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Video Game Evolution


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Assassin's Creed

Mass Effect


Halo 3

Settlers of Catan; XBL Arcade


I would also like to say this year has been amazing on a personal level for video games in general.  It seems like the market is both expanding into different genres and cross-overs are becoming popular.  It also seems like for the most part quality is moving up at a great level.  The number of quality titles that have come out and are announced seem to be head and shoulders above any other year I can remember. 

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Assassin's Creed

Mass Effect


Halo 3

Settlers of Catan; XBL Arcade


I would also like to say this year has been amazing on a personal level for video games in general.  It seems like the market is both expanding into different genres and cross-overs are becoming popular.  It also seems like for the most part quality is moving up at a great level.  The number of quality titles that have come out and are announced seem to be head and shoulders above any other year I can remember. 


In someways I agree, and others, I strongly disagree...

Graphics have gone up, Gameplay is realitvely unchanged (except for a few wii games, and a few ps3 games (aka lair))


one of the major disapointments in the last few years are,

A) Short games, the average now is 6! yes 6! hours of gameplay. Thats, $10 per hour of gameplay your paying for.

B) Graphics/gameplay have gotten 'better', the length of the game has got shorter, and due to all those factors, the games 'story' has gotten alot more shall I say, shallow? They aren't very good plots. Halo's plot is highly cliche, everythings been 'done' so to speak, and the story writers aren't being very imaginative.. This is even a major complaint in hollywood.

Name 5 movies that came out this year that wasn't based on a Book, Legend/Myth/historic events, Video game, or a Remake! It'll probably take you a few hours to come up with that list. ;)

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Look at the first three games listed, each one plays for hours, although AC at least can be somewhat repetitive.  In ME's case, its neither a pure RPG nor is it strictly an action/adventure/shooter game.  Halo has a short campaign, of course.  Given the fact that it's a multiplayer driven game I don't fault it for that.


Controls have been developed as far as they can for a 'controller' scheme.  So we see other outlets like GH and Rock Band, or the Wii or Eye of Judgement.  How about DDR? 


Plot-wise, each of the top three I listed has an excellent and well developed plot, though from ME I go on second hand information.  Bioshock has a small niche in my heart because it's got some objectivist themes in it. 


I think we might take this into a separate thread before we hijack the rest of the thread here.

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Look at the first three games listed, each one plays for hours, although AC at least can be somewhat repetitive.  In ME's case, its neither a pure RPG nor is it strictly an action/adventure/shooter game.   Halo has a short campaign, of course.  Given the fact that it's a multiplayer driven game I don't fault it for that.


Controls have been developed as far as they can for a 'controller' scheme.  So we see other outlets like GH and Rock Band, or the Wii or Eye of Judgement.  How about DDR?   


Plot-wise, each of the top three I listed has an excellent and well developed plot, though from ME I go on second hand information.  Bioshock has a small niche in my heart because it's got some objectivist themes in it. 


I think we might take this into a separate thread before we hijack the rest of the thread here.


Well the only 'long' game on that list is Mass Effect, (well possibly that Settlers game, but I haven't played it)

Bioshock, and assassins creed are short. Even if they are '12' hours long. Now sure, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, and Bioshock have a 'good' plot, compare that to the crap we've seen in the last few years? Its great for what we've seen, but compared to games 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago?


Halo 3 is just... well, stole blatant story aspects from various games, to make an 'very cliche' single player campiegn, and only excells in multi-player.


I don't believe, a multi-player game, HAS to have a shitty story to it; nor is it a good excuse for it to be a shitty game just because its primarilly a multi-player game.


I mean, If you looked at Half-Life 2, Its got a superb story, but its multi-player is lacking (hl2 deathmatch). At least compared to the online modes that are available in games like BF2142, Halo, and Unreal Tournament. But then, The 'hl2' pack comes with games like TF2, Counter-Strike, and a bunch of other things that are 'far' superior to the 'halo' fad. ;)


Quite simply, if some game companies were to spend less time focusing on greed, and coming out with a quality product, games like Halo 3, wouldn't have an incrediably short campiegn mode just to get people into 'online' faster; They would have, instead actually built in intricate world, story/plot, cast, ect. Then spend just as much time for online modes and you'd have a game that would be quite simply, awesome...


Mass Effect, is completely single player if i'm not mistaken, (and making it into multiplayer would either be corny, or tread upon mmo status) Assassins Creed had some great online potential (Could you imagine a true assassins vs assassins death match online in assassins creed? ;) )

Bioshock is another, But all these games (Asside from mass effect) lose replayability. Theres no real 'point' in grinding for 100% completion in those games. Mass Effect is different since everytime you play its supposed to be different, and unique. (same story though) But since its 360, and not pc, it loses player made mods, which is a HUGE replay factor.


Now some games I'm really looking forward to, are Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and Final Fantasy 13.


Well, recently some rumors have been floating, and I believe confirmed, that MGS4, will be bundled together with MGS online. Meaning, you will not only have a kick ass single player game, but also, a kick ass multi-player game that could potentially rival that of halo/hl2/ect. Hopefully its not another tom clancy type online, and actually contains more then just death match, or spy vs spy, and actually contain various other multi-player modes.


Final Fantasy 13, is confirmed to have some kind of limited online mode. This could be anything from simply a chat room, to trading 'rare' items with players online, to something similar to monster hunters multi-player. (Could you imagine a co-op FF game? That would be sick. ;) ).


The upcoming PS3 title, Haze was confirmed awhile ago to have an interesting Co-Op mode. Basically while your playing through the single-player campiegn, and you get stuck, or keep on dieing, ect. You can hop onto your friend list, and invite someone to your game, and start going through it. This is unique to me, simply because I don't believe the other games out there, allow you to do that, while your playing in your single player game, but rather, have you load a co-op game, which then you can invite friends to it.


Now if only I could get my brother to buy a ps3, and we can actually try a co-op game, involving him shooting the bad guys, and I accidently shooting him in the head, killing the boss, and gloating that I got the kill shots. ;)

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