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Journey´s end (Open)

Guest Faile1987

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Guest Faile1987

His head was filled with the noises around him. The hollow sound of their horses hooves seemed nearly to drown in the cacophony of different noises crashing down on him as he rode alongside Danian, letting his gelding Sei pick his way through the crowds. Sei, eye, was an apt name for his horse indeed, since his eyes were good enough to maneuver himself and Doian through the streets, since Dorian couldn´t help him much in that, since he couldn´t see himself. Yet Dorian knew he could trust the animal to go the right way just as he could trust Danian who was just riding by his side, the clatter of his horse´s hooves being the only familiar sound in Dorian´s ears.


So this is Tar Valon, he mused thoughtfully, his head bowed slightly as he didn´t have to look at the buildings he knew where standing along the street they were just riding through. He didn´t need his eyes to be able to imagine what his twin brother Danian must see as they rode on though, Dorian might be blind, but that didn´t mean he didn´t see anything after all. In some way the image all those different noises, Hawkers praising their goods, people arguing about prizes, joyful, angry, loud and soft voices, feet in stout leather boots or bare soudning on the stony pavement, the scent of the people around him, some even touching his legs as they strode by in a hurry, not paying any attention to the two of them, the smell of food evaporated out of what seemed to be an inn close by, the biting scent of fresh dye, of straw, all mingled with the cool fresh air of late morning, all that created a miasma of impressions inside Dorian´s mind that even though he didn´t actually see any of those things, he was aware of what was around him and merely imagining all the life and the people in the streets made him smile faintly despite himself.


Everyone around him seemed to be so alive, so busy, this city seemed to buzz with activity and Dorian knew immediately that they had reached their journey´s end. Well, not quite yet. We still have to find the White Tower, he corrected himself mentally, though he doubted that this would turn out to be of any difficulty for Danian, as they were told the White Tower literally loomed all over Tar Valon and one just couldn´t possibly miss it, once having reached Tar Valon.

Letting out a deep breath, Dorian tried not to think of the reason why they had come here for what was likely the upteenth time this very morning. Stil lhe wasn´t able to forget it and the harder he tried to banish any thoughts of Altara out of his head, the more insistently all the memories seemed to nag at him. Still the words of Carl Ranoch were vivid in his memory, the memory of that fateful night when he told them that their father had just been murdered too present in his very thoughts to be dismissed so easily. Everything had gone so fast after that. He remembered in what sort of rush they took off and left Altara, their home and their mother, hoping that Carl would keep his promise and indeed be able to protect her. This was the worst actually, having to run for their lives, hoping that the White Tower would accept them and leaving their mother behind. Leaving her to a unknown fate and feeling guilty to have let her down, thoe were the things tugging on Dorian whenever he thought back. Taking a deep breath and swallowing hardly, his voice was a mere whisper as he asked Danian hesitantly, still unable to keep quiet.


"Do you think, she is all right, Danian?", biting his lip and scolding himself for having come up with that painful topic again, he silently upbraided himself, still he couldn´t stay silent any more. Silence was a thing he despised more than darkness or the looks people sometimes gave him when realizing that he was blind. After all, it wasn´t recognizable at most times, if Dorian just sat anywhere quietly, his eyes looked quite normal, he was told and so much like Danian´s, as he himself looked his brother´s very reflection, that people only noticed what was the matter with him, when he actually moved, feeling his way. Feeling the wondering and often either pity- or scornful eyes of other people on him still made Dorian uneasy, even though he had had his entire life to get used to it. Still he hadn´t and he knew that he would always have to struggle for respect and for people not only regarding him like a cripple, someone they didn´t want to get mixed with. Yet Dorian knew that he was able to live on his own pretty well, having Danian, who always was with him and him being the only person Dorian knew would always stand by him and understand him. Still what would happen once they had arrived at the White Tower, Dorian didn´t know. An icy shiver of sudden dread rolled down his spine though as he thought of him and Danian getting separated. They had always been together and even now they would be accepted at the White Tower. Together. They simply had to.


But what if he was sent away because they thought he wouldn´t be able to take part in training, fall behind because of his blindness, a persistent voice inside of his head poked disconcertingly. No, he would be accepted and he wouldn´t fall behind. He had to make it. He just had to.


Suddenly Dorian noticed that Sei and Danian´s horse had stopped abruptly. Dorian apparently had been too deeply absorbed in his own thoughts again to notice that they must have reached the White Tower. Or at least what he thought must be the White Tower. Letting out a deep breath to compose himself, Dorian tried to ignore his heart suddenly beating wildly in nervousness. Now it was time. Now or never their new life would start and Dorian remained silent sitting erect in Sei´s saddle, waiting for whatever was going to happen next.


OOC: Ok, this is open for anyone who likes to welcome Dorian and Danian to the White Tower, I only want to wait for a post of jasonr (Danian) first before it will be open for everyone, ok?

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ooc: *rides in on horse* I'M HERE! It seems that Twinny (faile) has already explained our situation, so I will only go into the basics.


IC: Danian was riding with his blind twin brother Dorain when he said, "Do you think, she is all right, Danian?" Danian knew immidiately who Dorian was talking about, they both had been about her. Danian had no idea, but he saw that his brother needed reasurance. "Of course, Dorian, Carl will take care of her, just like he said he would."


