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The Burden of Those Who Survive: Continuing BoE RP


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OOC: I know there may have been a few unfinished parts of the BoE Rp and myself and other members have wished to continue this rp. This is set after the battle is finished and can be used to RP your character's ending to the Battle if you wish, or their recovery adn expiriences after the battle.


Kedyn tossed and turned back and forth before he jolted straight up with a strangled shout, his hand going straight to his throat. He took in a ragged and painful breath amazed that he was alive. His last memory was that of being chocked by Carnhain's image, or what he had thought. The fact that he was alive was amazing to Kedyn, in all probobility he should be dead.


Again Kedyn took in a painful breath running his hand over his kneck. He could almost feel the armored fingers closing on his windpipe again. "You awake?" Kedyn turned and nodded towards a man in a medic's uniform bent over a man and checking his wounds. Kedyn finally took in his surroundings. He was in a long line of soldiers, wounded, on a pasture near the outskirts of the battlefield. The Band had set up it's small fort outside the Citadel to recover from the battle and gather their wounded and dead.


"Good thing. You nearly died, the marks are still visible on your kneck. The man who was choking you must have a devil for an arm." Kedyn simply nodded again, knowing that those words were all true. Carnhain did have a strong sword arm and only helped with his gauntlets.


Kedyn's voice came out in a ragged whisper, but he cleared his throat wincing at the pain and tried again. "How many?"


Kedyn saw the grimace that passed over the man's face. "The arrows and the cavalry softened the numbers, and the rain made the largest amount of those things go away. But they didn't retreat and fought till the end. The number standes near six hundred dead, four wounded."


Kedyn let out a long ragged breath, a sixth of the Band's streangth had been wounded or killed in this single battle. It was a low point in the Band's life to be sure. Kedyn rose slowly adn began to survey the scene around him. His eye caught on a figure a rew rows away from him. "No." Kedyn said in a half whisper before he made a half run.


He slowed to a small skid before kneeling before Miria's still body. He immediately felt her skin adn was relieved to feel warmth in the skin. There was blood matted in her hair and on her side, a bandage wrapped around her midsection. Kedyn grabbed a new bandage that was lying close and slowly undid the one on her waist. The slash wasn't large but it was deep, and thankfully showed no signs of infection. Kedyn carefully pressed the fresh bandage against the wound and tucked it under the one around her waist to keep pressure on it. Slowly he lifted Miria's head and cradled it in his lap. With one hand he slowly dabbed at the blood on the back of her head. Light why couldn't he protect those he promised to.




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Running. She was running, and she didn't know why, her pursuer hidden and unknown, though the danger was as real as ever. Stumbling, she screamed, the sound echoing through the blackness. Bracing herself for the impact, she blinked. Everything had changed.


She was smiling, happy. She was wearing emerald green, and flowers were in her hair. Faces around her clapped and cheered, mirth evident on their faces. A hand closed over her own and her smile broadened, turning to face him as he led her in a dance. On and on they whirled, laughing, carefree, Kedyn's face showing the same joy as hers. Slowing, he drew her closer, his lips ever nearing her own, her breath catching in expectation.


Rough hands pulled her away, as a man clad in armour took hold of Kedyn, and they fought. Tears flooded her cheeks as she screamed for him, watching as he fell to his knees. The faces around her changed, no longer happy and laughing, their forms still familiar but hate in thier eyes. Steel rang on steel, unholy screams of wild horses as they reared beside her filled the air. Blood, there was so much blood, and pain that wracked her body and made her collapse, as Kedyn was dragged from sight, her screams suddenly the only sound as she saw his eyes close, his body slump.


"No!" She breathed, her eyes flickering. A searing pain in her side caused her to flinch, yet gentle hands stroked her cheek and her hair. That man had hurt Kedyn, taken her from him. She knew his name, yet it evaded her, tears burning her eyes. "No!" She murmered again, and opened her eyes. Colours and visions swam before her eyes, sounds muffled. Was she still dreaming? A face filled her view and tears continued to roll. Kedyn. He had been taken from her. Why did she see him now, in her dreams?


"Miria?"A voice rasped her name, and she blinked through her tears. "Can you hear me?"Pain throbbed at her side, and suddenly it all came flooding back, the battle, the blood, the screams. Carnhain. Carnhain had been the one he fought. Yet...he was alive? "Kedyn?" She asked, fresh tears falling down her already wet cheeks. She lifted an arm, not seeing the blood drying on her hand as she reached out to touch him. He was real, very much real, though there were angry purple marks on his neck. "I thought you were dead!" She croaked, turning her head towards him and burying it in his shirt as she sobbed, squeezing her eyes tight against the horror that continued playing in her mind. He was alive, and so was she. Somehow.


Attempting to lift herself Miria moaned noisily as a stabbing pain wrenched through her side. A flicker of a memory came back to her, the blade sliding out and slicing her flesh as her palm slammed into the face of her shadow, crushing bone. Looking down she grimaced at the blood staining the bandage at her waist, before her eyes travelled on to the rows of soldiers laying out on the open fields. Dead. "Oh light." She sobbed, tearing her eyes away. "You're alive." She whispered again, the faintest of smiles crossing her lips as she looked up at Kedyn. Wonder filled her eyes as the pain continued to throb, the darkness once again drawing her, beckoning her into it's welcoming depths. "I dreamt of you." Her finger lightly brushed his cheek before she dropped her hand, the abyss once more overwhelming her.

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Being helped to his feet, Logan quietly thanked the unknown face.


"It seems I will live to fight another day," he said to himself.


Holding his arm and limping he fought back the swarming black specs in his vision and slowly made his way to form the ranks. It seems quite a few men had died in this evil battle.


Thinking a prayer for the dead Logan hobbled back with the remainer of the Band to the Citadel were he found himself in the medic building to get stitched up.


Holding his head high and gritting his teeth he counted the mental ticks in his head for all the men he had slain. Praying and crying inside he retired to the barracks.



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Slowly searching his barracks he noticed just how many of his calvary archers dead, he knew not how many of Carhians Lancers were dead, and the combined unit that he shared with Carhian had taken quite a hit as well. Searching his room he looked around, Carhian was no where to be found, Roaring he shouted ,"NEPHEW, YOU HAD BEST NOT BE DEAD CAUSE IF YOU ARE I PROMISE TO BRING YOU BACK JUST TO KILL YOU."


Rowul rushed outside a light rain was begining eh ran from place to place shouting as he went not caring about the looks he was geting,



mabey he is dead

NOO he is just at the medics

so many died it is possible

Nooo he is not dad I won't allow it

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Guest Estel

Carnhain stood looking over the entire Citadel. The scaffolding encircling what would one day be the citadel of the Citadel. Thoughts ran through his head. Memories sent tears running down his stubbled cheeks.


This was the third time he had almost killed his best friend. He was nothing more than an animal. How many more people would he kill in this madness he held within himself? How long would it be before he actually managed to kill Kedyn? Or Rowul? Or someone else?


He didn't deserve to live. He'd only end up killing others. It was better for him to die, than for him to take the lives of countless others.


