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Name: James the Black


Email: Sertorius@gmail.com


Division: Divisions are no place for a mighty troll


Age: 21


Physical description: A Troll of dashing looks, this force of nature is often sighted in a loincloth and sporting different Hawaiian shirts depending on the occasion. Sometimes sighted with a cricket bat depending on his mood and level of boredom.


History: From where this magnificence specimen came from, only some know, yet it is clear that this being is without peer. While some would discriminate against him for being a rampaging troll that knows no fear, or moral qualms for that matter, those that get to know him are struck with awe at his amazing abilites.


Blessed with the ability to RP a staggering amount of characters simultaneously, spin an RP concept out of thin air, and smite stupidity with his cricket bat and diamond wit, he is clearly indispensible. Truly, one of him isn't enough, there is no such thing as too many James'. Indeed he is in such demand that there is talk of setting up a manufacturing line for James the Black clones as there has been an untapped market for many years.


Even if these plans go ahead, there shall only be one James the Black. While there are many forms of praise that may be heaped upon his name, he can simply be summed up as perfection incarnate. Should he ever depart, the site would truly be that much poorer, for without his Hawaiian shirt and entertaining repartee, the site would never be so colourful.

  • 1 month later...

Where is the bit about your mum needing to be around so that you can take a bath? Other than that I've got no problems with it. Except that I want to kick you most of the time :P


Mum hasn't helped me have a bath since I hit puberty! Your mum helps me bathe now :D


Now that we've had our highly inappopriate joust of mum insults, trundle along now and quit your attention seeking 8)


*laughs* Yes, just rivetting the way you made your point, nearly two months afterwards :D Quit your attention seeking.


I'm a busy girl and I've had alot on my plate :) Sure, it may take some time, but never fear, I will always get to scolding you eventually, you can count on me!


Attention seeking? Well, I *am* self-centered...You know you just perpetuate it with every reply, Jimmikins. So in effect, aren't you feeding my need for attention rather than you know, not?


Ah good, you know that I am a sucker for getting the last word :)


Yes, I am picking at the smaller things because there are larger things I have no control over. Further more, I'm picking at you because we are friends and I knew you wouldn't take it personally where as the others that followed your example don't know me so it might not have gone that way. Thats all really. Shame it had to go this far, but I'm glad to hear its over. Now if only I could think of an appropriate "your mum..." something or other :P

  • 4 years later...
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