Danians limp and mangled right arm swayed as he spoke. At birth, both he and his brother were handicapped, Dorian was blind, and Danian's good hand was nearly useless. Suddenly, they came to a hault in front of what had to be the White Tower. Well, it was a huge, white tower, and Danian doubted that there was anything else like it.


Danian said in an exited and worried tone, "We are here, Dorian, we made it!" Now they just had to wait for someone to come to them, as they had no idea what to do now. Danian was growing nervous in his waiting when...

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Rodrik was doing his laps when he spotted something odd. Two men on horses, just sitting there. No weapons or anything. He wandered over to them. "Hello. I'm Rodrik Hellok. Can I be of any help to you?" He studied the men closer. They were brothers, twins in fact. One had a limp arm, maybe an old injury? he didn't know. The other looked out of it. Like he wasn't seeing what was in front of him. Rodrik thought to where he had seen that look before. Orion, the blind guard looked at things like that. Seeing, but not seeing. The second brother was blind! This would make for an interesting pair of trainees if that was what they were here for. Rodrik awaited an answer from the brothers.

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Guest Faile1987

OOC: Yay! *huggs her twinny*


IC: "Of course, Dorian, Carl will take care of her, just like he said he would." , Danian reassured him in a calm, optimistic tone and for a moment Dorian wished he could share his brother´s certainty. If only he could finally get of that notion that something was not all right at all, that was still nagging at him. He always was the one of the two of them who had doubted things the first and displayed a sometimes all too apparent scepticism, yet he had been right in doing so way too often than was reassuring right now.


Anyway, those gloomy thoughts suddenly evaporated as he heard something stir behnd the door Danian had just knocked at. That sound of his brother´s fist knocking on massive wood had sounded like a real big door indeed and as it slowly swung open, the wood moaning and creaking as it did so, Dorian became aware of another man´s presence. His footsteps approaching them and coming to a halt in front of the two of them.


"Hello. I'm Rodrik Hellok. Can I be of any help to you?" The man´s voice sounded deep yet mingled with a touch of confusion and curiosity, as Dorian thought he seemed to wonder about the strange appearance the two of them always made being seen together. In a way Dorian had gotten used to the feeling of people´s eyes on him and his brother, seemingly to feel their bewildered stares on his flesh. Yet being used to it didn´t mean he liked it one bit. Still the man´s voice hadn´t sounded unfriengly at all and knowing that they needed any help they could get, Dorian paused for a moment waiting if Danian would be the first to speak, but as he didn´t, he rose his own deeply and musical voice, replying with a short inclination of his head, raising it again to look at where he supposed the man, who had just introduced himself as Rodrik must be standing: "Good day to you sir, that is my brother Daninan and I am Dorian Grey. We are from Altara asking to be accepted among your numbers at the Warders Yard. If you could in any way help us with that, we would appreciate that greatly."


Being used to talk a lot, Dorian had no difficulty to find the right words and to manage at least to try and keep up a facade of calmness, inwardly he was quivering with tension, fear of being rejected suddenly increasing again. He really didn´t know what to do if he wasn´t accepted among the Warders. He knew it was his only chance to live. And he wanted to get in, to train, to live. He wanted to and he had to.

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Rodrik was excited. These two would make an interesting addition to the Yards, and he wanted to bring them down to an inn for a drink or three after they were officialy written in the books and all the other red tape. "Marvelous!" he called out to the two brothers. "Welcome to the Yards where you will learn to become some of the best warriors in the world. I'll show you to the Mistress of Trainees. She'll write you down as official trainees, assign you a mentor and a bunk, and then your training begins. Actually, how would you two like to come to an inn with me later for a drink?" Rodrik hoped he could make strong friends out of these Altarans. They may have handicaps, but they looked like sharp fellows.

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IC: "Marvelous! Welcome to the Yards where you will learn to become some of the best warriors in the world. I'll show you to the Mistress of Trainees. She'll write you down as official trainees, assign you a mentor and a bunk, and then your training begins. Actually, how would you two like to come to an inn with me later for a drink?" Upon hearing this, Danian laughed. He was cracking up with laughter. Danian was laughing so hard he was brought to tears. Light, they were worried about not being accepted, and this man was practicly shoving them into the Warder's Yards. He even asked for them to have a drink with him.


"Thank you for the offer, Rodrik, I would love to have a drink with you. Although, I don't drink very often, (ooc: seeing as he is only 16) but why not. That is, if Dorian wants to come too." Danian wondered how he could possibly be so happy and so sad at the same time, it was terrible. He was as happy as he had ever been because of being accepted into the Warders, yet Danian had never been sadder. He and his brother were exiled from their homeland, had lost all of their family, and their entire life had changed completely in one foul swoop.


Danian was amazed at the whirl of emotions that were swirling inside of his body. He had never felt so many emotions at one time: happiness, sadness, exitement, anger, eagerness... Every emotion that he could put a name to, Danian felt at that moment. Even in his uncertainty and insecurity, Danian was sure that his life had just gotten a little better.


ooc: like I was saying before, they are only 16, so they probibly aren't going to be downing hard ale... :D

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Guest Faile1987

"Marvelous! Welcome to the Yards where you will learn to become some of the best warriors in the world. I'll show you to the Mistress of Trainees. She'll write you down as official trainees, assign you a mentor and a bunk, and then your training begins. Actually, how would you two like to come to an inn with me later for a drink?"