The young man took one last look at what had been his home for nearly two and a half years. He had developed a sort of family here, though like his first family, it would last no more than two years. They would forget him- forget his young life. They'd forget his deeds once his bopy became one of the nameless crosses in the Field of the Fallen- or would they bury him there? He did not fall in battle.


When he was gone, he would be called coward, for taking his own life. They'd remember him as the madman and his legacy would be the scars across Kedyn's neck.


Breathing deeply, for what would be his last time, he prepared himself for the plunge and impact that would end his blood-stained life.


ooc: Rowul, or anyone else is free to persuade Carnhain not to jump...

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Ingtar limped heavily towards his barracks. The medics had sewed his leg and all his other wounds. He had counted the stitches when they were being put in. Ninety-six! Nobody ever got that many stitches at one time, ever! Ingtar looked up at the sky wondering what he had done to deserve such pain. He ran his eyes over the horizon, across the Citadel, something catching his eye. It appeared to be the figure of a man, but he couldn't tell for sure. He decided to check it out. He limped to the entrance of the large citadel, and pulled open one of the two double doors. He entered, and looked for a staircase that would lead to the top. He spotted one quickly and moved as fast as his legs would allow him, which wasn't very fast. He reached the top and pulled open the door that opened on to the roof. He spotted the figure on the edge of the wall immediately. Carnhain. He looked like he wanted to jump. Ingtar had no reason why. But he had to do something quickly, until Rowul could come and help.(hint, hint) Ingtar approached slowly, until he was nearly even with his commander. Carnhain appeared deep in thought. He walked up beside the man and called out quietly,"Sir, may I inquire as to what you are doing?" Carnhain snapped out of his trance, and turned to Ingtar. He shook his head and muttered something, Ingtar couldn't tell what, but he thought he heard words like, "animal," and, "end it all," but he didn't know for sure. Ingtar spoke up, trying to reach out to Carnhain, "Sir, if you jump I go after you. We live as a team, and we die as a team. Besides, how could I lose the one man who has made the biggest contribution to my life?" Carnhain appeared to hear it, and Ingtar thought he saw a small smile, but Carnhain just turned back to the edge of the wall. There was only one man Carnhain would listen to know, and Ingtar knew it. Rowul Stromblade. Where was the man, Ingtar wondered.

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Mehrin's belly felt like it was on fire, and the pain only became worse with every breath. There would have been quite a bit to complain about if he would have been anyplace else than where he was. He could already see the medics rushing to meet him, though the world seemed to be draining of color. No, that's just blood loss. That tends to happen when you walk around for ten minutes with a gaping hole in your belly, Mehrin thought wryly.


Faces began appearing around him, some he knew, others he didn't. Their voices were fuzzy and entirely unintelligable. Funny, I don't remember falling. How did I end up on the ground, then? Vaguely, Mehrin felt hands seizing hold of him, lifting him off the ground and carrying him away. It felt as though he was flying. Heh. This would almost be fun if I didn't hurt so badly. "I trust that you know what you're doing, then?" he muttered. At the man's nod, Mehrin said, "Good. I think I'll sleep through the worst of it, if you don't mind." Despite the sudden look of worry on the medic's face, there was also some amusement. The small smirk was the last thing Mehrin saw as he surrendered to the blackness that had been threatening him for quite some time.




Mehrin was floating in blackness. There was no sense of time, nor of pain, only silence and peacefulness. "Is this what its like to die?" he asked no one in particular. He never expected an answer.


"Aye, it do be quite similar," a female voice with a heavy Illian accent answered. Even as Mehrin turned, he knew what he was going to see. "I did know that ye'd be seeing me sometime, Mehr." The woman he saw behind him had shoulder-length gold hair, braided into several small braids with beads woven into them. Her face was heavily tanned, with brilliant blue eyes. She was beautiful.


"Anya..." Mehrin smiled sadly, tears coming to his eyes. "You have no idea how much I've... I've..." Emotion stopped his throat. It was all he could do not to break down and cry right there and then.


"I know, Mehr, I know." Anya's smile echoed Mehrin's, regretful and sad. "If it do be any consolation, I did no die without a fight, and I did die without any pain." Of all the knowledge that the world offered, of all that there was to learn, that was the only thing that had mattered to Mehrin, all he had cared about for the past year.


It was more than Mehrin could handle. The tears came freely, and he felt himself collapse. Feelings that he had been fighting since the first battle at Emond's Field finally broke free. He never even noticed when Anya kneeled next to him and wrapped her arms around him. Finally, the wave of emotion dwindled, and Mehrin could control himself. One question remained, though: "Is it finally over, then? Am I dead?"


Once again, that sad smile. "No, Mehr, you do no be dead. As a matter of fact, you will be waking up soon." She smiled one of those smiles that Mehrin remembered so well, the ones that meant that she was about to do something that could get her into trouble. "I did want to tell you that I love you. I also wanted to tell you that you do need to loosen up!" With a laugh, Anya slapped the back of Mehrin's head. "You do be going to drive yourself insane if you do no get on with your life."


The darkness was brightening. Anya took Mehrin's face in her hands. "Do no kill yourself over me. Live and love again." A gentle kiss, and she was gone...




"...der? Commander?" Mehrin's eyes slowly opened, revealing a young medic with a worried look on his face.


"Don't call me that. What do you need?"


The man looked uncomfortable, as if he were trying to decide how to say something. Finally, he worked up the courage to say it. "You were muttering a name: 'Anya Tarin Winter.'" The man tilted his head to one side, probably hoping for an answer.


Mehrin smiled weakly. "Just a woman whom I loved and lost." Any further comment was cut short by a loud clamor from outside. Mehrin looked at the medic again, his face twisting into a slightly mischievous smile. "Me. Outside. Right now."



Mehrin hadn't even bothered with clothes; he wrapped a bedsheet around his waist and staggered out of the medical building and to the scene of the uproar. Apparently, someone was not happy about- Mehrin's eyes finally discerned the features of the man standing on the scaffold. This is going to hurt, Mehrin thought as he felt the freshly-stitched wound on his belly throb in protest to a deep breath.


"Carnhain," Mehrin yelled, "Don't do it, man! Whatever happened, it is not worth it! Come down, let's talk this over!"



OOC: Not much for the ending, I know, but Mehrin has no idea what caused this.

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Rowul limped over to him and roughly grabbed his nephew and drug him back 3 steps, before the young man had a chance to resist.



Thats when rowul caught the words "animal" "insane"

"not worthy"


"If you think some of those things you need to be beaten, and i mean to do it, listen you mean more to many people than they could ever say to you in a life time. You inspire loyalty adn you have saved the lives of many men, if you have a beserkers blood rush so what, that is not what matters, Blood adn Ashes boy if you feel so strongly about it i can train you to assume a void where your feelings will never reach you. Don't throw away the most precious thing the creator has given you, with a life you can do so much you can protect the weak care for the injured and love the lost, there is never a reason to end it."


Rowul waited to see just what his nephews reaction would be

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Guest Estel

Slow tears rolled from his eyes and he turned towards the crowd of people. Did they know what he was? They couldn't, they'd let him die otherwise.


