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Wishful Thinking?


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Fantastic, and the worst we did was set fire to the lab bench and weld a lad's tie to the desk (he insisted in wearing a tie pin).


But then, we had a teacher who thought it was perfectly ok to use the school lab to make himself some moonshine...


I still don't think that the Academy and the other schools are purely in existence to introduce Fel, and for the reason that Rand wants to 'leave something behind, other than destruction'.


I think there's bound to be something developed in there that will be used.


Idrien mentioned a woman developing what we know as a hand-glider. The illuminators know of gunpowder and explosions; they could create bomb-squads. Obviously the Raken could be used for this too.


    Rand: "We're out of ideas and the DO is coming!!! What do you have there Mat?"


    Mat: "Some round thing with 'Yoko Ono Greatest Hits'"


    Rand: "THROW IT!!




    Rand: "What happened? Everyone's gone! It's worse than Balefire!

    ha ha


I do love the idea that it's our future/past. Circular time isn't a brand-new idea, but Jordan definitely made it work.


On the one hand, I love it. It's so awesome to think of the cyclic time, and it's fun to draw parallels between our lives and theirs. Plus it's nice to think that it has and will happen again (even if it is fictional).


On the other hand, I don't want them inventing gunpowder! I was very angry at Mat and Aludra for inventing gunpowder. That will change everything forever.  >:( But again - it's cyclic time! The medieval ages will come again!


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