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Shadowspawn Class


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Shaneevae will be holding a Shadowspawn class shortly. Given that her expertise lies in trollocs, having dissected them, campaigning in the Blight extensively and her sick, twisted fascination with the work of Aignor….I thought it was time for her to share that knowledge.  Matalina and Eqwina have approved this RP and have graciously allowed that the completion of this class to count as an elective for progression purposes.  Tower Guards and/or Warders are welcome as well and I’ll be happy to extend the RP if it will benefit any of your advancement reqs. I’d also freely welcome any TG or Warders that have extensive experience with Shadowspawn to be guest speakers. 


To receive full credit there will be a five (5) post minimum.



Rules for Electives

-You can do 2 electives in total for WS credit

- You can choose any of the WS training requirements and replace them with an Elective. But not the Essay in WS 7-8 that one stands no matter what.

- You are allowed to do more Electives than just the 2, yet only 2 Electives will count for your WS.

- You can choose not to do any Electives at all, these are just to broaden your opportunities of training, not something you have to do.

- You and your mentor need to keep track of your training.

- If you choose an elective have your mentor post that thread on the Report Board as the requirement for the WS you have done.*

- You need permission from the MoT in certain cases when you replace a    WS req with an Elective, please do not start the RP before you get that or it will not count.*


*I will forward all names interested to the MOT for approval.  Please add your character name, DM handle and mentor to the signups here.  Once the class is complete I will also forward information to your mentor so that appropriate credit is issued.


Signups:  Please include the following:


DM Handle:

Character Name:


Status(Trainee, TG, Warder):

Brief Physical Description:


So, we've got......











Xil Corender



I'd like to see at least a few more N&A and a couple more trainees, but I'll take signups until the 15th. So still lots of time!!!





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Guest Arie Ronshor

DM Handle: Andrea ("Arie Ronshor")

Character Name: Conor Palfrey

Mentor: Cairma Vishnu

Status(Trainee, TG, Warder): Trainee (for now)

Brief Physical Description: a larger tall boy with mischief blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. He has a bit of facial hair and sideburns. (think 'Sock' from The Reaper. :D)


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Shadowspawn class, great idea Shan! Teach those young guards well!!!


  Oh and if the naughty boys in class are giving you trouble - tell them you have a Bulgarian friend who practices Kendo, has a brand new sword forged for him and is wondering on who to test the blade ;)

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