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Hello from Bangkok

Lady Annetta

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Hey guys!


I have to admit that this is my first time joining an online community. So I am very new to everything and probably would ask very stupid questions along the way. I have been an active reader all my life and first heard of WoT when I was studying in NZ a few years back. I am a big fan of LOTR so didn't think about picking up WoT until recently.


Currently I am reading the 4th book in WoT series & loving it! ;)

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Welcome Lady Annetta! Glad to have you here. This was my first online community too and I just love it. Don't worry about asking questions, it's the only way we learn. And in a place this big you will get swallowed without them! :D There are lots of people around who are willing to help out and all the Orgs have mentoring programs too.


So what are your favorite parts of the books so far?

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Hello Delenn & hello Loreina!


I'm so happy someone actually reply  ;D



I agree! This place is huge and I don't know where to start. I have been avoiding the discussion board esp the general WoT discussion forum. I stumbled in there once and things were a bit spoiled for me just from reading the subjects alone. :-[


My fav parts of the book? Gosh I have no idea! I thinks everything about the book is great tho I am a bit dismayed when I found out about Rand & Egwene in book 4.



I agree with you advice about the discussion boards :D I am looking at different orgs and I'm just wondering.. can you join more than one org?

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Sure can, but we usually advise people to visit around the public boards before joining, to get a good idea of what they are like, and to not join too many orgs at the same time. All the orgs have systems for rising in rank, and those systems require you to do things for the org. For example, in the White Tower you will need to start out as a Novice, participate in discussions and classes to become Accepted. Then as Accepted, you'll do the same sorts of things to earn Aes Sedai rank. At the Ogier, you'll have tasks to do for each Stedding, like making a siggy or writing a poem. All the orgs do this as far as I know. It can take up a lot of your time, so you really want to go slowly on joining the orgs unless you have limitless online time.  :) Be sure to read the threads with blue map pins beside them. They usually contain much info about each org.

Anything else?  :)

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This is my 3rd day @ DM and I am truly enjoying myself. Thank you for your advice, it truly helps. Right now I'm just slowly browsing along all the different org but I already decided that I want to join WT. I always wanted to be Aes Sedai :D


As for questions, I don't have any at the moment but now I know who to turn to if one should arise.  8) Thanks again Loreina.

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*grins* Well, we will certainly be glad to have you. Lor (U4ea) is our MoN & updates the books on Sundays so make sure to get your email off to her before then or you will have to wait another week until you can see the Tower boards. (Yes, the place gets bigger. :D ) There is a thread pinned at the top of the main Tower boards that gives you all the info about joining the Org. Her email is in there. I would just post the link here but I don't think I am supposed to do that. :/


Just as with the Orgs in general make sure you take time to visit each Ajah and get to know the people there. Most of the Org Ajahs are very different from the ones in the books so you may find you fit in with a group you never thought you would. And go ahead and post an hello thread in the main WT board just as you did here so we can all get to know you while you wait on Lor to add you. :)


And sorry that people haven't been up here responding all that much. We can get very slow in the summer. I think it is just everyone going on vacation and stuff. It picks up again as school starts up. :) 

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Thanks Del! *hugs* I was having some computer trouble Lady Annetta, sorry I wasn't here. Every time that happens I get so far behind it takes me quite a while to catch up again.  :)


I'll warn you that some of the handles here can be very similar. My sign on name is Loreina, but it's been shortened to Lorei. Our Mistress of Novices (MoN) signs on as U4EA, but everyone calls her Lor because her Aes Sedai name is Loraine. You can see where there might be some confusion. Anyway, as Delenn said, just follow the instructions in that sticky note at the WT and come join us!  :)

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Hey!  Welcome to the site!

I'm sort of in the same position as you; I've only just recently started getting involved in online communities.  I also just finished the 4th book.  Starting the 5th as we speak!

Hope to see you around sometime.



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I know I am late, but welcome to DM!


Also, there is more to the world than the White Tower! ;) Feel free to drop by the Band of the Red Hand if you love music and travel, or just want a damn good time! We'll definitely give you that!


But whatever you do at DM, have fun! :)

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