"Worth it?" he rasped "This is the third bloody time I've nearly killed my best friend! How long before his life ends because I'm some kind of uncontrollable animal! How many more will die! Better I end this." His last few words were resigned and he took another step towards the edge of the scaffolding, pulling from Rowul's strong grasp. "I'm sorry to disappoint you Uncle."


Snapping his head towards Ingtar, he barked at the man. "Don't follow me. You've got a good career ahead of you, don't waste it on a madman." His words were bitter and sharp. They seethed with self-loathing and slef-pity, a sickly combination and Carnhain would have snapped the head off the man who had said it. But the man was him.

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As Daruun walked through the Citadel after the fighting he began to have the eerie feeling that life was going to be slightly different for everyone after having to kill their own squadmates. Light, but this whole thing was just one big bloody mess. Daruun thought, fingering a large gash that ran from under his left eye down to the base of his jaw. He had not even noticed it until it was brought to his attention by a medic when he was roaming through the dead checking for his men. The medic said that it had needed stitching and that had it been pure luck that Daruun had not lost his eye. As was his practice he immediately went to the nearest unoccupied medic, which was hard to come by, and had the young woman stitch him up. Hearing some shouting coming from the unfinished Citadel within the Citadel Daruun took off running. Maybe we somehow missed someone, or perhaps they had trolloc reinforcements. Preparing himself for the worst sight possible, Trollocs in the Citadel, he was relieved to see that it was Carnhain standing atop the unfinished building seemingly about to jump. WAIT JUST A BLOODY MINUTE!! Carnhain about to jump!? Why in the bloody flaming light would he do that!? Standing at the base of the building Daruun could tell that Carnhain was turned around talking to someone, possibly more than one person. If they are just going to bloody talk to him and not do something then I guess it is just up to the bloody flaming infantry to act.


Grabbing ahold of the scaffolding Daruun began to haul himself up towards the distraught cavalryman. If I fall trying to keep you from killing yourself Carnhain I swear by the light I will beat you until you can't walk.

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"No!" Kedyn's eyes widened in hope as Miria's slowly flickered open. He stroked a stray hair from her forehead with one finger and watched as she began to regain consciousness. "Miria? Can you hear me?" Kedyn bit his lip, not missing how bad his voice still sounded, though it sounded somewhat better than it had when he had first woken.


"Kedyn?" A smile split Kedyn's face as Miria whispered his name. Tears glistned in her eyes and then began to fall down her cheeks. With one finger he slowly brushed them from her face. he lifted his hand and slowly grasped the one she had began to reach out to him. "I thought you were dead!"


Kedyn was about to say something when Miria turned and buried her face in his shirt sobbing without restraint. Kedyn wrapped his arms around her as best he could and slowly stroked her hair with a free hand, trying to make soothing noises and calming words.


It seemed to work somewhat, and despite a small noise of warning, Miria tried to sit herself up. "Oh light. You're alive." Kedyn brushed a finger against her cheek as a small smile crossed it. He didn't know what to do, nor could his mind function very well, his throat was throbbing and the slash across his leg was shooting painful shoots through his body, turning the bandage red with his blood. "I dreamt of you." Kedyn pressed his cheek against the finger that Miria brushed against it.


Kedyn's smile shifted to a look of horror as Miria's hand dropped and she slipped back into unconciousness. "Miria? Miria?" His voice was panicked, quick and rose with every words. "Medic!" Kedyn shouted to no one in particular, just wanting to be heard.


Light, please. You abondonded me long ago, but please do not let her die. She doesn't deserve this. Please! Kedyn ended his small prayer, the first he had since since Lavena's death in desperation, not knowing what was wrong with the woman in his arms.


"Miria please hold on, I can't lose you." Kedyn's voice was choked, he could feel tears forming in his eyes and wasn't suprised when one slowly fell down his cheek. "I'm not strong enough to lose you Miria. I can't....." Kedyn took a deep unsteady breath as another tear slowly fell down his cheek. "I can't lose another person..that I love."


Kedyn bent akwardly to kiss Miria lightly on the forehead as he realized the familier emotion he could feel rising in his breast. How had he let this happen. He knew he may have been setting himself for pain, suffering, by falling in love with another one of his soldiers but he no longer cared. At the moment all that mattered was Miria staying alive. The tears began to fall freely as a sob took over Kedyn, pressing his forehead against Miria's.




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"She lost a lot of blood, and that knock to her head seemed quite nasty. We've done all we can for her, for now we just have to wait and pray to the creator that she wakes up soon." The words reached Miria's ears as though from a long way off, muffled and soft. Idly she wondered who the woman referred to, but it was difficult to keep her mind on any one thought for long.


Something warmed her hand, fingers - someone was holding her hand. Someone with calloused hands, from hours of weapons work, likely. Kedyn? The name came to her from nowhere, but it made her want to smile, though her body felt a long way from her mind. She had seen him again in her dreams, the image of his smile still dancing just out of view.


A soft sigh met her ears, the breath tickling her fingers. That had sounded close. Suddenly all the other sounds were clearer, hushed voices, a rattling cough. Miria could sense the light, and instinctively her eyes flickered open, flinching against the dim light coming from a thick candle on a small table by her bed. Bed? Blinking, she focused on her surroundings, confusion giving way to understanding as she recognised the interior of the infirmary.


Her eyes roved down to the warmth at her hand and a smile crossed her lips as she saw Kedyn, seated by her bed, his hand holding hers, his eyes closed and his head bowed. He looked exhausted, the strain around his eyes clearly visible, the marks at his neck slightly faded and yellowed. Wait...they had been vivid when she last looked at them. How long had she been asleep?


"Kedyn?" She croaked, surprised to hear her own raspy voice. Light but she was thirsty. She squeezed his fingers gently, smiling at him as his lifted his head, the anxiety clear in his eyes. "I can't lose another person..that I love." Unbidden the words floated in the back of her mind, the voice undoubtedly Kedyn's. Surely that was a dream. But what a pleasant dream it had been. If only it were true. If only he loved her as she so desperately loved him.


Miria was surprised at how easily she was able to admit it to herself, but looking at his weary smiling face she could not deny it was true, though if she was honest she had known it deep down for some time. "I dreamt of you." She murmured, frowning slightly as she wondered why the words felt so familiar. Had she dreamed those as well? Brightening once more she squeezed his fingers. "I must say it's nice to see you," She cleared her throat against the dryness before continuing, "even if you look terrible." She grinned at him, silently amending that she had never been happier to see anyone in her life.


Stretching, she flinched at the twinge in her side, not the same raging fire it had been, but still far from comfortable. Using her free hand she pushed at the light blanket covering her and lifted her shirt slightly, craning her neck to see the stitches across her ribs, where a gash had been. "Bloody hell." She muttered, lowering her shirt. "So I didn't dream that." Light, if that was real, that meant that whole battle, Carnhain strangling her Kedyn, the rows of soldiers lying on the field...


