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Band Bio- Jenaya - CC'd by the BT (Woohoo scouts ftw!)

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Name: Jenaya (Jena) Abendroth

Age: 16

Place of Origin: Ebou Dar, Altara

Rank: (most likely private if you're new) probably private

Weapon of choice: Knives

Secondary weapon: Sword

Division you wish to join: Scouts


Physical Description:


Jenaya is short at 5' 2" and weighs less than 100 pounds. She is thin

but still curvy enough to draw any man's eye. Due to her height and

thin appearance many have made the mistake of thinking her weak. Her

deceptive looks hide a surprising amount of lean muscle.


Her hair is a dark brown that naturally dries into large, lazy curls.

She wears it short, falling to about her chin, under a small, black

hat that almost always rests crooked upon her head. Her eyes are dark

brown, almost black, that can seem to swallow you entirely in their

gaze. Within those eyes are glints of green that shine out, almost

shockingly, from her eyes like stars, as many have described it. Her

skin is a light brown from spending her life mostly out doors. This

coloring gives her a general dark appearance that can be found almost

every where. This gives her a very average, if attractive, appearance

if she isn't looked over to closely.


Character History:


Jenaya, who prefers to be called Jena, was born and raised in the

Rahad of Ebou Dar, Altara. She doesn't remember her parents, who died

from disease when she was 4. Her older brother took care of her from

then on and called her Jen unlike everyone else who called her Jena.


At a young age, her brother taught to her to protect her self and make

her self unnoticeable. She can blend into a crowd or background almost

anywhere. Her favorite weapons are the knives she carries hidden among

her clothes, which she is most comfortable and highly skilled in

through practice, but she was taught the sword as well, in case she

ever needed it to defend herself.


Her brother often would go out with his gang of friends and leave her

to watch out for herself. Jena learned much from these lonely

wanderings of the city. She learned how to not get lost anywhere in

the city, talk to almost any one, charm everyone, and in general fall

into everyone's good graces. She has also learned to watch every

thing, notice differences, mood, and danger in the area. This skill

has saved her life multiple times.


Unlike her brother, who was stuck with the skills that their father

and his friends, who weren't much more skilled than he, teach him.

Jena had convinced the soldiers, sailors, and other men and women from

the many inns and taverns she visited on these wanderings, to teach

her tricks. She knew so many dirty tricks she rarely fought cleanly,

but as Jena sees it, life is dirty so why shouldn't the fighting that

keeps you in it be dirty as well.


She probably knows every curse word and gambling game in the world.

She also knows many small parlor tricks that gleemen, over the years,

have taught her. The only communication problem that Jena has ever had

is she is illiterate and her vocabulary in higher words, i.e. not

common nor curse words, is not very good.


When she turned eleven her brother discovered the world of horse

racing and noticed how Jena's small frame would be perfect for the

life of a jockey. She convinced someone in one of the stables to teach

her how to ride. She rode well and became quite good at the races,

winning often. She now could help her brother care for the both of

them, giving him more freedom. The old man who taught her to ride at

the beginning, saw her talent and couldn't help himself but teach her

more. This included jumps and technique. With her talent growing she

won more and more. This extra money was enough for her to live by

herself but she loved her brother and wouldn't leave him alone.


Jena's world fell apart when her brother died. In the free time that

Jena had given him with her winnings, he had gotten involved with some

dangerous people. He had done something wrong and they had killed him.

It was as simple as that. The problem was Jena couldn't turn a corner

with out seeing something that reminded her of her brother. So she

left Ebou Dar, with her only anchor to the place dead. She left her

livelihood and her memories behind as well. Since then she has

traveled gaining experience in other places. During her travels she

had heard of the Band of the Red Hand. She decided the join the Band

as a scout; do to her belief in it being her best moral and economic

option. Jena is a tough little girl and will fight for every ounce of

life she has.

  • 2 weeks later...

  Well both are important, but to me honest, it is the archers and the infantry that are the true  ... hmm ... how to say it ... the ones who do the dirty job. The infantry especially


True the job of the infantry man is dirty :), but the scouts are the ones that crawl in the mud, hide behind trees, get none of the credit, and make sure you guys don't get yourselves trapped in an ambush, ride horses very quickly to tell you guys about these, or any other tricky situations. We make everyone else look good. We get pretty dirty to say the least ;D. We all must recognize that all parts of the army are important though, so good job everyone ;).


  That was not what I ment, Kass. Yes, the scouts get to enjoy to work behind enemy lines and often alone. But most of the time you're out of danger, at least a good scout remains out of danger. A bad scout is usually a dead scout. Scout generally stay out of sight and use camoflouge and concealment. While the infantry and archery units, while using concealment in some cases, do not have the benefit of camoflouge, at least not in the High Medieval and Renessance warfare, which is the historical period of the WoT warfare.


  In other words, a scout goes to do his job knowing that there is about 30% chance he will not make it back, and infantryman goes to do his job, knowing that there is about 70% chance that he will not make it back.


*reminds self to hit up father next time planning battle stategies*

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