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Little details


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I'm sure there was a post about this before, but try as I might, I cannot find it.


I've got a thread going for all the 'other' characters that make the story what it is, flesh out the tale, and spur events on in one direction or another, but whom we rarely mention, or give credit to.


What I also wanted was to get together a little compository of all those little tiny details that make the story, the characters and the goings-on so vivid, that we dont want Brandon Sanderson to miss, ignore or change at all.


Things like;


Rand's hair curls around his ears and is cut to his shoulders.


His eyes are grey-blue and seem to change between the two.


Mat wears a black silk scarf around his neck.


Deira is taller than Bashere, who is quite short for a man.


Aviendha's bracelet / bangle was given to her by Rand.


Rand doesnt know who gave Aviendha the necklace and is jealous over it (it was Egwene).


Rand calles his father 'Tam', Mat calls his father 'Da'.


Perrin's youngest brother was called Paitr and his entire family was killed by Trollocs.


Myrdraal like to 'enjoy' women.


Moiraine has a melodious voice.


Verin tilts her head to one side as though listening to something, and often has ink blots on her nose (all a ruse, i'm sure!)


The White Tower's main corridors spiral gently downwards (or upwards, depending which way you're walking) rather than there being steps. I believe there are two spirals, one inside the other.


Valan Luca had a thing for Nynaeve


Birgitte is a lecher (:-D)


Olver's ears, nose and mouth are far too big for his face.



so many more!

Guest The Thin Inn Keeper

I like the little details. Not just the descriptions.


I took my screen name from the chapter in TEOTW when Rand and Mat are walking/hitching rides to Caemyln. They come across the first thin innkeeper they've seen. He stabs them in the back. It's the little touches that make it interesting/enjoyable for me.


correction: Fain killed Perrins family, the whitecloaks covered it up because they didnt want an uprising.


Mins coats dont quite cover her hips, and the heeled boots she wears makes her sway scandalously. Cairheinin woman (and possibly tairen as well) have started adopting this fashion.


The Aiel always call wetlanders by both names, eg I see you Rand Al'thor.


An aielman cant't own property, it is usually owned by a roofmistress.


In an Aiel's extended family, those relatives on the mothers side are slighter higher in standing.


All Aielmen but blacksmiths will fight to defend their hold, and are well trained to do so.


An Aiel blacksmith cannot become gaishain, neither can a wise one, a child, a pregnant woman, or a woman who has a child under the age of 10.


Elayne loves to swear but her sheltered upbringing means she doesn not know what many of the swear words mean, sometimes it sounds funny what she says.


Woman channelers raise steadily in strength until they reach their full potential, male channelers go in bursts, never knowing when they reach there maximum potential


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