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The Arrival of Tay

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Tay jumped down from the wagon bed and started to help her father unload the wine casks. Thankfully there were not many this time. Sometimes it would take forever to get them all unloaded. This time the task was done easy but she would have to wait for her father to finish talking with the Aes Sedai.


She sat on the back of the wagon humming to herself and daydreaming. She always did that when she was alone. Only when she was alone. When she was around her family she never said anything or made any noise whatsoever. She had not talked in five years. Not once in the five years snce the accident.


Suddenly she realized that there was a woman standing infront of her. Not just any woman, an Aes Sedai. Quickly Tay jumped up and curtsied clumsily. The sister looked at her for a second more and the started to talk in a happy tone. The next thing Tay knew she was being tested for the one power. "Congradulations child," said the sister, "you can channel."


Tay was still in a state of shock when her father returned and the sister told him. Her father listened nodding and agreed that he would bring her back the next day. She was to become a novice.


The next day tay arrived at the tower with her things. She looked around slowly and then approched a accepted. "Umm...umm...can you please take me to the Mistress of Novices, miss?" She asked in a quiet voice. The accepted looked at her for a second and the she smiled and led her through the tower. They stoped in front of a door. "Here you go." said the accepted and then she walked away. Tay took a deep breath and then knocked on the door.

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Faerzyne shuffled through the pile of papers on her desk with a resigned sigh. The day had only just begun, yet already she could tell it was going to be a tedious one, if the volume of work awaiting her attention counted for anything. Still, it would only continue to wait if she did not make a start on it, the bells entwined in her braids tinkling softly as she reached over to dip her pen in the inkwell positioned on her desk.


A slight shiver from the ward guarding her door notified her of the presence behind it just moments before a knock sounded on the wood. Faerzyne looked at the door with a faint frown, torn between relief at the distraction and annoyance at the interruption. The knock had the timid sound of one who wanted something of her. With a resigned shake of her head, Faerzyne lowered her pen and beckoned the petitioner to enter. At the same time she channelled air briefly and opened the door, so to the untrained eye it appeared to open of it's own accord.


The sight that greeted her was of a young woman, dressed in clothing of an outsider. With a brief wave Faerzyne beckoned her in and waved to one of the hard wooden chairs in front of her desk, a second weave of air closing the door behind the startled looking girl. "My name is Faerzyne Grigory, and I am the mistress of novices here at the White Tower. How may I help you?" She enquired politely, one disparaging look given to her pile of work before she once again turned on the newcomer before her.


~ Faerzyne Grigory

Gray/Black Sister

Mistress of Novices

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Tay's eyes widened as the door in front of her opened. She timidly took a step into the room and looked at the woman sitting in the desk. She had a comanding presance and Tay thought that she was not someone to mess with. Tay walked forward and sat in one of the chairs before the desk. "My name is Tay Maorre," she said quietly, "I was told to come here today to become a novice."

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Faerzyne looked down at the girl almost cowering before her desk. She was told to come. So the girl had already been tested. This meant she had to know, somewhere deep down inside of herself that she would be accepted within the White Tower. That she would learn to channel, to the best of her abilities. Still the girl shifted in her seat, as if she couldn’t quite believe that she would be asked to stay. Faerzyne decided to relieve her from the tension that was building. Retrieving the Book of Novices from her drawer, she opened it and smoothed her hand over the paper. “So you’ve been tested already. How fortunate.†She picked up her pen, and prepared to write. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?â€


She didn’t have to look at the young woman to see that there was a change in the tension that had kept her in it’s thrall. “Can you tell me your full name again?†As the girl replied, she wrote it down in the book. Another life sealed to the Tower, for better and for worse. “And your place of birth and raising?†again she wrote, making Tay‘s stay more certain with every letter, every curved or straight line. “And finally your age.†She finished with a dot behind the age, which felt as heavy and important as any signature from any high lord or lady. “Welcome to the White Tower.â€


Favouring Tay with a smile, she scrawled a note to the girl's mentor, which she handed to a passing servant to deliver post haste, before collecting two white dresses from her cabinet, which she handed to Tay before returning to her seat once more. "Your mentor shall join us soon, in the meantime, let us discuss some of the rules, yes?" Tay nodded hesitatingly in return. "Those dresses are what you will wear now. You are to keep them clean, and well mended at all time." She began, before continuing with the rules, outlining the curfew, classes, and generally what would be expected of her.


Just as she finished her spiel, a shiver passed her moments before a knock sounded on her door. "Enter." She called.


Ooc: rp your char’s reaction to being written down in the novice book, and the rules.

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Tay sat there nervously as the Mistress of Novices studied her. This had been a mistake, the sister must have made a mistake. She would never belong here. But inside Tay knew that she would be accepted and she would learn to use the power. She would do her best and if that didn't work well then she would try harder.

