day.  Whenever one of you loses, keep track of that, I will be.  With that, Corwin  began to walk to the fence, but turned and said one last thing, Remember, running is not an option.  He wasn't looking at Arath, but Arath seemed to have let the words cut deep.



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Arath bit back a scowl- new to the forms? He had practiced those forms for months! Suddenly Arath realized how much he hated his instructor. This man had been the first challenge Arath overcame after coming to the Yards; at that time he was glad to just get away with his life, but now he was stronger. It had been over a year since he had been the pathetic pipsqueak that he was in Caemlyn, and he had almost forgotten his feelings of inferiority and anger. However, this man made him feel weak just by his presence.


He acknoweldged the blademaster's words and unhesitatingly picked Jasine. He was familiar with Melenis (he got along very well with her but he didn't know if he would call her a friend) and with her not an option Jasine was the most obvious choice. He would call himself friends with Perivar, but he was definately closer to Jasine- besides, Melenis and Perivar had both been warriors before coming to the Tower, they would probably be good friends given the chance.


It was Corwin's parting words that really struck a cord with him. No running away? Light, what had the man expected him to do? Sit there and get beaten down by the loonatic living in the forrest? Arath clenched his jaw- he would show the man running away!


OOC: heh, Selene, I have some fun things planned for this thread, poke me on Yahoo

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Perivar listened as Master Corwin spoke about their work with the forms, based on his comments he was less than satisfied.  He refused to move on with the training until he was satisfied therefore he made them spar using the basic forms.  Perivar picked up a practice sword from the barrel which Master Corwin had brought out to them.  The practice sword was a match for his true sword in both size and shape thought it weighed less. 


Perivar watched as Arath picked Jasine, it almost made him laugh since the two were always sparring it seemed.  He waited while Melenis picked out a practice weapon that matched her polearm.  This would be an interesting match he thought.  He felt that he stood a better chance than the others since he had a shield where they would not.  Even so this would be no easy affair, she held the range and if he could not close with her then he would have difficulty.  He would have to remain in guard and leave no openings as he closed.


Perivar flashed his practice sword in a salute then bowed respectively to Melenis advising her that he was ready.



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It took a bit to upset Jasine, and while Corwin's words about his students being new to the forms didn't do it, his insistence that they practice the old forms when they were supposed to be learning the new forms did.  If asked, he would have very insistently said he did not pout at Corwin's announcement, but he certainly frowned.  Of course he was new to the forms, he was still new to the sword itself! It would take years to get to the point where the sword felt like an extension of himself, not a separate thing, but part of him completely. 


Master Corwin was his master for a reason, though.  So instead of voicing any complaint over them practicing the same forms over again, he smoothed his features and assumed the Void to help him push away his disappointment and focus on the task Corwin had set out for him.  He was relieved when Corwin moved towards the practice blades after saying they should try their best.  He was still not particularly comfortable with using genuine steel against his friends, even in practice.


Under nearly any circumstances, Jasine wouldn't have hesitated at the chance to spar with Arath.  The shorter boy was beaten in reach, but Jasine hadn't managed to even come close to his speed; it was challenging, fun, and usually a great work out.  Today, however, Arath just looked like his nerves were rubbed to raw and something Corwin had said seemed to really have upset his friend.  Before taking up the bundles lathes that made such fine practice swords, he stared a moment, looking from Arath to Corwin and back, unusually stripped of his usual joviality.


He shook off the gloom and drew the weapon up, standing ready at Lion on the Hill since his lathe didn't really sheathe very well.  He left his own weapon at his hip, the steel a comforting weight even if it might get in his way a bit.  He looked from Corwin back to Arath again and then nodded to the boy that he was ready.


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OOC: far too lazy to actually look up the forms, so I'll be menioning only a few.


IC: Arath scowled as he got into a ready stance; so Corwin thought that he would run away? Arath had come a long way from when he first got to the Yards. He faced Jasine, and for a moment felt worried that the boy wasn't smiling- Jasine always smiled. Arath couldn't help feeling a bit of disgruntlement; it was about bloody time that boy learned that not everything in life was fun and games.


Seeing that his friend was ready, Arath started out, stabing forward. Stabbing was Arath's favorite type of strike, because most unexperienced swordsmen didn't know how to block it. He had fought with Jasine enough though, that the other boy knew to get out of the way and slash at him while he was extended. As the fight went on, Arath began seeing less and less of Jasine, and in his anger, began seeing his opponent as Corwin. He took out all of his anger at the man; his blows, normally light and quick, now had much more force behind them. Fuled by anger and adrenaline, Arath was fighting ferociously, showing no mercy.


