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Trained by a Warder! (Attn: Kynwric, Open)


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Perivar rose bright and early, he was going to make sure that he did not miss training today.  The bells at the ends of his braided hair jingled as he splashed water on his face from the washstand.  He scrubbed his teeth with salt and soda then hurried for the door to begin his morning run.  As he left the barracks he glanced at his armor neatly arrayed on the armor stand near his cot.  The warder had said that he did not need to wear it.  Putting that out of his mind he set off on his run wondering what his day was going to be like...


Perivar finished his run and quickly made his way to the training yard as the sun began to show on the horizon.  It appeared as though he was early though better early than late.  He heard birds chirping all around them as they themselves began to stir.  The bells in his braids jingled as his attention was drawn to the White Tower, the sunlight reflecting off it was so bright that it forced him to raise a hand to shield his eyes.  The sky was cloudless and the morning air still held a bit of a chill.  Staring at the White Tower he thought of his future, whether it be as a Tower Guard or as a Warder, one thing was for certain, he was bound to the Tower forever.


Perivar eyed the weapon racks wondering what weapon he was going to train in today. He walked over to the rack inspecting the various swords, axes, maces, spears, and polearms.  There was an iron strapped wooden barrel filled with wooden practice swords of various shapes and sizes which were used for sparing.  Next to the weapon rack was another another rack holding shields and bucklers of various configurations.  He ran a finger along different weapons and shields and in some cases he hefted them to see how the felt.


Perivar had been trained in a few different weapons forms in the borderlands though to this point he had preferred dual swords as did most Arafellins.  It was an odd choice for someone who was only 5'9" and 200 pounds, his father who was taller and slimmer had always chided him that he had the body of a blacksmith.  He was young, just 16 years on the verge of turning 17 and was agile for his size. 


He hefted one of the shields and strapped it on his arm to get a feel for it.  Then he hefted a hand and a half sword and gave it a few swings to feel the balance.  It felt comfortable single handed though the hilt was long enought to accomodate two hands.  It made him wonder why he had not chosen to train in sword and shield, it seemed a practical weapon form for someone in the borderlands.  A little extra protection against shadowspawn would be welcomed, trollocs could easily cut a man in two with their scythe-like swords.  For moments he lost himself in thought recalling the first time he had seen a trolloc,  half again as tall as the tallest borderlanders and nearly twice their width. 


At 16 he had not faced that many trollocs but one was enough to leave a lasting memory.  Then there was the eyeless, the myrdraal, light, even when decapitated they still thrashed about flailing their tainted swords refusing to die.  That thought made him shiver visibly.  If he ever layed eyes on another myrdraal it would be too soon.  Their was a reason that borderlanders were not allowed to walk around with a hood on, being mistaken for a myrdraal would turn you into a pincushion in the blink of an eye.


Suddenly he felt as though he was being watched, the bells in his braided hair jingled as he turned to look over his shoulder...


((OOC: Initial WS=2, Perivar is 16 about to turn 17 from the borderlands (Arafel) so he is somewhat proficient with dual swords though he is up for a change in weapon form so that should explain his WS only being a 2))



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Kynwric strolled into the weapons room knowing he had new trainee today, Perivar was amongst the weapon racks when he entered and he watched as the boy picked up a bastard sword and shield. That was when Perivar seemed to feel that he was being watched and turned to face him. Kynwric nodded to him, "Good morning boy. I'd ask you to choose a weapon, but I see you've already been browsing. Is this how you wish to learn?" He gestured to the sword and shield in Perivar's hands. "I'd always taken Arafellins as a more showy people, inclined to dual weapons or perhaps even the great weapons."

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The person he felt behind him ended up being the warder.  Had the man wanted to he could have walked in unnoticed though it was obviously unnecessary.  "Good morning boy. I'd ask you to choose a weapon, but I see you've already been browsing. Is this how you wish to learn?" The Warder gestured to the sword and shield that he had been trying out.  "I'd always taken Arafellins as a more showy people, inclined to dual weapons or perhaps even the great weapons."


