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Bring out your Dead!


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I have been skeptical for some time that so many characters in this series seem to escape death by the skin of their teeth. There have been notably few deaths involving main characters the entire series. Aside from Foresaken deaths of course. Dying is all those idiots seem to do well.


So here's what I want. Predictions on which Light Following characters you think will bite the big one during A Memory of Light.


Rand is an obvious one. Even though some don't think he will in fact die. So let's leave Rand out of the predictions. Who other than rand do you think will die in AMoL?


My prediction -


Gareth Bryne


Tam Al'Thor


Hmm. Cads is a definite possibility, though she'd better be a badass. Bryne has the problem of Min's vision, though that may just mean Suine will die to. Tam... yeah, don't see why not.


Ok... I think...


Faile - because out of the three Perrin seems like he would be the most likely to get trully screwed up by the death of his spouse.


Lan - because i just think this has been coming for a long time. I think this is the thing that will mature Nynaeve, and in the epilogue she will be withdrawn, but calmer...the new Cadsuane.


Rhuarc - Just because he's a big character, but not a vital one.


Thom - ???


Only a couple of the mains will die i think... not too many, this isn't Song of Ice and Fire.


Ahh, I'd forgotten about Min's viewing. I picked Gareth Bryne as I saw a strong general falling somewhere along the way - but Rhuarc fits that bill, too.


I don't want Rhuarc to die, though.


Maybe Bain?


Yeah, true. And Tenobia of course. In fact i believe that the Aes sedai with the borderlanders are darkfriends... some, at least, and that when Rand and Davram meet with the borderlanders finally they will strike, and in the ensueing battle Davram and Tenobia will both be killed.

Guest Majsju

Lan, Rhuarc, Tenobia, Bashere, Gaul, Verin, Cadsuane, Birgitte, Elaida, Noal, Talmanes, Pevara, Sheriam, Weiramon...

Guest Winespring Brother

Not so many as that I think. Lan has still got to resurrect Malkier from the Blight, and I don't see any reason why Pevarra should go. I think she would have a big part to play in reshaping the Red Ajah.


Tenobia and Bashere seem like dead certs, if this whole Perrin and the Broken Crown thing is to come into play. Cadsuane is definitely on a Swan Song, and I am expecting her to go out in a real blaze of glory. Birgitte may well die so she can be spun out again to go find Gaidal.


Death would be too easy for Elaida. i want to see her stilled and forced to scrub the floors of the tower til the end of her days, but she could be a casualty in the upcoming Seanchan attack on the Tower, especially considering her rooms are isolated and so near the landing platform roof.


I don't see much reason for the others to go or stay really, apart from maybe Weiramon, but he is hardly a major character, unless of course he is Demandred :wink:


I think Moriaine could finally bite the big one. She's been presumed dead for most of the series, she's going to come back for one or two really cool things, and then I think she could die.


I'd like to see Gawyn go, but I don't know if that'll happen or not.


Bayle Domon would be hilarious to watch die.


Mazrim will go.


I would like to see one of the other main four die, Perrin or Mat or Egwene, I think Mat is the only likely canidate though of those three, and that doesn't seem like it's going to happen.


I don't know if Moiraine will die. If she does, then that means she will be married to Tom in AMoL and I don't know about that. Maybe.


I wouldn't like to see Elaida die so much as Siuan marching into the Amirlyn's Study and stilling her, right before she punches her in the face and calls her "Fishguts!" That'd be sweet! :lol:


I also don't think Gaul will die. I think he's going to do something very impressive to impress Bain finally. He's an axe of a man and a great fighter to boot. I'd be very sad if he bought the farm.


"Bayle Domon would be hilarious to watch die." - Kadere


LOL! I agree! It'd take an army of Trollocs to silence the big guy!




I don't actually think Alviarin will die... she strikes me as a survivor, and i think she will survive the loss of the dark.


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