She struggled to sit upright, ignoring the pain in her side, her hand clutching Kedyn's as worry suddenly crossed her features. "How long was I asleep for? How many..." Her voice trailed off, she couldn't utter the words. How many had died? "I remember now...I saw you...thought you were gone, that Carnhain..." She swallowed, tears forming in the corner of her eyes as Kedyn moved to sit beside her on the bed, her hand fluttering to his throat before she wrapped her arms around him, her face buried into his neck as she wept. "Thank the light you are alright, I couldn't manage losing you." She whispered as he held her close.


"I can't lose another person..that I love."The words echoed in her mind once more, as though from some long forgotten memory or dream. Had she dreamed the words? Or had she spoken them to him? Surely he hadn't uttered them. Had he? Mentally she shook herself, trying to clear her head as she uttered a silent prayer in thanks for sparing her love.

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Guest Estel

As suddenly as he had turned his back away- away from his friends, his adopted family, his duty and his life- he stepped off the scaffolding, to his death.


His life flashed before his eyes. It was as if time was suspended, allowing him to review his short twenty years of life. He saw again his mother raped before his infant eyes and again he killed Anon. He watched Rorth attack Rowul and he and thrice watched as he strangled Kedyn. Again he charged atop Black Fire, at Emond's Field, Cairhien and then returned to the small town in Emond's Field. He watched enemies and friends die for the second time and saw the beginnings of his small family here in the Band. It was a shame that the life was so short.


ooc: get ready to catch him Daruun...

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Kedyn slowly lowered Miria onto the bed in one of the infirmaries, a medic holding back the sheet as Kedyn took his arms from around Miria and lovingly pushed a strand of blond hair from her face.


The medic came around the bed and lifted Miria's shirt a small amount to expose the gash, having to lift the bandage as well. "This will need stitching soon." Kedyn took the place of his hand. "I will do it," and more sadly, "There are those who need you more."


The medic nodded as he handed a needle to Kedyn. "I'll be back for that." The medic pointed to the bloody bandage wrapped around Kedyn's leg, put there by Carnhain's blade. Kedyn pushed the thoughts of his battle with Carnhina away temporarily and brought his chair closer. He knew how to stitch, all Scouts learned how and Kedyn had practiced more than most, but he had yet to do it to someone he cared for.


Kedyn winced as the needled slowly passed through Miria's skin and he tugged the thread through the wound. He was careful and tried to be perfect. Kedyn winced at every pass but he knew it was necessary and devoted his entire concentration to the act. He leaned in and nipped off the end when he finished before smoothing Miria's shirt back over the wound and lifting the light blanket to cover her.


Kedyn took her hand in his and hunched over in his chair as he lifted pressed his lips against her hand. He looked terrible, the strains both emotional and physical easily visible. His eyes were red from the tears and his chest felt sore, hollow, everything hurt.


The medic returned to inspect his work and Miria's wounds, as well as apply a stitching to the gash on his leg. Kedyn sat stoically, wincing slightly at the tug of the thread and prick of the needle. He took strength in his grasp on Miria's hand and made no sound.


Kedyn moved very little for the hours that Miria remained unconscious, he didn't eat what the medics offered and watched indifferently as they tended his own wounds, while watching like a hawk whatever they did to Miria. He trusted them, he had to, but he could not help but be anxious for the woman he loved.


Dusk had begun to settle over the Citadel. One of the Medic captains was looking over Miria and relaying his thoughts to Kedyn. "She lost a lot of blood, and that knock to her head seemed quite nasty. We've done all we can for her, for now we just have to wait and pray to the creator that she wakes up soon."


Kedyn swallowed difficultly and rubbed a hand over his eyes. He nodded and the man walked away. He idly stroked a thumb across Miria's hand, encircled in his as his head drooped to look down at the floor. "Kedyn?"


Kedyn head lifted slowly but hope began to rise. Miria stirred and her eyes were open. She smiled and the love Keyn felt for her surged. "I dreamt of you." Kedyn's smile faltered for a moment at the words, the ones she had said hours ago still out on the field. Kedyn worried that she didn't remember their last encounter, worried that that might mean someother trouble.


"I must say it's nice to see you, even if you look terrible." Kedyn smiled. Still she was teasing, one of her most endearing qualities for Kedyn. He stroked her hand gently as her fingers squeezed his own with strength that you wouldn’t have thought possible in her condition.


Kedyn watched anxiously as Miria struggled to sit up but he couldn't make himself tell he not to. It was a strengthening sight seeing her alive.


"How long was I asleep for? How many...I remember now...I saw you...thought you were gone, that Carnhain..."Kedyn shifted from his seat to sit next to Miria on her bed, wrapping one arm around her while her hand stroked the markings on is neck. She hurriedly buried her face in neck. She was shaking softly and he could feel her warm tears falling on his skin. He wrapped both of his arms around her, stroking her hair with one hand and holding her tight. "Thank the light you are alright, I couldn't manage losing you."


Kedyn didn't say anything for a few moments, instead just trying to calm Miria's shaking. His hand slowly rubbed across her back when he finally began to speak. "Do not worry about that now. You are here, I am here. That is all that matters for now." Kedyn's head leaned to rest gently on Miria and he turned to kiss the top of her head gently.


With his mouth having opened Kedyn couldn’t stop. His voice was chocked with emotion and he had to make an effort to keep the tears from falling down his cheeks to express a strength to Miria. "I am so scared. You've been in and out for most of the day, it's nearly night out. I was.... I couldn't image losing you either. I don't think I could be strong enough." Kedyn's voice left him with a ragged breath as he felt a lone tear falling down his cheek. He held Miria all the tighter.




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Miria let go completely of her hold on her emotions, not bothering to hide the tears that spilled down her cheeks and onto Kedyn. He held her silently, and Miria allowed herself to relish the feeling of just being held in his arms, her arms tight around him, taking what comfort and strength she could from him. It was strange, she had never lived the easiest life, indeed she no doubt still had a price on her head, but she always felt safe when she was with Kedyn, always felt she was protected. Those moments when she had thought he was gone had torn her apart, scaring her the way nothing else had. She had survived everything else ok on her own, but she knew she wouldn’t survive losing him, knew that she couldn’t face a future without him. Indeed, she was realising that in her mind, there was no future without him. When had it happened? She knew it for what it was, he had stolen her heart, she loved him totally and completely…yet somehow it had happened without her even realising it.


"Do not worry about that now. You are here, I am here. That is all that matters for now." The words rang true in Miria’s ears. Nothing else mattered, but that they were both alive. "I am so scared. You've been in and out for most of the day, it's nearly night out. I was.... I couldn't image losing you either. I don't think I could be strong enough." Miria hugged him tighter, hearing the ache in his voice, feeling it match the ache in her chest. "I can't lose another person..that I love.†The words echoed in her mind, this time though they had Kedyn’s voice. Had he said the words when she was unconscious? Had he said the words at all? Or was it desperation that wanted him to love her back so much that she was imagining things?


Miria squeezed her eyes shut and tried to stem the flow of her tears, though it proved difficult in the warmth of Kedyn’s arms. All she wanted to do was let go of everything, the tears she had never shed for a father she did not know, for the friends that had betrayed her, for the terror of being on the run, hunted like an animal. It was like Kedyn’s words freed something inside of her, gave her permission to feel all that she had shut away. So she cried in his arms, for all of the old hurts, and for the new, the horror of battle, the thought that she may have lost everything she held dear at the hands of Carnhain. Softly she kissed his neck, where the marks were a clear signal of what he had endured, and again thanked the Light that he had kept his life.


