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Shadowspawn Class


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Guest Arie Ronshor

Fairy Floss decided that it would be impertinent that he show up to 'class' on time. Not that he enjoyed the lessons, it was his goal to make Fairy Floss a wonderfully [annoying] student as possible. After all, with such a name that had 'fairy' in it, a little mischief would be expected. Taking his seat up front with a bright pink shirt on to go with his usual tanned breeches -Pink was so much easier to make with a white shirt than the breeches were-, he actually added a small crown of flowers -messily no less. And the thorns on the roses hurt like a m...-


He sat and simply grinned at the Aes Sedai, saying not a word. He knew she was laughing. He knew it was hard for her not to do so out loud. As she continued to lecture -it was a rather good lecture too!- It thought for a moment on the assignment. True he was not all that knowledge able in them beyond what Shan Sedai said. But a smile crept on his face as he took to the meaning of her words.


He pulled up a quill and started to scribe. . .


In the words of the lustrous Fairy Floss, master of all beastly beauties and spectacular apparel. (Not to mention Pink!) I shall tell you of the 12 fantastical beasts of query. Now, to make a small correction, although the lecture was most informative and entertaining, there are things that must be made straight. Things that only I, the Fairy Floss King, would have known. So please do not be slighted by this, and feel inferior in any way. You were quite lovely to watch as you strutted into the room.


Firstly, Agrinor is a pansy and sleeps with stuffed bears and other animals. He whimpers for Lanfear but she's too busy pining for Lews Therin to be of any help. Even his own mother pines for someone else but him. But that is not part of this essay. So I shall carry on.


Trollocs, also known as Grem'Cra'kers, are but simple creatures. Uglier than the Amyrlin Seat, but still not nearly so bad looking as you say they are. They love to prance along side of each other holding each others horns and challenge each other for their pink feathers. Yes, pink feathers! (I am the Fairy Floss King, so I of all people should know these things!) They favour the Pink, but in truth it is the White feathered Grem'Cra'Kers that are of royalty and favored above all. However the female Grem'Cra'Kers that tend to sport the white and are rather nasty. Especially once a month. So perhaps not always so favored above the Pink.


But that's Royalty for you.


Now, to continue, there are 12 kinds of Grem'Cra'Kers. (There, you were properly informed of something!) Ahf’frait are of the hawk variety, true. But they are calls "Aris'es" and have a purple tinge to their coat. Also, their eyes are a little beady and that is a little freakish. Ghar’ghael are boar-like but tend to look more like pigs on the best of days. the worst manners ever! They are also called "Miz'Piggmi". Ghob’hlin are called "Hobbes" and look like big shaggy dogs. Only their breath is much much worse. They are, of course, not housebroken. Terrible pets! Gho’hlem are bear-like in personality, but look nothing like a bear! (How you got this mixed up, i'll never know). They have too many worts to be a bear, especially on the nose. We call them "Ker-itts". Ko’bal are the nasty gents. Eagles, and with wings no less, but more down to earth and a bit more horny. They often loose thier Pink feathers at an early age. They are called 'Gree'Ahha". Dha’vol are another form of the Miz'Piggmi but smaller. And lastly the Dhai’mon are called the "Grak'Kin". Even I don't know what they are, but I suppose 'ram' will have to do.


And now that I have filled up this lovely smelling parchment paper. (It smells like you. Do you often perfume your paper? It is a lovely scent. I would like more of this paper, or perfume. I am not picky. It will go well with my lovely pinkness!


Readign it over with a straight face, he walked up to Shan Sedai's desk with a lovely sway to his hips. He was a Fairy King after all, and passed her the paper. He then turned to leave, leaving the smirk for when he was outside the door. He could have sworn the whole tower could have heard her laughter.






"Fairy Floss"



I think he should get extra credit for writing this with a straight face, light knows I couldn't. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

OOC: Me! Me! :D




Megain stared at the blank parchment in front of her. What to write? She decided to add to the notes she had taken during the lesson and continue from there.


Carefully she inked her quill and started to write. She managed to think up many old stories concerning Trollocs, and wrote them down with her thoughts in what she thought was an intelligent-sounding manner, until:


Trollocs come for little girls who draw pictures when the teacher is talking.