Eventually, he began an inner monologue, mocking Corwin (in his mind of course). How pathetic this man was, to go around claiming to be a blademaster at this level of skill? He was slow, unskilled, and he had obvious flaws in his form. In fact, he just made a huge mistake- moving in, Arath preformed The Grapevine Twists and easily disarmed his opponent. Deciding to continue on, Arath's lathe was about to hit his opponents head quite painfully when he was snapped out of his delusions. He managed to stop his stick a hair's breath away from the other trainee, and stared shocked at him. Both of them were obviously suprised- Jasine at Arath's actions, and Arath that he had nearly injured his best friend.


"I-I..." Arath merely bent down and retrieved Jasine's lathe. "We're supposed to keep going..." Arath murmered. In the next duel, Arath fought slower than usual, hesitant and unwilling to become lost in the fight like he was the last time. He saw openings but refused to take advantage of them, not wanting to hurt Jasine. The fight continued on like this, until he ended up getting a whack on the leg from Jasine, tripping him. It wasn't particularly painful, but rather shocking. He looked up at Jasine, only to see the familiar smile on his face, which Arath returned. Jasine extended a hand to help him up, and Arath accepted it. He knew that in the same way two men delt with all things like this, he was forgiven wordlessly and they would forget about it, going on like it never happened.


Grinning, Arath continued: "The Master wants to see bladework... why don't we show off for him?"

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Jasine hadn't smiled at all during that first bout with Arath.  Normally, he was able to find joy in their spars, at personal triumphs or even really good moves made by his opponent.  His pride in his own abilities as well in those of his friend's made it easy to smile when they were usually sparring.  But something wasn't right with Arath, and as they moved back and forth and the boy's attacks became more violent and even more swift, Jasine was soon pressed to do little more than frantically defend himself.  He knew he must look a fool to Master Corwin, but he'd never seen Arath act like this before and his concern over his friend was interfering with his own ability to concentrate on the fight.


When Jasine's sword went flying after a swift and remarkably succinct Grapevine Twines, Jasine was startled into going stock still when Arath's blade didn't stop there.  He saw it almost like slow motion, and knew he should duck or move out of the way, but he just stared, eyes wide.  The breezed flicked at his hair and he could feel it brushing across Arath's practice lathes as they stood completely still for a moment and he looked into his best friend's eyes.  Arath turned away and when he handed Jasine his own sword back again, Jase took it.  The change in Arath from before that moment and after it was clear as day, and as Jasine waited for Arath to snap out of his stupor, he decided that if Arath wouldn't fight, he'd make him defend.  Tripping the shorter boy was easier than it ever should have been, but the drop seemed to knock him out of it, and suddenly Jasine found himself able to smile again.


As he helped Arath up off the ground, his smile grew at the confidence he heard in the boy's words and he nodded and laughed for a moment before falling to their spar with a will.


Jasine and Arath had practiced together probably more than any other trainees in the yard they both knew each other's styles thoroughly.  It might be making warriors out of them that were too specialized in their skills, but it did make them look good together.  As they danced through the forms, their rhythms matched up and it looked almost seamless.  Sure, there were openings that more experienced warriors could have ridden a charging stallion through, and neither of them were as quick as they would be once they were more trained, but it was fun.


Jasine looked away from Arath only when one or the other of them had been bested and was either dropped to the ground or had lost their swords.  On each of these occasions he looked to Corwin to see if they had practiced enough.  The grim expression and hard eyes said more than the man needed to - or was apparently going to, and each time Jasine moved back into the spar, a little more tired and a little less chipper.  As they day wore on, his smiled went from near constant to only flashing briefly whenever one of them performed a move that was particularly well done. 


At last came the moment where Arath had countered a strike with a block that was forceful enough to make Jasine stumble back and land on his rear, yet again.  He hung his head and rest on the ground for a long moment, not sure that he could get up and keep going.  They must stop at some point, right?  Why not now?  Panting hard, he thought of Thera and asked if there was a moment where he would stop fighting for her.  With a loud groan he forced himself back to his feet and, stumbling within range of his friend who was obviously as close to exhausted as he was, brought his sword up into The Lion on the Hill once again, blinking sweat and dust from his eyes.

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Melenis indicated that she was ready so it began.  In combat you had to act, there was very little time for thought and plans went by the wayside as soon as the opening blow was struck.  That being said there were some basics that held true.  Melenis had a practice version of the polearm which she carried.  She had the range and probably an edge on Perivar in regards to speed.  Perivar with his sword and shield had more protection and an edge in close.


