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Stacking Weaves


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Allright, here's me again with yet another technical question concerning Aes Sedai and the OP in general ^_^.


Please have a look at this weave i'm using as an example. The requirements are listed below:


Amplify Voice  -- Air: 2  -- Fire: 2 -- Skill: 7


Now, my character has an 8 in Air and Fire, and a Skill score of 33. My question is, that since she has 4x the requirements for the weave, would she be able to make that weave 4x as strong? Or loud, in this case?


I suppose a rule covering the weaving of multiple weaves at once would also cover this one, but i've been unable to find it thus far ^^;

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Eesh, wenchlette - trying to get my entire brownie stock with all these good technical questions *weg*


We do know from the books that each weave past the first is harder to do, but not on what scale.  I tend to think it as being exponential, but that's just me - it's generally not something that people have really been concerned enough with to think about.


As for strengthening a single weave - I think that would be on a linear scale.  Once again, just my opinion :)

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Makes sense to me ^^


Figured i'd ask, since although it wouldn't make a whole lot of difference to a single AS, when linked it could make previously 'harmless' weaves like Pitfall, Freeze or even Dry scale up to downright murderous levels.

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