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Hornsounder Robert Jordan Edition - October 2007


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*Three Men*

(By Zeth Alley)


Three men walk into a bar. An American, Englishman, and an Irishman.


They all order a brew. The American notices a fly in his brew so he hands it back to the bartender and asks for another.


The Englishman notices a fly in his brew and picks the fly out and throws it on the floor.


The Irishman notices a fly in his brew and picks up the fly an says "spit it out you bastage, spit it out."


*Old Man Fishing*

(By JR)


One day an old man was fishing on the bank of a River when a game warden pulls on to the bank gets off the boat and nudges the man's cooler with his foot.


Game Warden: "Evening sir, you got a license to fish here?"


Old Man with an appraising look:"No sah, Im not fishing, these here are my pet fish."


Game Warden, Incredulously: "Pet fish?"


Old Man: "Yes sah, I come down here 'bout twice a week and call these fish with some dog food. They swim up to the bank and I throw em' up in this here cooler to measure once I caught em' all. Im growin me a lake record."


*points at a particularly large fish*


Game Warden: "Well Id like to see that."


Old Man: "Sure thing."


*Dumps the cooler of fish into the lake*


Game Warden: "All right old man, call the fish back."


Old Man: "What fish?"



*Something in the Fridge*

(By Arrandion)


-I suspect that someone is living inside our fridge - says patient during psychiatrist's visit.

-Why do you think so ?

-Because each day my wife puts something to eat inside.



*What does your profession say about you?*

(By Silver89)


1. MARKETING - You are ambitious yet stupid. You chose a marketing degree to avoid having to study in college, concentrating instead on drinking and socializing which is pretty much what your job responsibilities are now. Least compatible with Sales.


2. SALES - Laziest of all signs, often referred to as "marketing without a degree." You are also self-centered and paranoid. Unless someone calls you and begs you to take their money, you like to avoid contact with customers so you can "concentrate on the big picture." You seek admiration for your golf game throughout your life.


3. TECHNOLOGY - Unable to control anything in your personal life, you are instead content to completely control everything that happens at your workplace. Often even YOU don't understand what you are saying but who the hell can tell. It is written that Geeks shall inherit the Earth.


4. ENGINEERING - One of only two signs that actually studied in school. It is said that ninety percent of all Personal Ads are placed by engineers. You can be happy with yourself; your office is full of all the latest "ergo dynamic" gadgets. However, we all know what is really causing your "carpal tunnel syndrome."


5. ACCOUNTING - The only other sign that studied in school. You are mostly immune from office politics. You are the most feared person in the organization; combined with your extreme organizational traits, the majority of rumors concerning you say that you are completely insane.


6. HUMAN RESOURCES - Ironically, given your access to confidential information, you tend to be the biggest gossip within the organization. Possibly the only other person that does less work than marketing, you are unable to return any calls today because you have to get a haircut, have lunch AND then mail a letter.


7. MANAGEMENT/MIDDLE MANAGEMENT - Catty, cut-throat, yet completely spineless, you are destined to remain at your current job for the rest of your life. Unable to make a single decision you tend to measure your worth by the number of meetings you can schedule for yourself. Best suited to marry other "Middle Managers" as everyone in you social circle is a "Middle Manager."


8. SENIOR MANAGEMENT - (See above - Same sign, different title)


9. CUSTOMER SERVICE - Bright, cheery, positive, you are a fifty-cent cab ride from taking your own life. As children very few of you asked your parents for a little cubicle for your room and a headset so you could pretend to play "Customer Service." Continually passed over for promotions, your best bet is to sleep with your manager.


10. CONSULTANT - Lacking any specific knowledge, you use acronyms to avoid revealing your utter lack of experience. You have convinced yourself that your "skills" are in demand and that you could get a higher paying job with any other organization in a heartbeat. You will spend an eternity contemplating these career opportunities without ever taking direct action.


11. RECRUITER, "HEADHUNTER" - As a "person" that profits from the success of others, you are disdained by most people who actually work for a living. Paid on commission and susceptible to alcoholism, your ulcers and frequent heart attacks correspond directly with fluctuations in the stock market.


12. PARTNER, PRESIDENT, CEO - You are brilliant or lucky. Your inability to figure out complex systems such as the fax machine suggest the latter.


