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Worthy of the Red Cloak


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Sahra Covenry was the happiest woman in the world when she emerged from the office of the the Mistress of Trainees. She wanted to throw somersaults and dance happily but somehow it didn't feel appropriate now when she was almost a Tower Guard. A dream she had been pursuing for the last 4 years was finally at hand's reach. First a year of waiting to be old enough when no one had believed in her. Then finally joining and getting Sana for her mentor. The first year had been adjusting to the rigorous training and toning their relationship to simply friendship. But there had always been something more, even during the year she had been with Fior. A year that she didn't really want to think much because of the pain it had caused to Sana and her in the end. And not just mentally but it had pushed back her Raising because she had let herself to break the rules. It hadn't effected her training but it put her dedication to a question.


That and the horrible mistake of going to see Pander Wilkes. She and Sana had both almost died that day; she because she had gone back for revenge. Only killing the monster hadn't eased her mind, not when she had found out that the monster really had had her little sister for all those years. The trail was getting cold and had ended entirely in fact to an Cairhienin inn. Eyes and Ears of Maegan Sedai had found out that a woman, who resembled her, had been brought to an inn badly beaten. Sansa had stayed out of sight, recovering, save for one fateful day when she had been propositioned by a man and she had responded by channeling.


After that she had just vanished. Despite the Tower Guards going on missions to Cairhien and asking after her, they hadn't been able to find anyone who had seen her since. Likely she had left Cairhien as the country wasn't very welcoming of red haired people. It brought to mind too much associations of the hated Aiel. The hope of ever finding little Sansa was getting dimmer as searching for a red haired woman from everywhere in the world was like finding a needle from a haystack. It was painful to worry like that and to know that her unknown little sister had been maltreated so. Sometimes Sahra wondered why it even bothered so much. Even though she had been an orphan, she had been loved. She had family and dear people around her.


Dear people who would today get to celebrate her Raising to the august red cloak. She wouldn't let anything to ruin the day even though she had plans for getting assigned to a mission to Cairhien and looking for herself. Casting eluding Sansa out of her mind, Sahra focused on finding her mentor. She needed a Tower Guard to vouch for her in the Ceremony and she wanted Sana to be that someone. He was the one and only she had considered because she owed the thanks for being ready to be Raised to him. He had been so patient and a great teacher over the years and it was her way of showing how much she appreciated it and him.


He was sitting under Aran's tree and she rushed to him tackling him into a hug. "Oh Sana, it is so awesome. I will be Raised today. I can't believe it. I kind of expected it but still..." She snuggled Sana some more before springing up and grabbing his hand. "You will of course speak for me as the Tower Guard. I wouldn't have anyone else. But I need an Aes Sedai too. I am going to ask Aramina Sedai. So come on, you have to take me to her right now. Pesky silly rules about Trainees not being allowed in the Tower. But after tomorrow I can go there any time I want. Ha." She didn't exactly give him space to say no, or anything, as she kept blubbering excitedly while dragging him toward the White Tower.






A bunch of friends and officials were all gathered to the Glade of Remembrance to witness the Raising of the one and only Sahra Covenry to the rank of Tower Guard. All save her grand mentor Aran. He had to of course be on a mission during her big day. It wasn't exactly by his choosing but that didn't stop Sahra from being miffed. Still, she had made the decision that nothing would soil her great mood today so she focused on basking in the happiness of a goal reached. She was shaken from her bliss and stupid grin by Conor poking her. With some mortification she realised that people were expecting her to start the ceremony so that everyone would get to the party part and boozing. In her honour. It would be ten kinds of awesome.


Sahra knelt and spoke resoundly the starting words. “I come here unarmed, offering to give myself to the defence of those who serve all.”


She would perform well as a Tower Guard. She had trained for years and she was ready now, physically and mentally. Improving herself even further would be relentless but she would serve as she was to her best ability and it would be enough.


“Who would speak for you?” Commander Brand Ryota had a voice that carried easily to everyone present.


“I would speak for her, she is fit”, Sana replied and Sahra fervently wished that he was proud of her. She had done things that had disappointed him and a mentee reflected upon their mentor. She never wanted to let him down again.


“Who would trust you?”


“I would trust her.” Sahra smiled at the voice of Aramina Sedai. She was glad that the Green Sister was there to sponsor her. It was in her opinion fitting as Aramina Sedai had been there during her mission when she had proved herself worthy and capable of acting alone when need be.


“Who would accept you?”


“I would.”


“Who would witness your oath whose word is beyond question?”


“I will.”


“Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of defence? Defence of all Aes Sedai, the defence of the White Tower?”




“Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of obedience? Obedience to your officers, obedience to all Aes Sedai?”




“Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of commitment? Commitment to serving faithfully, commitment despite any adversity?”


Her commitment had never been seriously tested; she refused to count the Fior debacle as such. And in the end she would have chosen her training if it had ever come to that. Sahra couldn't imagine what kind of adversity would make her falter in service and shake her commitment. Her gaze riveted toward Sana momentarily but there would be no threat there. Not even if there would one day be them. They both were Tower Guards and took it seriously.


“Yes.” Her voice was as firm as it had been with the previous pledges.


“Then give your oath now.”


This was it. She would be a Tower Guard finally.


“I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to defend the White Tower and all who call it home.”


“I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to serve faithfully for as long as the White Tower requires me.”


“I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to fight the shadow and uphold the light until my dying day.”


“We welcome you to the Tower Guard, you that were known once as of.” Sahra didn't even try to keep her smile at check when Aramina laid the red cloak on her shoulders and fastened the clasp. She managed to resist the temptation of making some flourished movement to make the cloak flare and waited eagerly for the next part.


“We welcome you as of the Tower Guard, our sister in arms. Rise and stand as one among many.” Sahra got on her feet and turned to Sana who was holding out the dagger for her. Their eyes locked for a moment and hers reflected all the respect, affection and gratitude she felt for him. She took the weapon and faced the Commander again.


“You came to us unarmed, and as our mark of trust we place this steel in your hand. May you keep it as a symbol of the trust that has been placed in you, and may it serve you well.”


“Spare a moment for those who have come before you and to who you have become, as shall those who follow you.”


It was done and Sahra nodded respectfully to the Commander and Aramina Sedai. Kneeling again, she focused on the large stone slab that symbolized the Tower Guards of the past. She tried to summon a properly reverent and serious mind state but the first Tower Guard of the yore who came to her mind was Willard Tavec after whom Tavec's Tower was named. There certainly wasn't anything reverent in the keg hidden in his Tower and Sahra burst into laughter. It earned her a few looks but it was a good epiphany. Pompousness wasn't for her and the Tower Guards in general, and in her opinion the best way to honour those, who had paved the way for her, was to go to a tavern and have some serious fun.


Sahra Covenry

Tower Guard.

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