"Good morning Sir er.. Master Warder" blushing he said "I apologize for I do not know what title or in what manner I should address you." 


He looked down at the bastard sword then at the shield moving both as he spoke.  "As to these I am not sure.  I arrived wearing dual swords on my back as many Arafellins do though I feel that a need for change may be in order.  I am intriqued by this hand and a half sword, a bastard sword I believe" He looked at the Warder for confirmation before going on. "This sword and shield feels well but there are other forms which piqued my interest."


He pointed to a Naginata with the sword in his hand "This weapon interests me as well.  Something that can be used from horseback as well as from the ground."  "My concerns are this, each is fine in their own right and would do well in formations with others but what about when solo."  He was hinting at something though he was uncomfortable voicing it. 


"I mean I feel the balance of this sword allows me to wield it single handed with a shield or two handed if I am without one. Is sword and shield a practical weapon form.  The same with this"  He pointed again to the Naginata. "Against multiple foes or in a rank behind shieldmen it would seem to shine though in tight quarters it would seem too cumbersome.  On top of that there is no hiding or concealing that weapon.  Honestly I would like to learn more than one form though I know I must pick a primary and secondary form."  He felt like he was babbling in circles and making a fool of himself.


Throwing all caution to the wind he went on hoping not to come off foolishly.  "I wish to learn all that I can and serve where I am needed in the Tower Guard but I desire to eventually attain the rank of a warder, if it pleases the light.  Are these weapon forms that would be appropriate for a warder?  Would one be more suitable than the other?"  He finally finished, taking a deep breath from speaking so much, he felt as though he had just run a couple of laps.  He awaited a response hoping the Warder did not think him a light blinded fool.   






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Kynwric smiled at the enthusiasm and fought the urge to shake his head at it as well,


"First, adress me how you will, my name is Kynwric, I am Warder to Loraine Sedai of the Green Ajah. I will respond to nearly anything you sane think of, the reponse is of course determined in how you address me."


He moved towards the weapon racks and inspected the ones Perivar pointed out.


"Well, the best weapon for fighting from horseback in my opinion is the Morning Star or a Lance, when in a battle line with others then I'd choose a pick or mace, if I were trying to cleave things in half I would choose some sort of bill or halberd. If I am looking for a weapon that is versatile and can do all the above things, just not as well as each in their specialty, then you want a sword."


He smiled and nodded to what he had in his hands.


"Any sword, be it short, long, bastard is the pocket knife of weapons."


Kyn then leaned against one of the rails of the rack.


"As to what style befits a Warder, that is not easily answered other than to say that a Warder does whatever he must to safeguard his Aes Sedai. He is not to be judged on how, what weapon he used or even if he did it with flair, although that does make the story better later. He is to be judged on whether the one to whom he is bonded and pledged lives at the end. My job as far as you are concerned is to equip you to do that to the best of your ability."


Kyn then idly picked up one of the sparring lathes and began to twirl it in his hand.


"As to whether a shield is appropriate for one on one fighting, it is all in how you use it. A shield can be as much a weapon as anything else, I can kill a man with mine and so could you if you wished to learn its use. The forms you will learn are adaptable to the style in which you fight, being a Warder has as at least as much to do with thinking as it does with fighting, probably more. Is there anything you want to ask? don't be embarrassed or shy about it, now's the time."

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He was relieved to hear the Warder's comments, many of his concerns were laid to rest.  The sword may not be the best weapon in every case but it was useful in most cases.  He couldn't think of any questions at the moment though earlier a thousand must have entered his mind.


He looked again at the sword and shield then nodded as if he had come to a decision.  "Then I will choose these Sir.  Perhaps when I become familiar enough with these I can train in a secondary and tertiary weapon form.  I have a little skill with a horse bow and some with a lance as well though I fear I have much to learn with each." 


Having other options or other forms that were better suited to a certain encounter could never go amiss.  Along the blight he had used bow, lance, and swords, each had their purpose.  Better to take an enemy out at range before they had a chance to close on you and lop your head off.