13. GOVERNMENT WORKER - Paid to take days off. Government workers are genius inventors, like the invention of new Holidays. They usually suffer from deep depression or anxiety and usually commit serious crimes while on the job... Thus the term "GO POSTAL"


WoT Horoscopes

(by Bridmorgan)




*Aries* (21 March - 19 April)


Luck is not in your corner this month, so put away those dice for now.  Love on the other hand, now that is in full bloom!  Stop into your local inn, you just might be surprised!  Too bad commitment isn't in the air and it turns out to be a one night stand.


*Taurus* (20 April - 20 May)


Tired of your career?  Don't worry, a change for the better is coming, whether you're a Tower Guard or a stable mucker.  Too bad your new boss will embezzle your retirement funds.


*Gemini* (21 May - 21 June)


You will meet the love of your life!  If your local Tavern is having a singles' dance, go!  You'll find someone that is everything you ever dreamed about!  Just watch out for their spouse!


*Cancer* (22 June - 22 July)


You have the luck of the Dark One this month!  Bet on all the horse races you can find!  Hope you have a will though...you won't be around to spend the money due to a horrible chicken accident.


*Leo* (23 July - 22 August)


Push yourself this month Leo!  There's nothing you can't do this month if you apply yourself!  Don't just do a good job, make it great!  Just watch out for someone close to you, their jealousy knows no bounds and their knives are sharp! 


*Virgo* (23 August - 22 September)


Follow your gut this month!  You won't go wrong with your decisions.  Unfortunately, you will also come down with a stomach bug, so you won't know if your gut is telling you to do something, or you had better hotfoot it to the privy!


*Libra* (23 September - 22 October)


You don't want to know...I suggest staying in bed for the month!


*Scorpio* (23 October - 21 November)


A new family member is on its way!  Start decorating your spare bedroom!  Just hide your valuables, 'cause it's your kleptomaniac cousin!


*Sagittarius* (22 November - 21 December)


This month is a great month for you to learn something new!  Pick up a book, take a class, talk to an Aes Sedai, spy on your neighbor.  You could always earn some extra cash selling your neighbor's dirty secrets!


*Capricorn* (22 December - 19 January)


That which you most hoped for will come to be this month Capricorn!  You'll be walking on cloud nine, until you realize that what you most hoped for wasn't as good as it you thought it was, since it's illegal in nine countries. 


*Aquarius* (20 January - 18 February)


Traveling is on the agenda for you this month!  Grab your traveling cloak and hit the road!  Nothing but the open road before you and a group of Redarms behind you with a warrant with your name on it!


*Pisces* (19 February - 20 March)


You'll lose those pounds you've been wanting to get rid of!  You'll want to get out there and show off your svelte body, once you can leave the privy.  Never trust a one eyed, fat peddler selling "weight loss" pills!




General Dragonmount

(coordinated by Mystica)


Ask the Chosen Returns to DM!

(by Emperor)




Have you ever wondered what life was like during the Age of Legends? Want some beauty tips from the lovely Lanfear? Well you have come to the only place on the internet where you can finally get the answers that you seek from the folks permanently in a bad mood. Yes the Chosen have woken from the Bore with the sole purpose of answering your questions… and you wonder why they are slowly going insane.


So without further ado, let me introduce those Chosen that have awoken from their slumber and are ready for your questions.


Sammael was a sporting legend. However his sporting career was tragically cut short after taking some of Aginor’s steroid pills which didn’t quite work as planned and left Sammael with some severe shrinkage in the nether-regions. Sammael also maintains an abiding hatred of Lews Therin (not that any of the Chosen really like him), and sustains some scary battle scars to prove it. He has also developed a morbid fear of the colour pink, though nobody seems to know why.


Graendal, stuck with her ugly sounding name since childhood, she has tried to overcompensate by surrounding herself with beauty. A renowned psychologist, though somewhat self centered, she hopes to answer questions about relationships, familial, friendship, and romantic, and of course to assist those in need of a makeover.


Ishamael is our resident evil genius. He is also quite insane, this is partly due to his abuse of the true power and partly because he was forced to listen to the Dark One’s knock-knock jokes, for the past 3,000 years. Ishamael has written many philosophical works during his time in the bore including “Everything you ever wanted to know about Fades (But were afraid to ask)” and “Narg: The Little Trolloc That Could”, and eagerly awaits your questions…


Lanfear is undoubtably the most beautiful female in this, or any other world. Not only is she a paragon of perfection, she is the very pinnacle of strength in Saidar, and dazzlingly intelligent. All of this makes her the perfect choice to answer any questions you have on finding and keeping the mate that’s right for you, or whatever else is on your little minds. (Lewsie-poo, I’m waiting!).


