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Alrighty... so we're working on updating N&A reqs and we need some help from each Ajah.  One of the requirements for an Accepted will be to do an "Ajah Approved RP".  What does this mean?  Well.. you know your Ajah best so we want to know what you think it could mean.  We're looking for something that is general enough that each person can run with it a bit and show their own character, but that really speaks about what your Ajah represents.  It could be something like, a fieldtrip with a Gray Sister to learn about the courts of a different county, to witnessing Justice, to anything that you feel the Gray Ajah stands for and what an Accepted needs to know before she chooses it. 


So come on Gray Ajah... what do your aspiring Accepted need to know about you?

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I agree with Arette. :) Rather than having all Aspirants do the same RP, how about we organise a set of three or four ideas that they can choose from? Once they've decided which they wish to RP, they can easily contact the Grays around. :)


Here are some I could think of:


-What it means to be one of the Gray:


Learn about the History of the Gray Ajah and then implement it. :) Who are we? Where did the importance of such an Ajah rise from, and what did the Tower do about it. I think it could be cool to create a rich background for this, and since my WoT knowledge is nil, Arette probably knows a lot more about this. :D


The RP itself could take place in two stages, the first being a thorough study of the History of the Grays, where the Aspirant may review her character's reflections and thoughts on the knowledge(Perhaps it is history/information that is not commonly known, or limited so it's only accessible to Grays and the Gray Aspirants?). The second, being taken to a country to negotiate a treaty or take part in the process. :) The latter bit could be flexible, maybe?


-Pushing Buttons

Prove to the Aspirants that Grays are needed, everywhere. :) Create 4 different situations(which could be personal to the aspirant), where they've to deal with the situation and achieve their goal without losing a shred of serenity and composure, and thus, succeed peacefully.


-A World of Gray

Peacekeeping around the city of Tar Valon, perhaps. :) Make it an Open RP, where a Sister watches and supervises from afar. This is a bit similiar to the second RP I suggested, but this could be more/less difficult(depending on the character) as she'd be dealing with strangers. The Sister doesn't interfere unless it is absolutely  necessary.


Just some thoughts. Sorry if I'm ranting. :/

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You weren't ranting at all :) Cool ideas. I am a bit doubtful of the history RP, though. Such threads end too often school like and resembling lectures. Also we don't really know that much about the Gray Ajah history or even the history of Randland from the books. Mainly just the names of the Amyrlins and some wars. Likely the Gray Sisters would have had some effect in helping to end them.


I don't have a constructive alternative suggestion right now but I will think on it.


A World of Gray would make very interesting RPs but it requires alot of proactivity from the player. Because there are practically no FL PCs residing in Tar Valon, the RP would need some NPCs. But of course it would be good to have the option existing nonetheless.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've a slightly wild idea.


Do you think the grays could come across a ter'angreal that allows them to set up scenarios for their aspirants to practice through? This would be like an Arch, only perhaps Sisters could control the happenings within the ter'angreal and take out the Accepted, if required? Is it too far-fetched? If so, is there any way to adapt this to make it more suitable for the Grays? Perhaps Maegan Sedai, makes it as a sign of friendship to the Grays, an alliance?{Of course, we'd ask Arie, but I wanted your opinion on this.) I'm not sure. :s Just rambling.


Arette's response:

This is a really cool idea Smiley Maybe having the candidate in the ter'angreal like in the Arches would be too much but the t'a could show her there like in an interactive TV show. So the Accepted would be looking at herself doing things in the t'a and her decisions would make the person inside do things.


My response:


Ahhh, that is much better.  It will be safer too, but she'd feel the experience nonetheless. I'll post it up on the Gray Ajah board so that Arie and Mat can give their opinions too.


What do you think Mat? Andrea? Taea? :) I hope you didn't mind me mentioning Maegan, it's just an alternative as I was thinking of who had the Talent of "Create Ter'angreal" in WT, is all. :)


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Sure :) James also suggested that Duram can provide them a means to learn how to use it in return for...something. We didn't decide what something could be, as I wanted to know what you guys would think about the Grays meddling with the Chosen. ;)


The Grays having a scandal would be fun...and different. :P Would we want to open this up for use to all Ajahs, later maybe? Or just a Gray thing? xD

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I'm sure that James wants his Forsaken to corrupt as many people as possible and have them owe favours to him :P But I think that Grays could have figured out the t'a on their own over few decades of dedicated studying after finding it. They could have thought to submit once they figure out what it does t get extra kudos points. But when they realized what it does, it is so useful that they decide to keep it a secret.


It would be cool to open it for other Ajahs too but we need to figure out the timelines then. I suggest that the scandal is old news during the current timeline, so that all those who are N&A now have the potential to RP with the t'a. So the scandal would have occurred about 100 years before current timeline and all Ajahs can use it after this RP.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Who says it has to be? The Reds have their Ter'Angreal. If you have something written up and a decent history for this Ter'Angreal I could give serious consideration for it. :)

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Something like this? :)


The Glass Door


Description: Somewhere deep within the Gray Ajah Quarters, beyond a myriad of weaves and doors, passageways and locks, stands a doorway. At its best, The Glass Door is peculiar to consider; its surreal hue of electric blue seems to be alive, vibrant with impulses that revolve around the door. However, the ability to look through the translucent door stops you short, making you wonder just what kind of door this really is. The fact is, that whatever the colour, size and nature of the door, it is exactly that: a doorway. To another world.


Use: Imagine owning an object that could transport you into a world of your own; a life, a city, an entire world controlled and directed by you and your visions. Imagine it, and then wallow in self pity, as the Gray Ajah has already discovered it. The ter'angreal is used by Gray Sisters and Aspirants(under the supervision of Gray Sisters) as a means and situation to train in, by facing dangers and possibilities as earth shattering as they would've been in real life. [**The only catch is, once you enter through the doorway, it is not the 'other world' you enter, but an 'abyss' of sorts where you can watch and control your actions in the other world through a screen.**]


History: The Glass Door is a tightly kept secret of the Gray Ajah, as its use has been discovered over many years of perseverance and study.[**to be discussed further**]


1. Okay, so that's incomplete because I want other people's opinions as well. :) How do you propose we complete this history? It could be discovered in an ancient ruin perhaps, but what Sister would discover it? A NSW who is very old in the timeline?


2. What do you think of entering the Abyss, as I put it in the description and use? :) I know its rough around the edges as a concept, so how could we improve it?




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Cool description :) I had thought it to be more like a TV, though, rather than something that you actually enter as that is too much like the Arches. Maybe there could be two or three headsets of a kind that connects you to it. But I'll let ashara to be the final judge of would a door or a screen be better.


Likely the scene created would be a small pocket of a Dreamworld and the t'a allows you to control it. This is the same principle how the Arches work and that mechanism we could at least copy.

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