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"Very well then... come with me." And Kynwric turned and headed out into the yard. "The very first thing is to learn how to stand." Kynwric demonstrated the first form. "This is Leopard in a Tree." Then from the hand holding his lathe to his side as if in a scabbard, he drew it. "Unfolding the Fan and then immediately following is Lion on a Hill." As he stood there in an on guard position, shield arm out front and sword, the hilt near the right side of his head and the blade angled back. He held this position for a moment and then sheathed the sword again. "And Folding the Fan. Questions?"


OOC: Ask anything, try them out, have Kyn give instructions on what you are doing from and finally do all four in sequence (mostly) correct.

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Master Kynwric beckoned Perivar to follow him out into the yard which he did without hesitation.  Once in the yard he listened as Master Kynwric demonstrated a few basic forms.  He stared intently and nodded as he followed along.  He had seen these before but had never done them with a sword and shield.


Before he could practice the forms he needed to settle some things.  "Master Kynwric, how should I be wearing these?"  Again he looked at the sword and shield "I am used to my swords being sheathed on my back though it appears as though I will need to keep the shield there."  He eyed the long strap that was used to sling the shield over his back.  "It seems that I will have to get used to having a sword at my hip." 


He listened to his instructor and followed his recommendation for harnessing his sword.  Once that was settled he moved on to the forms.


He tried to mimick the form "Leopard in the Tree", he leaned slightly forward on the balls of his feet with his right hand on the hilt of the sword in preparation of "Unfolding the Fan".  The shield felt different, he was used to another sword in his hand. 


He looked perplexed for a moment unsure exactly what to do with his shield in the form "Leopard in the Tree".  "Master Kynwric, how exactly should I hold this" he said motioning with the shield "or should I not have it equipped yet?" 


As soon as Master Kynwric explained it he took up the form "Leopard in the Tree" as best he could.  He practiced each form several times until he felt comfortable with them.


As soon as he felt ready he went from "Leopard in the Tree" to "Unfolding the Fan" then right into "Lion on the Hill".  It was like a dance and he was like a clumsy participant.  Finally from "Lion on the Hill" he "Folded the fan" sheathing his sword.


He practiced going from form to form as best he could.  He listened as Master Kynwric corrected him pointing out what he was doing wrong and offering tips on how to improve.



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Kynwric finally went and got a shield from the racks, settling it on his arm so he could better show Perivar how things worked. "The shield simply is there when you are doing all of those forms save for Lion on the Hill, which is when it needs to be in its ready position. So far so good though, it could of been much worse Next up is Arc of the Moon, which is a slash like so." Deomstrating the quick throat level slash meant to behead. "Remember to work you attacks around your shield, and to cover what is left open by the attack with the shield." He demonstrated the form again and then let Perivar practice it.


"Next," Kynwric began "...is The Courtier Taps his Fan. Which instead of beheading, cleaves straight down.  Again, mind you shield and realize that even when someone tried to parry this blow, they may simply redirect it into their arms or shoulders." The short hard chop was something most knew from simple child's play and again he had Perivar practice it over and over and over.


"And now it is time for The Kingfisher takes a Silverback. This one I use the top of my shield as a guide, moving out and over it and then pivoting the thrust down." He performed the thrust. "Notice how your natural inclination is to drive the sword up in riposte makes the form even more dangerous, I like to follow this with Courtier Taps his Fan." Perivar seemed to be picking these up quickly and he again let the boy practice a bit before the last form for the day.


"Alright, the last form for today is the The Falcon Stoops It is identical to The Kingfisher takes a Silverback except instead of the looping of [i}Kingfisher[/i] this one is hard and fast and does not drop so much, again demonstrating what he meant. "Very well, that is all for today. Practice these today and tomorrow and we'll reconvene the day after to see where you are at and move on."


OOC: Perform and practice and meet Kyn here again to do the next set.

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Things seemed to fall into place as Master Kynwric took a shield from the rack showing him the forms.  He demonstrated Arc of the Moon, a throat level slash and reminded Perivar about the positioning of his shield.  Perivar practiced the form until Master Kynwric moved onto another.