Dorian´s head went to the direction he heard the man who had introduce himself as Rodrik almost automatically, as he knew people would consider it impolite of him if he just bent his head to listen to what they were saying. When he heard him speak though, he let out a small sigh of relief, a stone falling from his heart when he heard Rodrik speak so cheerfully and welcomingly.


A faint smile spreading on his face, as he heard Danian laugh - Light, he hadn´t heard him laugh since... - Dorian inclined his head briefly not to let the other two see the doubt still creasing his forehead. Dorian had heard so many things of the White Tower and knew that they would be trained to excellent warriors if they were accepted and judging from Rodrik´s apparent optimism he thought chances were good for them indeed.But then again he had never heard of the White Tower training any Warders who weren´t of perfect bodily fitness and just perfect all around. After all, Danian´s limp right arm wouldn´t fit in that, but he could be trained to use his left mainly, despite hm being righ-handed. But his lack of sight was another matter. Blindness was a thing not even Aes Sedai could Heal and a sudden dread suddenly gripped Dorian that they would accpet Danian only to reject him.


"There will come the day the two of you will have to part from each other.", his father´s words suddenly flashed in his mind and looking down while biting his lip not to let his uneasiness be showing, Dorian swallowed hard, fighting back any thoughts of having to be separated from his brother. No, after all the White Tower and the Warders Yard were the only chance for them to live, Dorian knew and if it really should be that they would only keep Danian, he wouldn´t prevent his brother from staying in safety. After all he could look after his own pretty well, blindness or no and he wanted to see his brother safe above everything else.


Clenching his teeth and fighting back those bleak thoughts. Well it is not decided yet, is it?, Dorian looked up towards Rodrik and his brother and with a forced, yet genuinely friendly smile. "Yes, I think we will accept your invitation gratefully. Having some company after our long journey would be nice, but would you please show us to the Mistress of Trainees first?"


Dorian was aware of the fact that he was putting quite a rush into getting signed in, but he really wanted this to be done with as fast as possible. Bette to know he was to be rejected soon than having to dread for it while waiting.

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ooc: *pokes* doubt that there is much I can do with this...


IC: Danian was thrilled. Yet, he could clearly see that Dorian was doubtful. That doubt turned into dreading, and although others might not see it on his face, Danian had grown up with Dorian. They had always been inseperable, these things were as clear as daylight to Danian. Danian steered his horse closer to Dorian and whispered, "Don't worry Danian, everything will turn out alright. You can manage, you always do." Danian wondered how well he could do, after all, he could barely hold a sword. How could they manage, they were both in bad shape? How could they ever become weapons in the state they were in now?


ooc: *kicks himself* I thought that this would be a longer one... :(

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ooc: Give the MoT a poke to get on this thread.




Rodrik spotted doubt on the face of the blind one. He would have to reassure them or else they might become to afraid and bolt. "My friends, I know you have disabilities. That makes no difference here. We have a Tower Guard who's blind and is an extremely good warrior. I'll intoduce you to him later if you want. And we have other Guards who have amputated arms. You will fit in fine here. That I have no doubt of. Now let's see if the Mistress of Trainees is in her office." Rodrik opened the door that led into the Mot's office, and wouldn't you know it, she was there. She looked up from her desk and and gestured to Rodrik and the twins. "What do we have here? New trainees. Come in. Rodrik you can come in as well."

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With a sigh Ginae settled behind her desk, relishing the feeling of the soft chair on her back. Her limbs had felt rather stiff lately, and though she would rather blame it on old age and hard work, Fayth had told her that it was a simple flu. Of course even the word of a Yellow sister wasn’t enough to keep her from her work. She just took it easier. Thinking she was well underway to getting better, a sudden fit of coughing overtook her. By the time she was done her eyes were bleary, and her voice felt rough. Of course that was the perfect moment for a bunch of trainees to barge into her office.


Ginae laughed at the sight of them. It hadn’t taken her long to get used to the job of Mistress of Trainees. She enjoyed watching the young ones work hard to attaining the red cloak, for whatever reason they had. She looked the trainees over and motioned for them to come in. “Rodrik, you as well.†She watched the boys as they settled into the chairs in front of her desk. At first sight the two boys looked like two drops of water. After a closer look she saw that one had a weakened right arm. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but not in disapproval. His eyes were clear and bright though, unlike the eyes of his brother, which were strangely murky. “You’re blind.†She stated. Again, not an accusation, and not a single hint of disapproval entered her voice. Everyone who wanted to become a Tower Guard should have the chance, at least. Both the boys looked hopeful.


“Well, well… Why don’t you two tell me why you’re here?†she asked, as she turned from them and picked a book from one of the shelves behind her. It contained the names of a lot of new trainees. These two would make two more marks in the book.

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Guest Faile1987

"My friends, I know you have disabilities. That makes no difference here. We have a Tower Guard who's blind and is an extremely good warrior. I'll intoduce you to him later if you want. And we have other Guards who have amputated arms. You will fit in fine here. That I have no doubt of. Now let's see if the Mistress of Trainees is in her office."


On hearing that statement from Rodrik, Dorian couldn´t help a faint smile from escaping him, but still his tension stayed as vivid as it was and he knew it wouldn´t ease down untill he had entered and left the Mistress´of Trainees office and being assured that the two of them were definitely accepted among the Warders. He knew he was maybe thinking a little too officially and strictly about it, but he had suffered too much insecurity in his past to think better about it. He only wanted to be accepted and reassured that was all. What would happen after he and Danian left that office Rodrik was leading them to was of no account at all for now. First things first.


