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Marvel Studios Sets Four More Release Dates!


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Source: Marvel Entertainment

May 5, 2008



Marvel Entertainment released their first quarter report to its shareholders this morning to coincide with the announcement about the success this past weekend of Marvel Studios' first production Iron Man, which grossed an estimated $104.2 million domestically and over $201 million worldwide. The announcement included an update of Marvel Studios' feature film slate with the already-rumored Iron Man 2 announced for a release on April 30, 2010, followed by three more movies for the summers of '10 and '11. Matthew Vaughn's Thor is set for a release on June 4, 2010, and The First Avenger: Captain America (the working title) will kick off the summer of 2011 on May 6, followed by the highly-anticipated and foreshadowed The Avengers scheduled for July 2011. (Edgar Wright's Ant-Man is also listed as being in development with no release date set.)


With that in mind, one can start expecting a lot more announcements in the coming months about creative teams and casting for those movies including who might direct the Captain America and Avengers movies. (Whomever plays Steve Rogers AKA Captain America presumably will be making two movies at once.)

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So, who is worthy to play Mr. Rogers in the upcoming?  Also, I hope they keep him a WWII hero and don't try to do a desert storm kinda thing....


I would rather they go with a relative unknown who looks more like Cap than like a Brad Pitt someone...


How about Josh Lucas? (Stealth, Glory Road, Poseidon)





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