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Anyone reading Tor's free eBooks?


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For those who didn't hear, a while ago Tor offered to email a free eBook every few weeks if you signed up for their newsletter, and I signed up right away in order to get Mistborn. I've read a few others that have arrived, but I'm curious if anyone else is reading them and can recommend some that have been good.


I've read and generally liked (in the order of most-least):


Sanderson - Mistborn

Wilson - Spin

Scalzi - Old Man's War

Buckell - Crystal Rain

Watts - Starfish

Wright - Orphans of Chaos


I signed up, I get the emails, I dither about it for a few minutes, then delete it. 


I read Mistborn from the library, though, and enjoyed it thoroughly, as well as the sequel.  I'm sort of mad A Memory of Light is slowing down the third book.  (But not sad for Sanderson who I hope makes a boatload off the book...)

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AMoL didn't slow the release of MB3. It's completely done. Tor moved the release to this October so they could do a re-release in paperback of MB1 and promote the hell out of the series before the release of the final book.

  • 4 weeks later...


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