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I'm sorry guys and gals, but real life has kicked me quite hard this past week. So, I'm taking a little while to recover from it.  I don't know how long it'll take to get over it.


I'll look in once in a while to make sure all is well, but until my head can form rational thoughts again it'll be for the best for me to take the time out to recover.


Thank you for bearing with me through this.


*clingy hugs and love to all*

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Ok, I'm making this official now.  I'm going to go on LOA because I'm going to be tied up with real life today, and then will be on holiday from Saturday morning.  Because of work and real life pressures in the mean time, I'm making my LOA official until 6th June when I get back from Cornwall. 


I've asked CorenYi to look at any bios that come in while I'm away, and I'll try and reply to any outstanding RPs when I get back.


Thanks for bearing with me through this.  Life has been quite hard over the past few weeks and it's coming to a head now.  See you soon, and I'm thinking of you all.  *hugs*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm back from my holiday and had a lovely long sleep in a real bed (camping is great, but dripping wet tents with a deflating airbed can cause a few back problems over the course of a week ;) ) No doubt I'll have pictures soon - the Eden Project is just amazing and seeing the great big satellites at Goonhilly was fascinating, the beaches lovely, and the pasties are something that will stay with me for a loooooong time! ( I love Cornish pasties! )


That said, I'm feeling a lot more relaxed, but it's taking me a while to get back into things.  Normal service will be resumed shortly! ;)

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