The Courtier Taps his Fan, he watched the demonstration and made a note of the tips Master Kynwric had given him.  He practiced the short hard chop over and over until it was time for a new form.


This time it was The Kingfisher takes a Silverback, again Master Kynwric showed him the proper form adding a few key points in regards to its relationship to the shield.  He smiled as he saw how easily it flowed into The Courtier Taps his Fan.  Again he practiced the forms until told to stop.


The last form was The Falcon Stoops which was very similar to The Kingfisher takes a Silverback.  Master Kynwric showed him the subtle difference that only a trained eye would notice.  To someone with no knowledge of the forms or who had not been shown the difference it would seem like the same move. 


That was it as far as instruction for today.  Perivar spent the remainder of the day and as much again of the next day practicing the forms that Master Kynwric had showed him.  At the end of each day he felt as if his arms were made of jelly.  One thing for certain is that he rested well both nights.


He was up early again and hurried to the yard to meet Master Kynwric.

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Kynwric was not on the yard when Sieve arrived, but came rolling in a few minutes later. "My apologies, I had business to attend to and it ran late. You are ready?" He asked when he picked up a lathe and shield. "Good." He replied absently, "first thing is it run through what you already know. Proceed." During this time he watched as Perivar worked through the forms he had already been taught. Once they were completed he began to instruct. First is a form that is not meant for combat, although it can be adapted for it. He showed the horizontal, pivoting slash while pivoting on one foot. "Heron Wading in the Rushes the reason I say it can be adapted for our use is because of the shield. By raising the point you can slash with the bottom edge of it just before the blade comes in to strike. Mainly I want you to practice it just for balance. But on occasion add in the shield slash." He then had the boy practice the balance enhancing form several times, correcting the flaws in his stance. When he was satisfied he moved on.


"Good, next is Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose, which is a face thrust, quick and hard. It will slow down anyone intent on running you down and can also be used as a feint to get you some space between yourself and an opponent." He demonstrated the form which was more of a flick at the eyes then a full on thrust, again having Perivar work through the kinks and flaws before moving on. "Following that is Parting the Silk which is used as a blocking and a striking form." Again Kyn demonstrated the form about which he was speaking, a mid level slash which could gut a man or parry any kind of slash or thrust into the midsection. "The nice thing about this, is by countering Parting the Silk with Parting the Silk leads you into the next form." He gestured for Perivar to perform Parting the Silk and when he did Kynwric also performed the same form, binding their blades and then giving the quick circular motion that is "The Grapevine Twines and is used to disarm an opponent." As he finished of the rotation with a flick and sent Perivar's sword tumbling to the ground. "Now, practice, practice, practice. Come find me in a week and we'll spar so I can see what it is you have learned."


OOC: Again practice, work through all the forms. Your next post should include the practice and conclude it with a spar with Kynwric.

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A wave of excitement rushed through him then a pang of anticipation of what lay ahead as Mater Kynwric arrived.  Master Kynwric apologized for being late though it was Perivar who had been early.  He hoped he was not being rude by showing up so early for his training, he was just eager.


He readied himself and began the forms he had learned earlier.  Once that was complete Master Kynwric moved on to new forms.  He practiced the new forms listening to Master Kynwric as he corrected any flaws.  Master Kynwric ended the training with his final instructions for Perivar to practice the forms then seek him in a week so they could spar. 


Light he was to spar with a Warder, his stomach tangled in knots.  He had fought trollocs before but he had always had the aid of other more experienced soldiers who helped to take the half man half beast down.  It was said that a Warder could take on several by himself.  Light he didn't stand a chance.  As Master Kynwric left he began going through the forms, he was tired but still had a little endurance to run through them a few times.


Perivar practiced the forms with a shield and real sword cutting through the air to build up his strength and stamina as well as to get a feel for the weight of a real weapon.  From there he would go through them with a practice sword using a dummy or pell to increase his accuracy.  When he could find a willing body he would practice against them with shield and lathe. 