Gradually the tears stopped, and Miria took a shaky breath, before lifting her head, one hand lightly touching his cheek, brushing at the lone tear that lingered there. Her heart swelled with love as she looked into his eyes, seeing something she hardly dared recognise, lest it be a mistake. She smiled tremulously at him. “You are a strong man, Kedyn. But thankfully you don’t have to test that strength any more. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.†She smiled shyly and swiped at her own tears with the back of her hand, belatedly realising what a mess she must look, though at the same time she didn’t care. He looked just as terrible as she. How he managed to still cause her stomach to flip at the mere sight of him was a wonder. She doubted he would ever look less than perfect, despite the weariness and worry that blackened his eyes, the blood staining his clothes.


Her fingers gently travelled to his eyes, and his words came back to her. It was almost night? Had he even taken the time to care for himself? Concern filled her gaze. “Have you been at my side the whole time?†She asked. A smile crossed her features, she knew he had, and it warmed her heart. “Thankyou.†She whispered. “No wonder you look terrible…you have me to blame.†She smiled ruefully as her fingers moved as though with a mind of their own to trace his lips softly, shushing what was no doubt going to be a refusal to blame her.


“You can blame me later.†She said with a smile. “But for now I’m starving, and you must be too…and I will NOT stay in this bed a moment longer than I have to.†She gave him a determined look, and he seemed to give in, albeit reluctantly. “Thankyou.†She said again, smiling up at him, before kissing his cheek softly. Surprised at her own forwardness, and suddenly shy as a result, Miria kicked at the blanket covering her legs in an attempt to cover her blush. She loved him, yes, but that was no excuse to start acting the hoyden. After all, she didn’t know how he felt.


Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she looked around at the other injured and shuddered slightly. She did not want to stay here; besides, she wanted to make sure Kedyn took care of himself. He would need food, and sleep too. Not only that, she didn’t want to let him out of her sight. She thought she had lost him before, and now she was going to hold on to him however she could.


Gritting her teeth, she stood, grunting softly as the stitches pulled, gratefully accepting the arm Kedyn wrapped around her waist to help her. Walking proved not too difficult, despite the twinge she felt with each step, and the initial headspin, though Kedyn seemed to limp with each step. Frowning, she noticed the tear in his pants, the blood stain. Another injury she had failed to notice. Something else Carnhain would have to pay for, no doubt. “Bloody hell, but he will pay for that, my love.†She muttered unthinkingly, half under her breath, as they left the tent and stepped into the twilight.



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Kedyn took streangth in watching Miria look up at him, his love for her soaring as remembered teh feeling of her lips on his kneck moments ago and he soft caress of her fingers as they wiped at the tear on his cheek. “You are a strong man, Kedyn. But thankfully you don’t have to test that strength any more. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.†Kedyn added his own hand to wipe at Miria's cheek as she siped away the tears in her eyes.


“Have you been at my side the whole time?†Kedyn smiled sheepishly at the words, though was unable to say anything in response as Miria continued. “Thankyou.†Kedyn shook his head as if to say that it was nothing. “No wonder you look terrible…you have me to blame.†Kedyn opened his mouth to refute her, to say that it was not her fault, but Miria's fingers were sudennly tracing is lips silencing any words he would have been able to say as his stomach flipped.


“You can blame me later. But for now I’m starving, and you must be too…and I will NOT stay in this bed a moment longer than I have to." Kedyn shook his head. "You need to rest. I will not let you out of this bed." Kedyn resolve though was no match for the look Miria gave him and he shook his head reufully. "Fine."


"Thankyou." Kedyn was about to shake his head when he felt the wet sensation of Miria's lips on his cheek. Kedyn was thankful that Miria began to fumble with the blanket as he touched the spot gingerly and tried to force away the small tint of red that had crept onto his cheek.


Kedyn stood and watched nervously as Miria struggled to stand, wrapping an arm around her waist to help steady her. He took a tentative step and was glad to see that Miria seemed to able to walk alright, even if Kedyn limped on most of his steps.


Kedyn winced at each step as much from the pain as the sight of the wounded lain around. He flinched every time he saw someone he knew, only thankfull that his scouts had avoided much of the combat. Kedyn made a silent wish that the men adn women in there recover quickly as Kedyn and Miria stepped outside into the darkness.


“..loody h.., but he will pay... that, my love.†Kedyn looked down at Miria adn stopped dead in his tracks as he realized she was talking about him. Miria continued a few steps on her own before turning witha smile that told she about to say something teasing about him.


His mouth stood agape as he checked over what he had heard, barely more than a whisper to make sure he understood what she had said. Love. She had said that about him, did she love him as much as he her. Suddenly Kedyn became sure of it and before Miria could say something Kedyn took two quick steps foreward and bent his head.


Kedyn's lips met Miria's and his fingers entwined in her hair to pull her into a kiss. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, pulsating with the love that he felt for the woman in front of him. Suddenly all the pain in the world mattered not, the only thing he could feel was love and the sensation if his lips pressing against Miria's.




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Kedyn took streangth in watching Miria look up at him, his love for her soaring as remembered teh feeling of her lips on his kneck moments ago and he soft caress of her fingers as they wiped at the tear on his cheek. “You are a strong man, Kedyn. But thankfully you don’t have to test that strength any more. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.†Kedyn added his own hand to wipe at Miria's cheek as she siped away the tears in her eyes.


“Have you been at my side the whole time?†Kedyn smiled sheepishly at the words, though was unable to say anything in response as Miria continued. “Thankyou.†Kedyn shook his head as if to say that it was nothing. “No wonder you look terrible…you have me to blame.†Kedyn opened his mouth to refute her, to say that it was not her fault, but Miria's fingers were sudennly tracing is lips silencing any words he would have been able to say as his stomach flipped.


“You can blame me later. But for now I’m starving, and you must be too…and I will NOT stay in this bed a moment longer than I have to." Kedyn shook his head. "You need to rest. I will not let you out of this bed." Kedyn resolve though was no match for the look Miria gave him and he shook his head reufully. "Fine."


"Thankyou." Kedyn was about to shake his head when he felt the wet sensation of Miria's lips on his cheek. Kedyn was thankful that Miria began to fumble with the blanket as he touched the spot gingerly and tried to force away the small tint of red that had crept onto his cheek.


Kedyn stood and watched nervously as Miria struggled to stand, wrapping an arm around her waist to help steady her. He took a tentative step and was glad to see that Miria seemed to able to walk alright, even if Kedyn limped on most of his steps.


Kedyn winced at each step as much from the pain as the sight of the wounded lain around. He flinched every time he saw someone he knew, only thankfull that his scouts had avoided much of the combat. Kedyn made a silent wish that the men adn women in there recover quickly as Kedyn and Miria stepped outside into the darkness.


