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Watchmen PHOTOS! EEEE!


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The official site for "300" director Zack Snyder's adaptation of acclaimed Alan Moore graphic novel "Watchmen" has been updated with the first photos showing off five characters.


Click below for larger versions of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as The Comedian (absolutely perfect), Patrick Wilson as Nite Owl (too Batman-esque), Matthew Goode as Ozymandias (could've been better, but more believable than the comic's purple mini-skirt), Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach (spot on), and Malin Akerman as Silk Spectre (spot on).


The film itself opens one year precisely from today - March 6th 2009:











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So you're a huge nerd.


Just thought you should know.


Chick was hot though, give her that much.


Might even watch the movie myself.


Might not.


Don't plan that far in advance.




Except this one time, when I said "By this time next year I'll own a RR Phantom"


That was a couple years ago.


No, I don't drive a Phantom.


Never have.


Drove a Ferrari once.


Wasn't mine though.


I didn't steal it.


Just wasn't mine.


Stole a grand am one time.


But I brought it back.


Technically wasn't stealing as it belonged to this girl I knew.


She just didn't know I borrowed it and wasn't necessarily cool with it.


I talked her around though.


Because I'm charming.


And Handsome.





Seanchan since 2008


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Ozymandias is the only one that just looks silly. I mean, it's still not as silly as his comic outfit, but it's more of a Batman and Robin fake rubber muscles kind of silly. Maybe it's just that the actor looks like he wishes he were anywhere else and not dressed like he's filming German fetish pr0n.


The rest of them look cool, and yet.. there's something that just looks fake about them. Can't really explain it better than that.

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