Rahvin is an expert in political intrigue and diplomacy. It is said that the phrase “She’s one in a million” is not just an expression for Rahvin, but the truth. Much of his time is spent seducing, (using compulsion) more lovers, (poor helpless maids) however he has been tortured until he agreed to spend some time to help those less fortunate in love and to answer their questions.


Asmodean: I’m not dead yet! I’m nearly better! But I’d just like to say that you lot are a bunch of gits. Please, Bela??? Clearly, if you can’t figure out who killed me you need help and guidance with the more mundane aspects of your lives.


Get an education from Mesaana! This well-known teacher from the Age of Legends is available to answer all of your most perplexing questions! Ask her anything from the best way to subvert roomfuls of children to your dark purposes, to how

to keep the Dragon Reborn from thwarting your best laid plans. Mesaana has an answer for you!


Semirhage: Sometimes solving a problem takes time, sometimes it takes patience, and sometimes it takes pain. Though Semirhage may prefer the painful path, she is also a doctor and an amateur psychologist.  If you dare, bring her your questions.


Moghedien: Moghedien prefers to keep her personal life personal, but also enjoys helping others weave webs of deciet and illusion. Need help out of a tricky situation? Moghedien may help you, but perhaps at a price.


Demandred is almost good at everything. Unfortunately, Lews Therin was always better than him, so he took it as an excuse to turn to the dark side. He enjoys writing, philosophy, and meddling with politics. He also enjoys feeding entire cities to the trollocs.


Chosen that still slumber and unavailable for questions at the moment:






How it all works as well as a few ground rules:


If you are interested in submitting a question to one or all the Chosen, please send an email to AskTheChosen@gmail.com. If you want your question answered by a specific Chosen, please specify this in the subject. Please refrain from asking specific questions concerning the plot in the books. Plot questions are already located in DM’s FAQ as most of the answers you seek will already be answered there. We will also ignored questions concerning politics, religion and any other controversial topics. Once you have submitted your question, please check the Ask The Chosen blog located in the Community section for our response as well as other questions we have answered.





Discussion Groups (DG)

(coordinated by Mystica)


* Wagons of the Tuatha'an *

(by Poledra)


Tuatha'an live up to their name!


The Tuatha'an are becoming a busy group around Dragonmount. As the Traveling People, the Tuatha'an have started a trip around DM in search for the Song! The trip started on October 21st with the Black Tower and will last until the 3rd of November. The Children of the Light will be the second stop, and the Aiel the third. The trip will last for two weeks at each ORG and DG until they have made a complete trip and are back at home.


The trip is on celebration of the recent change of the Mahdi. Poledra has been raised from the Shatayan to the Mahdi due to her help around the DG and leading the trip. William Sedai has been honored with the position of the second Daes Aan for his previous effort of running the Tinkers. William did a wonderful job and his efforts will not be wasted. Also, they would like to welcome two new Rahein Dore to the group - Simon the Half-Demon and Damane.


Welcome to our fires and congratulations to William and Poledra




Organisations (ORG)

(coordinated by Mystica)



(by Taymist - XO)



This month at The Kin has been busy and bouncy not least due to Twinnie being back in action and planning the Org's Halloween activities.  :D


We had a lot of new members being warmly welcomed by the Kinsters so greetings again to the following; damane, Audorienne, Sorandha, Samuraiflip05, Jadyn al'Raimon and Faerielin. Twinnie and Lady Moiraine were kept hustling with all the presentations of Blue Sashes and knitting needles.


The Spammers’ Challenge thread has had an injection of activity lately and is up to page 450 and post 5374. The Spammers' Poll currently has Min winning the most popular female in WoT.


In other news lewstherin stopped by for a visit and there was a rare sighting of Poledra. Good to see you both.  :) Elegant Eldest, Lor, stopped by to check in on us all and to let us know that poor baby Alexandra hasn't been too well. We hope she's better soon.


