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Info please check this out Browns


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Ok so this is what I would like done


That page may need updating, what this means is I need to know these things.

1. Do you want the paragraph to stay the same.

2. The graphic, I would like to see it changed, so can you do graphics, know someone who can, or can you post about it on the siggy request page. It needs to be the same size but all the graphics on the website belong to Andrea.

3. Who is Ajah Head, her name and her contact info

4. Sitters, you need to decide who is Sitter, if you don't have any Sitters than we need to find NSW bios and get those added onto the website. Also need their contact info.

5. Members- who are your members, do you have any and what is their contact info.

6. Do you have an offsite website, do you plan on starting one, do you want to find out if someone can help you do one?


Thanks guys!


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Whoa, form-letter Nelly :D


Everything is up to date, minus what Sisters there are (me and Cara, basically), to include links to the Brown Ajah website.


As for graphics... if you have something in mind, I or Jehaine could probably whip up an excellent set pretty quickly :)

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*points again*  Sitters are NSWs and are up to date as to which NSWs they are :)  Told you silly, I fixed that data when I tried to make the pages show up correctly and failed!


And I know, something nice to match the page... something probably be worked up, but toss a thread on the signature request board perhaps to see what people make?




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Outside of some minor blending that could've been done on the hair to make it look a little less rough against the background, it's more than fine :)


There was only one Sister to add past me, and that was Owen's Cara.  She is now on the list, and I'll have to check with him on whether or not he wants his email up there.


I think that was, right? :)

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