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This do no be Tear (OPEN)

Briwan Dragain

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Gale blinked his eyes a few more times in surprise, trying to process what he had just heard. He could feel his companions behind him, having already failed the test and ready to continue on with a night of drinking. It had been a dumb dare anyway. Bailen was gazing into the mug he'd carried with him from the tavern.


"This do be the last time I do drink Tairen ale," he muttered. Gale could second that.


"You do no mind repeating that?" The stunned deckhand was saying, rubbing at his ears. Perhaps he had just misheard.


"I said you have the ability to channel, you lucky fellow. Now step on in and begin the adventure of your life," the black-coated man said with a curt, if impatient smile. Was there a note of humor in those eyes? No, couldn't be. "Whenever you're ready."


Gale scratched at the back of his head for a moment, considering. Did he really have a choice? Certainly another glance at the thin smile of the Asha'man had him thinking that it would be wise to proceed.


"I do think it do be best for me to gather my belongings first." Gale said and started to tip toe his way slowly back out with his companions. The Asha'man wasn't having it, and a hand was clapped to his shoulder, keeping him in place. Not forcing him to stay still - not exactly - but Gale wasn't going to test him. "Or they do have all that I do need..." the man gave a small nod and Gale took a slow step forward.


"Well, it do be nice to know you all." Gale spent the next minute saying goodbye to his 'friends' (that term didn't seem to fit so well when he was the only one going to learn how to channel) and letting them know where it would be best to put all of his belongings. And his pay. "And I do no how much I do be entitled to, so none of you do think of stealing from me." There were promises that such would not be the case and they were gone before Gale had fully turned to face the Asha'man.


"There do be drinks and women there?" He asked quietly, hopefully, while the Asha'man did a quick something or other that got a portal opening up in the air not two steps from where Gale stood. He jumped back in sudden surprise.


"Yes, whatever you say," the man said, breaking Gale out of his stunned stupor. "Step on through, everything will get sorted out over there."


Gale swallowed. Then he cautiously stepped forward and...


"Well, this do no be Tear," he said more to himself than anyone else as the Asha'man hadn't seen fit to follow him in. "Alcohol and women do no be bad," he said with a little bit of a smile, recalling the Asha'man's promise that there'd be plenty of both. In fact, Gale didn't think this would be all that bad at all.


He had stepped out of Tear into a room that smelled of a stable though there was no horse smell to it. A wide room, used for storage perhaps only there was nothing in here being stored. And nothing to drink, either. Gale could use a good drink. He put his hand to his beard, a finger rubbing his shaved upper lip. Best to get started.


Gale stepped out of the building and let his eyes run over the farm. He had the sneaking suspicion that the Asha'man had played some sort of trick on him. There were a lot of men in black coats, though, and the time of day was different. Early morning, perhaps? Or early evening. Gale didn't glance up to the sky to check because he was grabbing the coat of the nearest man and asking, "fortune favor you, but do you know where I do find a good drink?" Asking after women might be a little much. As far as he could see, this little place didn't have any.







OOC: Ah... I know I got some of the Illian speech wrong. I like to say do a lot more than they.. do. So, just lemme know what's wrong and give me pointers as we go and I'll try to adjust. Thanks!

Same with other errors.. just lemme know what I screwed up on and I'll fix it. Awesome. Let's have some fun!

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