“..loody h.., but he will pay... that, my love.†Kedyn looked down at Miria adn stopped dead in his tracks as he realized she was talking about him. Miria continued a few steps on her own before turning witha smile that told she about to say something teasing about him.


His mouth stood agape as he checked over what he had heard, barely more than a whisper to make sure he understood what she had said. Love. She had said that about him, did she love him as much as he her. Suddenly Kedyn became sure of it and before Miria could say something Kedyn took two quick steps foreward and bent his head.


Kedyn's lips met Miria's and his fingers entwined in her hair to pull her into a kiss. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, pulsating with the love that he felt for the woman in front of him. Suddenly all the pain in the world mattered not, the only thing he could feel was love and the sensation if his lips pressing against Miria's.




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It took a moment to realise Kedyn had stopped walking, and Miria turned, looking up at him with a curious smile, a cheeky comment already coming to mind, though the look on his face silenced the words before they were spoken.


His mouth gaped, and it finally dawned on her what she had said. She had called him her love. She would not deny it if he asked, could not, but clearly the soft admission had stunned him to the core. A blush crept over her cheeks as she floundered for something to say, when suddenly the whole world spun on it's axis.


Kedyn's eyes smouldered as he crossed the short distance between them, Miria unable to move as his lips decended and pressed against hers. A soft sigh escaped her lips as her heart pounded, the blood rushing in her veins sounded like thunder to her ears. For so long she had dreamed of this moment, imagined what it would be like, but her imagination hardly did the sensation justice.


Miria's heart soared, so full of love she thought she would explode, her eyes flickering closed after the initial surprise of his warm lips on her own. Unbidden her arms lifted to circle his neck as she followed his lead, pouring all the love and affection she felt for this man into the kiss, their surroundings fading into oblivion.


She followed his lead tentatively, until her own passion took over, leading her to hold him close, her lips parting as she took all that he had to give, and returned the kiss with a fervour born not of experience, but an overwhelming love. His masculine scent, his taste, his warmth, all combined thrill and excite her, so that she couldn't think straight, everything forgotten but Kedyn. Her Kedyn.


Kedyn finally lifted his head, eliciting a tiny sound of protest from Miria. Her eyes opened, staring up at him somewhat dazed, passion clouding her vision. If it weren't for his arms holding her, no doubt her knees would have given way, the butterflies going crazy in her stomach. She lifted a hand, pressing it against her lips softly, in wonder, as she struggled to regain her breath, her chest heaving as though she had run a marathon. "Bloody Hell...so that's what it's like." She whispered, a slow smile crossing her kiss-swollen lips as she gazed up at Kedyn, her love for him burning in her eyes.


"If I knew you would react like that, I would have called you my love long ago." She confided softly, with a bright smile, her hand stroking his cheek, as though learning his features by touch. "Especially if I'd known this kissing business was going to be so good." She breathed as her eyed dipped to his lips, inviting her touch with his heart-churning grin. She licked her lip unconsciously, wanting his kiss again, though shy, not sure if she could.


Her arm tightened around his neck as her finger traced the curve of his lower lip. "I take it you heard what I said?" She asked, her eyes searching his. She grinned, feeling more carefree than ever before. He knew, and he wasn't pushing her away, wasn't putting her in her place. If anything, he was drawing her closer. "I love you." She whispered softly, seriously, steping up onto her toes in an attempt to bring his lips closer to hers once more.

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It took a moment to realise Kedyn had stopped walking, and Miria turned, looking up at him with a curious smile, a cheeky comment already coming to mind, though the look on his face silenced the words before they were spoken.


His mouth gaped, and it finally dawned on her what she had said. She had called him her love. She would not deny it if he asked, could not, but clearly the soft admission had stunned him to the core. A blush crept over her cheeks as she floundered for something to say, when suddenly the whole world spun on it's axis.


Kedyn's eyes smouldered as he crossed the short distance between them, Miria unable to move as his lips decended and pressed against hers. A soft sigh escaped her lips as her heart pounded, the blood rushing in her veins sounded like thunder to her ears. For so long she had dreamed of this moment, imagined what it would be like, but her imagination hardly did the sensation justice.


Miria's heart soared, so full of love she thought she would explode, her eyes flickering closed after the initial surprise of his warm lips on her own. Unbidden her arms lifted to circle his neck as she followed his lead, pouring all the love and affection she felt for this man into the kiss, their surroundings fading into oblivion.


She followed his lead tentatively, until her own passion took over, leading her to hold him close, her lips parting as she took all that he had to give, and returned the kiss with a fervour born not of experience, but an overwhelming love. His masculine scent, his taste, his warmth, all combined thrill and excite her, so that she couldn't think straight, everything forgotten but Kedyn. Her Kedyn.


Kedyn finally lifted his head, eliciting a tiny sound of protest from Miria. Her eyes opened, staring up at him somewhat dazed, passion clouding her vision. If it weren't for his arms holding her, no doubt her knees would have given way, the butterflies going crazy in her stomach. She lifted a hand, pressing it against her lips softly, in wonder, as she struggled to regain her breath, her chest heaving as though she had run a marathon. "Bloody Hell...so that's what it's like." She whispered, a slow smile crossing her kiss-swollen lips as she gazed up at Kedyn, her love for him burning in her eyes.


"If I knew you would react like that, I would have called you my love long ago." She confided softly, with a bright smile, her hand stroking his cheek, as though learning his features by touch. "Especially if I'd known this kissing business was going to be so good." She breathed as her eyed dipped to his lips, inviting her touch with his heart-churning grin. She licked her lip unconsciously, wanting his kiss again, though shy, not sure if she could.


Her arm tightened around his neck as her finger traced the curve of his lower lip. "I take it you heard what I said?" She asked, her eyes searching his. She grinned, feeling more carefree than ever before. He knew, and he wasn't pushing her away, wasn't putting her in her place. If anything, he was drawing her closer. "I love you." She whispered softly, seriously, steping up onto her toes in an attempt to bring his lips closer to hers once more.

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For a moment Kedyn wondered if he had made the wrong decision, if he had stepped outside his boundaries and Miria has not been speaking about him. But after those first few moments her arms were circling his neck and she responded to his kiss.


Miria was tentative at first following what Kedyn did which made what she did next a suprise. His lips parted with Miria's and suddenly the fervor, the passion behind the kiss increased ten fold. The pleasureable sensations pulsated through every nerve in Kedyn's body, his hands untangled from Miria's hair and slowly encircled her, bringing her closer.


Kedyn lifted his head finally eliciting a sound of protest from Miria. He felt like he was in a bubble, with only him and Miria. The flowery scent of her hair, how his lips were swollen from the kiss, the feeling of holding Miria in his arms was intoxicating. Kedyn's only wish was to dip his head and press his lips to hers once again, but he had to tell her.


"Bloody Hell...so that's what it's like." Kedyn grinned triumphantly, winning that one bet with himself. So she had not had so many suitors chasing after her as she claimed. "If I knew you would react like that, I would have called you my love long ago." Kedyn idly stroked his fingers up and down the small of Miria's back as he felt the tingling caress across his cheek.


