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Trainee Revisions - LIVE! (New requireemnts live Mon Jan 6)


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To alleviate the trainee/mentor situation the requirements will be changed.  Here are the new requirements.


Please comment and make suggestions.  These DO NOT go into affect until after the New Year and I have had a chance to review your suggestions and comments.  I will be going on vacation starting this Thursday so until Jan 7th, I will not be here to respond.  I will read everything when I return and at that point we will decide what additional changes need to be made.



New Trainee Requirements:

WS 0 to 1 complete 1 requirement

WS 1 to 2 complete 1 requirement

WS 2 to 3 complete 1 requirement

WS 3 to 4 complete 1 requirement

WS 4 to 5 complete 1 requirement

WS 5 to 6 complete Final Steps




1.  Your Arrival - This thread should be your first thread as a Warder Member.  You must meet at least one Division member PC.  Did you find the yards easily or did you get lost?  What are your first impressions?  You may meet up with the Mistress of Trainees, your roommate(s) and/or your mentor but it is not required. 5 posts minimum


2.  Final Steps - This is your last requirement.  To complete your training you need to submit an essay of at least 300 words explaining your characters experience in the training grounds, how they adapted to the life of a trainee from their old status as well as their fighting style.  The fighting style may be of your own creation or taken from one of the various disciplines or paths avaialbe in our World Lore section.  Remember paths and disciplines are not required.  You will also need to tell us why you have chosen your philosphy, since we no longer require you to take the class this shows us you have considered them for your character and that it is not just a random choice to fill requirements.  The last and final thing you need to include in your essay are three choices of weapons, you need to indicate which one is your primary, secondary and tetirary weapons and why you have chosen them.  Please send your essay to warders.mot@gmail.com.




1.  Evalutation - In this RP you will meet at least one other PC Division member and evaluate your worth to be in the yards.  This can be a friendly competition between your character and another trainee or can be something more formal like a Tower Guard assessing your physical fitness, sword play etc. 5 posts minimum


2.  Conflicts - You will encounter two other members of the white tower or the warders divsion.  A conflict will arise and you will be challenged to resolve the conflict.  The conflict may be between the two other PC characters or between yourself and someone else with the third being the moderator. 7 posts minimum


3.  Challenge - In this RP you will encounter one other PC member of either the White Tower or the Warders Division.  In this RP you will show how your character over comes challeneges.  What the challenge is is up to your character, it can range anywhere from someone challenging your knowledge of the game of stones to something more mundane as a challenge to drink competition.  In the RP you must show your characters willingness to overcome the challenge. 5 posts minimum


4.  Responsibility - You will encounter 2 other PCs.  In this RP you will be tasked with some respnosiblity that you must carry through till the end.  Remember you are not allowed outside of Tar Valon with out a Tower Guard, you MAY leae the city for this task but you MUST take a Tower Guard with you.  10 posts minimum


5.  Survival - This is not to be taken as the survival elective.  This is not city survival or wilderness survival but survival in battle.  This will be a test of your skills as a warrior.  In this RP you will encounter one other PC division member who maintains a higher weapon score than you do.  You will test your skills against the person.  You will show that no matter what happens you have the perserverance to survive and live on to protect the tower or your Aes Sedai another day.  Whether you choose to flee or fight is up to you.


6.  Elective 1 – choose any of the classes provided by the Warders to complete a requirement


7.  Elective 2 – choose any of the classes provided by the Warders to complete a requirement may not be the same requirement as Elective 1.


Available Electives:


Weapon Selection and Care

Basic Fitness

Basic Movements

Wilderness Survival

City Survival

Basic Forms

Intermediate Forms

Horse Riding

A Prank (rp must be approved)

A Chore (rp must be approved)

Shadowpawn Class by Shaneeve (may not be availble at all times)v

Secondary weapons training

Tertiary weapons trining

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I wouldnt limit the electives to just those few. I happen to know quite a bit about various styles of training that were used for warriors throughout time and all over the world that I would love to have Arturus teach one day. It would be a taste of our actual worlds history mixed with fantasy RP. Most people seem to limit themselves to sparring and forms mixed with a little exercise and there is so much more that can be brought in to flesh out characters.

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We don't limit the electives, but if you want something added to the list or say the WT is offereing an ettiquite class or something those things require approval.  Usually approval is given upon sign up like with Shan's Shadowspawn class.  But she's offered to teach it again if we need it so it's now part of our list.


The class list as Arette says is just there because we have people who can teach them.  If someone wants to teach a class on Strategy and Tactics all the better, the Trainees just need approval from the AGL and MoT to get credit for the elective supstituion, and generally it's not a problem to get.  I don't think anyone has turned down an elective in the course of the Warder's elective system.



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Guest Arie Ronshor

Darn. :P I'm done all my trainee reqs'... Ah well, i knew it would be just for fun. (and i'm sure having fun with it... poor Shan. :D

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so no one else has any more comments?  If that's the case then these requirements are now live.  Starting Monday these are the requirements we will follow.  If you are currently doing an old one please state so when you post your requirements.


Mentors are no longer required to enter information into our database(1 its broken and 2 I beleive it is now the trainees responsiblitity)  Please post all trainee requirement completions in on thread for your character.  You may start a new thread for your TG/Warder requirements but I'd think you'd rather archive them all together.



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