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Jena leaned against the stable watching the horses far out there, free. Behind her the noise of the Citadel seemed to rush around her like the waters of the ocean. Memories cascaded through her as she watched her dear Gamble begin to heal and frolick like a colt out in the pasture. Sometimes she wishe dshe was a horse, free to run the plains, but one look at Gamble would remind her that even they didn't have a great life. The scars that ran across his body. With a sigh she pushed herslef away from the stable and decided she should practice her ability with weaponry. She wasn't getting in as much as she would back home. She walked over to the practice yard and leaned on the fence watching soldiers at their practice, trying to decide what to try her hand at.


This sort of place always made her nervous.  Jatasha took a deep breath as she leaned against the fence, watching the different people there.  Even since her return from Illian she'd become more and more confused.  Concerned.  Paranoid.  She's always enjoyed coming to the training areas and seeing the others before, but after Carnhain had almost found out about her, she'd become terrified that one of her clients would see her here and say something damning.  She had always asked for discretion from her clients, a simple request of tell your friends but don't scream lewd things across the room sort of thing, and it had worked pretty well so far.  She had heard comments a few times, but nothing more than they would have said for any woman with her known reputation. 


But she couldn't stay cooped up in the citadel all the time and wait around for Carnhain.  She needed the air.  Sometimes, she thought she could almost cross the fences and ask for help, ask for someone to help her pick up a weapon and train her.  Con has given her basic lessons in Illian after seeing her in the battles and knowing she had no skill whatsoever.  That she had survived the first time had been because she simply moved among the fleeing servants and people mistook her as such.  The second because she had found herself in the middle of a fight with one of the Dedicated of the Black Tower and he had worked with her during the battle.


Everytime she came down here she knew she should make her move and learn something, but everytime she walked away, the voice of her father in her head, telling her she was only as good as the coin her bed could make him.  She sighed, looking up at another woman who was standing not far.  Maybe today....


She moved a little closer and smiled at the other woman.  "Do it be feeling like a good day for training?" She asked, her Illian accent thicker than ever for her recent time in Illian.  "Or do this be a day for watching?"




Jena looked up in surprise as a woman walked up to her. She eyed the woman, shecking that there was no danger there and relaxed.


"I think a bit of both for today," she replied, looking back over the field as soldiers, mostly men, moved in an intricate dance that Jena had seen often enough before, but no one died in this one. There was no dead body with the person's life blood soaking to the ground around him or her. The Rahad was a place where you learned just how thin the line between life and death really were, all too young.


Jatasha nodded at the other woman, smiling slightly.  She didn't know her from anyone else, but things started small and she might as well pass her time well.  "I do remember seeing you."  She said after a moment.  "You do still be new around here and you be with another woman, talking to Carnhain when you be signing in with the Band."  Maybe his name might help open the girl up.  A common person to talk about.  So long as she didn't make any bad comments.  Or worse... say the sort of things Jatasha thought about him on all to often an occasion.


"I do be Jatasha Danica." She said, introducing herself for the other woman.  She didn't offer a hand or anything else, just a name and a smile.




"Carhain? Oh yes, he was the guy that brought us to the place where we could sign up. He was really quite depressed that neither Raylin nor I were joining the calvary," she said a small smile at the memory.


"Tis my pleasure to meet you. I am Jendaya Abendroth at your service," she replied with a small bow and a flourish with her hat.


"But please call me Jena," she added as she straightened from her bow. She had a small little smile on her face that showed that she was being truthful.


Jatasha felt a sharp pang of jealousy when the other woman smiled while she was talking about Carnhain, but she kept her smile fitted into place.  She wasn't about to get into that sort of a fight.  She had enough trouble with the man in her life without starting to act as foolish as a man herself.


"So you do no belong in the calvary.  What do you be doing now then?  Looking for a home still, or do you be joined up with something already?"  It was a friendly question, no matter the flare of jealousy from a moment before.  One of these days she would actually manage to convince herself that she could do it and she would find herself in the Band somehow.  One of these days.  She would.  Somehow.  But not today.




"I'm part of the Scouts," Jena said with a proud smile.


"So what are you going to do today, watch or practice?" she added deciding that she probably should add to the conversation, it would be rude not to. Jena was rarely rude knowing it could get her into trouble.


Jatasha smiled at the proud way the woman said scout.  She knew more than one person in the scouts and they all said it the same way.  Of course, it was the same way Carnhain said cavalry.  They were all barking mad of course, but it didn't mean she didn't appreciate the pride they took in their corps. 


She shook her head at the other woman's question.  "I do just be watching." She said with a smile.  "I be thinking that someday I be finding something that do be setting right with me.  When I be doing that then I do be strong enough to cross this field and ask that they do train me."  She looked down as she spoke, then looked up through her eyelashes.  "Some day."



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Jena nodded, as the other woman spoke until she said she had never been trained. Jena had never really been trained except through experience and a couple pointers from her brother. She eyed the blonde woman once more and decided that the woman didn't know how to defend herself. This confused Jena to no end having lived in a world where if you didn't know how to survive a fight you died, quickly.


"How do you defend yourself then, if you don't know how to fight?" Jena asked with her brows drawn together in confusion.


It made no sense at all. Then a crazy idea entered her head. She could teach the woman. Back in the Rahad that would have been unreasonable, but if the woman was part of the Band that meant that if she didn't know how to fight that could mean Jena's life.


"I could teach you if you want?" she added reluctantly at the thought of someone elses incopetency bringing about her own death.


