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Help a Newbie?


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Hey, I know that TG's can fufill a requirement by helping out a newbie and I was wondering if anyone was interested? If so, here's the deal-


I don't actually know my WS at this moment in time, so the requirements I could do would be: Challenge, Responcibility (this would require two PC's so it's probably out), and my two electives.


The down side is that I am leaving for Nicaragua on the fifteenth and I'll be gone for a month. In that month I will have very unpredictable internet access and probably not more than an hour a week, if that. However, I'm willing to be a very quick updater and if someone could give me an reply every day or so, then we could complete the thread before I leave. I do know that many people aren't up to updating that soon, so if you are willing, give me a shout!


:D :D Talavin :D :D

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alright, I'm willing to do a couple RP things with ya, but we would need to talk about it all to get a general idea.  So message me on my MSN messenger.  I'll PM you the messenger contact stuff.  But feel free to contact me.



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