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Echoes of madness


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So quiet, eh? What's this? Ah, new playthings urr, I mean people to talk to. Yeah! So how many others are there I wonder?


Seriously, as soon as I get my OP & WS scores I think we should get a class for Saidin going. Maybe we can pull one of the Oldies, I mean Asha'man out of hiding and start one.


Any thoughts?


*Realizing he said a lot more then intended he turns and runs into the corner. Beats his head on the wall three times and startled, he turns and grins at anyone and no one.* My apologies, I'm not crazy! ;)

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Sorry for the double post.


Arath did you want to kick off a class post? Can we start before getting scores?




*Whispers* The sooner the better my precious!*Listens to his alter ego* Yes we can!*Rubs hands together with mischievious grin*

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