Tay's eyes widened when she saw her draw out the book. “So you’ve been tested already. How fortunate.†Tay grew less nervous and more excited as the sister picked up the pen. “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?â€

A smile broke out on Tay's face. She was going to stay!“Can you tell me your full name again?â€"Tay Maorre," she said quietly. There was a feeling of binding as her name was written in the book. “And your place of birth and raising?†"Tar Valon," she replied. This was written down as well, making her stay even more permanent. Lastly she was asked her age and watched as the Aes Sedai wrote it down. “Welcome to the White Tower.â€

After this Tay recieved two white dresses and then was told about the rules of the tower. She was going to be busy, very busy. But strangly she did not mind because she knew that she would work hard and become an Aes Sedai. Suddenly there was a knock on the door that made Tay jump but quickly she regained her slight composure.


Ooc: Sorry to rush the end but I was running out of time to write.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

She had been greatly disapointed with the last child put in her care. A wisdom apprentice that had not even made it to the accepted tests and was then sent home. The Tower was in need of Those able to make the Shawl, there were so few of them already. Halls empty, waiting to be filled.


Maegan sat curled up in her chair by the hearth, a soft blanket around her. Very un Aes Sedai like, but far more comfortable than a desk. She did not even bother having one put into her room. it would never have been used. Instead she had piles upon piles of books scattered in thier own place on her shelves and floor. It may have made her look like a brown sister, with her rat-nest of hair and specticles, instead of the Red sister she really was. But to her, Knowledge was power in its own right and should not decided the shade of her shawl.


A simple tingle in her threadwork around her room and then confirmed knock on her door caused her to stop pouring over old journals.




A Novice shyly opened the door, with a slightly confused look on her face. Maegan kept her cold Aes Sedai glare, despite the warmness of her room.


"Aes Sedai." She curtsied. "You are requested to the Mistress of Novices office. Faerzyne Sedai says that you are to recieve a new Novice under your charge." Maegan dismissed her with her hand, and then picked herself up from her chair once the girl was gone. Weaving Fire to smooth out her hair and then a Keeping so that way her soft curls stayed in place instead of streching out in every direction, Maegan headed down the halls towards the MoN's office, knocking lightly on the door.



Maegan Ryanne



Ooc: i'll let you introduce me in. *winks*


My Bio:: http://www.whitetowerdiv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2399

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Faerzyne lifted her head as the door was opened and Maegan Sedai swept into the room. Sparing her with a nod that was fitting for her status, she waved towards Tay. "Maegan Sedai, this is Tay Maorre. She is our newest novice. I trust you will take her under her wing, and ensure she learns all that she needs to know?" It may have been worded as a question, though Maegan could hardly refuse her.


"Good." The bells in her braids tinkled softly as she nodded again, turning her attention back to her work. "Good day Maegan Sedai, Child." Without looking back up Faerzyne collected her pen once more, a clear dismissal issued to those in front of her desk. The door clicked softly behind them as they took their leave, and Faerzyne allowed herself a small sigh, before diving back into her paper work. It certainly wasn't going to complete itself.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Maegan gave a slight nod to the MoN, and beconed for the Child to exit with her.


"Let us go to the Gardens. It is nice out there and it will give you a moment to let your thougths settle. Come." She then moved gracefully away from the Mistress of Novices door. The hallways were busy, as the were prone to be in this area, and Maegan said very little until they stepped outside of the Tower.


She strolled lightly, motioning for the girl to walk beside her. "I'd like to welcome you to the Tower. If you could not guess, My name is Maegan, Maegan Ryanne, actually. In public it would be wise to call me by my title of "Sedai". but in truth it makes me feel old, so Just Maegan is alright. Which ever you feel comfortable with. What is your name? And where are you from? You look like a Tar Valoner, correct?"


She smiled warmly at the girl, pushing up her specticles on the bridge of her nose. The girl seemed quiet, but maybe with a few encouraging words Maegan hoped she would open up.





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Tay made sure to keep close to Maegan Sedai and she followed her down the halls and to the gardens. It was busy and crowded in the hallways as Tay followed her mentor. They did not say much until finally they reached the gardens. As they stepped outside and started to walk through the gardens Meagan Sedai began to talk. "I'd like to welcome you to the Tower. If you could not guess, My name is Maegan, Maegan Ryanne, actually. In public it would be wise to call me by my title of "Sedai". but in truth it makes me feel old, so Just Maegan is alright. Which ever you feel comfortable with. What is your name? And where are you from? You look like a Tar Valoner, correct?"

Tay was silent for a moment, she had never heard anyone say so much, so fast. Finally she replied. "My name is Tay. And yes, I am from here in Tar Valon."

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Guest Arie Ronshor

"It is nice to meet you Tay." Maegans smile was warm and a little wider.