When Rodrik led them to the office he had told them to go to though, Dorian paid careful attention to take in as much of the new foreign world surrounding him as possible. As always he used all his senses with the exception of his unseeing eyes of course, to analyse and feel his environment and a they walked through the White Tower, and the Warder´s Yard, Dorian felt the sheer gravity and dignity of the anchient building as if he just could reach out for the anchent splendor and the heroes he had read so many stories of. Yes, they were here, that was all that mattered and when they came to a halt in front of what Dorian assumed must be the Mistress of Trainees´study.


With a knock Rodrik made themselves audible and shortly after that was admitted by a raspy and rather mature voice at least. Hearing her speak, Dorian knew at once that she apparently was sick, though hopefully and as her alert tone indicated, it was nothing too bad after all. “You’re blind.†was the first other thing he heard of the woman, after he had been feeling her gaze lingering first on Danian for some time, obviously having registered his brother´s limp arm, and then turning at him and stating what she saw in a tone, not accusing, but so matter-of-factly, that it made Dorian gulp silently and made him bend his head in sad affirmation, thinking that this must be the end now. How could he have earnestly thought she would let them stay here, useless as they apparently seemed to be in other´s eyes, able to fight or not.


Yet her reaction was different as Dorian would have expected and feeling Danian´s presence beside him, Dorain knew his twin was feeling the same as Ginae, yeah, that was her name as far as Rodrik had told them, asked:

“Well, well… Why don’t you two tell me why you’re here?â€


Swallowing once more, not too sure about what to say to this question, Dorian turned to his brother, but when Danian remained silent and didn´t make any effort to stop him, Dorian began to speak in a voice he kept outwardly calm and composed despite his inner turmoil.


"Ours is a long sory, ma´am...", Dorian began hesitantly, shiftig rather uneasiy, not sure how to bein. "My brother Danian and I are from Altara, but we had to escape from our home when our father was assassinated by our uncle´s men and now...now...we didn´t know where else to go to and our mentor said he had made requests for the Warder´s Yard taking us in after our flight..." Cutting off eventually, knowing that it was so totally unlike him to be stammering and fighting for words like that, actually being known as a good rhetorician, but now Dorian seemed to be at a lack of words, too physically and psychologically distressed to find the right words to express his true feelings and how precarious their situation was. Insecurely and at a loss for now, he turned over to Danian, his empty eyes searching for help in his twin brother.

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"Ours is a long sory, ma´am...", Dorian began hesitantly, shiftig rather uneasiy, not sure how to bein. "My brother Danian and I are from Altara, but we had to escape from our home when our father was assassinated by our uncle´s men and now...now...we didn´t know where else to go to and our mentor said he had made requests for the Warder´s Yard taking us in after our flight..."


Dorian looked towards Danian, and he was supprised, Dorian was always the one who was good in politics. He tried to complete the story, "You see, we don't have any where else to go, and we heard that the Warders were the best warriors in the world." A bit of flattery wouldn't hurt. "We came seeking protection and training."


ooc: *gasp* this is tiny!

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Ginae listened carefully to the story of the two young men. Twins, she reminded herself once more as she glanced at both of them. “So I take it you’ve both wielded a weapon before?†she asked. The boys nodded, if a bit hesitantly. Ginae sighed softly. At times like these she missed the borderlands. She’d been a good archer at the age of sixteen, and she’d been a decent swordfighter as well. These boys… well, it didn’t look as if they’d been trained all that much. “It doesn’t matter.†She said, trying to keep the negativity out of her voice. Orion always seemed particularly sensitive to that. He had learned to deal with the loss of his eyes. So has one of the boys in front of her. He moved with certainty, and it looked as though he and his brother had found an efficient way around their deficiencies.


“Good.†She stated. She looked down at the book, finding the names of the trainees that had joined during the past month. The tower was said to have difficulties filling the novice rooms, but the yards certainly did not have that problem. The closer Tarmon Gaidon came, the more young men and women sought to be trained at the yards. “Good…†she repeated herself, picking up her quill. “Tell me your names.†She said, glancing at both of them. “Your full names, as well as your place of birth and your age.†Again a twin set of hopeful looks was sent her way, one murky and one clear. “You get to stay. We’ll see how your training goes, but the White Tower does not send those who need protection away.â€

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Guest Faile1987

“So I take it you’ve both wielded a weapon before?â€, Ginae asked them and feeling Danian remaining silent but thinking that he would have nodded, Dorian inclined his head in affirmation reluctantly. They had received quite a good training by Carl at home but still he wasn´t so sure how much that would count compared to the standards at the Warder´s Yard. So he remained rather reluctant since he wanted to be able to proof his abilities in training not to be praised for something he hadn´t shown yet in advance. IF they were allowed to train here at all that was and though a little doubt still remained inside his heart, Dorian´s mood seemed to brighten as he heard Ginae speak up again. Her tone simply matter-of-factly, without any criticism or sceptism concerning their abilities. There only was a hint of...disappointment...he felt, lying in her voice and he really couldn´t figure out what was the reason for that, no matter how hard he tried. Perhaps he would find out later, he thought musingly.


