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[TV] America's Next Top Model Cycle 9


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Anybody watch?  I missed the first few minutes, but saw most of it.  I really liked the beginning photoshoot they did this season.  I think the worst one was when they did poloroids of the girls.  It was nice to throw them in the water first this time.  It kind of gave a good way to tell who's gonna step it up and who's gonna be a baby.  Which made some of those cuts Easy.  But it wasn't near as harsh as the year that they had to get naked right away.


There seems to be several girls with attitudes on this cycle.  It's going to be interesting to see how things go between them and the chick with Aspberger's (sp??).  Can't wait to see the house and how they divy it up.  That's always the first glimpse of who's going to be a jerk for the rest of the season.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

I watched it. Bones was moved to Tuesdays so I have needed something to fill in my 8pm timeslot.


I'm also curious to see how far the girl with mild autism makes it. I thought they picked some very exotic looking females this season. Don't have a favorite yet, though.


Wow...has been around for 9 seasons already? Oy...

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It's not 9 seasons, it's 9 cycles. They've done two a year some years, if not every year. I'm DEFINITELY not old enough for it to have been around for 9 years!  :o


I thought there were more "strong" personalities this cycle than there have been in recent cycles. The earlier cycles had more clashes than later ones, so it may be fun to see some of that step up again. I thought it was neat that the girl with Asperger's made it through, though I'm not sure how long she'll stick around. I can see it being difficult to direct her movements during a shoot, and her walk may not cut it. It also will be interesting to see how her issues affect the social aspects of the house.

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Ok, those girls are just mean about Heather's Aspberger's.  Yeah, they're not saying it to her face, but she can still hear it.  I hope she knockes those hussies off of their high horses!  She's stunning!


OMG!!!  I did NOT notice Miss J's hair before!  That's Awful!


Like the judges, I was rather impressed with this cycle's first photos.  I mean, they're not all good, but I didn't see a total bomb in the bunch.


Woah.  I wasn't surprised at all about the Green bandwagon being pulled out.  But, man.  No smoking!  That's gonna be rough.  Way to make these girls really go at one another's throats!  Make 'em quit smoking! 


I'm not surprised at the girl who got cut.  She had no emotion.  She was very strange.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Mila had one of the biggest chips on her shoulder I have ever seen.


Heather is my favorite, and I bet she will become a fan favorite, after what those catty girls said. Did you see how that one girl kept saying things like, "Yeah, I'm being standoffish to her so she doesn't cling to me, because she is just that type of person." And I'm sitting there thinking...well, you OBVIOUSLY have no idea what autism is.  ::)



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Did you see how that one girl kept saying things like, "Yeah, I'm being standoffish to her so she doesn't cling to me, because she is just that type of person." And I'm sitting there thinking...well, you OBVIOUSLY have no idea what autism is.  ::)




OMG  I totally missed that comment!  Wow.  I hope Rich picks up on that for his recap.  Maybe it'll be up tomorrow.

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