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Well we are still rebuilding and Ata was by herself for a long time. Then there was a pretty major absence of people here. In the past few months activity has picked up but mostly just for the Dreadies. We are working on a few things but still kind of slow atm. Interested in being an ADL and helping us out? ;)

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Heck, I think I'll just try my hand at RPing with Marak again before I commit to anything. After all, the last time I was here, I organized a massive RP, my life fell down around me, and I was forced to abandon it. Hardly my proudest moment.

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Well, it's the attempt that counts, but the result that's remembered. As for me, i've organised a couple of RPs on other sites, and not all of them were a success, so don't feel too bad about it ^^;


Any RPer worth their salt has been there at some point or another ;D

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Yeah what she said! I am not trying to push you. Take your time and have fun. I found your bio I think. Name is Marak Lovon right? I have you as an Acolyte and I can post your stats if you need them. I can't find what Reqs you have done, so if you could post on the Fortress/Dreadie Req board what you have done I would appreciate it. You can PM myself or Ata any time you want, the email for Bios and major questions such as Talents can be sent to shadowhall@gmail.com My email is sylvirci@yahoo.com which is also my MSN. Hope to corrupt hear from you soon!

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