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The real reason for the nicknames:


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I see all your nicknames, but I don't actually beleive the reasons as you guys posted.  So I hired a P.I, and he gave me the real scoop of why your names are as they are.


Poledra Sedai, a.k.a. Water Park.  Poledra woke up one day and, as normal, chugged a 2 liter Mountain Dew.  A sibling of Poledra was using the restroom, so he/she never was able to.  The attack came during second period.  In Poledra's defence, he/she begged his/her teacher to let them use the restroom.  He/She really had to go.  But the teacher, in the middle of an important lecture on the nature of the RNA/Amino acid wobble relationship, denied Poledra.  He/She felt and pressure building, and tried to contain it.  But some forces of nature cannot be stopped.  And the rest, sadly, was history.

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Shendare, Chillimous, and Jelly: The dreaded assassins of the east.  Their handles, The Thin Guy, The bearded One, The Quiet One.  Some would say that their style of skills are unmatched.  But the truth of this may never be known.  There has been no known surviver of their assassinations attempts.  No one sees them coming, no one sees them leaving.  Truthfully, the reasons for the handles will never be known, because no one really knows what they look like.  These names are merely what they call themselves in their electronic corrispondance for payment.


(More to come with as my PI reports to me.)

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Oh my!  Damane!  How.....strange!  :o


I am not sure I can pass on the truth of Damane's nickname, Harley.  I believe I would die from blushing if I tried, but lets just say that Damane appears to be highly sensual and creative.

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Do you know that lie dentists love?  "This won't hurt a bit."  Dsage has taken this to the next level.


In his rampages, he was found to always tell people, as he decended on them with knives, feathers, and bagels (no idea on this one, and I don't want to know) "Tickle tickle tickle..."  So, Mr. Giggles, you've been exposed red feathered by my trustworthy P.I.

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Now, this next tale is a sad one.  So be warned.


Canukistani, the Brilliantly Vile Canuk.  So spidery....so awesome. And so...mysterious.


One aspect of her past has finely come out.  And with much regret I must say that my P.I. gave his life for this information.


Canuk had a happy life once.  While no one knows what her life was like before, it was known that she was happy.  She had a voice full of energy, of life, of power.  And she used this to the prosperity of all mankind.  She was an auctioneer for a charity foundation.  She could draw, with the power of her voice alone, the kindness out of the most cold of heart.  Yet something happened to her.  Something changed. 


Some say her heart was broken by the love of her life.  Others say she was asked to step down, to make way for faster talking folk. Yet others claim she got sick while helping a desolate village, and lost her voice.  Whatever the cause, she withdrew from being an auctioneer a bitter woman.


But she did not leave the scene.  She remained, and using her great knowledge, caused others to spend much more money for trivial items.  People resented her, and called her the Auction House Jerk.  Having been cast out of the society niche she helped build, she gladly wore the badge they gave her. 


From here, her history is lost.  We can only guess what courses her life took to bring us our current day Canuk. 

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Zyrshnikashnu, a.k.a Jello.


Because of the untimely demise of my P.I, I had to track down the history of this one myself.  Flipping through old newspapers, microfilm, and bad movies, I discovered a cliff note.  Zyr, the great disco dancer of '78. 


On further investigation I fould that Zyrshnikashnu won the international disco dancing competetion by using an original dance move called the Jello.  Now, only professionals should try this, so please do not do this at home.


The Jello is very similar in nature to the truffle shuffle, but it is actually arousing to the opposite gender.  Start with the truffle shuffle, add in a hip sway like you are doing the salsa, do body rolls across the shoulders, and slight galvanate your middle region back and forth.  That is the Jello, and that is who Zyr will forever be remembered in history.

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I was finally able to hire a new P.I, though this one is nowhere near as good as my last one.


So P.I.2 reported to me, via brownie smudges on napkins, about Dunbar, or Dani, or whatever you wanna call the demigod.  When Dunbar was moving into this realm of existance from his previous one, he had to go through Immigrations.  Now, by no fault of Dunbar, he looks rather...feminine.  Quickly pressed for time, the immigrations officer just assumed Dunbar was indeed a girl, and gave him a girl name when he was moved in.  So that is how Dani came to be.


Either that, or the napkin was asking for some pain pills for a rabit toothbrush.  Not really sure.

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Quibby took no P.I. to discover about.  Which is good, because P.I.2 seems to be drunk and passed out under my couch. 


A Quibby, as everyone knows, is a baby Q.  You know, Q.  Likes to torment french captains, bad sence of humar, always drives the fanboys crazy.    A quibby has nowhere near the power of a Q, but is still something to treat with caution.  Because like elephants, quibbies have long memories. 


Interestingly enough, it has been suggested by the Great Dr. B. Barney that the quibby is the resulting offspring of the Q and an elephant.  Quibby's nose certainly suggests this could be true.

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Twitch was a mystery at first.  He claims that his nickname, GFJ, stand for well...read his post for yourself.


My incredebly obtuse P.I., P.I.2, guessed that GFJ may stand for something different all together.  Yes, I pay this man...willingly.


The nature may have forever eluted us, but then P.I.found a pair of whitie tighties in the bread box of Twitch'es house.  And written in permenant ink on the inner band was "Gertrude Fergasin Johnson"


To think, given a girl's name.  No wonder he tried to hide it.  But my investigating reports shed only the truth, I do not judge.


Also found at Twitches house was many letters from Dunbar.  Wonder what those two have in common....

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I have to hang my head to shame today.  For despite my efforts, I was unable to find out about Ata. 


Most of my difficulties were in the fact that Ata is the nickname itself.  What is his real name?  Where is he from?  P.I.2 has found hints that Ata comes from a wealthy family somewhere from Africa.  But unfortunately, I have not the time to go myself.  As for P.I.2, the man has an irrational fear of Lions. 


So for now, I have put out a call to the bounty hunters for information on Ata.  But who knows when information on this elusive source will turn up.  (Hint hint)

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Nyneave, Moosty, Nurkes.  She,in all of SG, is honest about her past and names.  Such refreshing honesty here only serves to remind us of the evil nature of this place by stark contrast. 


How I wish I could inform her about Ninja Girl.  But I remember, as I am sure you all do to, the day her memory was modified.  How she begged us to forever keep this secret from herself.  So while known to all, it must remain a mystery to her.  My drive for impartial reporting is curbed by my promise to never let Nyn know (again) what happened on that terrible day.


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After being brutally stabbed, I almost didn't return to my in-depth investigations, but the truth must be told!


For once, my moronic P.I., Mr. P.I.2, found out a scope really worth mentioning.  Apparently, he was at a pizza joint enjoying his lunch when he noticed another man a bit short on change.  Since he was eating off of my dollar, he gladly offered to cover this other gentleman.  While digesting a meal of cheese, crust and pepperoni, the other gentleman explained the nature of the one Mr. Matrimix.


Matramix, while having a seemingly cute nickname of 'Mama', seems in fact to be an inner lord of the crime syndicate 'Really Bad Dudes.'  His role comprises of interdepartment communications and assessments of assassin skill levels. 


This does lead me to wonder if he has any further knowledge of The Bearded One, The Quiet One, and The Thin Guy.....does he know them, could he indentify them?  Could he, prehaps, be the hand that guides them?

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