“Good…†she repeated herself, picking up her quill. “Tell me your names.†She said, glancing at both of them. “Your full names, as well as your place of birth and your age.â€


So, settling matters at hand, were they? Well, Ginae´s formal tone and the soft scratching noise of her quill on rough paper told Dorian that she was obviously about to enter their names into a book or something like that. His heart suddenly leapt and sudden hope must be visible right on his face as he could feel Ginae taking it in, but since she still expected an answer, Dorian straightened up again, and spoke up as he stepped forward once more:


"My name is Dorian of House Grey, born and raised in Ebou Dar, Altara, 16 summers old", he reported rather formally. At least that was something he could deal with easily, being used to report for his House when attending political meetings.

Hearing Danian imitate him, Dorian registered the scratching of quill on paper again, occassionally interrupted by a soft noise he thought only he could hear as Ginae dipped the quill into the inkwell again. Dorian couldn´t help a hoping smile betray his feelings as he was sure they were just about to do the final step to be accepted officially and his grin was even widening to a beaming smile when he caught Ginae´s next words.


“You get to stay. We’ll see how your training goes, but the White Tower does not send those who need protection away.â€


Letting out a breath he hadn´t realized he had been holding as he stood there like being barefoot on burning embers, Dorian turned over to his brother, smiling at him brightly.

We have managed, Danian, he thought as relief washed over him. We are accepted and have come to our journey´s end.


Still Ginae´s tone also told him that they were to proof themselves yet and with a respectful salute as it was the way of the Altarans, he bowed slightly and said still quite formally: "Be assured that we won´t disappoint your trust in us!"

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Now that the formalities were done, Ginae felt that a weight was lifted of her shoulders. If she felt this way, how would the boys feel? She smiled at them, rising from her seat. “Well, now that that’s out of the way… why don’t we see about getting you two started?†she nodded at Rodrik. “Rodrik, you’re in charge of showing these boys to a room. Make sure they’re in the same room. The White Tower may believe in separating all ties to the past, but something tells me it wouldn’t be wise to separate the ties between you two.†She smiled a the boys again as she tried to remember if she’d seen twins in the yards before. Well, Con and Mia of course, but they hadn’t been identical, and they weren’t co-dependant either. It would be interesting to see how these boys grew into warriors at the very least.


“But more importantly, let’s get you two mentors.†Ginae briefly considered giving both the boys the same mentor, but she dismissed the idea swiftly. That wouldn’t do them any good. Twins they might be, but they had different issues that had to be worked with, which meant they needed different mentors with different approaches. Still, the two mentors would have to work together closely. Her eyes scanned the yards, finally setting on a pair of Tower Guards in a spar. Deneira and Corin, one promoted recently, and the other promoted a while ago. They would do. Deneira knew enough of being a trainee to understand the needs of Danian, and Corin had a patient nature that would allow him to deal with Dorian’s blindness efficiently.


She motioned for the boys to follow her, repeating the ‘order’ out load for Dorian after a moment. “Deneira, Corin…†she greeted the pair of Tower Guards. I have a special assignment for you two.†She could feel the eyes of several onlookers on them. Twins were a rare sight at the yards, after all. “These two boys are your new mentees. They have special needs, and I expect you two to tend to them. Don’t coddle them, but don’t beat them down either. Danian, your mentor will be Deneira. Dorian, your mentor will be Corin. Any questions?â€

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OOC: Nobody minds if I jump in right?


Orion walked slowly for most, but for him it had become his normal pace. Orion had taught himself how to live with his blindness but he had still had to asjust many aspects of his life, everything had just seemed to slow down. He had to concentrate on listening to his suroundings to know where everything was while still concentrating on his mental image of the Yard to know where he was. It was difficult enough with how loud the Yards were naturally, the sound of wood on wood, steel ringing, the sounds of men and boys learning how to dance with death.


A word caught his ears, one he had not heard in a long time from the voice of the new Mistress of Trainees. The name of his old roomate, and words he had not expected to here said about Corin. When Orion had seen Corin last he had not been teaching students, and yet now Orion hear the words that proclaimed he was. Orion turned his direction towards the sound of the words stopping on the outskirts of the small group.


Orion felt a slight strangeness that he might be protudring but he had not seen his friend in a long while and he wanted to say at east a few words to him. "I take it there are some new students that have come to the Yards, though I am slightly suprised at one fo their teachers."




OOC: I finally got to it Faile

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Guest Faile1987

Dorian´s relief must be openly showing on his face, he thought. but for now he didn´t care, no matter what his previous political experience told him about not giving himself away like that. His heart was just leaping as Ginae told them that they were formally accepted in the Warders´Yard now and silently Dorian reprimanded himself for having had so many doubts about it. Anyway, the two of them were given a chance and they would try anything to live up to what was expected of them. Nodding slowly as Ginae told them they would share the same room and do as much of their training together as possible, Dorian involuntarily recalled the words of his father There will come the time when the two of you are seperated but that time had not come now and what would happen when it did, Dorian could not neither wanted to fathom right now.


“But more importantly, let’s get you two mentors.â€, Ginae´s voice said slowly as if considering. Shortly after she had said this though, the door behind them was moving, giving a soft creak as it did and Dorian automatically turned around to hear who had approached them now. He had heard the steps of two pairs of feet coming closer to them and wondered who the two were as they introduced themselves, one a deep male voice, the other a lighter female version, still both of them sounded rather formal like they had been in the Yard for quite awhile now.


