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Ten Nations Map

Charlz Guybon

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I don't think I've posted this here before, but if I did I've improved it since then.


I took the map of the Compact of the Ten Nations that has been floating around the net and improved it. The original is based on the one in the guide and is missing some obvious cites and has a glaring border mistake.


I've added in five cities that the text tells us where they are. Mafal Dadaranell the capital of Aramaelle where Fal Dara now stands. Braem, which is where New Braem is now, north of Caemlyn. Manetheren, capital of the nation by the same name, west of the Two Rivers in the Mountains of Mist. Tear which is at the mouth of the Erin delta. And Londaren Cor, the capital of Eahorn in what is now North Eastern Altara near the Lugard road.


I also moved the border of Aeglar north to encompass the city of Mainelle, which we know was Aeglari.


The Manethern/Aridhol border is surely wrong, since Aridhol is on the southern bank of the Arinelle . Rather than Manethern controlling both banks of the river, it should be Aridhol controlling both banks. That's a big change however, and I don't feel up to it. I'm also not sure where to place the city along the river. Right below the confluence of the Arinelle iand that tributary coming out of the mountains?


I linked it since posting it here shrinks it too much, make sure to click on it to magnify it.




Nice work.



Thanks. :)


I shifted the Aridhol border south and added the city of Aridhol.


The only other city we have any evidence at all, that I know of is for Jara'copan which "lay south of the city of Manetheren in the foothills of the Mountains of Mist". That's really broad though, and those mountains seem quite crowded already, so I don't know where to put it.


Map with Aridhol







Good work. Now RJ was in the military: he knew what good maps were like and why they were important. Indeed there is the whole passage in KoD about Master Roidel's maps, and the value of them to Mat and the Band, and various other references as well. So how come the maps in the series, and in the BWB are so bad, as compared, for example, even to the maps in <i>The Lord of the Rings</i>?


His knowledge of the importance of maps does not nessasarily make him a cartographer. The early maps are his work, but later ToR had an artist re-do them.


Charlz, great map - if only I'd seen it earlier :(


His knowledge of the importance of maps does not nessasarily make him a cartographer. The early maps are his work, but later ToR had an artist re-do them.


There are still some discrepancies in the maps - that is, if the info in the Encyclopaedia-WOT is correct.

EWOT states that Aridhol (the state) was located in present day central Andor - and the map of the Ten Nations places it a bit north-west of Andors centre.

And all maps show the confluence of Arinelle and Manetherendrelle either near Baerlon or in Andor, while it's stated that it occurs in Murandy.


One of the best WOT maps (of 'modern' Randland only) which I've found while looking for one to base a Diplomacy game variant on, is here : http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/8286/wotmapa130verzija4ph.jpg


Charlz, there's a typo in EHARON on the map, btw.




His knowledge of the importance of maps does not nessasarily make him a cartographer. The early maps are his work, but later ToR had an artist re-do them.


They should have had the same artist do the map in the BWB. The proportions are out of wack.


Charlz, great map - if only I'd seen it earlier :(


His knowledge of the importance of maps does not nessasarily make him a cartographer. The early maps are his work, but later ToR had an artist re-do them.


There are still some discrepancies in the maps - that is, if the info in the Encyclopaedia-WOT is correct.

EWOT states that Aridhol (the state) was located in present day central Andor - and the map of the Ten Nations places it a bit north-west of Andors centre.

And all maps show the confluence of Arinelle and Manetherendrelle either near Baerlon or in Andor, while it's stated that it occurs in Murandy.


One of the best WOT maps (of 'modern' Randland only) which I've found while looking for one to base a Diplomacy game variant on, is here : http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/8286/wotmapa130verzija4ph.jpg


Charlz, there's a typo in EHARON on the map, btw.



Yeah. I've seen that map, it confirmed my estimate of where Aridhol is. Why did you wish you'd seen it earlier? Did you need it for roleplaying? I've got a good collection of WOT maps. EDIT: Never mind, just noticed the Diplomacy comment.


The Arinelle and Manetherendrelle come together south of Whitebridge, on the Andoran side of the Andoran/Altaran border unless I'm reading the map wrong.


As for the Typo, that was on the original map that I edited. :-\


Fixed it





Charlz, great map - if only I'd seen it earlier :(


His knowledge of the importance of maps does not nessasarily make him a cartographer. The early maps are his work, but later ToR had an artist re-do them.


There are still some discrepancies in the maps - that is, if the info in the Encyclopaedia-WOT is correct.

EWOT states that Aridhol (the state) was located in present day central Andor - and the map of the Ten Nations places it a bit north-west of Andors centre.

And all maps show the confluence of Arinelle and Manetherendrelle either near Baerlon or in Andor, while it's stated that it occurs in Murandy.


One of the best WOT maps (of 'modern' Randland only) which I've found while looking for one to base a Diplomacy game variant on, is here : http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/8286/wotmapa130verzija4ph.jpg


Charlz, there's a typo in EHARON on the map, btw.




Yeah, i know there are discrepencies, im just saying that he's not really responsible--his original maps were very simple, and the later ones were done by ToR not him.


It's come to my attention that the city of Manetheren was at the head of the White River. (That's what the name means so I should have figured it out myself  ::))


You, as an officer, should now that that is what uneducated peasants in the Two Rivers call it, and that Manetherendrelle means "Waters of the Mountain Home" in the Old Tongue.  :P :P :P


``One of the best WOT maps (of 'modern' Randland only) which I've found while looking for one to base a Diplomacy game variant on, is here''


Yes, a much better map that those in the books, esp., as it shows locations that are described in the text but which are not on the maps in the series: e.g. the towns Mat and Perrin encounter in the Altara/Ghealdan area, which show up using the zoom in. I like the feature of being able to zoom in/zoom out.


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