Megain blinked and stared at the last part of her essay. That had been something that her History tutor had said. I can't write that! She quickly scored it out, and then ran an eye over what she had written:


The Trollocs were created by Aginor. (How? Using the One Power? What are jenticks?)


Trolloc clans: Ahf’frait = hawks; Ghar’ghael = boars; Ghob’hlin = wolf; Gho’hlem = bear; Ko’bal = eagle; Dha’vol = ram; Dhai’mon = goats. Funny that the goats and ram are involved, I've never really thought of them as predators. Perhaps Aginor chose those forms because of their freakish appearances?


Trollocs are cowards, and only a Myddr Mydral Halfman can hold them when they get it into their heads to flee. Which I've always thought is curious - aren't the Halfmen the children of Trollocs? Why would you need your child to keep you in line? The Shadow certainly does turn everything on its head...


Trollocs eat humans.


Rumours: Trollocs are said to be afraid of water and fire.


If they fly into a blood rage, Trollocs will carry on fighting even if their head is chopped off, like chickens.


I heard a rumour that some villages offer up virgins as sacrifices so that the Trollocs won't eat them. I'd like to think that there's no truth behind that, but some commoners will believe all kinds of nonsense.


Trollocs are afraid of the colour white, and they run from Children of the Light. My cousin Sardan told me this, and he's a Child of the Light, so it must be true.


Trollocs come for little girls who draw pictures when the teacher is talking.


That would have to do. She took the parchment and handed it to Shaneevae Sedai with a smile.

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The trollocs divided themselves, did they. Nifty. Melianna did not think that trollocs were capable of anything more intelligent than flailing weapons about. And a written language? That she would beleive when she saw it. But now for the assignment. What did she know? She grabbed her parchemnt and her quill, and began to write in her sloppy handwritting.


"Trollocs are called Shadowspawn. They were created by Aginor. They are very big, scary, dirty, and smelly, just like Aginor. Trollocs eat humans. Trollocs live in the Blight, which is guarded by the Borderlands.


There are 7 basic clans that the Trollocs made, to my amazement. Ahf’frait are hawks. Ko'bal are eagles. Ghob'hlin are wolves. Gho'hlem are bears. Ghar'ghael are boars. Dha'vol are rams. Dhai'mon are goats. I have been at a Trolloc raid. I think it was mostly Gho'hlem.


Trollocs are lazy and need help from Meyerdral to keep moving.


The next ones are rumors I heard.


Trolloc clans were named the way they are to give novices like me practice wrting certain letter combinations that they rather disliked writing. Why else would something be named so ridiculously like Ghar'ghael? I hate making 'gh'.


Trollocs are fairytales that mothers use to frighten thier children into bed. Silly southerners.


Trollocs like eating little girls more than anything else.


Trollocs are lazy giants that live in mountains and give you cuendillar, gold, and gems if you find one. Then people make lies about them so they can get more.


That last one made her laugh. She was in a tavern and told a man she was from the borderlands. He was drunk off his rocker, so he had told her what was what, in his drunken stuppor. Cairheinin were such fools. She walked over to Shaneevae Sedai and handed in her paper. She trailed after Megain on her way out.



Not a novice anymore, but I'm playing in the time machine.

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Hall looked at the paper then started writing.


Trolloc is a shadow creature made by Aginor, though in southern countries often belived to be scary fairytales to make childs behave, are instead very real savage beasts.

Living in the bligth their border to the human lands are solemly against the borderlands, and as such have made these nations into that of warriors guarding the main body of the countries from these beasts, with the losses this gives. Their size render them dangerous, along with the fade's who drive them by fear, leting roam wild they will kill and destroy anything in their paths, and feast upon any meat and flesh including that of humans.

Though one would wish they where incompetent beings, their clan structure sugest enough inteligence to structure and run societies, which but proves how litle we do know of this foe.


He looked at the paper, some of it was from the class, some thougths he had come up himself, others facts he had learned, and yet others questions posed by men who had been customers of his father. He hoped it would do though, and handed in the paper before silently leaving.

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