Meanwhile, Twinnie has been motivating the troops and Son of Battles has made a fantastic avatar for Kin members to wear over the Halloween period with the Kin Motto, POKE, which stands for Pursuit of Kin Education. Now why education you may ask?  :o Well, that'd be because we're running a University of the Kin!! The school colours are Black, Purple and Orange (which kept Horn happy!!) and the focus of classes is Halloween Traditions, Crafts and Halloween in Literature and the Movies.


Do all feel free to visit and join in with the flirty, fun Kinsters. Visitors are always welcomed and thoroughly poked with a variety of knitting needles… what more could you ask for? So come visit and join in with the Halloween Candy game!!






(by Bridmorgan)


The month of October saw new bondings, new members, new raisings and a special award!  The Tower was a buzz this month with new siggies, and games.  Overall, the Tower was a fun, busy place to be!  As a side note, if anyone is interested in contributing stories, news or other pieces of interest about their Ajah or Guild, send me a PM!  It's always great to have the news from the source!! 


Initiates and Raisings





Aes Sedai

Illiara - Green

Delenn - White



Taymist and Mystica - Souvra'dar

Delenn and Elgee - Souvra'dar

Andrea and Raeyn - Souvra'dar


New Appointment

Segurant - Appointed Sword Lt. of the White Tower.  He will be taking over as Head of Galad's Blades from F Horn of Valere.


Congratulations to all of you!


Dragonmount is having a Halloween Theme Week this month.  The White Tower has chosen Fictional Villains as their theme.  Be sure to check out some of the great new siggies!


The Ajahs

The Greens are hosting a Classic Movie Star Week.  A week of holding discussions and games based around Classic Movies and their Stars!  The games that were ongoing at the time of this writing are:


ABC Game - Participants had to post a Classic Movie or Star starting with the letter A, the next with the letter B etc.

Movie Star Dating Game - This game was great!  Each contestant had 3 bachelors to question.  The contestants were:

Mystica who won a date with Mr. Ed

Nephitess who won a date with Clark Gable

Aleita who won a date with Humphrey Bogart (I'm jealous!!)

Taya is up next!

Movie Quotes - Participants are to list quotes from the movies greater than 30 years old.  The next person has to guess the Movie and Character the quote relates to.

Movie Title - Once the first Movie was posted, the next Movie title has to contain a word from the previous post. 


The discussion for the week is Favorite Movie Star and Why.


For the month of October the Whites have a Metaphysical Question for you, the Existence of Ghosts.  October saw another logic puzzle for all to solve and another question from Dwynwen about Mind Over Matter.


The Whites would like to announce the winner of their Pearl Award.  For those of you who do not know what the Pearl Award is, here is an explanation from Dwynwen:


The White Ajah's Pearl Award is given to a Warder who has truly devoted himself to the cause of our Ajah. It is given to a Warder who contributes significantly to our Ajah, be it through profound insights in our philosophical discussions, solving our logic puzzles, or participating in Ajah events. This award was created for a Warder who embodies the ideals of the White Ajah: philosophy, logic, and the pursuit of truth. A Warder who fits in so perfectly with the Whites is as rare as a perfectly formed pearl.


The Warder who won this prestigious award is Der'Manshima Silver!  On October 16th, he was presented the award from Dwynwen, First Reasoner of the White Ajah.


"Silver has been a joy to have around the Ajah.  He participates in nearly every thread and also starts good discussions for us.  He even gets upset that he can't see our hidden boards. Heck, we wish he would convert and become a White!  Yes, he's that awesome."


Congratulations Silver!!


Be sure to check out the Yellows for some great Home Remedies. Anything from Acne to Warts!


Red Ajah

(by Talya Sedai)


We are very fortunate this month and have had a visit from one of our more senior Reds. In fact she was the inventor of the snugglebites, and we all owe her a lot. So it was wonderful to see Briakale Nirene grace our halls once again. Let’s hope she continues her visitations.


We have certainly been lucky to also be visited by some lovely Novices who seem to enjoy the Reds' company. Along with them seems to be an influx of visiting Algai and even the odd Warder who have been entertaining the residing Reds.


There is a thread in the Reds for anyone to tell us why they have had a great day. This, recently, was even visited by our esteemed Mother, to let us know why one her days was good.


Nephitess has been asking us all ‘How to find your inner Vamp’ and, after a few insights, she seems to be doing very well at finding hers, so much so that she has offered to make a lovely shawl for a select few of the Reds and Greens. We are all looking forward to her creations and pictures will abound when they are done.