Raylin walked slowly through the stable yards, watching the horses with a small smile.  Whenever she saw a horse it made her think of Jena, which always made her smile.  She was taking her morning visit with Raven, and as she'd taken to doing lately she also found herself walking to the area where the Scouts kept their mounts, searching out Jena's horse Gamble. Morning duties generally kept Raylin from seeing Jena until later in the day, but somehow seeing Gamble made the wait easier.  At times like this she couldn't help but shake her head in wonder.  Why was she acting like this? So besotted over someone.  It wasn't like her at all.


Turning the corner she spotted Gamble, and also spotted Jena. Her step quickened as her smile grew wider, then suddenly deflated as she saw Jena was not allowing. Oh well, she thought. I had been hoping to have some alone time with her, but it's always good to try and make new friends.  She had to suppress a small surge of jealousy of course, especially after she saw who it was.  But she knew the camp gossip was that Jatasha was head over heels for Carnhain, and Jena would never pay her for something she could get for free elsewhere.  Would she?  Raylin shook off that thought and walked up to the girls where they were talking, a smile back on her face.


"Well good morning ladies.  A pleasure to see you this morning Jena my dear. And an added bonus to see you again Jatasha.  I did remember your name correctly, didn't I?  It's been a while since we met the day Jena and I arrived."


Jatasha watched the other woman walk over and smiled sweetly.  She remembered this one quite well.  A few parting comments to Carnhain that day and Jatasha had decided that the woman was nice enough, though she certainly needed to keep an eye on her.  She seemed to enjoy the display Jatasha had put on in her moment of jealousy.  It had been short lived of course.  She didn't have the right to be jealous, but even with that, Carnhain had responded to her as he always had and any fear that might have momentarily bothered her had disappeared. 


"good morning.  And yes, we do be meeting before.  It be nice to see you again." She said before thinking back to what the other had been saying when they had been interrupted.  "I do no know what to be saying about your offer, except that it do be interesting.  And I think it to be a fun idea.  I be trained briefly in Illian, but everything else I do know comes from the Perfumed Quarter." She admitted.  She might not be good with a weapon really, but a small knife and room to run were often enough to see her out of trouble.  At least most of the time.  Light, would her memory always return her back to Carnhain and that night?  She thought about what might have happened that night and what had... there were certainly worse memories to be returned to. Much worse.




Jena smiled sweetly up at Raylin when she arrived but soon turned her attention back to the woman before her. At the menntion of some training Jena could feel her ears perking forward.


"What can you do?" she asked instantly interested.


"Let's move into the practice ring before you show me anything though," she added with a quick double-take on her words.


Jatasha started to open her mouth to say that she couldn't do anything, but she shut it just as quickly.  She had learned a little from Carnhain from her lessons.  Before they ended up segueing into the bedroom.  Not only that but Con had taught her some as well.  She'd managed to survive the battles that had defeated one of the Forsaken.  Besides, the more she learned, the more impressed Carnhain would be with her, right?


She smiled at the other woman. "I do no be thinking these be the proper clothes for training." She said with a grin.  "But I do be thinking it be something worth doing."  She smiled at both women.  "Perhaps you and your friend do be willing to wait while I change?  Or we can meet some other time to be doing this?"




Jena's eyebrows drew together. What did she mean not the right clothes? Then it hit her, the skirt. The problem was, why don't you fight in it?


"Don't you wear that usually? Then, why don't you learn how to fight in it?" she asked.


"If you feel uncomfortable, I could always change really quickly into a dress if your willing to wait," she added with a second thought.


Raylin thought for a moment, considering Kass' question.


"You know Jatasha, she makes a point.  If you do intend spending most of your time in skirts, yet still want to learn to fight, it might be a good idea to learn that way.  However..."


She paused, trailing off, as a thought struck her.


"Are you perhaps considering becoming more then a working girl with the Band?  Your arms are well muscled, and I understand you have stamina." She grinned and winked with that, hoping Jatasha would understand she meant nothing bad. "You might make a good archer like myself. And I've been working with Kass on helping her learn the bow as well."


Jatasha was far too long in the business to take the comment badly.  The woman's easy manner and open attitude were refreshing as most women thought of her as out to steal a husband or some such, but they never truly understood that those men were just coin and nothing more. In her whole life, there had only been Carnhain who had been something different.  She didn't understand it anymore than she understood why he had chosen to bed her that first night, why they had been able to reach each other on some deeper level, but she took the good things in life as she had been forced to accept the bad.  And Carnhain was definitely good.


She thought about what they were saying, then looked at the two.  "Archery you say?  You mean, like shooting a bow?"  It would be a useful skill even if she didn't stay with the Band.  The thought was distressing but in the back of her mind was the incident in Illian and her growing fear that Carnhain would discover her secret.  A bow and arrow could be used for hunting if she learned it well enough.  That definitely had possibilities.  Providing food was a way of contributing something useful in her journeys if she ever needed to.  Definite possibilities.


"I think i'd like to learn something like that."




Jena sent Raylin a reproachful glance. She was open to the other woman learning how to use the bow but Jatashe seemed like the kind of person that needed personal protection.


"Dunno about that, knives are much better for front and personal protection, but I guess the bow is useful enough," she said with a shrug.

  • 3 weeks later...

Jatasha caught the look one woman gave the other, but she pretended not to notice.  She wasn't about to get involved if she could help it and she really did like the idea of learning the bow.  Knife work was good to know, but it was something she'd had all too much experience with in Illian.  The bow would be something completely different and easily separated from her old life. 


She smiled at Raylin then.  "Alright then.  I do be thinking you have your hands full though.  I do no know if I be a fast learner with this or not.  Let's hope you have the patience to be helping me.  Though I promise I do be like putty in your hands, just tell me what to do and I be doing it." She said with a wink.



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