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Dark One opponent of the Creator, except fallible?


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The Dark One is supposed to be Creator's opponent, in that, the creator makes the pattern of the ages, while the Dark One tries to unravel it. This implies the DO has been around for untold ages, and according to the philosophers in WoT, has been trying to break free for an infintely long time.


Wouldn't all that time make him omniscient(all-knowing)? I mean if you've lived since creation, you should know quite a bit (and that's an understatement). So how is it that his plans are foiled my mere mortals?? The Dragon reborn is the only one I think can logically foil him, and that's because the Creator sent the DR to clean up the mess that humans made by opening the bore.


I do undertand that for the plot to work, for any hope to exist, the DO has to be fallible, but it defies sense. Any opinions or comments?

Guest Lord Captain Valda

You must remember that his plans are being executed by "mere" mortals. The plans made by the DO aren't to fault. It's the execution thats the problem. The Forsaken and/or the darkfriends they use will tweak it to make it more to their liking. The Forsaken are often doing so. Either they will put the DO's plans on the back burner or execute in a way that helps them. This often causes problems with it and makes it fail.


You must keep in mind that ecperiencing all that has occured, is not all knowing, its just a long memory. I suspect the Creator is just as falliable as the Dark One, and that he created the wheel to keep the dark one out and away from him, like a fence. Remember that the Creator is not God or anything.

  \ said:

Wouldn't all that time make him omnipotent(all-knowing)? I mean if you've lived since creation' date=' you should know quite a bit (and that's an understatement). [/quote']


Omnipotent means all-powerful, Omniscient means all knowing.


Not sure if this would be the right place to bring this in...but consider this.


There actually is no entity known as the Dark One. The entity that all the darkfriends, chosen and other minions follow is actually the creator in another form. The creator and the DO are one and the same entity but two sides of that entity each one vying for the same result, (which as mortals we may not be able to understand or see) but taking two different paths to that end.


So what is happening throughout time and history is that the creator oversees all and lays down the groundwork for what is to happen, but the DO side of him brings in the conflict and chaos that is needed to promote growth throughout creation.


the dark one and the creator are different sides of the same coin. both of their existance is needed to keep the wheel turning.

the creator made the wheel, everything else and set it in motion. being the creator 'he' knew that the DO would try for dominion, so even thought the DO is unable to be totally defeated, the creator put some character in the pattern that can counter his influences enough to keep the balance.


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