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Fantasy Football Week 3 Wrap up/Week 4 Preview


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Empy back to fill you in on all the fun in DM's official Fantasy football league. 



Let's start off with results from this past week. 


Anyone that watches Poker will appreciate this.  Paityr is like the Hellmuth of poker.  Hellmuth makes it a habit of coming to games late.  Paityr decides to ignore his team for the first three weeks.  Will this strategy work? 


Seggie vs. Paityr - It really isn't Paityr's fault he is now 0-3.... it seems all the studs are underperforming.  LT, SJ.... Paityr's team.  Seggie whips Paityr.  No... that isn't right.  Seggie makes Paityr go out in the yard and choose his thrash and then whips him.  Score 122 to 64.  Ouch.


Karana vs. Emperor - Karana just can't seem to beat Emperor no matter what team she fields.  Be it a championship or this week, she still can't quite get it done.  Karana went into Monday night down about 26 points.  That is a pretty large margin to overcome... but Drew Brees is a top QB.  He disappoints Karana by bringing home 1.9 points and another Empy victory.  Thanks Drew!  Should I also point out that this game took Karana from first place to 6th?  Guess who is #5....


Tenshin vs. Hax - TEN!!! READ ME!!!!  Ten decided to show how big his balls are by not playing a second running back.  Ok... he just didn't check his team... again.  Hax had no problem walking over Ten as he scored a league low 43 points. 


Farmgirls vs. Wooly - This was actually a pretty close matchup.  Unfortunately for Wooly, the greatness of Tom Brady is a force hard to overcome and his team does not come through for him. 


Soybomb vs. Empy's bro - Wow Boyo.  Congrats on the league high score of the week.  Randy Moss, Westbrook, Boldin.... you were a force to be reckoned with.  Empy's Bro could have competed... that is if top pick Tomlinson could recapture his prowless of the last few years. Boyo blows out Empy's bro.


F Horn vs. Kynwric - F Horn had a great game last week as he lives and dies by the Bengals.  Unfortunately this week the Bengals fell on their face and disappointed F Horn.  Kynwric wins, even though his QB got him negative points.  The smart pick of Deshaun Foster saw him through.  (Go Panthers!)




Shew... now Empy's Week 4 preview....


Wooly vs. Empy - Two 2-1 teams collide for a decisive battle for the top of the leaderboard.


Karana vs. Hax - Ummm.... same as above..... because they are both 2-1... so really the winners of these two games will share the lead... potentially.


Kynwric vs. Tenshin - TEN!!! You have two players out this week!  Check your team dude!


Farmgirls vs. Paityr - coughLeeEvanssuckscough.  Paityr could break his losing streak this week if he makes a few changes.


Empy's bro vs. Seggie - if LT has a break out week, Empy's bro will take this game.  Otherwise Seggie should come out on top.


Boyo vs. F Horn - Toss up game which all depends on how well the Bengals play. 



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I regret having Kevin Curtis on the bench last week. He got like 45 points or something. I still won, but those extra points would've placed me 5th. But who could've foreseen the Eagles playing that well, huh?! (I really have no idea what I'm talking about.)

I've started watching all the highlights from nfl.com now, it's pretty fun.

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I regret having Kevin Curtis on the bench last week. He got like 45 points or something. I still won, but those extra points would've placed me 5th. But who could've foreseen the Eagles playing that well, huh?!


Who could have seen Kevin "Friggin" Curtis catching 3 touch down passes, and for 211 yards... :o

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