“Deneira, Corin…†she greeted the pair of Tower Guards. "I have a special assignment for you two. These two boys are your new mentees. They have special needs, and I expect you two to tend to them. Don’t coddle them, but don’t beat them down either. Danian, your mentor will be Deneira. Dorian, your mentor will be Corin. Any questions?â€


Inclining his head to show he had understood, Dorian turned to the direction where the voices of their two mentors had come from and bowed to each of them slightly in greeting. "I only have one other question so far", he said slowly, halfway turning back to Ginae as he did so, "When will our training start and is there anything we´ll have to do before?"


His unseeing eyes blinking Dorian was interrupted as he suddenly caught the sound of another pair of footsteps coming through the door of the Mistress of Trainees´office after a small knock.


"I take it there are some new students that have come to the Yards, though I am slightly suprised at one fo their teachers."


Turning to where the sound of the other man´s unfamiliar voice had come from, Dorian dimly registered that the office had become rather crowded by now, not that he minded being around people, but not being able to see anything having to rely on sounds and voices only, sometimes made it a little difficult to distinguish between them and he had to pay careful attention so his hearing wouldn´t fail him with so many people around. With his brother standing next to him, Dorian felt that Danian was surprised about the new arrival as well, but for now, Dorian decided it would be best to remain silent to find out who this other man was and what he wanted from their mentors.

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Corin was happy to find he still found pleasure in sparing after the beating he had taken at the hand of Sieaman. Memories of broken ribs and the difficulty to breath flittered across the void as his eyes took in the movements of the women opposite him; lathes crashing together. She was only recently raised but she fought with her heart and mind in the ring. Something that would server her well in the future and the many trials a Tower Guard would find themselves facing. Cross over stepping to circle Deneira, Corin caught sight of Ginae making her way across the yard with three others in tow. Mentally he passed through the progress of his mentee’s and where they were suppose to be. He had already had one very unpleasant run in with the MOT on his care and direction of one of her precious children. He did not want to find himself in a repeat meeting any time soon.


Stepping back from Deneira he lowered his lathe and motioned with his head over her shoulder to the approaching party. Returning Ginae’s greeting; his eyes studied the mirrored faces of two boys behind her. Exacting twins he had never before seen in the yard; never even heard of. New mentee ….. she trusts me with another after … the thought was broken off by the quick look in her eyes as she mentioned their treatment and the subtle warning about beatings. So, this is a test then perhaps, he looked Dorian over with a nod as he was introduced. There was something about the boy that didn’t seem right, he eyes were cloudy and he did not seem to look directly at any one person.


"I take it there are some new students that have come to the Yards, though I am slightly surprised at one of their teachers." The familiar ring to the man’s voice had a grin splitting his face before he had finished turning. “Orion old friend!!! How have you been?†He smacked the man on his shoulder in a friendly welcome. “I’ll have you know I train two others beside Dorian here. Dorian I would like you to meet an old friend of mine. He trained hard as I will expect from you. But now he has gotten soft in his bondage to another.†A deep laugh rolled out of him with another smack on the arm for Orion. The news of another charge seemed lighter now that he had his old friend around; perhaps they could get together again for a visit, it had been so long since their last.


As his laughter died down a frown touched at the edges of his face. Dorian had not moved when Corin had motioned him over to meet Orion. He shot a questioning glance toward Ginae before fixing his attention once more on the boy’s murky eyes. Corin studied the eyes of anyone he talked to or worked with. They were a focal point he used to read emotion and thought; the dimness in the boy’s eyes worried him.



Corin Danveer

Tower Guard

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Some how, Deneira and her big mouth had gotten her into trouble. Now, she was facing a seasoned Tower Guard in a spar... thank the light he wasn’t too hard on her. She was still so young to her new responsibilities, and she didn’t really want to die before she got to have too much fun... more than likely, Shawn, whose mentor actually was her sparring partner, wouldn’t like it. Ah, well, at least someone would cry at her funeral. Light, what was she doing fighting him? She kept losing concentration, but somehow, her body just kept moving, keeping him racing after her. At least she was faster. He took a step back, and looked over her shoulder at something, and fearing someone she didn’t want to see, such as her discipliner, Deneira whirled around.


Light, it was worse than she would have thought. Ginae was headed their way with three trainees behind her. Deneira avoided her eyes, knowing that somehow, she had messed up. Light, what was it this time? â€Deneira, Corin...†Deneira smiled and nodded. “I have a special assignment for you two.†Wait a minute... those were twins. What was Ginae planning now? “These two boys are your new mentees. They have special needs, and I expect you two to tend to them. Don’t coddle them, but don’t beat them down either. Danian, your mentor will be Deneira. Dorian, your mentor will be Corin. Any questions?â€


Deneira had to clench her mouth shut to keep from laughing. What kind of cruel joke was this? The one that was Dorian spoke up. "I only have one other question so far†why wasn’t he looking at Ginae? "When will our training start and is there anything wéll have to do before?" and something was wrong with the other. What was wrong with that hand of his? It looked as though the entire arm was messed up. Looking back at Dorian, Deneira had to suppress a gasp. Now she knew what was wrong! He was- "I take it there are some new students that have come to the Yards, though I am slightly surprised at one of their teachers."