They both flowed through the forms.  Once early on Perivar got inside after deflecting Melenis's weapon with his shield.  With her weapon off to his left he unleashed Parting the Silk and was surprised when Melenis blocked it with the haft of her weapon.  She quickly put some distance between them and was out of range of his sword in the blink of an eye.


There were only a few people at the yards that practiced with polearms so Perivar had not faced many of them.  On the other hand there were not a lot of trainees who chose sword and shield so they were equal in that respect.  Had the two of them been on the same side they would make quite a force to contend with.  His shield and her reach would be a dangerous combination to opponents.


For each time that Perivar landed a strike Melenis was sure to return the favor.  After each had landed a few strikes he took a quick glance at Master Corwin though he showed no sign of wanting them to stop.  Perivar lifted his left arm quickly adjusting his shield and strap.  He felt like a turtle spending much of his time in guard.  With a nod they returned to sparring.

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Melenis looked at Perivar, assessing him from the relative safety her advantage in reach gave her. Though every time he attacked she'd have a free strike at him, Perivar's shield enabled him to keep his guard close to his own body, whereas her weapon relied on mobility. She took a deep breath, and moved into an inverted Arc of the Moon again, resulting in a low strike at around leg height. It was one of the small modifications she had trained on when Kynwric had told her to practise the forms.


Perivar blocked it with his shield again though, much like Kynwric had the few times she had sparred him. Shield users were almost as rare as polearm wielders in the Yards, and given that the only other shield user she knew was Kynwric she was a bit limited in what she could use on him. The Warder training her really did block everything she had tried on him.


Trying out something new again, she shifted her grip on the weapon to be in the middle, and struck out using both blade and haft to alternate her attacks from one side of Perivar's body to another. Though she was starting to get tired herself, she wanted to know what her opponent would do if his shield arm would start to slow down.


During the spar, she didn't look at Corwin. Either he'd say the spar was over, or it wasn't over. While it did take longer than usual, she wasn't all too concerned with that, seeing it as a sign of her progress that at their current level they'd be expected to have the stamina to spar for extended periods of time.




Trying something that failed against Kynwric ;)

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OOC: ok this needs to progress, so I am just going to move it along, hope no one gets pissed off about that




Corwin watched as the students slowed more and more.  Their muscles were pushed to their limits and beyond, no one wanted to drop, but he could see they were ready too.  Especially the girl with the pole arm, that weapon was just too tiring, she was going to have to try hard to get her endurance up for that one.  That or carry a very light weapon to help throw an enemy off.  The kids all tried giving him sidelong glances at him regularly now, he could tell they were trying to figure out just what he was doing.  It was evening, and they had only spared.


Well I suppose that must do for the day, tomorrow we might move on, if you all aren't as sloppy with your basic forms as today.  Class dismissed.


Corwin watched as the kids shuffled away and noticed who flocked toward whom.  He had to get them going against people they weren't used to, and friends always rubbed off on each other, whether they sparred together or not.  Looking at his swords, he remembered his spars with his friends from before... Borax especially, but that was all long ago.  Feeling out, he could feel Eqwina, but he wasn't going to find her right now.  He wasn't going to risk interrupting her "business".


Tomorrow was a new day and he was going to see many of those students the whole day.  But that was okay, they needed to learn, and he didn;t mind teaching as much now... the fact none of them complained helped a lot.  But if they had....




OOC: Corwin will but satisfied with the forms on the next day, so you can put that in your post

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Arath collapsed onto the ground after the latest spar with Jasine. He didn't even remember what the score was, for he had lost count somewhere after the thirtieth spar. Arath was proud to notice, however, that they (Jasine, Perivar, Melenis, and himself) were the last four to collapse. The other trainees had just been sitting and watching them, while gasping for breath. Finally, Corwin found it prudent to end the class and barked out his dismissal.


Arath went back to the barracks exhausted and sore, before collapsing onto his bed. Arath woke up the next morning, luckily on time. Yawning and stretching, Arath got out of bed, trying to ignore the soreness of his muscles. Arath strapped on his sword before making his way to intermediate forms class once again. Like the previous day, the Blademaster ordered them to pair off and spar, and told them to spar once more. This time, however, he seemed to accept their preformance and told them to stop.


Arath was excited to finally learn the intermediate forms and not spar all day. He had learned a few of the forms here and there, just by being around for a long time. Sometimes while he was training, a bored Tower Guard would offer him some tips, or a more advanced Trainee would show him a trick. Arath found that the trainees who were really close to their raising tended to get arogant and would show you how to do some forms if you acted really impressed.