That’s it for the Red Ajah this month. We love to have visitors, so if you are in the vicinity we are sure to give you a warm welcome, as many lovely Greens will tell you after their visits lately.



That's it for the White Tower this month!  Be sure to stop by and visit next time you're in the area! 



(by Taymist - XO)


Yep, we're here again and almost to the end of October, heading for All Hallows Eve with ghosties and ghoulies galore!!  ;) Don't forget to check out the DM Theme Week. All of the Orgs are choosing different Hallowe'en themes to celebrate, so don't be suprised if you meet some strange creatures in the next few weeks. Wolfkin appear to have settled on werewolves for now.  ;D


This month a warm welcome was issued to our latest pups Sorandha, Tigersfs, Lupin, Samuraiflip05 and Arconix as well as to an old returning member Teysco. Great to have you join us guys.


Congratulations go out to Vemynal, Sorandha, Gwen, Boyo, Chaelca, fayt100, Bhaird and Moose who all celebrated birthdays this past month. Hope your days were wonderful folks.


There were no Raisings on the 1st of October but a surprise announcement was made mid month when yours truly  ;D was raised to the rank of Healer. Way to go me!!


Lots of activities going on in The Stedding during the past few weeks. Ar'tara began a Book Discussion on references to Arthurian legend in the WoT and other fantasy series. The Org Leader, Goldy, found himself under a snowball attack as Talya and Doselan stormed his mountain with a couple of Wolf Pups. Ar'tara came to her brother's rescue but they look to be a little overwhelmed by the attackers right now!! Doselan began a chat on Hobbies and Pastimes this week and it seems we have some talented people amongst us covering everything from cross stitching to guitar playing and motorbikes.


The latest edition of Pawprints was published on 16th with a variety of articles. Talya took us on a tour of Dartmoor National Park and Doselan entertained us with the next chapter in his ongoing story of the Wolfkin. Spec presented us with another sticky Dilemma competition and Brid taught us all about the Red Wolf.


Visitors are also welcome to stop in and help themselves to some tequila and roasted marshmallows or a variety of other goodies on offer or take some time out to post some of their own photos on the Wolfkin Nature Pics thread. Expect to be thoroughly dipped in chili if you do visit!! ;)


Have a great November, mind your fingers on the fireworks for Guy Fawkes Day on the 5th and we'll be back again next month!!






(by Taymist - XO)


Community News


Wednesday, October 17th would have been James Rigney (aka Robert Jordan)’s 59th birthday.


A series of wakes have been held and continue to be held around the world. Please see this post for further information.



Tribute Project


Please check the new board provided at Dragonmount for news on the project. The board is called A Tribute to Robert Jordan, located near the top of the Forums index page and contains many personal tributes to Robert Jordan as well as useful information and updates on progress.


You can find it HERE.



Robert Jordan's Blog


This month saw a very moving post from Jason on the Blog, sharing with us news, information and pictures from Robert Jordan's funeral.


Tom Doherty, President of Tor Books, said the eulogy having been friends with the author for over 30 years and Wilson also spoke, reading an excerpt from “Irish Cream” by Father Andrew Greeley.


The photos were taken around Robert and Harriet's home showing their beautiful garden and Robert's military awards. Jason also posted a portrait of Robert done by artist Lese Corrigan.








NaNoWriMo stands for “National Novel Writing Month”. During the month of November people all over the world get together and try to write 50,000 words in 30 days.


There is also a new board at Dragonmount dealing with discussions on this for those who are involved. You can find it HERE.



News and Announcements


A new board has also been introduced recently for important information relating to the Dragonmount site. The aim of this is to ensure that all members have access to the information at a centralised point. It saves cluttering up individual Org boards as well. Don't forget to check it out HERE.





What exactly IS the Hornsounder?


Hornsounder is the Band of the Red Hand's monthly Newspaper. It evolved from a newsletter into a newspaper in March 2007 when Mystica took over as Editor in Chief and started a full restructuring and re-organisation of what once was not much more than a points earning tool.


Today, Hornsounder is a full sized newspaper that is run by a whole team of people and covers not only news from the Band but also offers a space to all other groups on Dragonmount to share their news and events with the rest of the community. Although the main focus remains on the Band, of course, it is a nice extra forum for other groups to get in touch with those that have not yet been in touch with them as well as offers their members a certain amount of pride to see their beloved group represented in this newspaper. (we hope... )


Hornsounder is open to everyone on DM, regardless of which group they belong to or don't belong to. And this in both ways. Whether you just want to read, play the games or participate in the Competitions, everyone is welcome to join in. The same goes for being actively involved in the Hornsounder as a reporter. Everyone is welcome to participate, write articles, offer a project they would like to run or simply get involved by offering ideas and suggestions to increase the quality of your newspaper.


