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Need a Lead


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ALrighty, I am looking for someone to rp a return with me. Deacon is coming back from a slight LOA. As far as ppl being involved I am guessing any Tower Guards or current Warders. I am more then happy to include anyone who remembers Deacon from the days of old and anyone who wants to make a new friend. TO those in higher power, I had not heard whether or not my email reached you guys and if it needed to be improved upon. But until I hear otherwise I would like to start rping. My Aes Sedai is back as well and I am just waiting on the go ahead. Anyone up for the trip post up here or get ahold of me.


Deacon Gaidin

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I have an open thread with my White if you are interested. :) It's already up for viewing. ^_^


Also, Arie (an Inn Keeper now) Will remember both Deacon and Mandi. They are always welcome at Arie's inn.. *ponders* Although if it's main timeline it 'may' be burned down.. *coughs* However, Cairma will know you as well. :)

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Wait.. i think you were my mentor (For Cairma) for all of one Req after Bril left... Way back in the day..



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I believe I sent it to the addy listed on the Warder page. But I can send it again. And I remember Cairma. Nice to join ya again, I remember doing some training with you back in the day. I will check again but let know me if I need to send it again.


Deacon Gaidin



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