"I'm from Cairhien myself. you proabbly could already tell, I'm short enough to come from no where else." She chuckled as she led them to a posd, the Famous Red Amyrlin above them. Bonwhin Sedai.


"I never thought myself to be an Aes Sedai." Maegan started, starting with something extremely uncharacteristic of an Aes Sedai. Her past. "I always thought i'd be a great scholar in the Cairhien Libraries. My Father and Mother were befreo they past away. My mother wen i was barely 10, i believe." Age affected her differently as she aged,and Maegan found it hard remember when her mother died. "She just got sick one day and never left her room. My father then remarried an noble woman. She was a good woman. Loved my father and politics, but we never got along. i liked my books and she liked dances." Maegan chuckled a little as if remembering a memory. "She never was able to teach me how to waltz."


"But then an accident that cost me most of my sight brough me to the Tower."


She paused and waited for the girl to ask. No point in her rambling if she didn't respond.





Occ: try trailing your characters thoughts as she listens. Noting much, but maybe have her think about the sudden change of becoming an AS.

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"It is nice to meet you Tay." Tay smiled back at Meagan as they walked and talked. Tay half listened as the Aes Sedai as she told Tay her history. The other half of her thoughts wandered wildly through her head. She was here...The White Tower. And she was a novice. In the past two days all of her daydreams had been answered, well almost all. She had learned she could channel, she bacame a novice and she would become an Aes Sedai. She would.

Her mind was jolted back to the present when she realized that her mentor had stoped talking and was looking at her as if waiting for something. Quickly she thought back to what the sister had last said. "But then an accident that cost me most of my sight brough me to the Tower."

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Guest Arie Ronshor

She stopped for a moment, and looked at the girl through her specticles. Pulling them off her nose, she looked at the girl with a look of concern.


"Are you altight, Tay? Are you tired?" Maegan smiled softly. "If this is a little overwhelming, ill leave to to your room and let you settle in a little..." She trailed a little, worried about the girl.





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Guest Arie Ronshor

Maegan smiled. "What is on your mind that has you so destracted?"


She would hate to overload the girl on her first day, but clearly the girl had something on her mind. Weather she could delve in to the girl, light only knew. Only time would tell.




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Guest Arie Ronshor







*cackles* shortest post ever!! ^_^"


Sorry.. i really really can't think of anything.. Maybe ask Maegan a question. ICly she won't force anythign on Tay if she doens't feel comfortable.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

She closed the frame of her glasses and placed them in her lap. An extremely dark look shadowed across her face, but only for a moment.


"I was being chased and I didn't' see the cart that was coming the other way. They avoided me, but not before i got hit across the face with a piece of the wheel. It nearly ripped my eyes out of their sockets. I was brought to the tower for healing. It was how i learned I could channel." Maegan sighed a little in resignation, but she smiled. "Although i never received my sight back fully, i have learned more about myself by loosing the ability to see than anything. I may not have come to the tower and become and Aes Sedai. And that is a great accomplishment. And one day, with the lights blessing, you will do the same. The path is far from easy, and the Tower will test you, hard." She smiled warmly, "But if you truely want it, you can achieve anything."




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Guest Arie Ronshor

Maegan smiled softly at the girl. The sun starting to set.


"It is getting late, and i have yet to tak you to your room. Come." Standing, Maegan stood for a moment for the girl to follow. Walking through the Gates and into the Novice halls. Opening a door, Maegan ushered the girl in.


"This will be your room that you will share with two other girls. Tomorrow when you first wake you will recive a note. In this note you will gain instructions for your fist task. This will be to find my room and meet me there for your first lesson." With a soft smile. And with that, i bid you good night."


After the traditional ending of a night, Maegan then worked her way back to her own room to plan the next days lesson.




Maegain Ryanne

Red Sitter


Ooc: Just one more post! ^_^ Then it's time for a class. You are MORE than welceom to come join the private WT boards and join in with the discussions there. the class is posted already, adn in case you loks thte link here it is ( http://www.whitetowerdiv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5963 ). I think you already got a PM from a few other Novices. If yoru up for having a room ate, RP with them, get in trouble and enjoy yourself.





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Tay followed closly to Meagen Sedai as she was guided into the novice quarters. She had never realized just how big the tower was. Soon after they stoped infront of a door and opened it, revealing Tay's new room. There were three narrow beds built along the walls, a washstand and a small table with three chairs. There was a row of pegs on a wall for hanging things.



"This will be your room that you will share with two other girls. Tomorrow when you first wake you will recive a note. In this note you will gain instructions for your fist task. This will be to find my room and meet me there for your first lesson." Tay nodded and her Mentor smiled and left Tay alone in her room. Meagen had mentioned that she would be sharing the room with other girls but so far it seemed she was the only one. She hoped her roommates would be nice. With a small sigh she picked one of the beds and started to put away her things. She had a feeling tomorrow would be a long day.

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