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A husband and a new life! Help Needed!


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I am sure that most of you (meaning the 4 that are here ;) ) know what Ghaul and Covina are getting married. Yes that is right your HEad Wise One and The Chief are settling down ;) and it is going to happen soon, which means we need help. I will need someone to perform the ceremony, and some family or stand in family to help out with the fighting. I know we are a small group, but anybody willing to help *glares* Which I know you ALL will let me know!!

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Here is how I see it. The sooner Covina and Ghaul are married, the sooner I have a sister wife. And we ALL know what that means!! Ghaul will be trapt and he will have to listen to reason *mutters* for once!

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If there is a party then you know I'm down. I can't wait to see Ghaul get pummeled and bruised during the wedding! Any assistance you need, whether its oosquai testing or blossom tossing, I am here for you. Well, perhaps not the blossom tossing...

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Guest Arie Ronshor

curious.. Ghual.. when 'would' Ghual and Talbs be married?? LOL


i think after they go over the dragon wall?  Unless we badger James to Marry the two in that particular thread.. LoL






I'll post in a day or two. :)

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I would be honored to attend this gathering. Besides I can not let my old Hama N'dore brother face this alone. I will bring a skin of oosquai of my own stash, one of those I left behind, and ready to fight in order to help you out Ghual. Besides it will be a good way to say hello again.


Coren Vash

Hama N'dore


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