There are some restrictions where positions are concerned, given that Hornsounder IS the Band's newspaper and therefore Banders do get priority on certain aspects. But this does not exclude the possibility of involvement for Non-Banders who wish to be an active part of it.


Interested in getting involved? contact Mystica through pm and she'll get back to you asap after assessing your suggestion/idea.


How does the Hornsounder work?


Hornsounder, like every real newspaper, is divided into Sections and some of those have Subsections.


Sections are shown by their individual Graphic Headers.

Subsections are shown in BLUE


The Reporter Teams.

Each Section is run by a Section Senior Reporter who is the coordinator of the entire Section, including the subsections. It is their job to make sure all the elements are submitted at the deadline given and meets the required quality standards. Some Subsections are in themselves so big that they too have been assigned a Section Senior Reporter.


The different Sections and Subsections are made up of a series of articles that can be made/written by either the SSR's or by other writers: Junior Reporters. They write parts of the Section contents and work closely together with the SSR's. They get to be mentioned as the author of the articles they write/make, and in case of a Bander get the points that go along with it.


Next to the Section Reporters we also have Project Reporters.

Senior Project Reporters are those in charge of a large project that almost certainly requires the help of Junior Reporters.

Junior Project Reporters are those in charge of small or medium sized projects and may (or may not) need assistance from Junior Reporters.

Which projects are Senior or Junior level is decided by the Editor in Chief on a case-to-case basis.


The Editorial Team is made up by an Editor in Chief, a Senior Editor, a Graphic Editor and Junior Editors. 


The Editor in Chief runs the whole newspaper. Creates and motivates the team, monitors progress and overlooks all Sections and everyone involved, gathers all the submissions and glues it all together into one coherent and appealing newspaper. The EiC also guards the quality of the newspaper, assesses new ideas/suggestions, implements new features and follows up on just about everything. The EiC has the final say on everything though should always strive to find the right balance between her team's ideas, the newspaper's needs and the readers' wishes.


The Senior Editor is the right hand of the EiC and picks up the reins in case the EiC is unable to perform the function. The SE is there to insure that the newspaper is published on time and with the set quality even if the EiC is indisposed.


The Graphic Editor is the left hand of the EiC and is in charge of all the graphical elements of the newspaper. From the Headers to the graphics in the articles, this is all the GE's domain. He/she is the one writers can turn to if they want to liven up their sections or articles with a graphical item.


The Junior Editor, are the assistants of the EiC and SE and tackle a variety of preperatory tasks on the editorial aspect of the Hornsounder. To become a JE one needs to be extremely active, willing and eager to work behind the scenes and be available for whatever the EiC and SE may need them for.


Hornsounder's Teams


Editorial Team

- Editor in Chief (EiC): Mystica

- Senior Editor (SE): Direwolf Jon

- Graphic Editor (GE): Son of Battles

- Junior Editors (JE): Bridmorgan, StefaniaSedai


Senior Section Reporters

- Band of the Red Hand: Mystica

- Band Org Game: Footy (Deathdealer)

- Music: Stefania

- Columns: Mystica

- Lottery: Bridmorgan

- Travel: Stefania

- Banders Real Life: Mystica

- Band Awards: Taymist

- JoTS monthly winner: Mystica

- Archer Regiment: Amavia

- Cavalry Regiment: Direwolf Jon

- Infantry Regiment: Demonspawn

- Raw Recruits: Taymist

- Redarms: Red Arm Leader of the Term

- Specials: Mystica

- Entertainment: Direwolf Jon

- Dragonmount: Mystica

- Wheel of Time: Taymist


How to be a part of the Hornsounder team.


If you would like to try your hand at being a reporter or you have an idea for a project, a game, a competition or you would like to participate in one of the Sections, then here's your chance!


Send a PM to Mystica with an outline of your idea or request.

She will asses it and give you an answer as soon as possible.

Note: Hornsounder claims the right to make any adjustments to your ideas that might be necessary to insure the quality and coherency of the newspaper.


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