"I take it you heard what I said?" Kedyn nodded in answer, his finger running up her spin as her's traced the curve of his lip. "I love you." Kedyn's smile remained as his head ducked foreward to meet Miria's.


What Kedyn had meant to be only a short kiss was turned into a much longer one as Miria held him close, her lips parting against and Kedyn lost himself in it. His eyes closed and his arms tightened around Miria. Again Kedyn found himself the one pulling away, albiet extremely reluctantly. He was breathing deeply, harder than if he had been running for the entire day. His heart beat quickly and Miria nearly shone in his eyes as the love he had for her filled every part of his body.


He smiled brightly as he leaned his forehead against Miria's. "I hope your first kiss turned out to be a memorable one. Those friends of your back home must terribly heartbroken now." Kedyn lifted his head with a smile and looked down into Miria's eyes, holding her against him. "I guess I am not out of place to tell you, that I love you."




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Miria was flooded with sensation as Kedyn again captured her lips with his, sending her mind whirling and her knees weak. Nothing had ever felt like this, her blood singing in her veins, her heart pounding. She felt as though she could happily drown in the exciting warmth of Kedyn's kiss, her lips parting once more as she held him closer, on fire with wanting his kiss, unable to get enough.


It seemed too soon when Kedyn lifted his head for the second time, ending the intimate contact, leaving Miria flushed and weak-kneed. "I hope your first kiss turned out to be a memorable one. Those friends of your back home must terribly heartbroken now."She couldn't help but grin, she had given herself away well and truly with her admission that it had been her first kiss. And what a kiss. Light, her head still reeled.


"I guess I am not out of place to tell you, that I love you." The words were like music to her ears, and she beamed up at him, certain that in that moment she couldn't possibly be any happier. She sighed happily. "Not out of place at all." Her grin became cheeky once more. "In fact, I demand you tell me again, and often." She stretched up on her tiptoes, smiling at him with her eyes as she brushed her lips softly against his.


A loud cheer and a raucous comment she didn't quite catch made her start, peering around Kedyn to see several soldiers watching, and enjoying the show thoroughly, by the look. Good heavens, but she was standing out in the open, in Kedyn's arms, no less, kissing him for all the world to see! Not that she wanted to be anywhere else, but still. A furious blush crept over her cheeks, and Kedyn's soft chuckle didn't help any.


Unentangling herself reluctantly, Miria slipped under Kedyn's arm, her own arm about his waist as she led him on, towards the scout barracks. "Perhaps this...err...conversation would be better...said away from the crowds." Despite her embarrasment, Miria felt as though she was floating as she walked, close beside Kedyn's warm frame. His limp caused her to frown slightly, and became a deciding factor in where she led him.


"You are not walking around on that leg any more than you have to." She chided, as she pushed open the door to his own room. "If you don't have anything to eat in here, I will go and find you something." She continued as he sat. Missing the wicked gleam in his eyes, she was unprepared when he tugged at her arm, pulling her across his good leg.


She blushed again as he held her, though she grinned in return, her arms instinctively circling him. She gazed at him thoughtfully, her heart still thudding in her chest at the thought of drowning in his kisses once more. "You know, I don't know when I stopped pretending, in our little game." She confessed softly. "But I'm glad I don't have to anymore." She grinned again, rubbing her nose gently against his as his enticing mouth beckoned once again. Light, he was distracting enough, without the thought of kissing his delectable mouth!

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"Not out of place at all. In fact, I demand you tell me again, and often." Kedyn opened was about to open his mouth to do just that until Miria roes on her toes to lightly brush her lips against his, igniting his desire and leaving Kedyn wanting to hold her close and lose himself in a kiss as he had before. Apparently though, it would have to wait.


Kedyn's head turned and his eyes caught the knot of soldiers walking towards the medics barracks and he shook his head slowly as thye let out with a loud cheer and a rather reacous comment that Kedyn hoped Miria had not heard. He turned back to Miria and chuckled softly as a blush began to creep over her cheeks. Her embaressment was not what amused Kedyn, but how she looked when she was embaressed. Kedyn wasn't sure why he wasn't embaressed about being caught kissing in the middle of citadel. Perhaps it was because Miria was rather innocent. Keydn's first kiss had been many years ago in Caemlyn, and he had many since then.


"Perhaps this...err...conversation would be better...said away from the crowds." Kedyn reluctantly took his arms from around Miria's waist so that they could go some place more private, putting his arm around her shoulders for support and using his free arm to make a rather rude gesture at the soldiers behind his back, though all that did was elicit another burst of laughter from them.


"You are not walking around on that leg any more than you have to." Kedyn limp dicating who would be leading the two of them, and Kedyn wasn't really suprised as to where he was being led when he found out that reason. He didn't even try and argue, Kedyn had learned long ago that when a woman decided that you needed to do something she would make you do it no matter what, especially if you loved her and she you. "If you don't have anything to eat in here, I will go and find you something."


Kedyn sat slowly on his bed, letting his injured leg straighten as he let out a long breath he had been keeping in as he sat, the pain slowly beginning to return. But he didn't want Miria to leave yet. With a rather wicked gleam to his eye Kedyn tugged at her arm and and pulled her down on top of his good leg.


One of his arms slowly circled around her waist while the other curled around her front. He smiled happily as he felt Miria's arms encircled him as he brought her just a little bit closer. "You know, I don't know when I stopped pretending, in our little game. But I'm glad I don't have to anymore."


Kedyn sighed happily as he felt Miria's nose rubbing gently against his. He lifted his head and lightly nipped the edge of hers with his lips before drawing her closer into a kiss. He broked of reluctantly, taking a deep breath. "I don't think I was ever pretending. I just didn't know. After that first night, I don't think I needed to pretend it's just taken longer for me to admit that to myself."


Kedyn was surpised at how easily he had admitted and figured out just how long her had been in love. It seemed he was never very good at admiting when he was in love, it always took him days or weeks to recognize the emotion. With a smile Kedyn slowly ran kisses along Miria's jaw line, whispering "I love you." Between each one beofre nipping at her ear playfully.


The pain had subisded to the buzz of a gnat and all worldly needs seemed to evaporate. His hand rubbed across Miria's leg absentmindedly as he whispered in Miria's ear. Nothing else mattered for the moment. They had replaced thoughts of death with love, mourning the death of their comrades with their feelings of life.




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Miria may have been knew to the whole idea of kissing, but she knew instinctively that she would never grow tired of the wonderful sensation as Kedyn's lips again caressed her own. It would be so easy to forget about everything else, everyone else, and just keep on kissing him, but again it ended, all to soon.


"I don't think I was ever pretending. I just didn't know. After that first night, I don't think I needed to pretend it's just taken longer for me to admit that to myself." Grinning at the words, Miria gave him a playful shove on the shoulder. "You mean I was worried all this time for nothing?" She giggled, not annoyed in the slightest.


Her giggle changed to a slight shiver as Kedyn's mouth made a path over her jaw, the soft words between each caress making her smile and her heart swell with happiness. "I love you." A small, sharp nip at her ear made her jump, even as his warm breath tickled and sent a thrill down her spine, and caused her stomach to flipin excitement.


