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Trainee Teams (and two job openings)


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All currently active Trainees have been assigned to a team.


The team assignments have been posted on the Trainee Barracks board.  (can't see it, sign up for the warders so you can see the private boards)


Job Openings


Each team needs a leader.  This is a small RP Coordination job and an IC job.  You will be creating RPs for your team.  You will have access to the Warder RP Staff board to plan RPs with the RP Coordinators. 


Anyone is welcome to apply for this.  This is a position that does not change based on rank of your character.  You can create a permanent Trainee or use a permanent NSW trainee (bios need to be approved per the standard process).  Permanent PC Trainees for this position will be given a 7 no matter your rank in the division or if you've prior characters but you cannot move above this WS in this character form.


You will report directly to the Mistress of Trainees ICly and to the RP Coordinator OOCly.


Please send me an email (matalina@gmail.com) with your characters name/ bio if new  and the reason you want this job. 





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Just to clarify, if we apply for the position using our current PC, then that cahracter can still go on and do other things as well like become a Warder, as long as they still fulfill their duty as Team Leader?  Or, if we wanted our PC to become a Warder would it be better to make a new cahracter for the position?


Either way, I'm interested. :)

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If you want to become a Tower Guard you need to apply with a new character.  This character will be a permanent PC. 


What I meant by rank was that you could be a Trainee, Tower Guard or Warder and still apply.



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