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Where Does (or will) your Sister Live?


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As Browns, we have the awesome option of living over the Library, or within the Tower itself.  For Raeyn, I have her primarily located in apartments over the Library, but with some maintained in the Tower itself for being social with non-Browns as needed.


What about you guys?  Is it something you've thought about, or think is pertinent to your character? 



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Cara - Rooms above the Library

Raeyn - Rooms above the Library for most purposes, but chambers maintained in the Tower proper for meetings with other Sitters/etc.

Claire - Rooms in both. Ter'angreal studies in Ajah quarters in Tower, research & writing in quarters above Library.

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Room #1 goes to Claire, Room #3 to myself.  Owen, what room do you want for your Cara?


I'll also be skimming through the NSW/not dead people bios and seeing if anyone mentions specifically living above the Library and add them in later.  I still need to figure out wedgy-shaped goodness for inside the Tower proper. :)

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