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Approved WT Bio for Melianna "Tsunami" Hollmen- Aiel CCed

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Basic Information

Handle : Tigara

Character Count : This would be the first

Contact : tigara@look.ca


Character Information

Name: Melianna "Tsunami" Hollmen

Age: 17

Nationality: Arafellan/Caralainin/Sea Folk



Hair: Dark Brown, halfway down back in length, in tarditional Arefelan


Eyes: Dark brown

Skin: A light brown

Height: 5'8"

Voice: A melodious, medium pitch voice.

Other: A small tatoo on left hand, to indicate clan.



Special Skills: Sailing, cooking

Knowledge Weakness: Has a hard time learning new languages, especially the

Old Tongue

Physical Weakness: Cannot climb anything without a ladder or something


Personality weakness: Is often to lenient and can be easily pushed around.


Personality. Melianna is very calm. She is not easily angered, saddened,

or joyed. She has cool composure over many emotions. She has problems with

command, she can't. She much prefers to serve someone than give orders.

She hates all racist people and wishes all races and peoples can get

along. She is quiet and prefers to read a book and study history than to

play pranks or anything like that.



Melianna "Tsunami" Hollmen was born in the most unusual way. Her father

is of Arafel, and is of the decent of a large noble house from the dead

country of Caralain. In fact, he is the last of the nobles able to trace

their family back to Caralain. Since the fall of Caralain, the family has

become wealthy merchants in Shol Arbela. One day, her father was in Tear

trading. He was trading to the Sea Folk. In debate with one of the Sea

Folk women over the price of Porcelaine, they both ended up with a little

too much wine in them. Ten monthes later, a woman came to his door with a

bundle in her arms. Her father answered. The woman told him that the Sea

Folk woman he slept with had a child and did not want it because the

Father was from the Shore-bound. So she sent it to him in Arafel. By

name, she was born "Tsunami dur Northwave". Her father didn't want that

name so he named her Melianna and added Tsunami as her middle name. So

Melianna grew up sailing up and down the Erinin trading with her Father.

Every once in a while, she would tell her Father not to sail because she

had a feeling it was going to storm. The first time it happened, her

Father didn't listen. The ship almost sank from the storm. From then on,

her Father always listened when Melianna said not to sail.


One day, they were both in Tar Valon trading some produce to the White

Tower. While in the kitchens unloading the cargo, a Gray Sister came into

the kitchens to have lunch delivered to her rooms. Then she looked at me.

She stared a moment and then walked up to me and said "Child, you have the

gift to channel the One Power." Melianna looked shocked ask the Gray

Sister escorted her ot the Mistress of Novices right away. She barely even

had time to say good-bye to her Father.




>>>>Andrea : Edited Tattoo on the hand from Right to left, Removed Minor Talent.

Guest Arie Ronshor

I'm afraid i will have to override this Bio and disapprove the "Listening to the Wind".


This is a Talent and can not be given out (even in a Bio) without an application and Division Leader approval.


However, you can still apply for the talent if you wish to have it, but do not assume that you have the ability now.







OK, can the part about that be edited out, then? I also need the part about my tattoo changed to my left hand, not right. Please!!

Guest Arie Ronshor

I will edit it for you. :)

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