Light, but who would have thought how wonderful the reality of being in Kedyn's arms could be? She must have dreamed of it a thousand times, but nothing could have prepared her for the acute desire and excitement that flooded through her being at his touch, It was as though his hand burned her leg, bringing heat to her cheeks and making her heart increase it's rhythm.


She swallowed, trying to force her voice past her lips. Good heavens but it was distracting when he did that. "I could stay here in your arms quite happily forever." She sighed, stroking his hair absently. "Though we will both likely starve. You need food." Leaning towards him she found his tempting lips once more, before reluctantly pulling back, lest she forget what she was about and sink into the warm embrace.


"Now don't you move - I'll be right back." She commanded, though her mock stern face broke into a grin at the sight of the man she loved. She pecked his cheek quickly. "I love you." She whispered in his ear, before sliding from his lap and all but skipping out of the room.


Her stomach grumbled as she made her way to the mess hall, reminding her of just how hungry she was. The pain in her side still throbbed, though it seemed on the edge of her notice, unimportant compared to the love bursting in her heart.


The mess hall was quiet for a change, the mood sombre compared to usual, with a lot less faces at the tables. Miria quickly grabbed a simple meal for the two of them, bread, cheese and dried beef, and two small apples, before hurrying back to the barracks, impatient to be in Kedyn's arms once again. Maybe she was turning into a lightskirt after all. Or did it not count when you were in love? So many things she didn't know, though she vowed to ask Kedyn later on, when he wasn't likely to laugh. Somehow she didn't think she'd avoid his teasing though.


Leaning on the door, she pushed it open, smiling broadly at Kedyn, leaning back on his bed. He looked so handsome, so relaxed, that she couldn't help but just stare for a few moments. How did she become so lucky? Still, their was strain around his eyes, and as beautiful as he was, he still looked terrible. "Here." She said, settling beside him on the bed and handing him the plate. Two had seemed like two much to carry, so she shared the meal, tearing herself a chunk of bread and smiling shyly at her love, eyeing him sideways.



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Kedyn had moved and was nuzzling Miria's kneck softly. "I could stay here in your arms quite happily forever. Though we will both likely starve. You need food." Kedyn mumbled something like it didn't matter as long as she was there as he felt Miria's hand stroking through his hair. He had moved away towards the end and Miria's lips once again ventured forth to seek out his own.


"Now don't you move - I'll be right back." Kedyn sighed softly but wasn't about to argue with Miria, knowing he would never win. He moved back to lean against the headboard as Miria left the room and slowly pulled back the leg of his pants. He gritted his teeth as the fabric pulled against the dry blood on his thigh. He pulled back the bandage with a grimace and prodded the skin around it lightly. It didn't look to be getting infected which was good, nor was it bleeding any longer. The stitching had done it's job it seemed.


He rolled his pant leg down once again and leaned back against his bed. His stomach grumbled despite the thoughts he had had earlier. He shifted his leg once again to make it feel more comfortable and make himself forget the incessent itch.


Kedyn looked up once again as Miria pushed her way into his room with a plate of food in her hands. Here." Kedyn took the plate offered to him and picked up a piece of meat as Miria took a chunk of bread. He smiled back as she eyed him softly.


They ate in relative silence, Kedyn consumed by the radiance Miria seemed to be giving off. He made sure he shared as much of the food as Miria allowed in return for her getting it. When they finished Kedyn set the plate on the ground next to him and reahced for his pack with bandages in it. He rolled them out and then sat back up.


"Alright now lay down, you took care of me so it's my turn." Kedyn put a hand on Miria's stomach and applied some pressure to make her lay back. He slid back her shirt to expose the bandage and slowly began to take it off. He tried to be as gentle as he could as his hands hovered over her waist. Once he finished, applying the new bandage. He steadied his hands as they trais over Miria's bare waist. He finished and lightly kissed the top of the bandage before covering Miria again. He crawled up next to her and layed down beside her looking into her eyes. He smiled. "Better my love?"




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"Alright now lay down, you took care of me so it's my turn." Miria considered resisting, but realised it would be pointless anyway. The newly stitched gash would still need attention, even if she was able to ignore the pain for more amusing things, like Kedyn's kisses.


Her stomach flipped as he pushed her back gently, and she sighed, watching him as he carefully peeled back the bandage. She flinched slightly, not from pain, but from the unexpected thrill that coursed through her at Kedyn's touch, her skin pebbling in reaction, even though his touch burned. Butterflies seemed to have taken up permanent residence in her stomach, and as he lightly kissed the bandage, she wondered if it would always be this exciting, being close to him.


He stretched out beside her, smiling at her with his love obvious in his eyes, and she knew it would never change. How could she ever grow used to it? "Better my love?" Giving him a cheeky grin, dimple flashing, she wiggled over so she was snuggled beside him. "Much better." She giggled, tracing the line of his jaw with one finger. "I don't think I've ever felt so good." she admitted softly, her fingers shifting to brush his hair back from his brow livingly. Light, but he was so beautiful, and she had his love. What more did she need?


Her fingers trailed softly over his eyes, as if her touch could wipe away the strain, the dark circles. Lifting her head, Miria pressed her lips lightly against them in turn. "You need sleep." She said, a tinge of concern in her voice. "So I should go, but burn me if I want to let you out of my sight." She admitted with a shy smile as she wiggled closer to his side, pressing her lips against his in a heart melting kiss.


Miria was learning fast just how easy it was to lose herself in Kedyn's kisses, belatedly remembering a little while later that she was going to leave and let him sleep. Light, but she didn't want to move away from his warmth, the comfort of his arms, back to her own dorm. Yawning, she tried to still her beating heart somewhat and summon up some energy to detangle herself, difficult when she didn't want to leave at all. "Maybe just a few minutes longer." She conceded with a small smile, snuggling into Kedyn's side and resting her head on his chest. "You should sleep." She whispered again, around another yawn.


Smiling to herself, Miria closed her eyes, listening to the sound of Kedyn's heart beating, as though in unison with hers as he held her close. Before she knew it was happenning, she was sound asleep, small smile still on her face.


Blood, there was so much blood. Angry faces loomed around her, yelling and swiping at her with swords, already dripping with blood. Pain wracked her body, but she ignored it, her eyes searching for something, someone. "Kedyn!" She screamed, the sound easily swallowed up by the bodies around her, pulling at her, drawing her further away from where he knelt, Carnhain's hands around his throat.


"Kedyn!" She cried out in the dark. Her heart was pounding, and she was drenched in sweat. Wildly she looked about, not knowing where she was in the dark, when she realised that she was in someone's arms, his voice soothing. "Shh, I'm here." Kedyn. Instantly she remembered, and relaxed. It was just a dream...well this time. Soft kisses caressed her face, and she smiled, focusing on Kedyn's worried face. Miria lifted a hand to his cheek, caressing it softly. "I'm alright, it was just a bad dream." She murmured. "Though I'm glad you're here." She smiled shyly and wrapped her arms around him, thankful she hadn't dreampt about their love.


A thought came to her, and she lifted her head. "Please tell me you slept too." She arched a brow and eyed him.

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