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Another Name to Toss into the Hat...


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I think that Steven Erikson is an excellent author, on par with Jordan and Martin in the "epic fantasy" genre ... but for the same reasons that I don't think George Martin would make a good choice, I don't think Erikson would make a good choice.


1) He's too busy ... and I want him working on his OWN unfinished story.


2) He writes with a VERY different style and feel ...


Steven Erikson's Malazan Books of the Fallen Series really is excellent epic fantasy. I enjoy his series even better than I Like GRRM SOIAF series. But I doubt that he will want to take the time away from writing his own epic fantasy series in order to finish AMOL. Otherwise, despite the fact that the overall style of MBotF is much different that RJ's WoT; I think that Steven Erikson would be an excellent choice to finish the writing of A Memory of Light.


Well, we share the same last name (ok, mine is Erickson, close enough) so he can't be all bad, but I've never read him.


Still, didn't Jordan refer to an "army of writers" when he mentioned the possibility of someone besides him finishing AMoL?  I have a feeling it will probably be a collaborative effort as opposed to just a hand picked successor.


I also am a big Steven Erikson fan. I think he would do a great job of finishing the book and am glad to hear others think so too. However, I too agree that I want him to continue with the Malazan series and that may make it harder for him to finish Jordan's work.


Does anyone think Terry Brooks could finish the last book?


Warmest regards,




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