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Perivar was glad when Master Corwin dismissed them telling them to return in the morning.  His muscles burned, he felt like he could not perform another stroke had his life depended upon it.  That night he slept like the dead.


Perivar woke the next morning, every muscle in his body was sore.  Perivar made his way to the training ground where he met the others.  When they were all said and done his muscles burned worse then the day before.  Today had gone better, by the end of the day Master Corwin seemed to be satisfied with their basic forms.  He made them trade partners so they were fighting against different styles.  Perivar fell asleep early that night receiving some much neede rest.

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Jasine had forced himself to finish out his day as he usually would, and he thought it may have helped with the soreness.  He hadn't been able to run his laps, that probably would have killed him, but he thought the sparring they had been forced to do would count well enough as  endurance training.  He certainly felt as though he had endured quite enough.


By the time class started, he had already seen Master Corwin for the Blight Survival lecture and when he sparred today and he moved through his forms he was determined to show the man that he was worthy of being trained further.  When his acceptance and praise did come, begrudging as it was, Jasine felt his pride glow under it.  The man may be grumpy and quick with an insult, but that only made his approval that much more meaningful.


Once Corwin had indicated that he would indeed be training them in the new forms Jasine bowed again, this time showing his thanks. As tired as he was, and the rest of his friends seemed equally sore if not more so, he was glad when Corwin called a halt to the sparring and show of basic forms. 


Now the real lessons could begin and he eagerly awaited instruction.

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Despite their spar slowing down considerably, she noted with some degree of satisfaction that Perivar started to lower his shield, the weight pulling his arm further down now. She herself didn't have the speed and stamina to exploit the weakness any longer, but just seeing it there felt like a small victory in itself. Still, the spar carried on for a couple of minutes -- mostly some weak swings by her, which Perivar blocked -- yet neither of them were able to launch an actual attack anymore.


As Corwin muttered his order, Melenis crouched on the floor, half-leaning on her ashandarei with its tip in the ground. Taking a few deep breaths, she managed to stand up again before walking towards the Barracks. Right now, her body ached for rest, and she honestly agreed with it.


The next morning, she was sore all over, which she had expected when she crashed down on the bed the night before. She still did some basic stretching exercises though, yet skipped her morning laps. Corwin wanted them back for class today, and if the last time was any indication he'd try and work them to death again.


Once there, she went through her forms, which to her appeared to go much more fluid than they had yesterday. Corwin agreed, apparently, as she believed she spotted a satisfied look on his face, though it was hard to tell. Whatever the case, after she had finished she mentally prepared herself for another full day of sparring, already looking at the other Trainees present to see who she'd end up sparring today.




Bring it.

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With a curt nod, Corwin decided it was time for them to learn more.  They still had room to improve on their forms, but every new kid did.  Thinking back to yesterday, Corwin paired them up opposite from what there were last time.  He put Arath with Melenis, and the other two naturally went together since there were no other choices.  But the real fun would come later.  Taking the Arath/Melenis companionship aside, Corwin told the other two to practice their forms, but not spar right now.


With the other two aside, Corwin spent an hour showing them four forms, The Boar Rushes Down the Mountain, The Creeper Embraces the Oak, The Falling Leaf, The Heron Spreads its Wings.  Corwin then told them, Practice these until I told you to stop... and if you stop early... you will remember why to listen to what I say.


Corwin then went to the other two and taught them The River Undercuts the Bank, The Swallow Takes Flight, The Swallow Rides the Air, Tower of Morning.  This was going to be interesting later on.  But all four seemed eager to learn as much as they could.  Giving them the same message as before, Corwin went to a middle ground and balanced watching both groups.  There were times he had to go help them, but that was the life of a teacher.  As he watched them, he saw the comfort and pride build... watching it crash down tomorrow would be entertaining.



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Corwin spent an hour showing them four forms, The River Undercuts the Bank, The Swallow Takes Flight, The Swallow Rides the Air, Tower of Morning.  Perivar practiced the forms with sword and shield though later on his own time he would have to practice with just his sword.  He would not always have the shield readily available so he had to know how to fight without it as well.


He practiced them individually first, The River Undercuts the Bank , a horizontal slash that could either be used to behead or disembowel an opponent, The Swallow Takes Flight, A diagonal slash starting low then rising followed by a thrust, The Swallow Rides the Air, a mobile guard stance used after The Swallow Takes Flight, Tower of Morning, A vertical slash, starting low and ending high.


Perivar practiced them individual then began to attempt to use them together flowing from one to the other.  His muscles began to ache and burn waiting for Master Corwin to give the command to stop.


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