He was used to wielding two swords so his sword work was not terrible though it was not great either.  Many of the forms were similar to ones he had been taught at home though he only had known a few.  He had thought he was decently trained before he arrived at the Tower though his short time here proved otherwise.  Nonetheless he noticed that he was improving though he had years of training ahead of him if he was going to be a blademaster.  His shield began to feel comfortable on his left arm, it had felt odd at first as he was used to a sword in that hand.


People must have thought him odd, he spent his free time taking on the stance Leopard in the Tree and Unfolding the Fan, drawing the bastard sword from the scabbard on his back then into the Lion on the Hill.  When going from place to place he carried the shield to condition his arm to make it used to carrying it.  Each morning he went to the training yard and ran through the forms.  He would spar whoever was to hand.  Sometimes he got the better of the other trainee and sometimes not.  The forms began to feel more precise though he knew he needed more time before he could think of sparring a Warder.


He continued the routine, from first to last call he would practice almost non-stop.  The only time he did not have a sword and shield with him was when he slept.  Truth be told if it would help him improve he would sleep with both. 


The day before he was to meet with Master Kynwric he arrived at the training yard like every other day before.  He had taken a class on the Flame and the Void and had incorporated that into his training.  He took the stance the Leopard in the Tree and formed the flame pushing all emotion into it.  He became one with his surroundings, shield felt one with his left arm.  Unfolding the Fan his right arm became one with his sword.  Instinctively he flowed into Lion on the Hill.


He performed Arc of the Moon then The Courtier Taps his Fan, his shield flowing to protect the openings that each form created.  Using his shield as a guide as instructed he performed The Kingfisher takes a Silverback which turned into The Courtier Taps his Fan.  He flowed through all of them finishing with Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose striking the practice dummy right where he intended.


The next day he me Master Kynwric though it was apparent that Perivar had not slept well.  He couldn't sleep, he simply laid in his bed staring at the ceiling going through the forms in his head.  Even though he had not sleep, his adrenaline was surging and he was as prepared as he could be.  He had spent all of his time training for this moment.  Even so he did not expect great things, if he walked away uninjured he would think himself fortunate.


Perivar took a deep breath then took up the shield and lathe then formed the flame pushing all emotions into it.  He became on with his shield and lathe, one with Master Kynwric, he stood ready in the Leopard in the Tree and since there was no scabbard for the lathe he simulated Unfolding the Fan flowing into Lion on the Hill.  Master Kynwric instructed for him to begin.  He was one with his Master, one with his weapons.  He had tried to plan his opening moves but that would fall apart with the first move so he did what felt natural.


Perivar tried Arc of the Moon though Master Kynwric easily blocked it and had already launched The Courtier taps his Fan.  Perivar thought his shield had covered the opening though the lathe landed between his neck and right shoulder with a loud thwack, the void vanished as soon as his body felt the blow land. 


Perivar formed the flame and void again and started over.  When Master Kynwric called for him to stop he just stood there panting bent at the waist trying to catch his breath.  How long they sparred he could not tell though his muscles were exhausted, he was sore beyond belief.  Suprisingly he had flowed through the forms well, as well as he could have under the circumstances.  He did not recall breaching the Warder's guard though he could recall at least two dozen times when he had been seemingly struck at will.  Each time the Warder exposed a flaw that he had not noticed until it was too late.  Every hit fueled him to not let it happen again the same way.  Once or twice was too much in his mind though what could he expect against a Warder.  He thought that he had corrected his mistakes well though he was not sure if Master Kynwric was just being kind.


He continued to catch his breath as he waited on Master Kynwric's comments on his performance.       

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"Good job, you've got a good grasp on what to do and when. Keep practicing these as much as you can and seek out spars with other trainees to help ingrain them in your muscle memory. When you are truly proficient you won't even think about what to do next, it will just happen. Also, I would suggest you ask someone else to teach you your next set of forms, familiarity is good, but in fighting a breadth of experience is better. No two people fight the same." Kyn gave a short, quick bow of his head and dismissed Perivar.


OOC: All done, just post it in your Progress.

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