Deneira saw Orion... the blind gaidin. Was this some kind of a joke? It had to be! Corin walked forward to the man, and they talked. Somehow, Corin then realized what exactly was going on. The realization went across his face, and Deneira left her mouth wide open in shock. One was blind, and the other deformed? Oh light... what a mess this would be! Her mentee glanced at her, and she put on a quick smile, then motioned to ginae. “Dear, can I ask you a question about... about another class.†Ginae nodded and walked with her, and Deneira half killed herself restraining from strangling the Mistress of Trainees. “He is BLIND? And the other is DEFORMED? Ginae, I know you have a heart of gold, but don’t you think this is a bit too far?â€


They talked for a few more moments before they rejoined the other group. Deneira had a good feeling Ginae was mad at her, but come on, these two would never be warders. They were wretches in her eyes. Orion was noble in losing his eyes site, but these two were sad. Why not someone else? Why not anyone else? This couldn’t be happening to her!


Smiling at the two, she bowed, and spoke a greeting to Orion. “ Hello, Orion, I see you are doing well.†She cringed at the word see. Turning back to the two trainees, she smiled. “ It is a pleasure to meet you both. Your training shall begin soon, as soon as Corin likes, in fact. Just bring your weapon. The same for you, Danian. Just bring your weapon... this afternoon, right here, how about? Corin, we shall have to finish that spar another time. If you will all excuse me...†Deneira bowed out, and went to her room. This was not going to be good.




Tower Guard

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Guest Faile1987

“Orion old friend!!! How have you been? I’ll have you know I train two others beside Dorian here. Dorian I would like you to meet an old friend of mine. He trained hard as I will expect from you. But now he has gotten soft in his bondage to another.â€


Starting slightly as Corin, his mentor, exclaimed loud welcome to who apparently was that other man that had approached them, Dorian quickly regained his composure and nodded rather absen-mindedly. He was always a little bewildered on hearing people cry out looud close to him as his ears were sharper than usual and he was catching every noise amplified and Corin´s shout nearly made his ears ring.


Remaining where he was, greeting the man who had been introduced as Orion to him with a nod and a small smile, Dorian was still irritated as the Warder had moved so silenty that he didn´t actually know into which direction he should turn or speak, so he just stayed silent and swallowed as he felt the other men´s eyes on him knowing me must seem awkward to them as he remained standing still as a rock, not knowing what to do.


He was freed from that awkwardness for a time though when the woman, Danian´s mentor who had just been introduced as Deneira to them, finally moved closer to where Dorian expected the Mistress of Trainees must be standing and said: “Dear, can I ask you a question about... about another class.â€


Something in her voice took him aback though. What she said to Ginae, or rather how she said it, made a bell ring in his head. Now, the other mentor seemed to have notied that there was something wrong with the two of them. Wetting his lips and feeling that his mouth had suddenly gone dry, Dorian lowered his head as he knew what was to come now that Deneira and Ginae were walking of, even out of his earshot. They were going to send them away after all. Dorian wanted to slap himself for a stupid blind fool as he was. How could he ever have though the two of them would have a real chance here and be welcomed with the same unprejudiced warmth as the Mistress of Trainees had done? No one wanted to concern himself with a useless cause and Deneira as well as Corin who had remained dnagerously silent after greeting Orion as well would know that they would never be able to restore the feeling in Danian´s right arm or the sight in Dorian´s eyes. So what use in keeping them as they would never be complete, never be of any use at all?


His heart leaped and wanted to stop all at the same time when he heard two sets of feet return and Deneira finally speak up to them after she had welcomed Orion.


“ It is a pleasure to meet you both. Your training shall begin soon, as soon as Corin likes, in fact. Just bring your weapon. The same for you, Danian. Just bring your weapon... this afternoon, right here, how about? Corin, we shall have to finish that spar another time. If you will all excuse me...†And she was gone in a flash. So, that was it. It was obvious what the talks between her and Ginae had been about. The still cold and rather stiff tone Deneira was speaking to them and the pain she took in being off as fast as possible only added to that impression and Dorian averted his eyes from her direction, turning as if staring on the ground and hoping that the others beside Danian wouldn´t notice the sadness and uncertainty clouding his facial expression. No, it wasn´t certain at all that the Warders Yard would be their future. No matter what happened.

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Ginae followed Deneira outside, a little displeased with the attitude the young woman was displaying. When the girl spoke, it only got worse. “He is BLIND? And the other is DEFORMED? Ginae, I know you have a heart of gold, but don’t you think this is a bit too far?†Even as Ginae spoke, she got the feeling Deneira was only half paying attention to her words. Cold anger bubbled inside of her, and it took her more than a little effort to repress it. Then the girl turned her back on Ginae, intent on walking back into her office. Ginae grabbed her arm, spun her around and shoved her backwards, until she had her back against the wall next to her door. Effortlessly. “Don’t EVER presume to know more about what is best for the yards than me!†she spoke, her voice cold with rage.


“These two are exactly as capable of becoming the best Tower Guards the White Tower has seen in decades as you, if not more. At least they can keep their bloody pants on. Now get back in there, and do as I tell you. If I find out you’re not doing your job, I swear I will have your hide.†With a shove she sent Deneira back into her office, but not before muttering “Wretched child.†At the girl. What on earth was she thinking, talking like that to the Mistress of Trainees? And not just to the Mistress of Trainees, no, to the Grand Master of her Discipline. Ginae was certainly not joking when she said she would have Deneira’s hide. She had the authority to have it where and when she wanted. Be Careful her eyes said as she sat down behind her desk again. Be Afraid.


