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Hey mate :D Just opening up the FL mail now, should have your bio on the bio board before long.


And I just finished reading it. Heh, someone is going to throttle me for this *laughs* As a plus you're going to be a first, or if not first, first for a very very long time :D


Also, if the bio is approved before the Bubble of Evil ends, you should join us in it :D Though you're going to have to hide your secret somehow.

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Guest Estel



[is still fuming about her post disappearing]


hello and welcome to the Freelanders! we are currenlty under the tyranny of the insane James (be ware of the Hawaiin shirts)...


I play Alianna Karalev, former thief catcher...

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Hey...this whitey just CC'd your bio :wink: Welcome by the way. And please note that James in no way represents the average Australian...I will not be tarred with his brush :)


*makes Satine run past in her sparkly pants*

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Tyrant? Don't know what you're talking about *inflicts a troll toll on Estel*


Rightio :D Well, you're set to RP now thanks to Kristen, who is in denial that I have a better singing voice than her (heh, you know you want to bite Krissy :P) and pretty much right to rock and roll. We need to sort out scores for your char, but I'll PM you about that :)

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*laughs* You're the one that wants me to sing for your birthday :P


And Kristen has informed me on MSN she won't bite out of principle, which is as good as biting :D


Off to orchestra I go!

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Ah, Jimmikins, I had forgotten. Glad you reminded me! Only a couple weeks left for you to prepare. I'm so excited!!! And ya, my whole point was that I was the "girls" I refered to, but I was trying to be discrete. Way to out me. Troll! :P


Yeah, I have to say that saying "I won't bite" is, ironically, biting. Better luck next time, Kristen.


Lastly, Zachary, thats from Monkey Magic. (By the by, Jimmy, do I get points for knowing that?) I have no idea what the answer to any of your questions are but I think it is enough to say that that show makes no sense and it is weird. Ha!

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Monkey Magic is the best show to have ever aired. Japanese, but horribly dubbed for English speaking audiences, it is a true masterpiece and fusion of Buddhism, bad costumes and dialogue, and comedy. There are three spirits (Monkey, Pigsy and Sandy) that are bound to a buddhist boy priest on a holy quest to go to India to fetch the scriptures (priest incidentally rides a horse that was once a dragon, which can also morph into a man). All of them have flaws that they have to learn to deal with along the way.


But apart from the serious moral side (which comes in only occasionally), its funny stuff. For example, when Monkey and Sandy (fish spirit) go to visit an old lady. The door opens to show the old woman's face.


Sandy: UGH!

Monkey: What is it?

Sandy: She's hideous!

Monkey: Nonsense, she's only ordinarily ugly.


Its gems like these that make Monkey Magic the finest series ever. :D


No freebie points for that one Amanda :P


And Kristen, I'll hit you with a truck if you're not careful :P Just because I could outsing you with my manly man baritone :D

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Guest Estel

hmm...there's a bunch of us singers here...you, me, evil Promised-stealer, Quib...WOOT!


How can I keep from singing?

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