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Aiel Information - Ji'e'toh class


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  This is the second preparation thread that must be completed before you beging RPing. The same rules go as for the first thread ( which can me found here - http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,24893.msg635981.html#msg635981 ). Thank you in advance


  The Aiel have replaced the code of passive acceptance with a complex code of honor and obligation called ji e toh. By this code there are many paths to honor, each with its own measure and price, and each facet of life has its own paths. In battle, for example, the smallest honor is that gained by killing, for anyone can kill, while the greatest is to touch an armed living enemy without causing harm. To take an enemy and make him gai shain falls somewhere between the two extremes. All must seek their own honor though the code, and honor is valued above all else in Aiel society.


Shame also has many levels within the code, and is considered on many of those levels to be worse than pain, injury, or even death. The facet of the code that outweighs all others in all its various degrees is toh, or obligation: any obligation, no matter how small or insignificant, must be met in full. Toh is so important to the Aiel that one wil accept even shame, if necessary, to fulfill an obligation that might appear minor to one not tied to the code.


Consider the role fo the gai shain. The name means “pledged to peace in battle” in the Old Tongue and is used to refer to those Aiel taken prisoner by antoher Aiel during a raid or battle. These prisoners are required by ji e toh to serve their captor for one year and a day, touching no weapon and doing no violence in that time. They must complete this service humbly and obedientl with no complaint or thought of escape. They wear white robes to clearly distinguish them from other Aiel during their service. Even if they are somehow returned to their own people, that period of service must be completed. Perhaps the gais shain are a throw back to the obedient and non violent service the original Dashain Aiel used to give the Aes Sedai. Also according to the code, Wise Ones, a blacksmith, a child under the age of fifteen, and a woman with a childe under the age of ten are all exempted from service as gaishain.


Wise Ones stand outside all fueds and battle, and according to ji eh toh may not be harmed or impeded in any way.


  OOC: On the DM Three Fold Land board here http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/board,72.0.html please post either a current or retro thread wherein your character is either owed or owes toh. Try and get some other Aiel involved (they can play either their regular PC’s or NPC’s for you) if possible. Alisis is at your service or we have two NSW's (no specific writer) someone could use if needed. PM with any questions!

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