Soon enough Deneira was out of her office again, as well as Corin and Orion. She sighed softly, looking at the two trainees. They would have a hard time here, that was one thing she was certain of. “Danian…†she started. “If your mentor so much as looks at you the wrong way, come to me. I will have her striped for it. It is about time someone teaches that girl some manners.†She glanced over at Rodrik, who was still standing behind the two. “Rodrik, show your new teammates to their room, and make sure they know where to find everything. Now off with you, I have other manners to attend to.â€



pretty angry ;)


ooc: Sorry Dene, I had to :P No one treats Ginae as if she’s their ‘servant’ and gets away with it.

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ooc: just droping in, I'm in the middle of finals so that's why I'm not posting, I will just do a short one here.


IC: “Danian…†she started. “If your mentor so much as looks at you the wrong way, come to me. I will have her striped for it. It is about time someone teaches that girl some manners.†She glanced over at Rodrik, who was still standing behind the two. “Rodrik, show your new teammates to their room, and make sure they know where to find everything. Now off with you, I have other manners to attend to.â€


Danian's mouth fell open, he could not believe what he was hearing. Suddenly realizing that he was supposed to respond, Danian replied. "Yes, of course sir! Light, I mean ma'am, sorry ma'am I won't make the mistake again ma'am." If she didn't get that he was nervous, she would have to be blind. Danian felt his face growing hot, he would have to work on that.

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OOC: I guess I can skip ahead in te timeline for this once, since Orion's not techniqually bonded yet


“Orion old friend!!! How have you been?†Orion heard the soft sounds of the hand going through the air before the sting of the contact of Corin's hand on his shoulder. “I’ll have you know I train two others beside Dorian here. Dorian I would like you to meet an old friend of mine. He trained hard as I will expect from you. But now he has gotten soft in his bondage to another.â€


Orion chuckled lightly under his breath and checked the bundle of emotions tucked in the back of his head that was Estel. She felt content, happy, though Orion was still new to the bond and couldn't think of what she was doing. Strange to think that he had one day thought that feeling would never be possible.


Orion's ears perked up as Deneira spoke, asking Ginae to talk of something else. He laughed, internally, as he could tell that she was lying from the sound of her voice. Whatever she was speaking about was probobly concerning the two trainees beside him. He got his answer after Deneira caem back and said a quick goodbye, Ginae following her.


“Danian…If your mentor so much as looks at you the wrong way, come to me. I will have her striped for it. It is about time someone teaches that girl some manners. Rodrik, show your new teammates to their room, and make sure they know where to find everything. Now off with you, I have other manners to attend to.â€


Orion chuckled to himself as Ginae's words. "I feel rather sorry for Deneira with your Mistress of Trainees anry with her. Though I know the feeling, Estel has quite the temper sometimes."


"Yes, of course sir! Light, I mean ma'am, sorry ma'am I won't make the mistake again ma'am."


Orion could tell that the trainee was nervouse and at the moment you couldn't blame the boy. "You shouldn't be nervouse boy, or at least don't give it off. I'll give you your first lesson, learn to control your voice, it gives off more than your face can."


"Or just say nothing like this one here. Remind you of anyone Corin?" Orion smiled, remembering his days as a trainee where he said so little. "And I'll have to get you on that soft comment. Being blind, and bonded must count for something eh." Orion laughed to himself and smiled towards his old friends voice feeling glad to have spent even a breif time with him.




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ooc: I've said it many times, but the poor time-line must be misrable from all of the times we have mangled it. *sigh*


IC: "You shouldn't be nervouse boy, or at least don't give it off. I'll give you your first lesson, learn to control your voice, it gives off more than your face can."


Danian's eyes widened, he had temporarily forgotten about this man. "Of course, sir, control your voice." Danian usually did not act this jitery, but he was exited about actually being let into the Tower guards. "Or just say nothing like this one here. Remind you of anyone Corin?" Orion smiled. "And I'll have to get you on that soft comment. Being blind, and bonded must count for something eh."


Danian turned to Dorian, who was silent and still. But Danian knew him better than Orion did, Dorian was silent because he had no idea what to say. Dorian was always much better at controling himself than Danian. He was also much better at politics, and could read a person well, Dorian was the only person in the world that Danian could read.


Danian knew that Dorian was feeling uncomfortable, and did not want to draw him into the conversation. Then, sudenly a piece of Orion's narrative broke through his mind. Being blind, and bonded must count for something eh. Of course, Orion was blind, how could Danian have missed it? He lived with a blind person his whole life, practicly in his pocket, and could not recognise that this man was blind.


Danian spent a little while staring, openmouthed, at Orions face, then averted his eyes swiftly when he realized that he might be rude. Of course, Orion couldn't see it, but the others could, and Danian wouldn't put it past them to slip it into the conversation for a few laughs.

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ooc: I'm back! :D


ic: Rodrik nodded at the MoT. He patted his two fellow trainees on the back and pulled on their shoulders to move them in his direction. "Your going to like it here! Grab your stuff, and I'll show you to your room." The twins walked off to their horses, and grabbed their saddlebags, Danian guiding Dorian. "Follow me." Rodrik lead the two towards the barracks, and pulled open the door. He entered and held the door open for the two to enter. He walked down the halls, towards his room, but stopped in front of the door next to his. He pushed the door open and motioned for the two to enter. "This will be your home from now, until you're raised to a full Tower Guard. If you need anything, I'm next door. You guys get yourselves unpacked, and meet me outside in twenty minutes. Then we'll go for drinks to celebrate your entry to the Yards. See you later!" Rodrik exited the room feeling happy that he was helping out new Trainees. He had been here for a year now, and finally he was making some new friends. Now, to scrounge some money for ale...

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