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cool theory


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I remembered once that Moghedien spent several days in a vacuole or something like that where time stopped or passed slowly.  what if, as Lanfear and her partner was drilling the bore, another researcher working close by in a vacuole was blown off into the pattern after the blast from the bore and just floated in the space until suddenly she gets reattached in the pattern and comes back to aid rand with her knowledge? is that a good theory or what?!?

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Not that people from the AoL knew EVERYTHING....but keep in mind, that in the very chapter that you're referring to (I happen to be re-reading the series and coincidentally I just reread that chapter yesterday  ;) ) Moghedian was very clear that if a vacuole is ever detached from the pattern, that the person would be lost forever- noone knew where they went, but they never came back.

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