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The end of the Journey


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Most likely option is that the Seanchan attack on the Tower and the subsequent defeat of that assault and the still more subsequent event of raising egwene as official amyrlin would all occur before Rand turns his attention that way. Then the one-time fiance and the fiancee can have a nice long talk. ;D

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I see it now. Rand walks into the entrance of the Tower, looks around. "Pfft. I mean its pretty and all that, but after two years, hundreds of thousands dead, and a hand lost by the way side i was expecting seventy virgins playing harps on pillows of clouds." Turns and wanders off in search of a sandwich.

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Guest Dreadlord

I can see it now, Rand running into the White Tower and killing every Aes Sedai in sight, just like the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail when Galahad (Is it Galahad?) goes on a murderous rampage and kills all those women who have done absolutely nothing wrong, he gets completely carried away its great. And all he does afterwards is say "Sorry" and look sheepish. Classic.

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